Updated on 2021/06/01


BAN Yusuke
Research Field in Dentistry, Medical and Dental Sciences Area Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences Health Research Course Developmental Medicine Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor


  • 学士(歯学)(2013年3月 鹿児島大学) ( 2013.3   鹿児島大学 )

Research Areas

  • Life Science / Morphology and anatomical structure  / 流体解析


  • Kagoshima University

    2008.4 - 2013.3

Research History

  • Kagoshima University   Research Field in Medicine and Health Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences Area Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences Health Research Course Developmental Medicine   Assistant Professor


  • Kagoshima University   Medical and Dental Hospital, Medical and Dental Sciences Area Medical and Dental Hospital Clinical Center Developmental Dentistry Center   Assistant Professor

    2018.4 - 2019.3

Professional Memberships

  • 小児歯科学会




  • Shirazawa Y. .  Relationship between pharyngeal airway depth and ventilation condition in mandibular setback surgery: A computational fluid dynamics study .  Orthodontics and Craniofacial Research23 ( 3 ) 313 - 322   2020.8

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    Publisher:Orthodontics and Craniofacial Research  

    DOI: 10.1111/ocr.12371


  • 山本 祐士, 佐藤 秀夫, 金田 尚子, 岩下 洋一朗, 橋口 真紀子, 伴 祐輔, 山崎 要一 .  小型3Dカメラと嚥下造影検査を応用した口唇動作ならびに嚥下時間の関連性の解明 .  日本摂食・嚥下リハビリテーション学会雑誌24 ( 1 ) 3 - 13   2020.4小型3Dカメラと嚥下造影検査を応用した口唇動作ならびに嚥下時間の関連性の解明

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    【目的】小型3Dカメラによる口唇動作の測定と嚥下造影検査(VF)による嚥下動態の撮影を同時に行い、同期・解析し、嚥下時における口角間距離、嚥下時間ならびに嚥下量の関連性を明らかにする。【方法】小型3Dカメラとして、Microsoft XBox One Kinect Sensor(Kinect)を用いた。Microsoft社から提供された開発ソフトウェアを利用して、対象の顔面形状を自動認識し両側口角部の3次元座標を取得することで、口角間距離を記録できるプログラムを作成した。Kinectによりマネキンの口角間距離を一定の条件下における測定精度と再現性を検証し、被験者を対象とした測定に最も適した条件を検討した。検証結果を基に、試料嚥下時のKinectによる口唇動作とVFによる嚥下動態を同時測定し、ビデオ音声同期ソフトELANにより得られた情報を同期・解析した。対象は、摂食嚥下機能に異常のない成人男性12名(平均年齢27.8±1.2歳)とし、試料は硫酸バリウム混濁液5mL、10mL、15mL、20mLの4種類とした。試料嚥下時における口角間距離の変位量(変位量)と嚥下量、嚥下時間と嚥下量に関して一元配置分散分析、Pearsonの積率相関係数を算出し検討した。試料を口腔内に保持する位置(保持位置)、口唇動作ならびに嚥下量に関してFriedman検定にて検討した。【結果】最適条件(距離120cm/回転角度10°)でのKinectによる測定において、口角間距離は標準偏差±0.52mm、実測値と測定値の差は0.47mmで最も高い精度であった。成人男性での嚥下量と変位量には有意差ならびに相関を認め(p<0.01、r=0.56)、嚥下量と保持位置には有意差を認めた(p<0.01)。しかし、その他の項目に関して、有意差を認められなかった。【結論】本研究により、Kinectによる口角間距離の測定精度と再現性を明らかにした。口唇動作の測定と嚥下動態の撮影を同時に行い、同期・解析が可能となるシステムを構築した。嚥下量と変位量には有意差ならびに相関関係を認め、嚥下量と保持位置には有意差を認めた。一方で、他の項目において有意差は認められなかった。(著者抄録)

  • Yoshito Shirazawa, Tomonori Iwasaki, Kazuhiro Ooi, Yutaka Kobayashi, Ayaka Yanagisawa-Minami, Yoichiro Oku, Anna Yokura, Yuusuke Ban, Hokuto Suga, Shuichi Kawashiri, Youichi Yamasaki .  Relationship between pharyngeal airway depth and ventilation condition in mandibular setback surgery .  Orthodontics & Craniofacial Research   2020.2 Relationship between pharyngeal airway depth and ventilation condition in mandibular setback surgeryReviewed

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • YAMAMOTO Yushi, SATO Hideo, KANADA Hisako, IWASHITA Yoichiro, HASHIGUCHI Makiko, BAN Yusuke, YAMASAKI Youichi .  The Relationship Distance between Angulus Oris, Swallowing Time and Swallowing Volume with a Compact 3D Camera and Videofluoroscopy .  The Japanese Journal of Dysphagia Rehabilitation24 ( 1 ) 3 - 13   2020

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    Publisher:The Japanese Society of Dysphagia Rehabilitation  

    <p>Purpose: Measurement of lip motion with a compact 3D camera and swallowing dynamics by videofluoroscopy (VF) were performed simultaneously. Synchronization and analysis were performed to clarify the relationship among the distance between angulus oris, swallowing time and swallowing quantity.</p><p>Methods: The compact 3D camera was the Microsoft XBox One Kinect Sensor<sup>®</sup> (Kinect). Development software provided by Microsoft Corporation was used. The face surface of the subject was automatically recognized. A program was created to obtain the three-dimensional coordinates of the both-sides angulus oris and record the distance between the angulus oris. Kinect verified the accuracy and reproducibility of the mannequin distance between the angulus oris under certain conditions.</p><p>We examined the most suitable conditions for the measurement of subjects. Based on the verification results, the information obtained by the video and audio synchronization software ELAN was synchronized and analyzed. The subjects were 12 adult men (average age 27.8±1.2 years) with no abnormal swallowing function. Four types of samples were used: barium sulfate suspension 5 mL, 10 mL, 15 mL, and 20 mL. One-way analysis of variance and Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficient were calculated for the amount of displacement (displacement) and swallowing quantity, swallowing time and swallowing quantity during swallowing. The position of holding the sample in the oral cavity (holding position), lip motion and swallowing quantity were examined by Friedman' s test.</p><p>Results: The optimum conditions (distance 120 cm, rotation angle 10°). The measurement with Kinect had the highest accuracy, with a standard deviation of ±0.52 mm for the distance between the angulus oris and a difference of 0.47 mm between the measurements with Kinect and the actual measurement. There were significant differences and correlations between swallowing and displacement (<i>p</i><0.01, <i>r</i>= 0.56). There was a significant difference between swallowing quantity and holding position (<i>p</i><0.01). However, with respect to the other items, no significant difference was observed.</p><p>Conclusions: This study clarified the measurement accuracy and reproducibility of the distance between the angulus oris by Kinect. A system that can measure and synchronize lip motion and swallowing dynamics at the same time was constructed. The swallowing quantity and the displacement were significantly different and correlated, and the swallowing quantity and the holding position were significantly different. On the other hand, there was no significant difference in the other items.</p>

    DOI: 10.32136/jsdr.24.1_3

  • Iwasaki T. .  Rapid maxillary expansion effects of nasal airway in children with cleft lip and palate using computational fluid dynamics .  Orthodontics and Craniofacial Research22 ( 3 ) 201 - 207   2019.8

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    Publisher:Orthodontics and Craniofacial Research  

    DOI: 10.1111/ocr.12311


  • omonori Iwasaki, Ayaka Yanagisawa‐Minami, Hokuto Suga, Yoshito Shirazawa, Toshiya Tsujii, Yuushi Yamamoto, Yuusuke Ban, Makiko Sato‐Hashiguchi, Hideo Sato, Ryuzo Kanomi, Youichi Yamasaki .  Rapid maxillary expansion effects of nasal airway in children with cleft lip and palate using computational fluid dynamics. .  Orthodontics and Craniofacial Research   2019Rapid maxillary expansion effects of nasal airway in children with cleft lip and palate using computational fluid dynamics.Reviewed

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Clinical Survey of Eating Disorders in Pediatric Patients at Kagoshima University Hospital-2010 to 2016 .    56 ( 1 ) 12 - 18   2018.2Clinical Survey of Eating Disorders in Pediatric Patients at Kagoshima University Hospital-2010 to 2016

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Survey Regarding Effects of Mouth Breathing in Children on Sleep and Daytime Activities .  The Japanese journal of pediatricl dentistry56 ( 1 ) 19 - 25   2018.2Survey Regarding Effects of Mouth Breathing in Children on Sleep and Daytime Activities

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The japanese society of pediatric dentisistry  

  • 宮川 尚之, 岩崎 智憲, 菅 北斗, 伴 祐輔, 山崎 要一 .  小児の口呼吸が睡眠ならびに日中の行動におよぼす影響のアンケート調査 .  小児歯科学雑誌56 ( 1 ) 19 - 25   2018.2小児の口呼吸が睡眠ならびに日中の行動におよぼす影響のアンケート調査

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  • 山本 祐士, 佐藤 秀夫, 橋口 真紀子, 伴 祐輔, 北上 真由美, 山崎 要一 .  大学病院小児歯科における摂食嚥下障害患児の初診時実態調査 .  小児歯科学雑誌56 ( 1 ) 12 - 18   2018.2大学病院小児歯科における摂食嚥下障害患児の初診時実態調査

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  • MIYAKAWA Takayuki, IWASAKI Tomonori, SUGA Hokuto, BAN Yuusuke, YAMASAKI Youichi .  Survey Regarding Effects of Mouth Breathing in Children on Sleep and Daytime Activities .  The Japanese Journal of Pediatric Dentistry56 ( 1 ) 19 - 25   2018

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    Publisher:Japanese Society of Pediatric Dentistry  

    <p>We conducted a survey to examine the effects of mouth breathing in children on sleep and daytime activities. There were 165 subjects aged 3 to 12 years (73 boys, 92 girls ;mean age 8.3±2.3 years) without a significant medical history who were examined at dental clinics in Kagoshima Prefecture,Japan, in July and August 2017. We found that 27.3% snored and 2.4% stopped breathing during sleep, while mouth breathing was observed in 16.4%. Children who exhibited mouth breathing also showed chest retraction, open mouth during sleep, snoring, difficulty with waking, history of common colds, a runny nose, dysphagia, daytime somnolence, attention deficit, and hyperactivity. We consider that our findings indicate that mouth breathing has major effects on sleep and daily activities of chil­dren. Pediatric dentists seek to contribute to the healthy growth and development of children by care for their oral cavity. In addition to addressing morphological and functional problems, such as caries, hard­-tissue disease, maxillofacial, dentition and occlusion disorders, and mastication and swallowing disorders, the present results show the importance of providing sufficient attention to potential respira­tory disorders.</p><p></p>

    DOI: 10.11411/jspd.56.1_19

  • YAMAMOTO Yuushi, SATO Hideo, HASHIGUCHI Makiko, BAN Yuusuke, KITAUE Mayumi, YAMASAKI Youichi .  Clinical Survey of Eating Disorders in Pediatric Patients at Kagoshima University Hospital:2010 to 2016 .  The Japanese Journal of Pediatric Dentistry56 ( 1 ) 12 - 18   2018

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    Publisher:Japanese Society of Pediatric Dentistry  

    <p>A clinic for treating dysphagia disorders in children was established as part of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry of Kagoshima University Hospital in July 2010. We evaluated the state of dysphagia in all patients at the time of their first visit to the clinic during a 5-year period. There were 194 patients (112 males, 82 females; average age 3 years 9 months, range 0 to 17 years 11 months) who visited our clinic for dysphagia disorder. Approximately half were referred by medical facilities near our clinic, while only 1% were introduced from remote hospitals in rural areas. Nearly all of the patients were affected by underlying disease, and 20% had low body weight at birth or preterm delivery, or showed immature basic motor functions. It is important to provide patient support in the early stage by use of an interdisciplinary approach for improvement of dysphagia. A pediatric dentist is also needed to manage improvement of orofacial form and function for development of eating function.</p><p></p>

    DOI: 10.11411/jspd.56.1_12

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  • 親と子の健やかな育ちに寄り添う「乳幼児の口と歯の健診ガイド」 第3版

    山﨑要一,伴 祐輔,村上大輔,菅 北斗,橋口真紀子,窪田直子,稲田絵美( Role: Joint author)

    医歯薬出版  2019.6 

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    Language:Japanese Book type:General book, introductory book for general audience


  • 金田 尚子, 山本 祐士, 橋口 真紀子, 白澤 良執, 山崎 要一, 佐藤 秀夫, 伴 祐輔, 岩下 洋一朗   小型3Dカメラを応用した新規うがい評価方法の検討  

    小児歯科学雑誌  2019.2  (公社)日本小児歯科学会

  • 山本 祐士, 金田 尚子, 岩下 洋一朗, 橋口 真紀子, 伴 祐輔, 佐藤 秀夫, 山崎 要一   小型3Dカメラを応用した小児の口腔機能評価における基準点の検討  

    小児歯科学雑誌  2020.4  (公社)日本小児歯科学会

  • 金田 尚子, 山本 祐士, 岩下 洋一朗, 橋口 真紀子, 伴 祐輔, 佐藤 秀夫, 山崎 要一   小型3Dカメラを応用した口唇動作による口腔機能の定性化の検証  

    小児歯科学雑誌  2020.4  (公社)日本小児歯科学会

  • 金田 尚子, 山本 祐士, 稲田 絵美, 岩下 洋一朗, 橋口 真紀子, 伴 祐輔, 佐藤 秀夫, 山崎 要一   小型3Dカメラを応用したうがいによる新規口腔機能評価方法の検討  

    小児歯科学雑誌  2019.5  (公社)日本小児歯科学会

  • 伴 祐輔, 窪田 直子, 菅 北斗, 村上 大輔, 辻井 利弥, 山崎 要一, 稲田 絵美, 河村 良彦, 與倉 杏奈   口臭の原因を口腔外に認めた小児の一例  

    小児歯科学雑誌  2020.2  (公社)日本小児歯科学会

  • 山本 祐士, 佐藤 秀夫, 金田 尚子, 柳澤 彩佳, 橋口 真紀子, 菅 北斗, 伴 祐輔, 宮川 尚之, 岩崎 智憲, 山崎 要一   ダウン症候群児の口呼吸が睡眠に及ぼす影響 アンケートによる定型発達児との比較  

    障害者歯科  2018.9  (一社)日本障害者歯科学会

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Research Projects

  • 上顎急速拡大は鼻腔通気傷害を改善するか?


    科学研究費補助金  若手研究(A)

  • 流体解析を用いた口唇口蓋裂児の鼻腔通気障害改善方法の確立

    2018.4 - 2020.3

    科学研究費補助金  研究活動スタート支援
