Updated on 2024/10/21


Shun Onishi
University Hospital, Medical and Dental Sciences Area University Hospital Clinical Center Medical Children Center Lecturer
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  • 医学博士(鹿児島大学 総研第477号) ( 2018.10   鹿児島大学 )

Research Interests

  • Pediatric Surgery

  • Intestinal associated liver failure disease

  • Short bowel Syndrome

  • Minimum invasive surgery

Research Areas

  • Life Science / General surgery and pediatric surgery  / Pediatric Surgery

Research History

  • Kagoshima University Hospital   Pediatric Surgery   Senior Lecturer


  • Kagoshima University   Assistant Professor


  • Kagoshima University Hospital   Assistant Professor


  • Kagoshima University   Medical and Dental Hospital, Medical and Dental Sciences Area Medical and Dental Hospital Clinical Facilities Perinatal Center   Assistant Professor

    2020.4 - 2022.9

  • Kagoshima University   Medical and Dental Hospital, Medical and Dental Sciences Area Medical and Dental Hospital Clinical Facilities Perinatal Center   Assistant Professor

    2019.5 - 2019.8

  • Kagoshima University   Medical and Dental Hospital, Medical and Dental Sciences Area Medical and Dental Hospital Clinical Center Emergency Critical Care Center   Assistant Professor

    2003.4 - 2019.3

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Professional Memberships

  • Japanese Society for Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition


  • International Pediatric Endosurgery Group(IPEG)


  • Japanese Society of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology


  • Japanese Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition


  • Japan Society of Perinatal and Neonatal Medicine


  • Japan Society of Endoscopic Surgery (JSES)


  • Japan Surgical Society


  • the Japanese Society of Pediatric Surgeons


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Committee Memberships

  • Japanese Society for Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition   Councillor  


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    Committee type:Academic society

  • International Pediatric Endosurgery Group (IPEG)   Research Committee  


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    Committee type:Academic society

Studying abroad experiences

  • 2018.2 - 2018.4   Boston Children’s Hospital Computational Radiology Lab  



  • Tsuruno Y, Sugita K, Muraji T, Masuya R, Harumatsu T, Yano K, Onishi S, Kawano T, Ichikawa C, Ohtani H, Bitoh Y, Ieiri S .  Enhanced lymphangiogenesis in the left lateral segment of a biopsied liver during portoenterostomy for biliary atresia. .  Pediatric surgery international40 ( 1 ) 261   2024.10Enhanced lymphangiogenesis in the left lateral segment of a biopsied liver during portoenterostomy for biliary atresia.

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    DOI: 10.1007/s00383-024-05845-3


  • Onishi S, Murakami M, Ishimaru T, Miyano G, Scholz S, Perger L, Yamada K, Pandya S, Ieiri S .  Current Practice of Laparoscopic Surgery for Choledochal Cyst in Children -a Survey on Opinion and Experience Among IPEG Members. .  Journal of pediatric surgery   161683   2024.8Current Practice of Laparoscopic Surgery for Choledochal Cyst in Children -a Survey on Opinion and Experience Among IPEG Members.

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2024.08.023


  • Yano K, Muto M, Sugita K, Murakami M, Onishi S, Harumatsu T, Iwamoto Y, Ogata M, Takada L, Nishida N, Kedoin C, Nagano A, Matsui M, Yamada K, Yamada W, Matsukubo M, Kawano T, Kaji T, Ieiri S .  Prognostic factors for pediatric patients with severe intestinal motility disorders: a single institution's experience. .  Surgery today   2024.8Prognostic factors for pediatric patients with severe intestinal motility disorders: a single institution's experience.

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    DOI: 10.1007/s00595-024-02910-1


  • Yumiko Iwamoto, Shun Onishi, Koshiro Sugita, Kazuhiko Nakame, Tatsuru Kaji, Keisuke Yano, Masato Ogata, Lynne Takada, Chihiro Kedoin, Ayaka Nagano, Masakazu Murakami, Toshio Harumatsu, Koji Yamada, Waka Yamada, Ryuta Masuya, Takafumi Kawano, Mitsuru Muto, Satoshi Ieiri .  An ultrasound-guided supraclavicular approach for tunneled central venous catheter insertion can be safely performed by junior residents. .  Pediatric surgery international40 ( 1 ) 207 - 207   2024.7An ultrasound-guided supraclavicular approach for tunneled central venous catheter insertion can be safely performed by junior residents.International journal

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    PURPOSE: Ultrasound-guided supraclavicular catheterization (UGSC) of the brachiocephalic vein (BCV) for long-term tunneled central venous catheter (tCVC) insertion may be safer than the internal jugular vein approach due to its superior field of view. We examined the clinical outcomes of tCVC insertions performed by junior residents through UGSC of the BCV. PATIENTS AND METHODS: From January 2018 to December 2023, we assessed clinical outcomes and compared the experience levels of surgeons conducting tCVC insertions. Surgeons were categorized into three groups: junior residency (JR), senior residency (SR), and board-certified pediatric surgeons (BCPS). RESULTS: 177 tCVC insertions were done on 146 patients. Intraoperative complications included 6 cases of arterial puncture, 1 case of pneumothorax, 1 case of over insertion of catheter tip, and 1 case of suspected hemothorax. Distribution across groups was as follows: 28 cases (15.8%) in JR group, 92 (52.0%) in SR group, and 57 (32.2%) in BCPS group. Although the JR group exhibited longer operation times than the BCPS group, no significant differences in intraoperative complications were noted. CONCLUSION: Junior residents can safely perform UGSC for tCVC insertion. However, careful consideration of complications such as arterial or thoracic puncture is essential and case selection should be based on experience.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00383-024-05773-2


  • Nagano A, Harumatsu T, Sugita K, Murakami M, Yano K, Onishi S, Kawano T, Ieiri S, Kubota M .  Congenital Risk Factors for Chronic Kidney Disease in Patients With Persistent Cloaca: Results From a Nationwide Survey in Japan. .  Journal of pediatric surgery   2024.7Congenital Risk Factors for Chronic Kidney Disease in Patients With Persistent Cloaca: Results From a Nationwide Survey in Japan.

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2024.07.015


  • Toshio Harumatsu, Toshihiro Muraji, Ryuta Masuya, Yudai Tsuruno, Yumiko Iwamoto, Masato Ogata, Lynne Takada, Chihiro Kedoin, Ayaka Nagano, Masakazu Murakami, Koshiro Sugita, Keisuke Yano, Shun Onishi, Takafumi Kawano, Mitsuru Muto, Tatsuru Kaji, Satoshi Ieiri .  Inflammation patterns in early post-operative cholangitis predict long-term outcomes in biliary atresia: a potential role of non-suppurative cholangitis. .  Pediatric surgery international40 ( 1 ) 190 - 190   2024.7Inflammation patterns in early post-operative cholangitis predict long-term outcomes in biliary atresia: a potential role of non-suppurative cholangitis.International journal

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    PURPOSE: Frequent post-operative cholangitis in biliary atresia (BA) affects the long-term native liver survival. This study assessed the characteristics of early cholangitis and their influence on the prognosis. METHODS: Forty-three patients with BA who underwent surgery between 2000 and 2020 were analyzed for routine inflammatory markers. Early cholangitis characteristics were compared between native liver survivor (NLS) and living donor liver transplant (LDLT) patients. RESULTS: Among the 43 patients, 30 (69.8%) experienced 130 episodes of cholangitis. In the area under the receiver operating characteristics curve (AUROC) analysis, the cutoff value of the total cholangitis episodes was 3, with an area under the AUROC curve of 0.695 (95% confidence interval 0.522-0.868). Before 3 years old, 113 episodes (86.9%) of cholangitis were observed. The white blood cell, C-reactive protein, and alanine aminotransferase values at cholangitis onset did not markedly differ between the LDLT and NLS groups. Conversely, the neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio in the NLS group was significantly lower than in the LDLT group (0.85 vs. 1.63, p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Cholangitis in the NLS group was lymphocyte-dominant and atypical in its pathogenesis. Lymphocyte-dominant cholangitis is non-suppurative, and future research should clarify its pathogenesis to improve the treatment and prognosis of BA.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00383-024-05774-1


  • Sugita K, Yano K, Onishi S, Tabata Y, Iwamoto Y, Ogata M, Takada L, Kedoin C, Murakami M, Harumatsu T, Matsukubo M, Kawano T, Muto M, Kumagai K, Ido A, Kaji T, Ieiri S .  Impact of hepatocyte growth factor on the colonic morphology and gut microbiome in short bowel syndrome rat model. .  Pediatric surgery international40 ( 1 ) 185   2024.7Impact of hepatocyte growth factor on the colonic morphology and gut microbiome in short bowel syndrome rat model.

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    DOI: 10.1007/s00383-024-05776-z


  • Sugita K, Harumatsu T, Nagano A, Yano K, Onishi S, Kawano T, Ieiri S, Kubota M .  The postoperative renal function of persistent cloaca patients treated by posterior sagittal anorecto-urethro-vaginopalsty: results of a nationwide survey in Japan. .  Pediatric surgery international40 ( 1 ) 177   2024.7The postoperative renal function of persistent cloaca patients treated by posterior sagittal anorecto-urethro-vaginopalsty: results of a nationwide survey in Japan.

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    DOI: 10.1007/s00383-024-05763-4


  • 村上 雅一, 田畑 有弥子, 岩元 祐実子, 緒方 将人, 高田 倫, 祁答院 千寛, 鶴野 雄大, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 家入 里志 .  特集 教科書にない小児外科疾患の最新情報-国内外の文献・ガイドラインから- 胆道拡張症 .  小児外科56 ( 6 ) 610 - 614   2024.6特集 教科書にない小児外科疾患の最新情報-国内外の文献・ガイドラインから- 胆道拡張症

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    DOI: 10.24479/ps.0000000851

  • Lynne Takada, Takafumi Kawano, Keisuke Yano, Yumiko Iwamoto, Masato Ogata, Chihiro Kedoin, Masakazu Murakami, Koshiro Sugita, Shun Onishi, Mitsuru Muto, Mari Kirishima, Akihide Tanimoto, Satoshi Ieiri .  Ovarian endometrioma: a report of a pediatric case diagnosed prior to menstruation. .  Surgical case reports10 ( 1 ) 152 - 152   2024.6Ovarian endometrioma: a report of a pediatric case diagnosed prior to menstruation.International journal

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: Ovarian endometriomas (OEs) are rarely found in the pediatric population, especially before menstruation. We report a 6-year-old girl who was postoperatively diagnosed with OE before menstruation. CASE PRESENTATION: A 6-year-old girl presented to a local pediatrician with abdominal pain and vomiting. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed a multilocular cystic lesion to the left of the bladder. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed similar findings, with the contents of the cyst showing a low signal on T1-weighted imaging and a high signal on T2-weighted imaging. The patient was referred to our institution for further examination. Enhanced computed tomography (CT) showed a multilocular cystic lesion sized 56 × 44 × 30 mm with partial calcification. The left ovarian vein was dilated, suggesting the origin of the tumor to be the left ovary. Extirpation of the lesion was performed under laparoscopic assistance. Pathological findings indicated an ovarian endometrioma. To our knowledge, this is the youngest report of an OE diagnosed in a patient prior to menstruation. CONCLUSIONS: OEs in children before menstruation are extremely rare; thus, the long-term prognosis is yet to be determined.

    DOI: 10.1186/s40792-024-01951-5


  • 矢野 圭輔, 杉田 光士郎, 武藤 充, 大西 峻, 岩元 祐実子, 緒方 将人, 高田 倫, 祁答院 千寛, 村上 雅一, 松久保 眞, 川野 孝文, 中目 和彦, 加治 建, 家入 里志 .  特集 小児領域におけるGLP-2アナログ製剤(テデュグルチド)の応用 総論 GLP-2の基礎研究 .  小児外科56 ( 4 ) 320 - 325   2024.4特集 小児領域におけるGLP-2アナログ製剤(テデュグルチド)の応用 総論 GLP-2の基礎研究

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    DOI: 10.24479/ps.0000000773

  • Nanako Nishida, Takafumi Kawano, Koshiro Sugita, Keisuke Yano, Chihiro Kedoin, Ayaka Nagano, Mayu Matsui, Masakazu Murakami, Tokuro Baba, Shun Onishi, Toshio Harumatsu, Koji Yamada, Waka Yamada, Motofumi Torikai, Satoshi Ieiri .  Comparison of Transumbilical Laparoscopy-Assisted Appendectomy with Conventional Three-Port Laparoscopic Appendectomy Performed by Pediatric Surgeons in Training for Appendicitis in Children. .  Journal of laparoendoscopic & advanced surgical techniques. Part A34 ( 4 ) 380 - 385   2024.4Comparison of Transumbilical Laparoscopy-Assisted Appendectomy with Conventional Three-Port Laparoscopic Appendectomy Performed by Pediatric Surgeons in Training for Appendicitis in Children.International journal

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Background: Transumbilical laparoscopy-assisted appendectomy (TULAA) is the technique of choice for all types of appendicitis. However, the technique is challenging for trainees to learn in comparison with performing conventional three-port laparoscopic appendectomy (CTPLA) in children. We aimed to compare the surgical outcomes of children with appendicitis treated by TULAA versus CTPLA performed by pediatric surgeons in training (PSITs). Materials and Methods: This retrospective study analyzed pediatric patients with acute appendicitis treated with CTPLA or TULAA between April 2016 and December 2022. Operative time (OT: minutes), pneumoperitoneum time (PT: minutes), blood loss (milliliter), length of hospital stay (days), and surgical site infection rate were compared between the two groups. Operative outcomes were also analyzed according to type of appendicitis such as uncomplicated and complicated cases. Results: Two hundred twenty-five laparoscopic appendectomies were performed by CTPLA (n = 94) or TULAA (n = 131). All cases were performed by PSITs and there was no open conversion cases. TULAA had a shorter OT (67.0 ± 28.4 versus 78.3 ± 21.7; P < .01) and PT (26.1 ± 17.4 versus 52.5 ± 22.1 min; P < .01). The surgical site infection rate was slightly higher in the TULAA group, but the difference was not statistically significant. In uncomplicated appendicitis (n = 164), significant differences between the CTPLA and TULAA groups were observed in OT (CTPLA versus TULAA: 70.7 ± 14.9 versus 59.1 ± 21.6, P < .01) and PT (CTPLA versus TULAA: 43.6 ± 13.1 versus 20.4 ± 13.6, P < .01). With regard to postoperative complications, only surgical site infection was significantly different between the CTPLA and TULAA groups (CTPLA: 0.0% versus TULAA: 8.2%, P < .05). In complicated cases (n = 61), there were significant differences between the groups in PT (CTPLA versus TULAA: 73.4 ± 24.9 versus 42.3 ± 17.2, P < .01) and length of hospital stay (CTPLA versus TULAA: 7.0 ± 1.3 versus 8.9 ± 4.7, P < .05). Conclusions: TULAA had a shorter OT and PT than CTPLA. TULAA for PSITs shows similar safety and feasibility to CTPLA for not only uncomplicated cases but also complicated cases.

    DOI: 10.1089/lap.2023.0275


  • Masakazu Murakami, Nanako Nishida, Ayaka Nagano, Koshiro Sugita, Keisuke Yano, Toshio Harumatsu, Shun Onishi, Koji Yamada, Waka Yamada, Takafumi Kawano, Mitsuru Muto, Satoshi Ieiri .  Evaluation of skill acquisition characteristics depending on the size of a dry box. .  Minimally invasive therapy & allied technologies : MITAT : official journal of the Society for Minimally Invasive Therapy33 ( 4 ) 1 - 8   2024.2Evaluation of skill acquisition characteristics depending on the size of a dry box.International journal

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: Few studies have analyzed the effect of the size of the working space in training on the acquisition of endoscopic skills. In this study, adult- and infant-sized dry boxes (DBs) were used to verify how the size of the working space in training affects forceps manipulation and learning curve. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Seventy-two medical students were enrolled. The task was peg transfer. The training environment was divided into adult- and infant-sized DBs. Skill evaluations were also divided into adult- and infant-sized DBs (four groups in total). The forceps manipulation characteristics and task completion time were compared before and after training. RESULTS: Regarding skill evaluations using adult-sized DBs, there were no significant differences between the infant- and adult-sized DB-trained groups. Regarding skill evaluations using infant-sized DBs, there were no significant differences between the groups before training. After training, there was no significant difference in the total path length or average acceleration of the forceps between the groups. However, the infant-sized DB-trained group had a significantly faster average forceps velocity and faster task completion time than the adult-sized DB-trained group. CONCLUSION: Training with a small DB is more efficient in acquiring smoother and faster forceps manipulation in a small working space.

    DOI: 10.1080/13645706.2024.2321950


  • Onishi S, Yamada K, Murakami M, Harumatsu T, Kawano T, Ieiri S .  Successful Laparoscopic Hepaticojejunostomy for Infant Congenital Biliary Dilatation with both Aberrant Right Hepatic Artery and Bile Duct from the Caudate Region. .  European journal of pediatric surgery reports12 ( 1 ) e38 - e40   2024.1Successful Laparoscopic Hepaticojejunostomy for Infant Congenital Biliary Dilatation with both Aberrant Right Hepatic Artery and Bile Duct from the Caudate Region.

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    DOI: 10.1055/s-0044-1779624


  • Koshiro Sugita, Keisuke Yano, Shun Onishi, Yumiko Iwamoto, Masato Ogata, Lynne Takada, Chihiro Kedoin, Murakami Masakazu, Toshio Harumatsu, Takafumi Kawano, Mitsuru Muto, Kotaro Kumagai, Akio Ido, Tatsuru Kaji, Satoshi Ieiri .  Superiority of Intestinal Adaptation by Hepatocyte Growth Factor in the Jejunum: An Experimental Study in a Short-Bowel Rat Model. .  Journal of pediatric surgery59 ( 4 ) 627 - 633   2023.12Superiority of Intestinal Adaptation by Hepatocyte Growth Factor in the Jejunum: An Experimental Study in a Short-Bowel Rat Model.International journal

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: We evaluated the effect of recombinant human hepatocyte growth factor (rh-HGF) on intestinal adaptation in a rat model of short-bowel syndrome (SBS). METHODS: Sprague-Dawley rats underwent jugular vein catheterization for continuous total parenteral nutrition (TPN) and 90 % small bowel resection. The animals were divided into 3 groups: TPN/SBS (control group, n = 7), TPN/SBS/intravenous recombinant human hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) (0.3 mg/kg/day) (HGF group, n = 7), and TPN/SBS/intravenous c-Met inhibitor (0.3 mg/kg/day) (anti-HGF group, n = 5). On day 7, rats were euthanized and histologically evaluated. Serum diamine oxidase (S-DAO) levels were evaluated using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The nutrient transporter and glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2) receptor expression were evaluated using real-time polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS: The jejunal and ileal villus heights were higher and the S-DAO concentrations significantly higher (p = 0.04) in the HGF group than in the control and anti-HGF groups. The sodium-dependent glucose transporter 1 expression in the HGF group was significantly higher than in the control group and significantly suppressed in the anti-HGF group (p < 0.01). The peptide transporter 1 expression in the jejunum was higher in the HGF group than in the other groups and significantly suppressed in the anti-HGF group (p < 0.01). The GLP-2 receptor expression in the jejunum was higher in the HGF group than the other groups, and it was significantly suppressed in the anti-HGF group (p < 0.01). These jejunal results regarding nutrient transporter an GLP-2 receptor were not found in the ileum. CONCLUSIONS: The administration of rh-HGF appears to be more effective in the jejunum than in the ileum. TYPE OF STUDY: Experimental Research. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: N/A.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2023.11.028


  • Chihiro Kedoin, Mitsuru Muto, Ayaka Nagano, Mayu Matsui, Koshiro Sugita, Tokuro Baba, Kina Miyoshi, Ryuta Masuya, Masakazu Murakami, Keisuke Yano, Shun Onishi, Toshio Harumatsu, Waka Yamada, Koji Yamada, Makoto Matsukubo, Takafumi Kawano, Masaaki Kuda, Kazuhiko Nakame, Motofumi Torikai, Satoshi Ieiri .  Notable Clinical Differences Between Neonatal and Post-Neonatal Intestinal Malrotation: A Multicenter Review in Southern Japan. .  Journal of pediatric surgery59 ( 4 ) 566 - 570   2023.12Notable Clinical Differences Between Neonatal and Post-Neonatal Intestinal Malrotation: A Multicenter Review in Southern Japan.International journal

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: Most cases of intestinal malrotation appear in neonates with bilious vomiting due to midgut volvulus, whereas in cases that develop beyond infancy, the initial symptoms vary. This study investigated the clinical features of these two populations and identified issues that should be considered in daily practice. METHODS: A retrospective chart review was conducted from January 1, 2010, to December 31, 2022. Data on patients with intestinal malrotation were collected in an anonymized fashion from five pediatric surgical hub facilities in the Southern Kyushu and Okinawa areas of Japan. RESULTS: Of the 80 subjects, 57 (71.3%) were neonates (Group N) and 23 (28.7%) were infants and schoolchildren (Group I). The frequencies of initial symptoms, such as abdominal distention (Group N: 19.3% vs. Group I: 13.0%), bilious vomiting (59.6% vs. 43.5%), and hematochezia (8.8% vs. 21.7%), were not skewed by the age of onset (p = 0.535, 0.087, and 0.141, respectively). Midgut volvulus was significantly more frequent in Group N (71.9% [41/57] vs. 34.8% [8/23]; p = 0.005), while the degree of torsion was greater in group I (median 360° [interquartile range: 180-360°] vs. 450° [360-540°]; p = 0.029). Although the bowel resection rate was equivalent (7.0% [4/57] vs. 4.3% [1/23]; p = 1.000), half of the patients in Group N presented with 180° torsion. The neonatal intestine has been highlighted as being more susceptible to ischemia than that in older children. CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of midgut volvulus is higher in neonates than in older children. Even relatively mild torsion can cause ischemic bowel changes during the neonatal period. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: LEVEL III.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2023.11.020


  • 杉田 光士郎, 岩元 祐実子, 緒方 将人, 高田 倫, 村上 雅一, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 桝屋 隆太, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 中目 和彦, 家入 里志 .  特集 検査・処置・手術の合併症:予防と対策 手術・治療 胆道拡張症 .  小児外科55 ( 11 ) 1228 - 1233   2023.11

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    DOI: 10.24479/ps.0000000641

  • Koshiro Sugita, Keisuke Yano, Makoto Matsukubo, Yumiko Iwamoto, Masato Ogata, Lynne Takada, Chihiro Kedoin, Masakazu Murakami, Toshio Harumatsu, Shun Onishi, Takafumi Kawano, Mitsuru Muto, Kotaro Kumagai, Akio Ido, Tatsuru Kaji, Satoshi Ieiri .  Potential mechanisms underlying the effect of hepatocyte growth factor on liver injury in short bowel syndrome model rats. .  Pediatric surgery international40 ( 1 ) 8 - 8   2023.11Potential mechanisms underlying the effect of hepatocyte growth factor on liver injury in short bowel syndrome model rats.International journal

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the autophagy associated with apoptosis in hepatic damage in the short bowel syndrome rat model. METHODS: SD rats underwent jugular vein catheterization for continuous total parenteral nutrition (TPN) and 90% small bowel resection. Animals were divided into two groups: TPN plus SBS (Control group) or TPN plus SBS plus intravenous administration of HGF (HGF group). On day 7, the rats were harvested, and hepatocellular injury was evaluated. RESULTS: In an SBS rat model, hepatic steatosis and lobular inflammation were histologically suppressed in the HGF group (p < 0.01). The expression of tumor necrosis factor-α in the HGF group tend to be higher than that in the control group (p = 0.13). The gene expression of transforming Growth Factor-β in the HGF group was suppressed compared to the control group (p < 0.01). HGF treatment may have an antiapoptotic effect via the intrinsic pathway by caspase 9. Protein expressions of Rubicon (p = 0.03) and p62 (p < 0.01) in the HGF group were found to have increased compared to those in the control group. CONCLUSION: The inhibitory effect of HGF on hepatic steatosis remains unclear, and further studies focusing on the mechanisms of fat accumulation are needed.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00383-023-05593-w


  • Onishi S, Esumi G, Fukuhara M, Sato T, Izaki T, Ieiri S, Handa N .  Long-term cosmetic outcomes of the slit-slide procedure for umbilical hernia repair in children. .  Surgery today54 ( 6 ) 565 - 573   2023.11Long-term cosmetic outcomes of the slit-slide procedure for umbilical hernia repair in children.

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    DOI: 10.1007/s00595-023-02760-3


  • 家入 里志, Laurent Fourcade, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 岩元 裕美子, 緒方 将人, 高田 倫, 祁答院 千寛, 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充 .  特集 知っておきたい周産期・新生児医療up to date 出生後 新生児領域における内視鏡・ロボット手術の展望 .  小児内科55 ( 11 ) 1784 - 1789   2023.11

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    DOI: 10.24479/pm.0000001392

  • 杉田 光士郎, 岩元 祐実子, 緒方 将人, 高田 倫, 村上 雅一, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 桝屋 隆太, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 中目 和彦, 家入 里志 .  【検査・処置・手術の合併症:予防と対策】手術・治療 胆道拡張症 .  小児外科55 ( 11 ) 1228 - 1233   2023.11

  • 大西 峻, 連 利博, 武藤 充, 岩元 祐実子, 緒方 将人, 高田 倫, 祁答院 千寛, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 春松 敏夫, 川野 孝文, 家入 里志 .  特集 喉頭・気管病変 治療の工夫と予後 声門下囊胞の治療戦略 .  小児外科55 ( 10 ) 1055 - 1059   2023.10

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    DOI: 10.24479/ps.0000000600

  • Nishida Nanako, Harumatsu Toshio, Kawano Takafumi, Kedoin Chihiro, Nagano Ayaka, Matsui Mayu, Sugita Koshiro, Onishi Shun, Muto Mitsuru, Ieiri Satoshi .  A Case of Adolescent-Onset Fallopian Tube Torsion Whose Definitive Diagnosis Took a Long Time .  Journal of the Japanese Society of Pediatric Surgeons59 ( 6 ) 1004 - 1008   2023.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japanese Society of Pediatric Surgeons  

    <p>Fallopian tube torsion with an adolescent onset is rare, and the lack of specific findings hampers a preoperative diagnosis. We experienced treating a case of fallopian tube torsion at puberty whose definitive diagnosis took a long time. [Case] A 13-year-old girl presented to the emergency clinic with a chief complaint of left lower abdominal pain that had begun one week before this visit. She was diagnosed with acute enteritis and kept under observation. However, she continued to have abdominal pain, and her pediatrician suspected that she had appendicitis with an abscess. Despite treatment with antimicrobial agents, her symptoms did not improve, so she was referred to our department with a suspicion of acute abdomen. Enhanced computed tomography (CT) showed a 4-cm cystic lesion in the pelvic cavity. Diagnostic laparoscopy was performed under suspicion of ovarian torsion or adnexal torsion. A dark-red twisted left fallopian tube was seen on the dorsal side of the uterus. Untwisting the tube laparoscopically proved difficult, so laparotomy of the lower abdomen was performed. The fallopian tube had a torsion of 1,440°, and it remained dark red even after the torsion had been released. Her left ovary was normal. Preservation of the fallopian tubes was impossible, and tubectomy was performed. [Conclusion] Many cases of tubal torsion are difficult to diagnose and ultimately result in tubal resection. An early diagnosis is important for preserving the fallopian tubes.</p>

    DOI: 10.11164/jjsps.59.6_1004

  • 西田 ななこ, 春松 敏夫, 川野 孝文, 祁答院 千寛, 長野 綾香, 松井 まゆ, 杉田 光士郎, 大西 峻, 武藤 充, 家入 里志 .  発症から診断までに時間を要した思春期発症卵管捻転の1例 .  日本小児外科学会雑誌59 ( 6 ) 1004 - 1008   2023.10発症から診断までに時間を要した思春期発症卵管捻転の1例

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本小児外科学会  


  • Murakami M, Onishi S, Yamada K, Ogawa K, Yokoyama S, Kurashima Y, Miyano G, Ishimaru T, Kawashima H, Uchida H, Yamataka A, Okuyama H, Ieiri S .  How many cases do instructor class pediatric surgeons need to experience to be an independent operator in performing advanced endoscopic surgery? A nationwide survey to establish an ideal curriculum for pediatric endoscopic surgery in Japan. .  Pediatric surgery international39 ( 1 ) 271   2023.9How many cases do instructor class pediatric surgeons need to experience to be an independent operator in performing advanced endoscopic surgery? A nationwide survey to establish an ideal curriculum for pediatric endoscopic surgery in Japan.

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    DOI: 10.1007/s00383-023-05550-7


  • Ayaka Nagano, Toshio Harumatsu, Koshiro Sugita, Yumiko Iwamoto, Masato Ogata, Lynne Takada, Nanako Nishida, Chihiro Kedoin, Masakazu Murakami, Keisuke Yano, Shun Onishi, Koji Yamada, Waka Yamada, Takafumi Kawano, Mitsuru Muto, Tatsuru Kaji, Satoshi Ieiri .  Change over time in the postoperative defecation function in female patients with anovestibular fistula at a single institution: focus on the comparison of anal transposition with anterior sagittal anorectoplasty. .  Pediatric surgery international39 ( 1 ) 266 - 266   2023.9Change over time in the postoperative defecation function in female patients with anovestibular fistula at a single institution: focus on the comparison of anal transposition with anterior sagittal anorectoplasty.International journal

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    PURPOSE: Anovestibular fistula (AVF) is the most common type of ARM in female patients. The present study investigated changes over time in the postoperative defecation function of female patients with AVF. METHODS: Patient data were collected from 1984 to 2021. Eighty-eight female patients with AVF were enrolled. Patients' characteristics and the long-term outcome of defecation function were reviewed and analyzed retrospectively. The bowel function was evaluated according to the Japan Society of ARM Study Group evacuation score (ES). RESULTS: Thirty-eight patients underwent anal transposition (AT), and 8 underwent anterior sagittal anorectoplasty (ASARP). The total evacuation score (ES) in AVF patients reached "excellent" at nine years old, regardless of the operative procedure. The constipation scores with AT showed better improvement than those with ASARP, but soiling scores in the ASARP group showed better improvement than those in the AT group. The postoperative complications did not affect the postoperative bowel function in AVF patients. CONCLUSION: Most patients with AVF eventually achieved a satisfactory total ES. Given the difference in defecation score transition depending on the operative procedure or postoperative complications, it may be important to perform long-term defecation management via surgical procedures.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00383-023-05554-3


  • Ryuta Masuya, Toshihiro Muraji, Toshio Harumatsu, Seiro Machigashira, Yumiko Iwamoto, Masato Ogata, Lynne Takada, Nanako Nishida, Chihiro Kedoin, Ayaka Nagano, Mayu Matsui, Masakazu Murakami, Koshiro Sugita, Keisuke Yano, Shun Onishi, Koji Yamada, Waka Yamada, Makoto Matsukubo, Takafumi Kawano, Mitsuru Muto, Kazuhiko Nakame, Tatsuru Kaji, Atsushi Nanashima, Satoshi Ieiri .  Clinical outcome and neurological development of patients with biliary atresia associated with a bleeding tendency: a single institution experience. .  Surgery today54 ( 5 ) 452 - 458   2023.8Clinical outcome and neurological development of patients with biliary atresia associated with a bleeding tendency: a single institution experience.

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    PURPOSE: We compared the clinical features of patients with biliary atresia (BA) associated with a bleeding tendency (BT) at the time of the diagnosis with those of patients without a bleeding tendency (NBT). METHODS: The patients' background characteristics, age in days at the first visit, Kasai portoenterostomy (KPE), and postoperative course were retrospectively analyzed. RESULTS: Nine of the 93 BA patients (9.7%) showed a BT, including 7 with intracranial hemorrhaging (ICH), 1 with gastrointestinal bleeding, and 1 with a prothrombin time (PT) of 0%. The age at the first visit was 62 ± 12 days old for BT patients and 53 ± 27 days old for NBT patients (p = 0.4); the age at KPE was 77 ± 9 days old for BT patients and 65 ± 24 days old for NBT patients (p = 0.2); the time from the first visit to surgery was 13 ± 7 days for BT patients and 11 ± 10 days for NBT patients (p = 0.5); and the native liver survival rate was 56% for BT patients and 58% for NBT patients (p = 1), with no significant difference in any of the parameters. The neurological outcomes of survivors of ICH were favorable. CONCLUSIONS: Appropriate BT correction allowed early KPE even after ICH, resulting in native liver survival rates comparable to those of NBT patients without significant neurological complications.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00595-023-02744-3


  • 川野 孝文, 杉田 光士郎, 高田 倫, 緒方 将人, 岩田 祐実子, 村上 雅一, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 武藤 充, 家入 里志 .  特集 希少固形がんの診断と治療 大腸がん .  小児外科55 ( 8 ) 887 - 893   2023.8

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    DOI: 10.24479/ps.0000000550

  • Masakazu Murakami, Koji Yamada, Shun Onishi, Toshio Harumatsu, Tokuro Baba, Masaaki Kuda, Kina Miyoshi, Yoshinori Koga, Ryuta Masuya, Takafumi Kawano, Mitsuru Muto, Makoto Hayashida, Kazuhiko Nakame, Shin Shinyama, Jun Kuwabara, Kyosuke Tatsuta, Yusuke Yanagi, Ryuichiro Hirose, Takeshi Shono, Misato Migita, Tatsuru Kaji, Mitsuhisa Takatsuki, Atsushi Nanashima, Hiroshi Matsufuji, Satoshi Ieiri .  Proctoring System of Pediatric Laparoscopic Surgery for Choledochal Cyst. .  Journal of laparoendoscopic & advanced surgical techniques. Part A   2023.8Proctoring System of Pediatric Laparoscopic Surgery for Choledochal Cyst.International journal

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    Background: Endoscopic surgery also has been becoming widespread in the field of pediatric surgery. However, most disease treated by pediatric surgery in a single institution are small number of cases. Besides, the variety of operative procedures that need to be performed in this field is quite wide. For these reasons, pediatric surgeons have limited opportunities to perform endoscopic surgery. Therefore, it is difficult to introduce advanced endoscopic surgery at a single local hospital. To educate pediatric surgeons in local hospitals, for widespread advanced pediatric endoscopic surgery safely, and to eliminate the need for patient centralization, we have introduced a proctoring system. We compared the surgical results of our institution, a center hospital, with other local institutions, to investigate the feasibility of our proctoring system. Methods: The experienced pediatric surgeon of our institution visits local hospitals to provide onsite coaching and supervises pediatric surgeons on the learning curve. All patients who underwent laparoscopic cyst excision and hepaticojejunostomy for choledochal cysts, one of the advanced pediatric endoscopic surgeries was retrospectively reviewed. Results: Thirty-four cases were evaluated (14 cases in our institution, 20 cases in 9 other institutions). The procedures of all 34 cases were performed by surgeons with 0-2 cases of experience in the procedure. There were no open conversion cases. There was no significant difference in the operative date. There was 1 case (6.7%) of postoperative complications during hospitalization at our institution and 3 cases (14.3%) at other institutions (P = .47). Two cases of late complications (13.3%) occurred at our institution, whereas 6 cases (28.6%) occurred at other institutions (P = .28). Conclusion: With the proctoring system, the performance and completion of advanced pediatric endoscopic surgery at local institutions was feasible. This has important implications given the ever-growing demand for pediatric endoscopic surgery and the increasing need for competent pediatric endoscopic surgeons.

    DOI: 10.1089/lap.2023.0087


  • Toshio Harumatsu, Koshiro Sugita, Shun Onishi, Ayaka Nagano, Masakazu Murakami, Keisuke Yano, Mitsuru Muto, Takafumi Kawano, Satoshi Ieiri, Masayuki Kubota .  Posterior sagittal anorecto-urethro-vagino-plasty in the late period was associated with the long-term bowel function in patients with persistent cloaca: results of a nationwide survey in Japan. .  Pediatric surgery international39 ( 1 ) 244 - 244   2023.7Posterior sagittal anorecto-urethro-vagino-plasty in the late period was associated with the long-term bowel function in patients with persistent cloaca: results of a nationwide survey in Japan.International journal

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    PURPOSE: After conducting a nationwide survey of persistent cloaca (PC), we assessed whether or not the timing of definitive anorectoplasty affects the long-term bowel function of patients with PC. METHODS: Patient information was obtained via questionnaire, and a total of 169 PC patients who underwent posterior sagittal anorectourethrovaginoplasty (PSARUVP) were enrolled in this study. Patients were classified into 2 groups based on their operative period, which was analyzed by the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve: the early group (EG) underwent anorectoplasty at ≤ 18 months old (n = 106), and the late group (LG) underwent anorectoplasty at > 18 months old (n = 63). The bowel function was evaluated using the evacuation score of the Japan Society of Anorectal Malformation Study Group. We also examined the postoperative results of vaginoplasty. RESULTS: The total evacuation score was significantly higher in the EG than in the LG (5.2 ± 1.7 vs. 4.2 ± 1.8, p = 0.003). The frequency of bowel movement and the constipation scores were significantly higher in the EG than in the LG (1.4 ± 0.6 vs. 1.2 ± 0.7, p < 0.05, 2.4 ± 1.0 vs. 2.1 ± 1.0, p < 0.05, respectively). Postoperative vaginal stenosis was observed in 18 cases (10.7%), of which 16 could be reconstructed transperineally. CONCLUSION: PSARUVP should be performed in early infancy and facilitate vaginal reconstruction.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00383-023-05526-7


  • Keisuke Yano, Koshiro Sugita, Takafumi Kawano, Masakazu Murakami, Toshio Harumatsu, Shun Onishi, Koji Yamada, Mitsuru Muto, Satoshi Ieiri, Masayuki Kubota .  The clinical features of patients who underwent bladder augmentation of cloacal exstrophy and their functional outcomes: the results of a nationwide survey in Japan. .  Pediatric surgery international39 ( 1 ) 232 - 232   2023.7The clinical features of patients who underwent bladder augmentation of cloacal exstrophy and their functional outcomes: the results of a nationwide survey in Japan.International journal

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    PURPOSE: Cloacal exstrophy (CE) patients may need bladder reconstruction after initially undergoing surgery to obtain continence and improve their quality of life. This study attempts to clarify the clinical features of CE patients who underwent bladder augmentation (BA) and their urinary functional outcomes based on a nationwide survey in Japan. METHODS: A questionnaire survey was conducted, and 150 CE patients were enrolled. Their clinical characteristics and urinary outcomes were reviewed. RESULTS: BA was performed in 52 patients (34.7%). Most cases underwent early bladder closure at initial surgery in neonate period. The age at the BA was performed 6.4 [6-9.0] years. Among them, the most used organ for BA was ileum (n = 30, 57.7%). Regarding the outcomes, the age when the renal function was evaluated was 14.0 [10.0-20.5] years and the serum creatinine level was 0.44 [0.36-0.60] (mg/dl). Clean intermittent catheterization was required in 37 (71.2%) patients. On the other hand, no dialysis or kidney transplantation was necessary in any of these patients. CONCLUSION: The renal function and conditions of patients who underwent BA were relatively well preserved. Individualized management with a stepwise surgical approach for CE patients should thus be considered in the future.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00383-023-05512-z


  • Koshiro Sugita, Takafumi Kawano, Masakazu Murakami, Nishida Nanako, Chihiro Kedoin, Ayaka Nagano, Keisuke Yano, Shun Onishi, Toshio Harumatsu, Koji Yamada, Waka Yamada, Makoto Matsukubo, Mitsuru Muto, Tatsuru Kaji, Satoshi Ieiri .  Feasible laparoscopic surgery for selected cases of primary adrenal neuroblastoma: Results from a comparison with open surgery at a single institution. .  Asian journal of endoscopic surgery16 ( 3 ) 473 - 481   2023.7Feasible laparoscopic surgery for selected cases of primary adrenal neuroblastoma: Results from a comparison with open surgery at a single institution.

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    INTRODUCTION: Surgical management of neuroblastoma (NB) has been performed by open procedures for decades. However, advances in surgical devices and technology have made minimally invasive surgery safe and reproducible. In this study, we compared open and laparoscopic surgery regarding biopsy success and curative resection to determine the safety and feasibility of laparoscopic surgery for pediatric patients with adrenal NB. METHODS: We reviewed the clinical data of 22 NB patients who underwent surgery from 2006 to 2021 in our institution. All patients with adrenal NB were diagnosed histologically, and we retrospectively analyzed the data. RESULTS: The male/female ratio was 16/6. The median age was 2.5 (interquartile range: 2-4) years old, and the laterality was on the right in 13 and on the left in 9. A total of 20 patients underwent a tumor biopsy: 14 via laparotomy, five laparoscopically, and one retroperitoneally. Four patients underwent laparoscopic resection and 11 patients underwent open resection after chemotherapy. Two patients with stage LI underwent primary tumor resection laparoscopically. For curative resection in image-defined risk factor (IDRF)-negative patients, laparoscopic surgery resulted in shorter operation time, with less bleeding and an earlier oral intake. The three IDRF-single-positive patients on the liver (laparoscopic surgery: one patient) had a shorter operation time and less bleeding than the IDRF-multiple positive patients. CONCLUSION: Laparoscopic surgery was performed in a limited number of adrenal NB cases. A laparoscopic biopsy for adrenal NB seems to be safe and feasible to perform. Laparoscopic surgery, in carefully selected cases, permits safe and efficient resection of adrenal NB in pediatric patients.

    DOI: 10.1111/ases.13204


  • 下村 育史, 中江 広治, あべ松 貴成, 上野 健太郎, 大西 峻, 岡本 康裕 .  早期診断と治療が奏効した梨状窩瘻の新生児例 .  日本小児科学会雑誌127 ( 7 ) 954 - 959   2023.7早期診断と治療が奏効した梨状窩瘻の新生児例

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(公社)日本小児科学会  


  • 武藤 充, 大西 峻, 矢野 圭輔, 高田 倫, 岩元 祐実子, 緒方 将人, 祁答院 千寛, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 春松 敏夫, 川野 孝文, 大浦 飛鳥, 東小薗 未弥子, 佐々木 文郷, 西川 拓朗, 上村 修司, 家入 里志 .  特集 今日の小児肝移植 非移植施設からみた肝移植の課題について-肝小腸異時移植症例の管理経験から- .  小児外科55 ( 6 ) 684 - 688   2023.6

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    DOI: 10.24479/ps.0000000493

  • Makoto Matsukubo, Mitsuru Muto, Koji Yamada, Nanako Nishida, Chihiro Kedoin, Mayu Matsui, Ayaka Nagano, Masakazu Murakami, Koshiro Sugita, Keisuke Yano, Shun Onishi, Toshio Harumatsu, Waka Yamada, Takafumi Kawano, Tatsuru Kaji, Satoshi Ieiri .  Abdominal wall defect repair with component separation technique for giant omphalocele with previous relaxing incisions on the abdominal skin. .  Surgical case reports9 ( 1 ) 99 - 99   2023.6Abdominal wall defect repair with component separation technique for giant omphalocele with previous relaxing incisions on the abdominal skin.International journal

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: The repair of large abdominal wall defects that cannot be closed primarily is quite challenging. The component separation technique (CST) is a surgical approach using autologous tissue to close large abdominal wall defects. The CST requires extensive dissection between the abdominal skin and the anterior sheath of the rectus abdominis muscle. Subsequently, incisions are made at both sides of the external oblique aponeurosis, releasing the external oblique muscle from the internal oblique muscle, and then the right and left rectus abdominis muscles are brought together in the midline for defect closure. However, impairment of blood flow in the abdominal wall skin and necrotic changes are recognized as potential complications. CASE PRESENTATION: The CST was performed in a 4-year-old boy with a large ventral hernia who had undergone skin closure with abdominal wall relaxing incisions for the primary treatment of giant omphalocele in the neonatal period. Given his history of incisions on the abdominal wall, he was speculated to be at high risk for postoperative skin ischemia. Dissection was therefore kept to a minimum to preserve the blood supply from the superior and inferior epigastric arteries and perforating branches of those arteries through the rectus abdominis muscle. In addition, care was taken to adjust the muscle relaxant dosage while monitoring the intravesical pressure, ensuring that it did not exceed 20 mmHg to avoid impaired circulation in the abdominal wall caused by abdominal compartment syndrome. He was discharged 23 days after the surgery without any complications, and neither recurrence of the ventral hernia nor bowel obstruction was observed in 4 years. CONCLUSIONS: A giant omphalocele with primary skin closure was treated by applying the CST. The procedure can be performed safely while preserving the blood flow to the abdominal wall, even in patients with a history of relaxing incisions on the abdominal skin. The CST is expected to be effective for repairing the large abdominal wall defects seen in giant omphalocele when primary closure is not possible.

    DOI: 10.1186/s40792-023-01679-8


  • Makoto Matsukubo, Mitsuru Muto, Shun Onishi, Nanako Nishida, Chihiro Kedoin, Ayaka Nagano, Mayu Matsui, Masakazu Murakami, Koshiro Sugita, Keisuke Yano, Toshio Harumatsu, Koji Yamada, Waka Yamada, Takafumi Kawano, Tatsuru Kaji, Satoshi Ieiri .  Safe and secure laparoscopy-assisted jejunostomy tube placement using a percutaneous loop needle device in an infant. .  Journal of minimal access surgery20 ( 2 ) 233 - 236   2023.5Safe and secure laparoscopy-assisted jejunostomy tube placement using a percutaneous loop needle device in an infant.International journal

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    We, herein, report a surgical technique for laparoscopy-assisted jejunostomy tube placement in an infant using a loop needle device to fix the jejunum and abdominal wall. A 3-year-old boy with Down's syndrome underwent nutritional management by gastrostomy due to oral feeding difficulty after radical surgery for congenital duodenal stenosis and following bile duct stenosis. However, intractable gastrostomy site leakage emerged; hence, laparoscopy-assisted gastrostomy takedown and simultaneous laparoscopy-assisted jejunostomy tube placement were planned. After laparoscopy-assisted gastrostomy closure was performed, the jejunum was extracted through the umbilical trocar wound. A jejunostomy tube kit was inserted at the left side of the umbilicus. After tube insertion into the jejunum, the jejunostomy tube was wrapped with four interrupted sutures using the Witzel technique. Suture threads were extracted by percutaneous insertion of a loop needle device, and then, the jejunum was fixed to the abdominal wall. The post-operative course was uneventful. Percutaneous insertion of a loop needle device is useful for fixing a jejunostomy tube to the abdominal wall using the Witzel technique. Our technique is safe, secure and expected to reduce the risk of dislodgement of tube and peritonitis associated with jejunostomy tube placement.

    DOI: 10.4103/jmas.jmas_10_23


  • 家入 里志, 山田 耕嗣, 大西 峻, 村上 雅一, 矢野 圭輔, 岩元 祐実子, 緒方 将人, 高田 倫, 祁答院 千寛, 杉田 光士郎, 春松 敏夫, 山田 和歌, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充 .  特集 ロボット支援手術 小児外科領域における次世代手術支援ロボット開発-Soft Roboticsの可能性- .  小児外科55 ( 5 ) 525 - 531   2023.5

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    DOI: 10.24479/ps.0000000445

  • Mitsuru Muto, Masakazu Murakami, Ryuta Masuya, Masahiro Fukuhara, Yuichi Shibui, Nanako Nishida, Chihiro Kedoin, Ayaka Nagano, Koshiro Sugita, Keisuke Yano, Shun Onishi, Toshio Harumatsu, Koji Yamada, Waka Yamada, Takafumi Kawano, Makoto Matsukubo, Tomoko Izaki, Kazuhiko Nakame, Tatsuru Kaj, Ryuichiro Hirose, Atsushi Nanashima, Satoshi Ieiri .  Feasibility of Laparoscopic Fundoplication Without Removing the Preceding Gastrostomy in Severely Neurologically Impaired Patients: A Multicenter Evaluation of the Traction Technique. .  Journal of laparoendoscopic & advanced surgical techniques. Part A33 ( 5 ) 518 - 521   2023.5Feasibility of Laparoscopic Fundoplication Without Removing the Preceding Gastrostomy in Severely Neurologically Impaired Patients: A Multicenter Evaluation of the Traction Technique.International journal

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    Purpose: Severely neurologically impaired patients sometimes require anti-reflux surgery with preceding gastrostomy. We apply a traction technique for laparoscopic fundoplication (LF) without gastrostomy takedown (GTD) in such cases. We conducted a multicenter review to assess the feasibility of our approach. Materials and Methods: In brief, the traction technique involves left-lateral-traction of the stomach body, right-lateral-traction of the round ligament of the liver, and elevation of the left liver lobe to create a sufficient field for manipulating the forceps. Patients who underwent LF with Nissen's procedures in 2010-2022 were retrospectively reviewed. Data were analyzed by a one-way analysis of variance. Results: The operative approaches included the traction technique (n = 16; Group 1), GTD and reconstruction (n = 5; Group 2), and LF followed by gastrostomy (n = 92; Group 3). In comparison with Group 1, significant differences were only found in pneumoperitoneum time (Group 1 versus Group 2 versus Group 3: 174.4 minutes versus 250.4 minutes versus 179.5 minutes; P = .0179). Operating time (222.7 minutes versus 303.0 minutes versus 239.7 minutes; P = .0743), duration to full-strength enteral nutrition (10.4 days versus 17.2 days versus 11.0 days; P = .0806), and length of hospital stay (17.2 days versus 31.0 days versus 18.5 days; P = .3247) were equivalent. No re-fundoplication was required in Group 1. Conclusion: The traction technique secures the operative quality and outcome of LF without GTD.

    DOI: 10.1089/lap.2022.0576


  • Koji Yamada, Ryoga Nakazono, Masakazu Murakami, Koshiro Sugita, Keisuke Yano, Shun Onishi, Toshio Harumatsu, Waka Yamada, Makoto Matsukubo, Takafumi Kawano, Mitsuru Muto, Satoshi Ieiri .  The experimental evaluation of the effects of display size on forceps manipulation and eye and head movement of endoscopic surgery using a pediatric laparoscopic fundoplication simulator. .  Journal of pediatric surgery58 ( 4 ) 664 - 668   2023.4The experimental evaluation of the effects of display size on forceps manipulation and eye and head movement of endoscopic surgery using a pediatric laparoscopic fundoplication simulator.International journal

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    BACKGROUND: The size of the display used for endoscopic surgery has been increasing recently, but the effect of the display size on procedure outcomes is unclear. The present study clarified the effect of display size on the outcomes of endoscopic surgical procedures. METHODS: Eight pediatric surgeons performed the laparoscopic fundoplication task using a disease-specific laparoscopic simulator with 3 different display sizes (43, 32, and 24 inches). The movement of the forceps during the task was measured using an electromagnetic spatial three-dimensional position-measuring instrument. The movements of the eyes and head during the task were also measured using glasses-style smart eyewear. We assessed the time required to complete the task, total path length of forceps, average velocity of forceps, number of blinks, number and strength of eye movements, and head tilt of participants during the task. RESULTS: There were no significant differences in the required time, total path length, average velocity, number of blinks, number and strength of eye movements, or head tilt among the three display sizes. After the task, participants were asked which display felt the easiest to use. Four participants (50%) answered that the 32-inch display was easiest to use. CONCLUSION: This study showed that display size differences did not influence endoscopic surgical procedures. However, 50% of participants felt that the task was easiest using the middle display size. There may be an optimal monitor size for a given procedure. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Level II.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2022.12.023


  • Nanako Nishida, Shun Onishi, Masakazu Murakami, Takafumi Kawano, Mitsuru Muto, Satoshi Ieiri .  Successful complete tumor resection for pulmonary mucoepidermoid carcinoma by thoracoscopic right upper lobectomy with intraoperative bronchoscopy: A pediatric case report. .  International journal of surgery case reports105   108119 - 108119   2023.4Successful complete tumor resection for pulmonary mucoepidermoid carcinoma by thoracoscopic right upper lobectomy with intraoperative bronchoscopy: A pediatric case report.International journal

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    INTRODUCTION AND IMPORTANCE: Mucoepidermoid carcinoma presents as an exophytic endobronchial mass that induces obstructive symptoms often followed by distal collapse atelectasis of the lung parenchyma. CASE PRESENTATION: A six-year-old girl had recurrent bacterial pneumonia and atelectasis of the right upper lobe. Computed tomography revealed a 30-mm mass in the anterior segment of the right upper lobe with an obstructed trachea and peripheral atelectasis. A minor salivary gland tumor was suspected, so thoracoscopic right upper lobectomy (RUL) was performed. Intraoperative bronchoscopy showed no protrusion of the tumor into the tracheal lumen. We confirmed that there was no injury to the middle lobe branch and no residual tumor via bronchoscopy before transection of the trachel bronchus of the right upper lobe. The histological type was low-grade mucoepidermoid carcinoma. The postoperative course was uneventful, and no recurrence was evident after one year. CLINICAL DISCUSSION: Primary pulmonary cancers in children are extremely rare. Mucoepidermoid carcinoma is the most common disease in pediatric primary lung tumors but remains relatively rare. Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the tracheobronchial tree sometimes requires sleeve resection. Intraoperative bronchoscopy helped determine the exact position of the tumor. The value of intraoperative bronchoscopy for sparing the lung parenchyma and preserving as much of the respiratory function as possible. Intraoperative bronchoscopy should be actively performed in cases of pediatric lobectomy, especially those involving tracheobronchial tumors. CONCLUSION: Intraoperative bronchoscopy allowed for complete RUL without residual tumor or injury of the middle lobe bronchus.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijscr.2023.108119


  • 大西 峻, 西田 ななこ, 祁答院 千寛, 長野 綾香, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 春松 敏夫, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 家入 里志 .  特集 どうする? 小児の便秘・下痢 便秘の原因となる器質的疾患の診断と長期的な治療戦略 Hirschsprung病 .  小児内科55 ( 3 ) 385 - 389   2023.3

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    DOI: 10.24479/pm.0000000804

  • Ayaka Nagano, Koshiro Sugita, Toshio Harumatsu, Nanako Nishida, Chihiro Kedoin, Masakazu Murakami, Keisuke Yano, Shun Onishi, Makoto Matsukubo, Takafumi Kawano, Mitsuru Muto, Motofumi Torikai, Tatsuru Kaji, Satoshi Ieiri .  Predictive factors of bowel resection for midgut volvulus based on an analysis of bi-center experiences in southern Japan. .  Pediatric surgery international39 ( 1 ) 113 - 113   2023.2Predictive factors of bowel resection for midgut volvulus based on an analysis of bi-center experiences in southern Japan.International journal

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    PURPOSE: Midgut volvulus is an urgent disease often occurring in neonates. This study clarified the clinical features of midgut volvulus and evaluated predictors to avoid bowel resection. METHODS: This bi-center retrospective study enrolled 48 patients who underwent surgery for intestinal malrotation between 2010 and 2022. Patients' background characteristics and preoperative imaging findings were reviewed. RESULTS: Midgut volvulus was recognized in 32 patients (66.7%), and 6 (12.5%) underwent bowel resection. Based on a receiver operating curve analysis of bowel resection, the cut-off value of the body weight at birth and at operation were 1984 g [area under the curve (AUC) 0.75, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.52-0.99] and 2418 g (AUC 0.70, 95% CI 0.46-0.94), respectively. The cut-off value of intestinal torsion was 540° (AUC 0.76, 95% CI 0.57-0.95), and that of the time from the onset to the diagnosis was 12 h (AUC 0.85, 95% CI 0.72-0.98). For midgut volvulus with an intestinal torsion > 540°, the most sensitive preoperative imaging test was ultrasonography (75%) Patients with bloody stool tended to undergo bowel resection. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with a low body weight and bloody stool should be confirmed to have whirlpool sign by ultrasonography and scheduled for surgery as soon as possible.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00383-023-05406-0


  • Koshiro Sugita, Toshio Harumatsu, Takafumi Kawano, Mitsuru Muto, Keisuke Yano, Shun Onishi, Satoshi Ieiri, Masayuki Kubota .  Clinical features of patients who underwent anoplasty for cloacal exstrophy and their functional outcomes: the results of a nationwide survey in Japan. .  Pediatric surgery international39 ( 1 ) 112 - 112   2023.2Clinical features of patients who underwent anoplasty for cloacal exstrophy and their functional outcomes: the results of a nationwide survey in Japan.International journal

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    PURPOSE: This study was performed to clarify the clinical features of cloacal exstrophy (CE) patients who underwent anoplasty and their functional outcomes based on a nationwide survey in Japan. METHODS: A questionnaire survey was conducted and data were obtained from 229 CE patients. After the exclusion of non-surviving patients and unknown data, 195 patients were enrolled. We compared the patient characteristics of the no anoplasty group (NAP group) to the anoplasty group (AP group). The defecation function of patients who underwent anoplasty was evaluated. RESULTS: The AP group had significantly lower rates of omphalocele (p = 0.045) and spinal defects (p = 0.003) than the NAP group. Of the 195 patients enrolled in this study, only 17 (8.7%) underwent anoplasty. Of the 17 patients who underwent anoplasty, 7 (41.1%) eventually had a permanent stoma after anoplasty [after ileostomy: n = 3 (60.0%), after colostomy: n = 4 (44.4%)]. Regarding soiling, 4 patients (66.7%) showed the absence of soiling, 2 (33.3%) showed accidental soiling, and no patients showed frequent soiling. CONCLUSION: In our study, spinal defects may have affected the determination of anoplasty. Anoplasty may improve the quality of life, because defecation can be kept clean, but indications, including colon function, may be carefully considered.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00383-023-05403-3


  • Koshiro Sugita, Mitsuru Muto, Masakazu Murakami, Keisuke Yano, Toshio Harumatsu, Shun Onishi, Koji Yamada, Waka Yamada, Makoto Matsukubo, Takafumi Kawano, Seiro Machigashira, Motofumi Torikai, Chie Ishihara, Takuya Tokuhisa, Satoshi Ibara, Satoshi Ieiri .  Does protocol miconazole administration improve mortality and morbidity on surgical necrotizing enterocolitis? .  Pediatric surgery international39 ( 1 ) 102 - 102   2023.2Does protocol miconazole administration improve mortality and morbidity on surgical necrotizing enterocolitis?International journal

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    PURPOSE: Our previous clinical pilot study reported that miconazole (MCZ) prevented morbidity from surgical necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). The present study re-investigated this effect in a long-term cohort over 20 years. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective cohort study from April 1998 to March 2020. A total of 1169 extremely low-birth-weight infants (ELBWIs) admitted to our neonatal intensive care unit, including 45 with NEC (3.8%), underwent surgery. Since 2002, protocol MCZ administration for 3 weeks has been applied for neonates born before 26 weeks' gestation or weighing under 1000 g. We compared the background characteristics and clinical outcomes between patients with and without MCZ administration. RESULTS: The morbidity rate decreased after applying the MCZ protocol, but no improvement in mortality was seen. A propensity score-matched analysis indicated that treated patients by MCZ showed a delay in developing surgical NEC by 12 days. The MCZ protocol also helped increase body weight at surgery. Prophylactic MCZ administration did not improve the neurological development of the language-social and postural-motor domains in the surgical NEC patients. But cognitive-adaptive domain caught up by a chronological age of 3 years old. CONCLUSIONS: Revising the protocol to extend the dosing period may improve the outcomes of surgical NEC after the onset.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00383-023-05390-5


  • Toshio Harumatsu, Mitsuru Muto, Takafumi Kawano, Koshiro Sugita, Keisuke Yano, Shun Onishi, Satoshi Ieiri, Masayuki Kubota .  Analysis of the potential risk factors for defecation problems and their bowel management based on the long-term bowel function in patients with persistent cloaca: results of a nationwide survey in Japan. .  Pediatric surgery international39 ( 1 ) 96 - 96   2023.1Analysis of the potential risk factors for defecation problems and their bowel management based on the long-term bowel function in patients with persistent cloaca: results of a nationwide survey in Japan.International journal

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    AIM OF THE STUDY: We conducted a nationwide survey of persistent cloaca (PC) to determine its current status in Japan. This study clarifies the potential risk factors for defecation problems in patients with PC. METHODS: Patient information was obtained via questionnaire, and a total of 213 PC patients who responded to a questionnaire on defecation problems and their bowel functions were enrolled in this study. We evaluated the constipation, incontinence, and soiling as bowel functions. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed using a logistic regression analysis to clarify the risk factors for defecation problems. RESULTS: Of 213 patients with PC, 55 (25.8%) had defecation problems. A multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that sacral agenesis, as an associated anomaly, was significantly associated with defecation problems (odds ratio [OR] 3.19, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.11-9.16, p = 0.03). The other multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that the PC patients who underwent antegrade continence enema and regularly took laxatives after anorectoplasty had defecation problems (OR 12.4, 95% CI 2.35-65.6, p = 0.003, OR 2.84, 95% CI 1.24-6.55, p = 0.01). CONCLUSION: Sacral agenesis is the potential risk factor of defecation problems in the patients with PC who underwent anorectoplasty. Those patients require vigorous defecation management.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00383-023-05385-2


  • Koji Yamada, Mitsuru Muto, Shun Onishi, Seiro Machigashira, Nanako Nishida, Ayaka Nagano, Masakazu Murakami, Koshiro Sugita, Keisuke Yano, Toshio Harumatsu, Waka Yamada, Makoto Matsukubo, Takafumi Kawano, Satoshi Ieiri .  Thoracoscopic repair of neonatal left diaphragmatic hernia with sac combined with both extralobar pulmonary sequestration and congenital pulmonary airway malformation. .  Asian journal of endoscopic surgery16 ( 1 ) 127 - 130   2023.1Thoracoscopic repair of neonatal left diaphragmatic hernia with sac combined with both extralobar pulmonary sequestration and congenital pulmonary airway malformation.

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    Intradiaphragmatic extralobar pulmonary sequestration (IDEPS) is considered to be very rare among extralobar pulmonary sequestration (EPS), and IDEPS combined with congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) with sac is extremely rare. The patient was a neonatal girl. Left-sided CDH with a hernia sac was diagnosed based on computed tomography (CT). Thoracoscopic repair was planned for the 5th day after birth. Left CDH with sac was recognized on the posterolateral side and isolated EPS was recognized on the sac. The hernia sac, including the EPS, was resected, and the diaphragm defect was closed. The resected specimen consisted of fibrous connective tissue and pulmonary sequestration (PS) connected with the sac. It was diagnosed as the hybrid form, with features of both type 2 congenital pulmonary airway malformation (CPAM) and EPS. The postoperative course was uneventful. At 1 year and 9 mo after the operation, no recurrence of herniation or laterality of the diaphragm was recognized.

    DOI: 10.1111/ases.13120


  • Keisuke Yano, Mitsuru Muto, Masakazu Murakami, Shun Onishi, Satoshi Ieiri .  Successful evacuation of water absorbing balls using Amidotrizoic Acid. .  Pediatrics international : official journal of the Japan Pediatric Society65 ( 1 ) e15459   2023.1Successful evacuation of water absorbing balls using Amidotrizoic Acid.International journal

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    DOI: 10.1111/ped.15459


  • Onishi S, Muto M, Kedoin C, Yamada T, Ieiri S .  Detecting congenital subglottic stenosis using ultrasonography examination. .  Pediatrics international : official journal of the Japan Pediatric Society65 ( 1 ) e15579   2023.1Detecting congenital subglottic stenosis using ultrasonography examination.

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    DOI: 10.1111/ped.15579


  • Koji Yamada, Mitsuru Muto, Masakazu Murakami, Shun Onishi, Koshiro Sugita, Keisuke Yano, Toshio Harumatsu, Nanako Nishida, Ayaka Nagano, Masato Kawano, Waka Yamada, Makoto Matsukubo, Takafumi Kawano, Tatsuru Kaji, Satoshi Ieiri .  An analysis of the correlation between the efficacy of training using a high-fidelity disease-specific simulator and the clinical outcomes of laparoscopic surgery for congenital biliary dilatation in pediatric patients. .  International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery18 ( 1 ) 55 - 61   2023.1An analysis of the correlation between the efficacy of training using a high-fidelity disease-specific simulator and the clinical outcomes of laparoscopic surgery for congenital biliary dilatation in pediatric patients.International journal

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    PURPOSE: The present study clarified the efficacy of repeating laparoscopic surgery training using a disease-specific simulator and investigated the clinical outcomes of laparoscopic surgery for congenital biliary dilatation (CBD) in pediatric patients after training. METHODS: A high-fidelity laparoscopic hepaticojejunostomy simulator was used. Four pediatric surgeons performed practice laparoscopic hepaticojejunostomy three times using the simulator. The details of forceps manipulation during the task were analyzed. The clinical outcomes of 13 CBD cases treated with laparoscopic surgery in our institution were also evaluated based on medical records. RESULTS: The time required to complete the task became significantly shorter each successive time (1st: 1062.18 ± 346.79 s vs. 3rd: 717.44 ± 260.80 s, p = 0.039). There were no significant differences in the total path length of the right forceps (1st: 55.56 ± 23.21 m vs. 3rd: 28.25 ± 17.01 m, p = 0.17), total path length of the left forceps (1st: 47.79 ± 20.79 m vs. 3rd: 31.83 ± 17.62 m, p = 0.17), average velocity of the right forceps (1st: 58.78 ± 21.29 mm/s vs.44.98 ± 10.25 mm/s, p = 0.47), or the average velocity of the left forceps (1st: 50.39 ± 19.25 mm/s vs. 52.26 ± 19.59 mm/s, p = 0.78). Regarding the clinical outcome, all CBD patients underwent laparoscopic surgery performed by practiced pediatric surgeons who had no experience. The operative time was 545.53 ± 91.01 min, and the blood loss was 24.2 ± 25.8 ml. There were no cases of open conversion, intraoperative adverse events, or anastomotic leakage. CONCLUSION: Disease-specific simulator training significantly decreased the task performance time by improving the forceps manipulation economy. In addition, simulator training may improve the operative safety and quality of laparoscopic hepaticojejunostomy in pediatric CBD patients.

    DOI: 10.1007/s11548-022-02793-y


  • Takafumi Kawano, Shun Onishi, Koshiro Sugita, Yasuhiro Okamoto, Satoshi Ieiri .  A case of microphthalmia transcription factor family translocation renal cell carcinoma diagnosed by varicocele. .  Pediatrics international : official journal of the Japan Pediatric Society65 ( 1 ) e15699   2023.1A case of microphthalmia transcription factor family translocation renal cell carcinoma diagnosed by varicocele.International journal

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    DOI: 10.1111/ped.15699


  • Mayu Matsui, Koshiro Sugita, Takafumi Kawano, Nanako Nishida, Ayaka Nagano, Masakazu Murakami, Keisuke Yano, Toshio Harumatsu, Shun Onishi, Koji Yamada, Waka Yamada, Mitsuru Muto, Tatsuru Kaji, Satoshi Ieiri .  Cases of pediatric intra-abdominal solid organ injury induced by blunt trauma experienced over a 15-year period at two centers in Japan. .  World journal of pediatric surgery6 ( 3 ) e000560   2023Cases of pediatric intra-abdominal solid organ injury induced by blunt trauma experienced over a 15-year period at two centers in Japan.International journal

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    OBJECTIVE: The present study attempts to clarify the clinical features of pediatric intra-abdominal solid organ injury at two institutions. METHODS: The injured organ, patient age, sex, injury grade, imaging findings, intervention, length of hospital stay, and complications were retrospectively reviewed using medical records at two centers from 2007 to 2021. RESULTS: There were 25 cases of liver injury, 9 of splenic injury, 8 of pancreatic injury, and 5 of renal injury. The mean age of all patients was 8.6±3.8 years old, with no difference between organ injury types. Radiological intervention was performed in four cases of liver injury (16.0%) and one case of splenic injury (11.1%), and surgery was performed in two cases of liver injury (8.0%) and three cases of pancreatic injury (37.5%). All other cases were treated conservatively. Complications included adhesive ileus in one case of liver injury (4.0%), splenic atrophy in one case of splenic injury (11.1%), pseudocysts in three cases of pancreatic injury (37.5%), atrophy of the pancreatic parenchyma in one case of pancreatic injury (12.5%), and urinoma in one case of renal injury (20.0%). No mortalities were observed. CONCLUSION: Pediatric patients with blunt trauma had favorable outcomes at two pediatric trauma centers covering a broad medical area, including remote islands.

    DOI: 10.1136/wjps-2023-000560


  • Shun Onishi, Takafumi Kawano, Nanako Nishida, Chihiro Kedoin, Ayaka Nagano, Masakazu Murakami, Koshiro Sugita, Toshio Harumatsu, Mitsuru Muto, Satoshi Ieiri .  Case report: Minimal tissue damage and low coagulation liver resection for hepatoblastoma using indocyanine green fluorescence and water-jet dissector. .  Frontiers in pediatrics11   1221596 - 1221596   2023Case report: Minimal tissue damage and low coagulation liver resection for hepatoblastoma using indocyanine green fluorescence and water-jet dissector.International journal

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    Near-infrared (NIR) fluorescence imaging with indocyanine green (ICG) has gained popularity in pediatric surgery as it has in general surgery. In addition, a water-jet dissector (WJD) has been successfully introduced in adult hepatic surgery. Tissue structures are dissected selectively and gently by the WJD. However, there have been no reports of hepatic resection for pediatric patients using a WJD. We applied NIR fluorescence imaging with ICG to visualize the resection line of the liver and used a WJD for liver parenchyma dissection in pediatric hepatoblastoma. The patient was a 3-year-old girl with a large liver tumor. Enhanced computed tomography revealed a liver tumor (maximum diameter: 120 mm) in the right lobe and three small lung metastases. The liver tumor was diagnosed as hepatoblastoma (PRETEXT 2) based on an open biopsy. We performed right hepatectomy after neoadjuvant chemotherapy. The right lobe was mobilized from the diaphragm, and then intraoperative ultrasound was performed to detect the localization of the tumor and its proximity to the vascular structures. We detected the right hepatic artery (RHA), right portal vein (RPV), and right hepatic vein (RHV). The middle hepatic vein was not involved. After ligation of the RHA and RPV to selectively control the right lobe inflow, ICG was administered intravenously and observed by an NIR endoscope. The resection line was clearly visualized by overlaying images in comparison to conventional demarcation line detection. Then, we used a WJD to dissect the parenchyma. Small vessels were divided from parenchymal tissue and were clearly visible. We resected them after clamping with metal clips. Finally, the RHV was transected by a linear stapler, and right hepatectomy was completed with 25 ml of blood loss. There was no postoperative hemorrhage. We performed hepaticojejunostomy because of stricture of the common bile duct on postoperative day 302. The patient was discharged after adjuvant chemotherapy. NIR imaging clearly showed the resection line. The WJD automatically separated, and thus made visible, the more resistant duct and vessel structures from the parenchyma. The combined use of NIR imaging and WJD was useful for pediatric hepatectomy.

    DOI: 10.3389/fped.2023.1221596


  • 春松 敏夫, 杉田 光士郎, 大西 峻, 岩元 裕実子, 高田 倫, 緒方 將人, 祁答院 千寛, 村上 雅一, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 家入 里志 .  手術時に高度肝硬変を認めた乳幼児先天性胆道拡張症の二例 .  日本膵・胆管合流異常研究会プロシーディングス46 ( 0 ) 54 - 55   2023

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    DOI: 10.34410/jspbm.46.0_54

  • 武藤 充, 緒方 将人, 高田 倫, 岩元 祐実子, 祁答院 千寛, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 川野 孝文, 家入 里志 .  腸管不全患者支援の課題と多職種介入の重要性について-非移植施設の立場から .  移植58 ( Supplement ) s163_1 - s163_1   2023腸管不全患者支援の課題と多職種介入の重要性について-非移植施設の立場から

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:一般社団法人 日本移植学会  

    <p>【はじめに】自験腸管不全例から患者支援の課題を明らかにし、その対策について報告する。【対象と方法】3か月以上の中心静脈栄養(PN)を要した短腸症候群(SBS)、腸管蠕動障害(MD)症例の診療録を後方視検討した。【結果】SBS16例では、胆汁うっ滞性肝障害(直接ビリルビン>2mg/dL)を来たした症例の生存率が有意に低く(2/6(33.3%) vs 8/10(80.0%);p=0.03)、腸管連続性の確保(p=0.0047)とPN離脱(p=0.0067)が予後関連因子であった。MD14例では、50%に胆汁うっ滞性肝障害がみられ、生存時間解析では予後関連因子であった(p=0.005)。患者QOLを鑑みると1歳を目途に在宅移行が望ましく、外来では個々の病勢を把握の上、残存腸管を活用しながら肝を庇護し、家族背景や地域特性なども考慮に入れた継続的支援が求められている。管理栄養士、認定看護師、言語聴覚士、作業・理学療法士、訪問看護団、地域薬剤師、臨床心理士らと協調した多職種介入が不可欠で、シリコン製カテーテルの安定供給、在宅用シリンジポンプ、ω3系脂肪乳剤、鉄を含まない微量元素製剤などの製造販売承認が切望される。【まとめ】以上の経緯から鹿児島大学病院では今年5月に難治性腸疾患支援センターを発足させた。本邦で腸管リハビリテーションプログラムが広く導入され、非移植施設と移植施設の連携にも寄与することを期待する。</p>

    DOI: 10.11386/jst.58.supplement_s163_1

  • Toshio Harumatsu, Toshihiro Muraji, Koshiro Sugita, Masakazu Murakami, Keisuke Yano, Shun Onishi, Koji Yamada, Waka Yamada, Makoto Matsukubo, Takafumi Kawano, Mitsuru Muto, Tatsuru Kaji, Satoshi Ieiri .  The preoperative lymphocyte ratio and postoperative C-reactive protein are related to the surgical outcome in biliary atresia: an analysis of serial ubiquitous markers of inflammation. .  Pediatric surgery international38 ( 12 ) 1777 - 1783   2022.12The preoperative lymphocyte ratio and postoperative C-reactive protein are related to the surgical outcome in biliary atresia: an analysis of serial ubiquitous markers of inflammation.International journal

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    PURPOSE: Various prognostic predictors for biliary atresia (BA) have been identified. This study aimed to evaluate the serial changes in the preoperative and postoperative ubiquitous inflammatory biomarkers and their relationship with the outcomes in patients with BA. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Forty-three BA patients were retrospectively reviewed to investigate serial levels of ubiquitous inflammatory biomarkers, including C-reactive protein (CRP) and lymphocyte ratio, and outcomes. The patients with BA were divided based on their outcomes into two prognostic groups: the native liver survivor group (n = 30) and the survivors with living-donor liver transplant group (n = 13). RESULTS: The area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis showed that a preoperative lymphocyte ratio of < 61% and CRP value > 0.1 mg/dl predicted a poor outcome. In the ROC curve analysis, the timing of reaching the cut-off value of CRP after Kasai portoenterostomy was postoperative day (POD) 57. The third postoperative week, which was the timing of the discontinuation of steroid therapy, was the branchpoint of inflammatory markers between the two prognostic groups. CONCLUSION: The POD 57 CRP level predicts the surgical outcome of Kasai portoenterostomy. The postoperative anti-inflammatory management of BA can be monitored by the ubiquitous inflammatory biomarkers CRP and the preoperative lymphocyte ratio.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00383-022-05231-x


  • Keisuke Yano, Mitsuru Muto, Taichiro Nagai, Toshio Harumatsu, Chihiro Kedoin, Ayaka Nagano, Mayu Matsui, Masakazu Murakami, Koshiro Sugita, Shun Onishi, Koji Yamada, Waka Yamada, Makoto Matsukubo, Tatsuru Kaji, Satoshi Ieiri .  The analgesic effect of the intravenous administration of acetaminophen for pediatric laparoscopic appendectomy: A comparison of scheduled and on-demand procedures. .  Asian journal of endoscopic surgery15 ( 4 ) 715 - 721   2022.10The analgesic effect of the intravenous administration of acetaminophen for pediatric laparoscopic appendectomy: A comparison of scheduled and on-demand procedures.

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    PURPOSE: The intravenous administration of acetaminophen (IAA) has become standard postoperative analgesic management for pediatric surgery. However, the most effective methods of IAA for postoperative acute appendicitis are unclear. We evaluated the analgesic efficacy of scheduled IAA vs on-demand IAA for postoperative acute appendicitis. METHODS: Ninety-four patients who underwent laparoscopic appendectomy in our institution between January 2017 and December 2020 were enrolled. The patients were divided into two groups based on the postoperative pain control protocols. The scheduled IAA group (SA group, n = 42) was managed by scheduled IAA and additional on-demand use of pentazocine as rescue therapy. The on-demand IAA group (ODA group, n = 52) was managed by on-demand IAA as the first choice, with pentazocine as the second choice for pain control. The patients' background characteristics, operative results and postoperative outcomes were reviewed. RESULTS: The number of times pain complaints were made per patient per day (NPPD) on postoperative days (POD) 1 and 2 was significantly lower in the SA group than in the ODA group (POD 1; 1.12 ± 1.21 vs 2.62 ± 1.89, p < 0.01; POD 2; 0.45 ± 0.86 vs. 1.31 ± 1.69, p < 0.01). According to pathological findings, NPPD was lower in the SA group than in the ODA group for both phlegmonous appendicitis (0.71 ± 1.01 vs. 2.10 ± 2.13, P < .05) and gangrenous appendicitis (1.33 ± 1.50 vs 2.94 ± 1.68, P < .01). On POD 2, the incidence of gangrenous appendicitis was significantly lower in the SA group than in the ODA group (0.57 ± 0.93 vs 1.78 ± 1.86, P < .01). CONCLUSIONS: Scheduled IAA may have favorable efficacy for postoperative pain control after emergency surgery for acute appendicitis in pediatric patients.

    DOI: 10.1111/ases.13068


  • Masakazu Murakami, Mitsuru Muto, Shunsuke Nakagawa, Chihiro Kedoin, Mayu Matsui, Koshiro Sugita, Keisuke Yano, Shun Onishi, Toshio Harumatsu, Koji Yamada, Waka Yamada, Makoto Matsukubo, Takafumi Kawano, Yuichi Kodama, Takuro Nishikawa, Tatsuru Kaji, Yasuhiro Okamoto, Satoshi Ieiri .  Successful laparoscopy-assisted en bloc resection of bulky omental malignant lymphoma involving the ascending colon and multiple lymph node metastases: Report of a technically demanding case in a pediatric patient. .  Asian journal of endoscopic surgery15 ( 4 ) 836 - 840   2022.10Successful laparoscopy-assisted en bloc resection of bulky omental malignant lymphoma involving the ascending colon and multiple lymph node metastases: Report of a technically demanding case in a pediatric patient.

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    We herein report a 13-year-old boy with a chief complaint of abdominal pain and a palpable mass. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) scan showed an abdominal bulky tumor involving the ascending colon causing severe stenosis, with multiple abdominal lymph node metastases detected by positron emission tomography (PET)-CT. Laparoscopic radical resection with right hemicolectomy and lymph node dissection was planned. The bulky tumor was dissected from the retroperitoneum and resected en bloc with the right-side colon and omentum. The preoperatively detected metastatic lymph nodes were resected along with the tumor. A 6-cm longitudinal umbilical incision was made, and the huge tumor was removed, with functional end-to-end anastomosis performed for intestinal reconstruction. The pathological diagnosis was Burkitt-like lymphoma with 11q aberration. The postoperative course was uneventful. Laparoscopy-assisted extirpation is feasible for pediatric solid tumors involving other organs, but indications and procedures should be carefully determined based on preoperative imaging, intraoperative findings and surgeon's skills.

    DOI: 10.1111/ases.13081


  • Masakazu Murakami, Koji Yamada, Shun Onishi, Koshiro Sugita, Keisuke Yano, Toshio Harumatsu, Waka Yamada, Makoto Matsukubo, Mitsuru Muto, Tatsuru Kaji, Satoshi Ieiri .  How we acquire suturing skills for laparoscopic hepaticojejunostomy. .  Asian journal of endoscopic surgery15 ( 4 ) 882 - 884   2022.10How we acquire suturing skills for laparoscopic hepaticojejunostomy.

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    Laparoscopic choledochal cyst excision and hepaticojejunostomy is a representative surgical procedure requiring laparoscopic suturing including needle driving and knot tying. Laparoscopic needle driving and knot tying is a highly technically demanding skill, especially in small infants and children. We developed a laparoscopic hepaticojejunostomy simulator for training. This simulator was developed for a 1-year-old infant body size based on computed tomography data and reproduced a pneumoperitoneum condition based on 3D scanner data of the clinical situation. Surgeon in training (SITs) of our institution have to acquire practice of laparoscopic hepaticojejunostomy using a simulator before performing clinical cases. Thirteen cases of choledochal cyst have been managed at our institution since the introduction of practice using this simulator in 2016. Six SITs performed 13 cases of laparoscopic choledochal cyst excision and hepaticojejunostomy. There were no cases of anastomotic bile leakage. Laparoscopic disease-specific simulator practice is effective for the acquisition of secure hepaticojejunostomy skills for the treatment of choledochal cysts in children as off-the-job training.

    DOI: 10.1111/ases.13083


  • Shun Onishi, Mitsuru Muto, Koji Yamada, Masakazu Murakami, Chihiro Kedoin, Ayaka Nagano, Mayu Matsui, Koshiro Sugita, Keisuke Yano, Toshio Harumatsu, Waka Yamada, Ryuta Masuya, Takafumi Kawano, Satoshi Ieiri .  Feasibility of delayed anastomosis for long gap esophageal atresia in the neonatal period using internal traction and indocyanine green-guided near-infrared fluorescence. .  Asian journal of endoscopic surgery15 ( 4 ) 877 - 881   2022.10Feasibility of delayed anastomosis for long gap esophageal atresia in the neonatal period using internal traction and indocyanine green-guided near-infrared fluorescence.

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    INTRODUCTION: Management of neonates with long gap esophageal atresia (LGEA) is one of the most challenging situations facing pediatric surgeons. Delayed anastomosis after internal traction for esophageal lengthening was reported as a useful technique for long gap cases. Additionally, the use of near-infrared (NIR) fluorescence imaging with indocyanine green (ICG) has gained popularity in pediatric surgery, especially for blood perfusion validation. We report a novel technique for safe and secure anastomosis for LGEA in the neonatal period using internal traction and ICG-guided NIR fluorescence. PATIENT AND SURGICAL TECHNIQUE: A pregnant woman with polyhydramnios was admitted to the department of obstetrics in our hospital. At 29 weeks of gestation, ultrasound showed mild polyhydramnios and absence of the fetal stomach. A male neonate was born at 38 weeks of gestation with 21 trisomy. EA (Gross type A) was diagnosed based on an X-ray study that showed the absence of gastric bubble with a nasogastric tube showing the "coil-up" sign. Thoracoscopic internal traction and laparoscopic gastrostomy were performed on day 4 after birth. We confirmed the distance between the upper pouch and lower pouch on X-ray. On day 16 after birth, thoracoscopic anastomosis was performed. We successfully performed esophageal anastomosis without tearing the esophageal wall. Blood perfusion of the upper and lower pouch was validated after anastomosis using ICG-guided NIR fluorescence. CONCLUSION: Delayed anastomosis for LGEA in the neonatal period using internal traction and ICG-guided NIR fluorescence is safe and feasible.

    DOI: 10.1111/ases.13098


  • Keisuke Yano, Koshiro Sugita, Koji Yamada, Mayu Matsui, Waka Yamada, Chihiro Kedoin, Masakazu Murakami, Toshio Harumatsu, Shun Onishi, Takafumi Kawano, Mitsuru Muto, Satoshi Ieiri .  Successful laparoscopic repair for reduction en masse of infantile inguinal hernia: a case report of this rare condition. .  Surgical case reports8 ( 1 ) 181 - 181   2022.9Successful laparoscopic repair for reduction en masse of infantile inguinal hernia: a case report of this rare condition.International journal

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: Reduction en masse (REM) is a rare condition following manual inguinal hernia (IH) reduction in which a hernia sac is reduced back into the preperitoneal space with a loop of the bowel incarcerated at the neck of the sac. It resembles successful manual reduction and may thus be overlooked easily. We herein report an infantile case of REM of an IH that was successfully treated laparoscopically. CASE PRESENTATION: A 10-month-old boy with a surgical history of bilateral open IH repair at 4 months old presented with a bulge in his left groin and vomiting. A left incarcerated recurrent IH was suspected, and manual reduction was performed. The hernia was apparently reduced successfully, but abdominal distention and vomiting persisted. He was admitted for further observation due to the symptoms. On day 2 after admission, abdominal X-ray showed extensive small bowel obstruction (SBO). Enhanced computed tomography (CT) revealed protrusion of the small bowel with a closed-loop in the left groin. A closed-loop SBO due to postoperative adhesion or an internal hernia was suspected. To assess the etiology of SBO, emergent laparoscopic exploration with hernia repair was planned. Laparoscopy revealed REM of the left incarcerated IH with a thickened peritoneum at the neck of the sac. Laparoscopic reduction was performed, and the incarcerated small bowel showed no signs of ischemia. The hernia sac was not associated with the previously ligated processes vaginalis, which had been closed by a previous Potts' procedure. It was located at the inside of the processes vaginalis. The sac was successfully closed by laparoscopic percutaneous extraperitoneal closure procedures, and iliopubic tract repair was also performed via the previous inguinal incision. The postoperative course was uneventful. CONCLUSION: Pediatric IH is due to the patent processes vaginalis, and REM is extremely rare. Laparoscopic surgery for REM is a relatively common and useful approach for the diagnosis and treatment of adults. In our infantile case, the laparoscopic approach was similarly effective for both investigating the cause of SBO and performing high ligation of the sac for this rare condition with IH.

    DOI: 10.1186/s40792-022-01535-1


  • Bell KA, Matthews LG, Cherkerzian S, Prohl AK, Warfield SK, Inder TE, Onishi S, Belfort MB .  Associations of body composition with regional brain volumes and white matter microstructure in very preterm infants. .  Archives of disease in childhood. Fetal and neonatal edition107 ( 5 ) 533 - 538   2022.9Associations of body composition with regional brain volumes and white matter microstructure in very preterm infants.

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    DOI: 10.1136/archdischild-2021-321653


  • Mitsuru Muto, Koshiro Sugita, Tomoyuki Matsuba, Chihiro Kedoin, Mayu Matsui, Shinichiro Ikoma, Masakazu Murakami, Keisuke Yano, Shun Onishi, Toshio Harumatsu, Koji Yamada, Waka Yamada, Makoto Matsukubo, Takafumi Kawano, Seiro Machigashira, Motofumi Torikai, Tatsuru Kaji, Satoshi Ibara, Yutaka Imoto, Yoshiharu Soga, Satoshi Ieiri .  How should we treat representative neonatal surgical diseases with congenital heart disease? .  Pediatric surgery international38 ( 9 ) 1235 - 1240   2022.9How should we treat representative neonatal surgical diseases with congenital heart disease?International journal

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    PURPOSE: Representative neonatal surgical diseases are often complicated by congenital heart disease (CHD). We reviewed our decade of experience from the perspective of the prognosis and report on the management of infants with CHD. METHODS: Cases with and without CHD between 2011 and 2020 were retrospectively compared. Qualitative data were analyzed using a chi-square test with Yates' correction, and quantitative data were compared using Student's t-test. RESULTS: Of the 275 neonatal surgical cases, 36 had CHD (13.1%). Ventricular septal defect was the most common cardiac anomaly, followed by atrial septal defect. Esophageal atresia showed the highest complication rate of CHD (43.8%, 14/32) followed by duodenal atresia (38.5%, 10/26). The mortality rates of patients with and without CHD (22.2% [8/36] vs. 1.3% [3/239]) were significantly different (χ2 = 30.6, p < 0.0001). Of the eight deaths with CHD, six patients had cyanotic complex CHD. Notably, four of these patients died from progression of inappropriate hemodynamics in the remote period after definitive non-cardiac surgery. CONCLUSION: Considering its high-mortality, the presence of CHD, especially cyanotic heart disease, is an important issue to consider in the treatment of neonatal surgical diseases. Pediatric surgeons should be alert for changes in hemodynamics after surgery, as these may affect mortality.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00383-022-05178-z


  • Keisuke Yano, Koshiro Sugita, Mitsuru Muto, Makoto Matsukubo, Shun Onishi, Chihiro Kedoin, Mayu Matsui, Masakazu Murakami, Toshio Harumatsu, Koji Yamada, Waka Yamada, Kotaro Kumagai, Akio Ido, Tatsuru Kaji, Satoshi Ieiri .  The preventive effect of recombinant human hepatocyte growth factor for hepatic steatosis in a rat model of short bowel syndrome. .  Journal of pediatric surgery57 ( 7 ) 1286 - 1292   2022.7The preventive effect of recombinant human hepatocyte growth factor for hepatic steatosis in a rat model of short bowel syndrome.International journal

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    PURPOSE: Short bowel syndrome (SBS) patients require total parenteral nutrition (TPN) following massive small bowel resection (SBR), which may cause intestinal failure-associated liver disease (IFALD), a life-threatening complication. Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) acts as a potent hepatocyte mitogen with anti inflammatory and antioxidant actions. The present study evaluated the effect of recombinant human HGF (rh-HGF) on SBR and subsequent IFALD using a parentally fed rat model of SBS. METHODS: Rats underwent jugular vein catheterization for continuous TPN and 90% SBR. They were divided into 2 groups: TPN alone (SBS/TPN group: n = 7) or TPN plus the intravenous administration of rh-HGF (0.3 mg/kg/day) (SBS/TPN+HGF group: n = 7). On day 7, their tissues and stool were harvested to evaluate the effects of HGF. RESULTS: Regarding the histological findings, based on the nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) activity score, the SBS/TPN+HGF group showed significantly less hepatic steatosis and inflammatory cell infiltration than the SBS/TPN group (NAFLD activity score, 4.00 ± 1.83 vs. 1.00 ± 0.82; p < 0.01). The SBS/TPN+HGF group showed a higher expression of Farnesoid X receptor in the liver and lower expression of Toll-like receptor 4 in the ileum than the SBS/TPN group. Regarding the composition of the bacterial gut microbiota, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes and Proteobacteria were decreased in the SBS/TPN+HGF group compared with the SBS/TPN group. CONCLUSION: In our SBS with TPN rat model, rh-HGF administration had a preventive effect against hepatic steatosis and dysbiosis. rh-HGF may therefore be a potentially effective therapeutic agent for SBS and subsequent IFALD. TYPE OF STUDY: Experimental research.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2022.02.030


  • 春松 敏夫, 西田 ななこ, 長野 綾香, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 家入 里志 .  【高位・中間位鎖肛手術術式の成績と問題点アップデート】肛門挙筋群を温存した術後排便機能の経時的推移の比較検討 特に男児に対する仙骨会陰式とmodified PSARPでの経時的推移の比較 .  小児外科54 ( 7 ) 703 - 707   2022.7【高位・中間位鎖肛手術術式の成績と問題点アップデート】肛門挙筋群を温存した術後排便機能の経時的推移の比較検討 特に男児に対する仙骨会陰式とmodified PSARPでの経時的推移の比較

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)東京医学社  

    対象は1984年~2015年に肛門形成術を施行した中間位および高位鎖肛の男児64例。仙骨会陰式鎖肛根治術(SP法)は2007年までの52例に、modified PSARP(m-PSARP)法は2007年以降の12例に施行された。肛門形成時月齢はSP法6.5ヵ月、m-PSARP法5.2ヵ月であった。術後排便機能臨床的評価基準の便意・便秘・失禁・汚染の合計点は、両群においてゆっくりと改善し10歳以降で6点以上となった。m-PSARP群は、便秘と失禁のスコアは7歳以降でSP群より高値を推移し、汚染スコアはSP群より低値で推移した。m-PSARP法が術後排便機能の観点では優位な結果であった。

  • Ryuta Masuya, Mitsuru Muto, Koshiro Sugita, Masakazu Murakami, Keisuke Yano, Toshio Harumatsu, Shun Onishi, Koji Yamada, Waka Yamada, Makoto Matsukubo, Takafumi Kawano, Seiro Machigashira, Kazuhiko Nakame, Motofumi Torikai, Motoi Mukai, Tatsuru Kaji, Satoshi Ieiri .  Physical growth and social prognosis of esophageal atresia after 15 years of age .  Annals of Pediatric Surgery18 ( 1 )   2022.5

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research  



    The mortality rate of esophageal atresia (EA) has significantly improved, but late complications remain problematic. We evaluated the physical growth, late complications, and social prognosis of postoperative patients with EA who have reached 15 years of age.


    EA patients who were treated at our institution from 1984 to 2003 were enrolled. The follow-up, physical growth at the last visit, late complications and treatment, academic status, and employment situation were evaluated.


    Twenty-nine EA patients were registered, and the 23 surviving patients (79.3%) were followed. Anthropometry at the latest visit tended to be below the standard values. Fundoplication was performed in 6 (26.1%) of 9 (39.1%) patients with gastroesophageal reflux. Anastomotic stenosis was found in 12 patients (52.2%), and 2 (8.7%) were treated with re-anastomosis. Thirteen patients were attending a regular school, and one was attending a school for disabled children. Four had jobs from 18 years of age. Follow-up was aborted during early childhood in nine patients.


    The physical size of EA was smaller than in the healthy population of the same age. Late complications had not affected the physical growth but were sometimes recognized in adolescence. The social prognosis of the patients was largely favorable.

    DOI: 10.1186/s43159-022-00185-0

    Other Link: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s43159-022-00185-0/fulltext.html

  • 村上 雅一, 祁答院 千寛, 杉田 光士郎, 長野 綾香, 松井 まゆ, 西田 ななこ, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 家入 里志 .  【小児の便秘:最近の知見】重症心身障碍児と便秘症 .  小児外科54 ( 4 ) 376 - 380   2022.4【小児の便秘:最近の知見】重症心身障碍児と便秘症

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)東京医学社  


  • Makoto Matsukubo, Mitsuru Muto, Chihiro Kedoin, Mayu Matsui, Masakazu Murakami, Koshiro Sugita, Keisuke Yano, Shun Onishi, Toshio Harumatsu, Koji Yamada, Waka Yamada, Tatsuru Kaji, Satoshi Ieiri .  An unusual presentation of intestinal duplication mimicking torsion of Meckel's diverticulum: a rare report of a pediatric case. .  Surgical case reports8 ( 1 ) 53 - 53   2022.3An unusual presentation of intestinal duplication mimicking torsion of Meckel's diverticulum: a rare report of a pediatric case.International journal

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: Enteric duplication is a congenital disease that occurs throughout the entire gastrointestinal tract. Although it may sometimes cause intestinal volvulus, a few reports have described cases of enteric duplication twisted on itself. We experienced a rare pediatric case of long-segment tubular ileal duplication showing torsion. Torsion of enteric duplication is extremely rare. We herein report a pediatric case showing unusual torsion of ileal duplication requiring emergency surgery. CASE PRESENTATION: A 3-year-old boy presented with abdominal pain and vomiting. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) revealed a cystic luminal structure with a blind end and fluid collection in the pelvic cavity. CT also showed no findings of ileus or intestinal dilatation except for a cystic luminal structure. The preoperative diagnosis was torsion of Meckel's diverticulum. The patient underwent emergent explorative diagnostic laparoscopy. As a result, a necrotic luminal structure and bloody ascites were recognized, and small-scale laparotomy was performed. Long-segment ileal duplication was recognized. The long-segment tubular ileal duplication shared the anti-mesenteric side of the intestinal wall along one-third of its length. The residual two-thirds of its length was free from the ileum and its blind end was twisted in a manner that looked similar to Meckel's diverticulum. Normal ileum and the duplication, including the twisted necrotic portion, were resected, and ileal anastomosis was performed. The postoperative course was uneventful. A pathological examination confirmed the definitive diagnosis of enteric duplication. CONCLUSIONS: We reported the unusual presentation of intestinal duplication mimicking torsion of Meckel's diverticulum. Enteric duplication shows various clinical symptoms and presentations. We must understand that the classification of digestive enteric duplication is diverse with a variety of associated clinical symptoms.

    DOI: 10.1186/s40792-022-01409-6


  • Shun Onishi, Mitsuru Muto, Toshio Harumatsu, Masakazu Murakami, Chihiro Kedoin, Mayu Matsui, Koshiro Sugita, Keisuke Yano, Koji Yamada, Waka Yamada, Makoto Matsukubo, Tatsuru Kaji, Satoshi Ieiri .  Intraoperative visualization of urethra using illuminating catheter in laparoscopy-assisted anorectoplasty for imperforated anus-A novel and safe technique for preventing urethral injury. .  Asian journal of endoscopic surgery15 ( 4 ) 867 - 871   2022.3Intraoperative visualization of urethra using illuminating catheter in laparoscopy-assisted anorectoplasty for imperforated anus-A novel and safe technique for preventing urethral injury.

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    PURPOSE: In this study, we used a near-infrared ray catheter (NIRC) to visualize the urethral line. We herein report our intraoperative visualization technique of the urethra using an illuminating catheter in laparoscopy-assisted anorectoplasty (LAARP) for imperforated anus. PATIENT AND SURGICAL TECHNIQUE: A 3.0-kg term male neonate with anorectal malformation was delivered. An invertogram revealed the type as intermediate. Transverse colostomy was performed at the left upper abdomen. A recto-bulbar urethral fistula (RBUF) was diagnosed via distal colostogram and voiding cystourethrogram. LAARP was planned at 6 months of age. We performed the operation with four trocars. A 45° 5-mm scope was used to clearly view the deep pelvic space. Before starting rectal dissection, a 6-Fr pig-tail-type NIRC was inserted through the external opening of the urethra to visualize the urethra during the laparoscopic procedure. The catheter tip was placed in the bladder, and excretion of urine was maintained through the NIRC during the procedures. While dissecting the deep pelvic space between the posterior wall of the urethra and anterior wall of the rectum, the exact line of the urethra was clearly confirmed by overlay images of the NIRC. The RBUF was dissected safely using this innovative image-guided technique. Anoplasty was performed between the rectal stump and perineal skin. The postoperative course was uneventful. Oral intake was started on postoperative day 1. Postoperative dynamic urography showed no complications. CONCLUSION: An NIRC is useful for detecting the urethra during LAARP.

    DOI: 10.1111/ases.13061


  • Ryuta Masuya, Mitsuru Muto, Kazuhiko Nakame, Masakazu Murakami, Koshiro Sugita, Keisuke Yano, Shun Onishi, Toshio Harumatsu, Koji Yamada, Waka Yamada, Makoto Matsukubo, Tatsuru Kaji, Atsushi Nanashima, Satoshi Ieiri .  Impact of the Number of Board-Certified Pediatric Surgeons per Pediatric Population on the Outcomes of Laparoscopic Fundoplication for Neurologically Impaired Patients. .  Journal of laparoendoscopic & advanced surgical techniques. Part A32 ( 5 ) 571 - 575   2022.2Impact of the Number of Board-Certified Pediatric Surgeons per Pediatric Population on the Outcomes of Laparoscopic Fundoplication for Neurologically Impaired Patients.International journal

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Background and Aim: The distribution of board-certified pediatric surgeons (BCPSs) in Japan is highly biased. While Prefecture M has one of the smallest numbers of BCPSs per pediatric population, neighboring Prefecture K has one of the largest numbers of BCPSs per pediatric population. We examined the effect of BCPSs population on laparoscopic surgery and postoperative management and outcomes. Materials and Methods: We compared postoperative duration to full-dose enteral nutrition, postoperative hospital stay, and complications of neurologically impaired patients who underwent laparoscopic fundoplication in two prefectures from 2006 to 2019. Results: Laparoscopic fundoplication was performed in 17 patients in Prefecture M and 63 in K. The mean operative time was 248.8 ± 79.9 minutes in Prefecture M and 260.8 ± 94.8 in K (P = .64). The median number of days to full-dose enteral nutrition was 11.5 in Prefecture M and 10 in K (P = .29). The median postoperative hospital stay was 14 days in Prefecture M and 15 days in K (P = .38). Postoperative complications occurred in 7 cases in Prefecture M and in 10 in K. The incidence was significantly higher in Prefecture M than in K (P = .041). Conclusion: Areas with insufficient numbers of BCPSs have a higher risk of complications in laparoscopic surgery than areas with sufficient numbers.

    DOI: 10.1089/lap.2021.0713


  • Matsui Mayu, Harumatsu Toshio, Kawano Takafumi, Murakami Masakazu, Nagano Ayaka, Sugita Koshiro, Yano Keisuke, Onishi Shun, Kaji Tatsuru, Ieiri Satoshi .  Two Cases of Testicular Yolk Sac Tumor in Infants Who Underwent Inguinal Radical High Orchidectomy Combined With a Trans-Scrotal Approach .  Journal of the Japanese Society of Pediatric Surgeons58 ( 1 ) 29 - 34   2022.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japanese Society of Pediatric Surgeons  

    <p>We treated two cases of testicular yolk sac tumor (YST) in infants, who underwent inguinal high orchiectomy combined with a trans-scrotal approach. [Case 1] A 20-month-old boy presented with swelling of his left scrotum and an elevated serum α-fetoprotein (AFP) level of 1,593 ng/ml. Testicular tumor was suspected, and inguinal radical high orchidectomy combined with a trans-scrotal approach was performed. The removed testis was 26 × 23 mm in size. The normal testicular tissue had been replaced by a simple solid tumor. The pathological diagnosis was YST limited to the testis pathologically. [Case 2] A 20-month-old boy presented with a left scrotum mass and elevated serum AFP level of 668 ng/ml. Testicular tumor was suspected, and inguinal radical high orchidectomy combined with a trans-scrotal approach was performed. The removed testis was 35 × 25 mm in size. The tumor had a multinodular component, and normal testicular tissue was partially recognized. The pathological diagnosis was YST limited to the testis. [Conclusion] In both cases, the tumors were completely resected without rupture or tumor spillage, leading to a diagnosis of stage I germ cell tumor (GCT). Basically, stage I testicular GCT requires no additional treatment and shows a good prognosis, but operative procedures sometimes affect both the postoperative diagnosis and prognosis. Radical orchiectomy with a trans-scrotal approach may be effective to ensure a good patient outcome.</p>

    DOI: 10.11164/jjsps.58.1_29

  • Onishi S, Ieiri S .  Letter to editor regarding 53rd Annual Pacific Association of Pediatric Surgeons Meeting. .  Journal of pediatric surgery57 ( 2 ) 328   2022.2Letter to editor regarding 53rd Annual Pacific Association of Pediatric Surgeons Meeting.

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2021.08.025


  • 松井 まゆ, 春松 敏夫, 川野 孝文, 村上 雅一, 長野 綾香, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 加治 建, 家入 里志 .  経陰嚢操作を加え高位精巣摘除術を行った幼児精巣原発卵黄嚢腫瘍の2例 .  日本小児外科学会雑誌58 ( 1 ) 29 - 34   2022.2経陰嚢操作を加え高位精巣摘除術を行った幼児精巣原発卵黄嚢腫瘍の2例

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本小児外科学会  


  • Mitsuru Muto, Shun Onishi, Masakazu Murakami, Chihiro Kedoin, Keisuke Yano, Toshio Harumatsu, Koji Yamada, Waka Yamada, Tatsuru Kaji, Satoshi Ieiri .  Useful traction technique for laparoscopic fundoplication without removing proceeding gastrostomy in a neurologically impaired patient with a body deformity. .  Asian journal of endoscopic surgery15 ( 3 ) 697 - 699   2022.1Useful traction technique for laparoscopic fundoplication without removing proceeding gastrostomy in a neurologically impaired patient with a body deformity.

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Severely neurologically impaired patients often require the creation of a gastrostomy when they develop difficulty with oral intake followed by antireflux surgery. We use a traction technique for laparoscopic fundoplication without removing the gastrostomy in such cases. Right lateral traction of the round ligament of the liver and left lateral traction of the stomach body are performed using a needle device. The left liver lobe is elevated with a liver retractor inserted via the epigastrium. This traction technique allows a sufficient surgical field for manipulating forceps to be created in cases with a gastrostomy, enabling fundoplication to be performed safely without removing the gastrostomy.

    DOI: 10.1111/ases.13028


  • Koshiro Sugita, Shun Onishi, Chihiro Kedoin, Mayu Matsui, Masakazu Murakami, Keisuke Yano, Toshio Harumatsu, Koji Yamada, Waka Yamada, Makoto Matsukubo, Mitsuru Muto, Tatsuru Kaji, Satoshi Ieiri .  A safe and effective laparoscopic Ladd's procedure technique involving the confirmation of mesenteric vascular perfusion by fluorescence imaging using indocyanine green: A case report of an infant. .  Asian journal of endoscopic surgery15 ( 2 ) 410 - 414   2022.1A safe and effective laparoscopic Ladd's procedure technique involving the confirmation of mesenteric vascular perfusion by fluorescence imaging using indocyanine green: A case report of an infant.

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    We herein report a 20-month-old boy who underwent laparoscopic Ladd's surgery. He showed intermittent bilious vomiting after birth and received a definitive diagnosis of intestinal malrotation. Laparoscopic Ladd's procedure was performed with four trocars. Midgut volvulus (180° counterclockwise) was resolved by retrogradely tracing the small intestine from the ileocecal region. After dividing Ladd's ligament, fluorescent navigation with indocyanine green was used. We decided where to dissect the mesenteries by confirming the vascular perfusion through clamping the tissue. Fibrous adhesions were gradually dissected, and it was confirmed that the mesenteric root was sufficiently broadening. Surgeons hesitate to dissect the mesenteric root in laparoscopic procedures compared with open procedures because of the narrow operative view and the risk of vascular injury. Laparoscopic Ladd's procedure using indocyanine green to confirm intestinal blood flow is safe and useful for the small working space in pediatric patients with intestinal malrotation and midgut volvulus.

    DOI: 10.1111/ases.13026


  • Shun Onishi, Koji Yamada, Masakazu Murakami, Chihiro Kedoin, Mitsuru Muto, Satoshi Ieiri .  Co-injection of Bile and Indocyanine Green for Detecting Pancreaticobiliary Maljunction of Choledochal Cyst. .  European journal of pediatric surgery reports10 ( 1 ) e127-e130 - e130   2022.1Co-injection of Bile and Indocyanine Green for Detecting Pancreaticobiliary Maljunction of Choledochal Cyst.International journal

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    The usage of near-infrared (NIR) fluorescence imaging with indocyanine green (ICG) has gained popularity in many procedures in pediatric surgery. ICG generates fluorescent light only when it combines with a protein. We herein report a novel technique for detecting pancreaticobiliary maljunction (PBMJ) with co-injection of bile and ICG in laparoscopic choledochal cyst resection and hepaticojejunostomy for a pediatric patient. A 4-year-old girl presented with abdominal pain and intermittent vomiting. Enhanced computed tomography and magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography showed a 17-mm type Ia choledochal cyst. Definitive PBMJ was not detected preoperatively. Laparoscopic choledochal cyst resection and hepaticojejunostomy were performed using five ports. A percutaneous silicon catheter was inserted into the gallbladder, and bile juice was aspirated. The amylase level of the bile juice was over 3 × 105 IU/L. The aspirated bile juice and ICG were mixed and co-injected into the gallbladder through the catheter. ICG combined with protein in bile juice and generated fluorescent light. Dilated common bile duct and pancreas were detected by NIR fluorescence imaging. This imaging technique was helpful for detecting the dissection margin of the distal side of the choledochal cyst inside the pancreatic tissue and preventing injury of the pancreatic tissue. This is the first case of ICG application for laparoscopic choledochal cyst resection in a pediatric patient. After resection of the choledochal cyst, laparoscopic hepaticojejunostomy was completely performed. Our technique is a safe and low-invasive method of detecting and excising the distal side of the cyst without a risk of radiography and residual bile duct.

    DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-1747913


  • Mitsuru Muto, Shun Onishi, Masakazu Murakami, Keisuke Yano, Toshio Harumatsu, Satoshi Ieiri .  Transanal Mesenteric Resection in Hirschsprung's Disease Using ICG under Concept of NOTES Technique. .  European journal of pediatric surgery reports10 ( 1 ) e115-e117 - e117   2022.1Transanal Mesenteric Resection in Hirschsprung's Disease Using ICG under Concept of NOTES Technique.International journal

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    Laparoscopic surgery has been applied for Hirschsprung's disease (HD). We herein report our approach to mesenteric processing for laparoscopic-assisted transanal endorectal pull-through (L-TERPT). Following mucosectomy and entering the abdominal cavity, a vessel sealing system is transanally inserted into the abdominal cavity for mesenteric processing based on concept of Natural Orifice Translumenal Endoscopic Surgery. Since the transanal axis is parallel to the dissected mesentery, it makes easier to operate in comparison to when the procedure is performed through the abdominal working port and can reduce the additional abdominal trocar wound. We also use indocyanine green (ICG) fluorescence navigation. Fluorescing the vessels with ICG allows intraoperative visualization of the blood flow in the retrieved intestine. With these innovative combined techniques, L-TERPT for HD can be safely performed, even in infants with small intraabdominal cavities.

    DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-1751051


  • Fukuhara M, Onishi S, Handa N, Sato T, Esumi G .  Spontaneous reduction age for ovarian hernia in early infancy. .  Pediatrics international : official journal of the Japan Pediatric Society64 ( 1 ) e15024   2022.1Spontaneous reduction age for ovarian hernia in early infancy.

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    DOI: 10.1111/ped.15024


  • Koshiro Sugita, Shun Onishi, Mitsuru Muto, Nanako Nishida, Ayaka Nagano, Masakazu Murakami, Toshio Harumatsu, Koji Yamada, Waka Yamada, Takafumi Kawano, Satoshi Ieiri .  Case report: Severe hepatic fibrosis induced by chronic cholestasis of congenital biliary dilation treated by laparoscopic surgery after immunonutrition support- An infantile case. .  Frontiers in pediatrics10   1101000 - 1101000   2022Case report: Severe hepatic fibrosis induced by chronic cholestasis of congenital biliary dilation treated by laparoscopic surgery after immunonutrition support- An infantile case.International journal

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    INTRODUCTION: In some patients with congenital biliary dilation (CBD), biliary cirrhosis has been reported to rapidly progress from the neonatal period to the infantile period. We herein report an infantile case of CBD that showed severe biliary cirrhosis at the diagnosis, which was treated by laparoscopic surgery. CASE PRESENTATION: A 16-month-old girl underwent conservative therapy for liver dysfunction and cholangitis on a remote island of our prefecture. She was transferred to our hospital after the detection of a huge dilated common bile duct on imaging at the previous hospital. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography showed a dilated common bile duct (maximum diameter: 5 cm), thus suggesting CBD. However, her laboratory data on admission showed a poor nutritional status and severe liver dysfunction (Alb, 2.5 mg/dl; AST, 79 IU/L; ALT, 43 IU/L; γ-GTP, 491 mg/dl; D-bil, 0.3 mg/dl; CHE, 90 IU/L; NH3, 123 μg/dl). We initially performed laparoscopic exploration and bile drainage via the gallbladder, noting severe hepatic fibrosis resembling end-stage liver cirrhosis. After placing a drainage tube in the gallbladder, cholangiography was performed. Cholangiography showed Todani type IVa CBD with pancreaticobiliary maljunction. Contrast agent flowing into the duodenum could not be confirmed. The patient received liver-supporting therapy and nutritional support for 7 weeks before definitive surgery. Following the improvement of the hepatic synthetic capacity (Alb, 4.0 mg/dl; AST, 82 IU/L; ALT, 78 IU/L; γ-GTP, 157 mg/dl; D-bil, 0.2 mg/dl; CHE, 232 IU/L; NH3, 75 μg/dl), we performed extrahepatic bile duct excision and hepaticojejunostomy laparoscopically. Laparoscopic surgery was successfully performed along with liver biopsy. Histopathologically, the liver specimen showed chronic hepatitis and fibrosis (F3A2). Biliary scintigraphy showed good bile excretion at postoperative day 15. The postoperative course uneventful, and the patient was discharged on the 23rd day after surgery. A needle liver biopsy six months later showed mild improvement of chronic hepatitis and fibrosis (F2-3A1). The patient was regularly followed at the outpatient clinic. CONCLUSIONS: Severe liver fibrosis was suspected to be continuous cholestasis of CBD after birth. CBD with severe liver fibrosis may avoid liver transplantation by two-stage surgery with hepatoprotection therapy and immunonutritional support.

    DOI: 10.3389/fped.2022.1101000


  • Ieiri Satoshi, Murakami Masakazu, Sugita Koshiro, Onishi Shun, Harumatsu Toshio, Yamada Koji, Kawano Takafumi, Muto Mitsuru .  Trends in Development of Surgical Device for Fetal, Neonatal and Pediatric Surgery .  Journal of Japan Society of Computer Aided Surgery24 ( 3 ) 191 - 194   2022

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Computer Aided Surgery  

    DOI: 10.5759/jscas.24.191

  • 加治 建, 矢野 圭輔, 杉田 光士郎, 山田 和歌, 大西 峻, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 家入 里志 .  【短腸症候群の診療における問題点】短腸症候群の治療=腸管順応促進ホルモン・ペプチド成長因子 .  小児外科54   306 - 310   2022

  • Satoshi Ieiri, Yoshinori Koga, Shun Onishi, Masakazu Murakami, Keisuke Yano, Toshio Harumatsu, Koji Yamada, Mitsuru Muto, Makoto Hayashida, Tatsuru Kaji .  Ambidextrous needle driving and knot tying helps perform secure laparoscopic hepaticojejunostomy of choledochal cyst (with video). .  Journal of hepato-biliary-pancreatic sciences29 ( 4 ) e22-e24 - e24   2021.12Ambidextrous needle driving and knot tying helps perform secure laparoscopic hepaticojejunostomy of choledochal cyst (with video).

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    Ieiri and colleagues report an ingenious technique for performing ambidextrous suturing in laparoscopic hepaticojejunostomy for cases with small hepatic ducts. Surgeons who devote professional attention to minimally invasive surgery should take care to practice extensively with their non-dominant as well as dominant hand to improve the quality of laparoscopic surgery.

    DOI: 10.1002/jhbp.1100


  • 福原 雅弘, 佐藤 智江, 大西 峻, 江角 元史郎 .  当院における女児会陰部外傷の臨床的特徴 .  日本小児救急医学会雑誌20 ( 3 ) 437 - 441   2021.11当院における女児会陰部外傷の臨床的特徴

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  • 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 山田 耕嗣, 杉田 光士郎, 町頭 成郎, 大西 峻, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 垣花 泰之, 家入 里志 .  小児外傷性肝損傷に対する重症度別診断アプローチとフォローアップ方法に関する検討 .  日本小児救急医学会雑誌20 ( 3 ) 418 - 422   2021.11小児外傷性肝損傷に対する重症度別診断アプローチとフォローアップ方法に関する検討

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本小児救急医学会  

    【目的】小児外傷性肝損傷(以下:本症)の適切なフォローアップ方法を明らかにする。【方法】当科の20年間の本症について後方視的に検討した。【結果】対象は17例で、年齢6.9±3.9歳、受傷機転は全例が鈍的外傷で、日本外傷外科学会の臓器損傷分類は、Grade I 9例、III8例であった。治療法は、保存的治療が最も多く13例であった。入院日数は13.1±5.6日、フォローアップ期間は233.9±123.5日であった。血液生化学検査正常化まで23.5±20.9日、画像所見正常化まで105.6±86.7日を要した。仮性動脈瘤や胆管狭窄など重篤な合併症は認めなかった。Grade IとIIIでは検討項目に有意差を認めなかった。【結論】本症に対しては慎重な経過観察が求められ、入院中に重篤な合併症を検索する造影CT検査は積極的に行うべきであるが、正常化確認のための頻回な検査は不要である。(著者抄録)

  • Nagai Taichiro, Onishi Shun, Muraji Toshihiro, Muto Mitsuru, Yano Keisuke, Harumatsu Toshio, Yamada Koji, Yamada Waka, Kaji Tatsuru, Ieiri Satoshi .  A Case of Subglottic Cyst Showing Discrepancy Findings Between Bronchoscopy and Computed Tomography .  Journal of the Japanese Society of Pediatric Surgeons57 ( 6 ) 976 - 980   2021.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japanese Society of Pediatric Surgeons  

    <p>The subglottic cyst is relatively rare. A boy born at 28 weeks of gestation had a birth weight of 1,202 g and required five days of endotracheal intubation during the neonatal period. At one year and two months of age, he developed a severe respiratory obstruction resulting in cardiopulmonary arrest, which required resuscitation. Flexible bronchoscopy under general anesthesia with a laryngeal mask revealed a small cyst on the right side of the subglottic space, but it was not considered to have been responsible for the critical airway obstruction. He showed frequent episodes of croup-like symptoms and was referred to us again at three years of age. Enhanced computed tomography showed a 5-mm cystic mass close to or inside the subglottic portion of the trachea, indicative of a subglottic cyst inside the trachea or a bronchogenic cyst compressing from the outside. We intended to excise the cyst via a cervical incision. As the cyst was not located outside the trachea, we performed meticulous unroofing of the subglottic cyst via laryngofissure with distal tracheotomy. During the follow-up period of one year, there was no recurrence of the cyst. However, another small cyst was found in the left subglottic area, but it did not increase in size during the subsequent six months of follow-up. One year and five months after tracheotomy, we cauterized the cyst using a diode laser and successfully decannulated the tracheostomy. We herein report our experience with the diagnosis and treatment of this patient with a subglottic cyst who had a somewhat unusual presentation of airway obstruction.</p>

    DOI: 10.11164/jjsps.57.6_976

  • 永井 太一朗, 大西 峻, 連 利博, 武藤 充, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 加治 建, 家入 里志 .  画像診断と気管支鏡所見が不一致であった声門下嚢胞の1例 .  日本小児外科学会雑誌57 ( 6 ) 976 - 980   2021.10画像診断と気管支鏡所見が不一致であった声門下嚢胞の1例

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本小児外科学会  


  • 福原 雅弘, 佐藤 智江, 大西 峻, 飯田 則利, 江角 元史郎 .  空腸閉鎖症術後に発症した胆道閉鎖症の1例 .  日本小児外科学会雑誌57 ( 6 ) 986 - 991   2021.10空腸閉鎖症術後に発症した胆道閉鎖症の1例

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本小児外科学会  


  • Shun Onishi, Chihiro Kedoin, Masakazu Murakami, Nayuta Higa, Akihiro Yoshida, Kazutoshi Onitsuka, Takahiro Moriyama, Koji Yoshimoto, Satoshi Ieiri .  Image-guided confirmation of a precision pull-through procedure during laparoscopically assisted anorectoplasty in an open MRI operating theater: first application in an infantile case with anorectal malformation. .  Surgical case reports7 ( 1 ) 211 - 211   2021.9Image-guided confirmation of a precision pull-through procedure during laparoscopically assisted anorectoplasty in an open MRI operating theater: first application in an infantile case with anorectal malformation.International journal

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: Image-guided surgery with an open magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) system is applied for brain tumors in the neurosurgery field, but has rarely been reported in pediatric surgery. We report our initial experience of intraoperative confirmation of precision rectal pull-through during laparoscopically assisted anorectoplasty (LAARP) in an open MRI operating theater for pediatric patients with anorectal malformation (ARM). CASE PRESENTATION: A 3.0 kg term male neonate was delivered with anorectal malformation. An invertogram revealed the intermediate type. Transverse colostomy was made on the left upper abdomen. The recto-bulbar urethral fistula (RBUF) was diagnosed by a distal colostogram and voiding cystourethrogram. LAARP was planned at 6 months of age. Because this was the first procedure in which the pediatric abdomen had been scanned in an open MRI operating theater in our institution, we scanned his pelvic floor under sedation 3 weeks before the operation using the open MRI system in our operation room. We performed the operation with 4 trocars. The peritoneal reflection was carefully incised and the rectum was dissected. The RBUF was resected. The center of the muscle complex was detected at the perineal skin with an electrical nerve stimulator, and a 7-mm longitudinal skin incision was made on the perineal lesion for anoplasty. The muscle complex and the pubo-rectal sling were confirmed laparoscopically using a 3.5-mm bipolar forceps connected to the electrical nerve stimulator. Anoplasty was performed between the rectal stump and perineal skin. After anoplasty, the patient was scanned with open MRI under general anesthesia. We attached the quadrature-detection (QD) head coil around the patient's pelvis and inserted him in the gantry. A 0.45-T open MRI clearly revealed that the pulled through rectum was located in the center of the muscle complex on T2-weighted images. The postoperative course was uneventful. Oral intake was started on post-operative day 1. Postoperative dynamic urography showed no complication (e.g., leakage or residual fistula). CONCLUSIONS: We successfully performed LAARP for ARM, with intraoperative confirmation of precision rectal pull-through in an open MRI operating theater. Further cases are required to evaluate the application of open MRI systems in pediatric surgery.

    DOI: 10.1186/s40792-021-01298-1


  • Tokuro Baba, Takafumi Kawano, Yusuke Saito, Shun Onishi, Koji Yamada, Waka Yamada, Ryuta Masuya, Kazuhiko Nakame, Yota Kawasaki, Satoshi Iino, Masahiko Sakoda, Mari Kirishima, Tatsuru Kaji, Akihide Tanimoto, Shoji Natsugoe, Takao Ohtsuka, Hiroshi Moritake, Satoshi Ieiri .  Malignant perivascular epithelioid cell neoplasm in the liver: report of a pediatric case. .  Surgical case reports7 ( 1 ) 212 - 212   2021.9Malignant perivascular epithelioid cell neoplasm in the liver: report of a pediatric case.International journal

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: Perivascular epithelioid cell neoplasm (PEComa) in a child is very rare. We herein report the first malignant case of PEComa developing in the liver of a pediatric patient. CASE PRESENTATION: A 10-year-old boy visited a private clinic with prolonged fever of unknown etiology. Abdominal ultrasonography was performed to evaluate the fever's origin, revealing a large tumor in the liver. He was thus referred to a nearby hospital to investigate the tumor further. Enhanced computed tomography (CT) showed a 6.8 × 5.9 × 10.5-cm solid lesion on S4 and S5. On magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the tumor had a low signal intensity on T1 imaging and high signal intensity on T2 imaging, with partial diffusion restriction. 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) showed a marked uptake in the mass lesion with no evidence of metastasis. The patient was negative for all tumor markers, including AFP, CEA and PIVKA-II. The results of a needle biopsy suggested hepatocellular carcinoma. The tumor's rapid growth suggested malignancy. Hepatic segmentectomy (S4 + S5 + S8) was performed. The tumor was resected en bloc with a margin. Microscopically, the tumor showed atypical spindle, polygonal or oval-shaped cells with a high nuclear grade, and vascular invasion. Immunohistochemistry was positive for alpha-smooth muscle antigen (α-SMA), human melanin black-45 (HMB-45) and melan A. The pathological diagnosis was malignant PEComa. In the 6 months after surgery, the patient complained of shoulder pain. MRI showed a dumbbell-shaped tumor at the 2nd thoracic vertebrae, which was confirmed to be bone metastasis of PEComa. After chemotherapy, including ifosfamide and doxorubicin, vertebrectomy was performed. Two years later, thoracoabdominal CT showed a 10-cm solid mass occupying the pelvis and a 15-mm nodule in the middle lobe of the right lung. Under a diagnosis of peritoneal and lung metastases, they were surgically removed and metastasis of PEComa was pathologically confirmed. Four months after the 2nd relapse, pelvic metastasis appeared again and mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin) inhibitor was initiated. To our knowledge, this is the first report of malignant hepatic PEComa in a pediatric patient. CONCLUSION: Although extremely rare, malignant hepatic PEComa can develop in a child.

    DOI: 10.1186/s40792-021-01300-w


  • Koshiro Sugita, Tatsuru Kaji, Keisuke Yano, Makoto Matsukubo, Ayaka Nagano, Mayu Matsui, Masakazu Murakami, Toshio Harumatsu, Shun Onishi, Koji Yamada, Waka Yamada, Mitsuru Muto, Kotaro Kumagai, Akio Ido, Satoshi Ieiri .  The protective effects of hepatocyte growth factor on the intestinal mucosal atrophy induced by total parenteral nutrition in a rat model. .  Pediatric surgery international37 ( 12 ) 1743 - 1753   2021.8The protective effects of hepatocyte growth factor on the intestinal mucosal atrophy induced by total parenteral nutrition in a rat model.International journal

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    PURPOSE: Total parental nutrition (TPN) causes gastrointestinal mucosal atrophy. The present study investigated the effects of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) on the intestinal mucosal atrophy induced by TPN. METHODS: Rats underwent jugular vein catheterization and were divided into four groups: oral feeding (OF), TPN alone (TPN), TPN plus low-dose HGF (0.3 mg/kg/day; TPNLH), and TPN plus high-dose HGF (1.0 mg/kg/day; TPNHH). On day 7, rats were euthanized, and the small intestine was harvested and evaluated histologically. The expression of c-MET, a receptor of HGF, and nutrition transporter protein were evaluated using quantitative polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS: The jejunal villus height (VH) and absorptive mucosal surface area in the TPNHH group were significantly higher than in the TPN group (p < 0.05). The VH in the ileum showed the same trend only in the TPNHH group, albeit without statistical significance. The crypt cell proliferation rate (CCPR) of the jejunum in both HGF-treated groups was significantly higher than in the TPN group (p < 0.01). The expression of c-MET and transporter protein in all TPN-treated groups was decreased compared with that in the OF group. CONCLUSION: HGF attenuated TPN-associated intestinal mucosal atrophy by increasing the villus height, which was associated with an increase in CCPR.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00383-021-05002-0


  • Shun Onishi, Tatsuru Kaji, Kazuhiko Nakame, Koji Yamada, Masakazu Murakami, Koshiro Sugita, Keisuke Yano, Mayu Matsui, Ayaka Nagano, Toshio Harumatsu, Waka Yamada, Makoto Matsukubo, Mitsuru Muto, Satoshi Ieiri .  Optimal timing of definitive surgery for Hirschsprung's disease to achieve better long-term bowel function. .  Surgery today52 ( 1 ) 92 - 97   2021.8Optimal timing of definitive surgery for Hirschsprung's disease to achieve better long-term bowel function.

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    PURPOSE: Few studies have focused on the operative age for Hirschsprung's disease (HD). We evaluated the optimal timing of surgery in HD patients based on their long-term bowel function. METHODS: HD was diagnosed in 65 pediatric patients in our institute between 1992 and 2018. Twenty-five patients underwent the Soave-Denda procedure (SD) and 40 underwent transanal endorectal pull-through (TA). We divided these patients into two groups: those who underwent surgery at < 6 months of age (younger group) and those who underwent surgery at 6-12 months of age (older group). We assessed bowel function at 5, 7, and 9 years of age. RESULTS: The bowel function of the patients who underwent the SD did not differ significantly between the groups. Similarly, the total bowel-function scores of the patients who underwent TA did not differ between the groups at any age. However, the soiling score at 7 years of age in the older group of patients who underwent TA was significantly lower than that in the younger group (p = 0.02). CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that to achieve optimal bowel function, TA should be performed at < 6 months of age.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00595-021-02356-9


  • Fukuhara M, Onishi S, Yonemura Y, Sato T, Tsutsumi S, Bandoh T, Utsunomiya T, Esumi G .  A totally extraperitoneal approach for endoscopic resection of a congenital prepubic sinus through the pubic symphysis. .  Surgical case reports7 ( 1 ) 165   2021.7A totally extraperitoneal approach for endoscopic resection of a congenital prepubic sinus through the pubic symphysis.

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    DOI: 10.1186/s40792-021-01245-0


  • Takafumi Kawano, Koshiro Sugita, Chihiro Kedoin, Ayaka Nagano, Mayu Matsui, Masakazu Murakami, Masato Kawano, Keisuke Yano, Shun Onishi, Toshio Harumatsu, Koji Yamada, Waka Yamada, Ryuta Masuya, Makoto Matsukubo, Mitsuru Muto, Seiro Machigashira, Kazuhiko Nakame, Motoi Mukai, Tatsuru Kaji, Satoshi Ieiri .  Retroperitoneal teratomas in children: a single institution experience. .  Surgery today52 ( 1 ) 144 - 150   2021.6Retroperitoneal teratomas in children: a single institution experience.

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    PURPOSE: Retroperitoneal teratomas (RPTs) are rare in infants. We report our experience of treating pediatric patients with RPTs over many years at a single institution, with the aim of developing a safe and secure operative strategy for RPTs in infants. METHODS: We reviewed the medical records of patients who underwent treatment for RPTs in our institution between April, 1984 and December, 2017, to analyze their background and clinical data. The diagnosis of RPT was confirmed histologically in all patients. RESULTS: The subjects of this retrospective analysis were 14 pediatric patients (female, n = 11; male, n = 4), ranging in age from 6 days to 12 years, 11 (73.3%) of whom were under 1 year of age. Complete surgical resection was performed in all patients. The tumor ruptured during surgery in four (26.7%) patients and perioperative vessel injuries occurred in six (40.0%) patients, resulting in nephrectomy in one (6.7%). Three (20.0%) patients suffered unilateral renal dysfunction as a surgical complication. Only one patient received postoperative chemotherapy. All patients were free of disease at the time of writing. CONCLUSION: Perioperative complications are not uncommon during surgery for RPTs, despite their benign nature. Preoperative imaging evaluation is important and operative management may be challenging. Because of the favorable prognosis and the frequency of adverse events in surgery, partial resection or split excision is sometimes unavoidable. Meticulous follow-up for recurrence is required for such patients.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00595-021-02327-0


  • Ayaka Nagano, Shun Onishi, Chihiro Kedoin, Mayu Matsui, Masakazu Murakami, Koshiro Sugita, Keisuke Yano, Toshio Harumatsu, Koji Yamada, Waka Yamada, Makoto Matsukubo, Mitsuru Muto, Tatsuru Kaji, Satoshi Ieiri .  A rare case of accessory liver lobe torsion in a pediatric patient who showed recurrent epigastralgia and who was treated by elective laparoscopic resection. .  Surgical case reports7 ( 1 ) 143 - 143   2021.6A rare case of accessory liver lobe torsion in a pediatric patient who showed recurrent epigastralgia and who was treated by elective laparoscopic resection.International journal

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: Accessory liver lobe (ALL) is a rare liver malformation. An ALL develops due to malformation of the endodermal caudal foregut and segmentation of the hepatic bud in the third week of gestation. Most ALLs are asymptomatic and are detected incidentally during abdominal surgery. The incidence of ALL is < 1% in patients who undergo abdominal surgery. However, some ALLs twist and cause acute abdomen. We experienced a pediatric case of ALL torsion in a patient who underwent elective laparoscopic surgery. CASE PRESENTATION: The 5-year-old girl had a 3-month history of epigastralgia and vomiting, which occurred every 2 weeks. Abdominal ultrasonography with color Doppler imaging revealed an 11.8 × 13.6 mm nonvascular lesion with mixed echogenicity near the round ligament of the liver. Enhanced computed tomography confirmed a 14 × 16 × 20 mm low-attenuation mass surrounded by a hyperdense line and disproportionate fat stranding on the right side of the round ligament of the liver. There was no ascites or hemorrhage. These findings suggested an abscess of the round ligament of the liver. Her symptoms improved with the administration of oral antibiotics; thus, we planned to perform elective exploratory laparoscopy and subsequent resection. Two trocars (5 mm) were inserted through a multichannel port device at the umbilicus and one trocar (3 mm) was inserted at the right lateral abdomen. Upon observation of the abdominal cavity, the omentum was observed adhering to the round ligament of the liver. Macroscopic observation revealed no apparent mass lesions. We performed adhesiolysis of the omentum from the round ligament of the liver using a vessel sealing system. We performed resection at the site at which adhesion had formed between the round ligament of the liver with the surrounding tissue using a vessel sealing system and the resected specimen was extracted through the umbilical wound. The postoperative course was uneventful. A pathological examination revealed necrotic liver tissue. The resected tissue was founded to be an ALL with ischemic change. CONCLUSIONS: The recurrent abdominal pain was induced by torsion of the ALL. Pediatric surgeons should consider ALL torsion as a differential diagnosis for epigastralgia of unknown etiology.

    DOI: 10.1186/s40792-021-01231-6


  • Nagano A, Onishi S, Tazaki Y, Kobayashi H, Ieiri S .  Fetal intestinal volvulus without malrotation detected on prenatal ultrasound. .    63 ( 7 ) 845 - 846   2021.4Fetal intestinal volvulus without malrotation detected on prenatal ultrasound.Reviewed

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  • Kazuhiko Nakame, Tatsuru Kaji, Shun Onishi, Masakazu Murakami, Ayaka Nagano, Mayu Matsui, Taichiro Nagai, Keisuke Yano, Toshio Harumatsu, Koji Yamada, Waka Yamada, Ryuta Masuya, Mitsuru Muto, Satoshi Ieiri .  A retrospective analysis of the real-time ultrasound-guided supraclavicular approach for the insertion of a tunneled central venous catheter in pediatric patients. .  The journal of vascular access23 ( 5 ) 11297298211008084 - 11297298211008084   2021.4A retrospective analysis of the real-time ultrasound-guided supraclavicular approach for the insertion of a tunneled central venous catheter in pediatric patients.International journal

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    PURPOSE: Tunneled central venous catheter (tCVC) placement plays an important role in the management of pediatric patients. We adopted a real-time ultrasound (US)-guided supraclavicular approach to brachiocephalic vein cannulation. We evaluated the outcomes of tCVC placement via a US-guided supraclavicular approach. METHODS: A retrospective study was performed for patients who underwent US-guided central venous catheterization of the internal jugular vein (IJV group) and brachiocephalic vein (BCV group) in our institution. The background information and outcomes were reviewed using medical records. RESULTS: We evaluated 85 tCVC placements (IJV group: n = 59, BCV group: n = 26). Postoperative complications were recognized in 19 patients in the IJV group (catheter-related bloodstream infection (CRBSI), n = 14 (1.53 per 1000 catheter days); occlusion, n = 1 (1.7%, 1.09 per 1000 catheter days); accidental removal, n = 3 (5.2%, 0.33 per 1000 catheter days); and other, n = 1 (1.7%, 1.09 per 1000 catheter days)) and five patients in the BCV group (CRBSI, n = 2 (0.33 per 1000 catheter days); catheter damage, n = 1 (3.8%, 1.67 per 1000 catheter days); and accidental removal, n = 2 (7.7%, 0.33 per 1000 catheter days)). In the BCV group, despite that, the incidence of postoperative complications was lower (p = 0.205) and the period of placement was significantly longer in comparison to the IJV group (p = 0.024). CONCLUSION: US-guided placement of tunneled CVC though the BCV results in a low rate of postoperative complications despite longer CVC indwelling times compared to IJV insertion. Our results suggest that BCV insertion of tunneled CVC in children may offer advantages in terms of device performance and patient safety.

    DOI: 10.1177/11297298211008084


  • Toshio Harumatsu, Tatsuru Kaji, Ayaka Nagano, Mayu Matsui, Keisuke Yano, Shun Onishi, Koji Yamada, Waka Yamada, Makoto Matsukubo, Mitsuru Muto, Satoshi Ieiri .  Early definitive operation for patients with anorectal malformation was associated with a better long-term postoperative bowel function. .  Pediatric surgery international37 ( 4 ) 445 - 450   2021.4Early definitive operation for patients with anorectal malformation was associated with a better long-term postoperative bowel function.International journal

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    PURPOSE: In general, patients with anorectal malformation (ARM) undergo surgical treatment at around 6 months of age in Japan. We aimed to clarify whether the timing of a definitive operation affects the long-term bowel function. METHODS: Patient data were collected from 1984 to 2007. Fifty-two male patients with high- and intermediate-type ARM were enrolled. Patients were classified into two groups based on their operative period: the early group (EG) underwent anorectoplasty at < 5 months of age (n = 22); the late group (LG) underwent anorectoplasty at ≥ 5 months (n = 30). The bowel function was evaluated at 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11 years of age using the evacuation score (ES) of the Japan Society of Anorectal Malformation Study Group. RESULTS: The total score and four functional outcomes improved chronologically with age. The constipation score in the EG showed significantly better improvement in comparison to the LG. The total score and the incontinence score in the EG were significantly higher than those in the LG at 11 years of age. CONCLUSION: The long-term bowel function in the EG was better than that in the LG. Anorectoplasty at an early age was important for achieving a better postoperative bowel function in ARM patients.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00383-020-04842-6


  • Makoto Matsukubo, Tatsuru Kaji, Shun Onishi, Toshio Harumatsu, Ayaka Nagano, Mayu Matsui, Masakazu Murakami, Koshiro Sugita, Keisuke Yano, Koji Yamada, Waka Yamada, Mitsuru Muto, Satoshi Ieiri .  Differential gastric emptiness according to preoperative stomach position in neurological impaired patients who underwent laparoscopic fundoplication and gastrostomy. .  Surgery today51 ( 12 ) 1918 - 1923   2021.3Differential gastric emptiness according to preoperative stomach position in neurological impaired patients who underwent laparoscopic fundoplication and gastrostomy.

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    PURPOSE: We sometimes experienced prolonged delayed gastric emptying (DGE) in neurologically impaired patients undergoing laparoscopic fundoplication and gastrostomy. We explored the difference in the DGE rate according to the preoperative stomach position. METHODS: Thirty-two neurological impaired patients who underwent laparoscopic fundoplication and gastrostomy between 2015 and 2019 were classified into two groups based on stomach position: non-elevated stomach position (NESP) and elevated stomach position (ESP). Patients' characteristics, operative result and postoperative gastric emptying were reviewed. RESULTS: The 11 ESP patients were significantly older than the 21 NESP patients (p < 0.05). The ESP patients had a significantly heavier body weight (BW) than the NESP patients (p < 0.05). The time taken (days) to reduce gastric drainage (days, below BW × 10 ml) in the NESP (4.3 ± 3.6) was significantly longer than that of ESP (1.3 ± 1.6) (p < 0.05). The time taken (days) to achieve full enteral nutrition in the NESP (14.1 ± 8.9) was significantly longer than that of the ESP patients (8.8 ± 3.1) (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Elevated stomach position (ESP) patients archived full enteral nutrition earlier than NESP patients after laparoscopic fundoplication and gastrostomy. Stomach position correction might, therefore, be involved in the incidence of DGE.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00595-021-02274-w


  • Satoshi Ieiri, Shinichiro Ikoma, Toshio Harumatsu, Shun Onishi, Masakazu Murakami, Mitsuru Muto, Tatsuru Kaji .  Trans-perineal transection through "Neo-Anus" for recto-bulbar urethral fistula using a 5-mm stapler in laparoscopically assisted anorectoplasty - A novel and secure technique. .  Asian journal of endoscopic surgery14 ( 4 ) 828 - 830   2021.3Trans-perineal transection through "Neo-Anus" for recto-bulbar urethral fistula using a 5-mm stapler in laparoscopically assisted anorectoplasty - A novel and secure technique.

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    Laparoscopically assisted anorectoplasty (LAARP) for recto-bulbar urethral fistula (RBUF) is not now a standard operation due to urethra injury risk and incomplete removal of fistula. Our approach is a novel and secure technique of trans-perineal transection using a 5-mm stapler for RBUF. Before performing LAARP, the orifice of RBUF was confirmed under flexible cystoscope inspection. Before transection of RBUF, the center of the muscle complex was detected at perineal skin. The muscle complex and the pubo-rectal sling were then also confirmed with electrical nerve stimulator under laparoscopic approach. A 5-mm trocar was inserted to pass through the center of the muscle complex from perineal incision of the neo-anus. RBUF was stapled and transected using a 5-mm stapler inserted from the neo-anus. The operator successfully confirmed complete adequate closure of RBUF under flexible cystoscope inspection. A 5-mm stapler was effective and useful for the transection of RBUF.

    DOI: 10.1111/ases.12934


  • Makoto Matsukubo, Keisuke Yano, Tatsuru Kaji, Koshiro Sugita, Shun Onishi, Toshio Harumatsu, Ayaka Nagano, Mayu Matsui, Masakazu Murakami, Koji Yamada, Waka Yamada, Mitsuru Muto, Kotaro Kumagai, Akio Ido, Satoshi Ieiri .  The administration of hepatocyte growth factor prevents total parenteral nutrition-induced hepatocellular injury in a rat model. .  Pediatric surgery international37 ( 3 ) 353 - 361   2021.3The administration of hepatocyte growth factor prevents total parenteral nutrition-induced hepatocellular injury in a rat model.International journal

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    PURPOSE: Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) sometimes induces parenteral nutrition-associated liver disease (PNALD). Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) acts as a potent hepatocyte mitogen anti-inflammatory and antioxidant actions. We aimed to evaluate the effect of HGF on PNALD in a rat model of TPN. METHODS: A catheter was placed in the right jugular vein for 7-day continuous TPN. All rats were divided into three groups: TPN alone (TPN group), TPN plus intravenous HGF at 0.3 mg/kg/day [TPN + HGF (low) group], and TPN plus HGF at 1.0 mg/kg/day [TPN + HGF (high) group]. On day 7, livers were harvested and the histology, inflammatory cytokines and apoptosis were evaluated. RESULTS: Histologically, lipid droplets were apparent in the TPN group, but decreased in the TPN + HGF (low) and TPN + HGF (high) groups. The histological nonalcoholic fatty liver disease activity scores in the TPN + HGF (low) and TPN + HGF (high) groups were significantly lower than that in the TPN group (p < 0.01). There were no significant differences in the inflammatory cytokine levels of the three groups. The caspase-9 expression levels in the TPN + HGF (low) and TPN + HGF (high) groups were significantly decreased in comparison to that in the control group (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: The intravenous administration of HGF attenuated hepatic steatosis induced by 7-day TPN dose dependently.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00383-020-04823-9


  • Masakazu Murakami, Tatsuru Kaji, Ayaka Nagano, Mayu Matsui, Shun Onishi, Koji Yamada, Satoshi Ieiri .  Complete laparoscopic choledochal cyst excision and hepaticojejunostomy with laparoscopic Roux-Y reconstruction using a 5-mm stapler: A case of a 2-month-old infant. .  Asian journal of endoscopic surgery14 ( 4 ) 824 - 827   2021.2Complete laparoscopic choledochal cyst excision and hepaticojejunostomy with laparoscopic Roux-Y reconstruction using a 5-mm stapler: A case of a 2-month-old infant.

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    Laparoscopic choledochal cyst excision and hepaticojejunostomy for choledochal in children is performed only at particular institutions because of the technical difficulty. Although choledochal cyst excision and hepaticojejunostomy are feasible, the small working space of infants makes intraabdominal Roux-Y reconstruction technically challenging. A 2-month-old girl diagnosed with a choledochal cyst underwent complete laparoscopic choledochal cyst excision and hepaticojejunostomy, including intraabdominal Roux-Y reconstruction with a 5-mm stapler. After cyst excision, Roux-Y reconstruction was performed in the intraabdominal cavity. Jejunojejunostomy was performed in a side-to-side fashion using a 5-mm stapler, and the entry hole was closed laparoscopically by hand-sewing, along with the mesentery defect. All procedures were performed by laparoscopic surgery. The postoperative course was uneventful, and the patient showed a quick recovery. Using small-diameter instruments, completely laparoscopic procedures for choledochal cyst are feasible.

    DOI: 10.1111/ases.12928


  • Kaji Tatsuru, Yano Keisuke, Onishi Shun, Matsui Mayu, Nagano Ayaka, Murakami Masakazu, Sugita Koshiro, Harumatsu Toshio, Yamada Koji, Yamada Waka, Matsukubo Makoto, Muto Mitsuru, Nakame Kazuhiko, Ieiri Satoshi .  The evaluation of eye gaze using an eye tracking system in simulation training of real-time ultrasound-guided venipuncture. .  The journal of vascular access23 ( 3 ) 1129729820987362 - 1129729820987362   2021.2The evaluation of eye gaze using an eye tracking system in simulation training of real-time ultrasound-guided venipuncture.International journal

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    PURPOSE: Real-time ultrasound (RTUS)-guided central venipuncture using the short-axis approach is complicated and likely to result in losing sight of the needle tip. Therefore, we focused on the eye gaze in our evaluation of the differences in eye gaze between medical students and experienced participants using an eye tracking system. METHODS: Ten medical students (MS group), five residents (R group) and six pediatric surgeon fellows (F group) performed short-axis RTUS-guided venipuncture simulation using a modified vessel training system. The eye gaze was captured by the tracking system (Tobii Eye Tacker 4C) and recorded. The evaluation endpoints were the task completion time, total time and number of occurrences of the eye tracking marker outside US monitor and success rate of venipuncture. RESULT: There were no significant differences in the task completion time and total time of the tracking marker outside the US monitor. The number of occurrences of the eye tracking marker outside US monitor in the MS group was significantly higher than in the F group (MS group: 9.5 ± 3.4, R group: 6.0 ± 2.9, F group: 5.2 ± 1.6; p = 0.04). The success rate of venipuncture in the R group tended to be better than in the F group. CONCLUSION: More experienced operators let their eye fall outside the US monitor fewer times than less experienced ones. The eye gaze was associated with the success rate of RTUS-guided venipuncture. Repeated training while considering the eye gaze seems to be pivotal for mastering RTUS-guided venipuncture.

    DOI: 10.1177/1129729820987362


  • Yuto Hozaka, Ken Sasaki, Takuro Nishikawa, Shun Onishi, Masahiro Noda, Yusuke Tsuruda, Yasuto Uchikado, Yoshiaki Kita, Takaaki Arigami, Shinichiro Mori, Kosei Maemura, Satoshi Ieiri, Yoshifumi Kawano, Shoji Natsugoe, Takao Ohtsuka .  Successful treatment of post chemotherapy esophageal cicatricial atresia in a pediatric patient with anaplastic large cell lymphoma through minimally invasive esophagectomy: a case report. .  Surgical case reports7 ( 1 ) 41 - 41   2021.2Successful treatment of post chemotherapy esophageal cicatricial atresia in a pediatric patient with anaplastic large cell lymphoma through minimally invasive esophagectomy: a case report.International journal

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    BACKGROUND: Anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) is a CD30-positive T-cell lymphoma, which is a rare type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. ALCL rarely presents in the gastrointestinal tract, and the esophageal involvement in of ALCL is extremely rare. CASE PRESENTATION: An 11-year-old boy who complained of abdominal pain and cough was diagnosed with ALK-positive ALCL on the basis of systemic lymphadenopathy findings and immunohistochemistry results of pleural effusion. Although remission was observed after chemotherapy at 5 months after diagnosis, dysphagia persisted, and esophagoscopy revealed a severe stricture in the middle thoracic esophagus. At 9 months after diagnosis, allogeneic bone marrow transplantation was performed to ensure that complete remission was maintained; however, dysphagia and saliva retention did not improve. Approximately 10 months after diagnosis, esophagoscopy revealed a blind end in the middle thoracic esophagus, similar to that in congenital esophageal atresia. Subsequently, we performed minimally invasive subtotal esophagectomy under thoracoscopy and laparoscopy and gastric conduit reconstruction via the retrosternal route more than 2 years after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. The final pathological diagnosis was esophageal atresia with esophagitis, with no malignancy. During postoperative evaluation, the patient required swallowing training for a few months, although no major complications were noted. Oral intake was possible, and complete remission was maintained at 14 month post-surgery. CONCLUSIONS: Oncologists must consider the possibility of acquired esophageal cicatricial atresia as a complication during chemotherapy for ALCL. If esophageal obstruction or esophageal atresia occur and if remission is maintained, esophagectomy and esophageal reconstruction are useful treatment options for maintaining oral intake.

    DOI: 10.1186/s40792-021-01108-8


  • Seiro Machigashira, Tatsuru Kaji, Shun Onishi, Keisuke Yano, Toshio Harumatsu, Koji Yamada, Waka Yamada, Makoto Matsukubo, Mitsuru Muto, Satoshi Ieiri .  What is the optimal lipid emulsion for preventing intestinal failure-associated liver disease following parenteral feeding in a rat model of short-bowel syndrome? .  Pediatric surgery international37 ( 2 ) 247 - 256   2021.2What is the optimal lipid emulsion for preventing intestinal failure-associated liver disease following parenteral feeding in a rat model of short-bowel syndrome?International journal

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    PURPOSE: Composite lipid emulsion (CLE) has been used for intestinal failure-associated liver disease (IFALD) to compensate for the disadvantages of soybean oil lipid emulsion (SOLE) or fish oil lipid emulsion (FOLE). However, the influence of its administration is unclear. We evaluated the effects of these emulsions on IFALD using a rat model of the short-bowel syndrome. METHODS: We performed jugular vein catheterization and 90% small bowel resection in Sprague-Dawley rats and divided them into four groups: control (C group), regular chow with intravenous administration of saline; and total parenteral nutrition co-infused with SOLE (SOLE group), CLE (CLE group) or FOLE (FOLE group). RESULTS: Histologically, obvious hepatic steatosis was observed in the SOLE and CLE groups but not the FOLE group. The liver injury grade of the steatosis and ballooning in the FOLE group was significantly better than in the SOLE group (p < 0.05). The TNF-α levels in the liver in the FOLE group were significantly lower than in the SOLE group (p < 0.05). Essential fatty acid deficiency (EFAD) was not observed in any group. CONCLUSION: Fish oil lipid emulsion attenuated hepatic steatosis without EFAD, while CLE induced moderate hepatic steatosis. The administration of CLE requires careful observation to prevent PN-induced hepatic steatosis.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00383-020-04802-0


  • Mitsuru Muto, Tatsuru Kaji, Shun Onishi, Keisuke Yano, Waka Yamada, Satoshi Ieiri .  An overview of the current management of short-bowel syndrome in pediatric patients. .  Surgery today52 ( 1 ) 12 - 21   2021.1An overview of the current management of short-bowel syndrome in pediatric patients.

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    Short-bowel syndrome (SBS) is defined as a state of malabsorption after resection or loss of a major portion of the bowel due to congenital or acquired factors. This article presents an overview on the recent management of pediatric SBS. The pediatric SBS population is very heterogeneous. The incidence of SBS is estimated to be 24.5 per 100,000 live births. The nutritional, medical, and surgical therapies available require a comprehensive evaluation. Thus, multidisciplinary intestinal rehabilitation programs (IRPs) are necessary for the management of these complex patients. The key points of focus in IRP management are hepato-protective strategies to minimize intestinal failure-associated liver disease; the aggressive prevention of catheter-related bloodstream infections; strategic nutritional supply to optimize the absorption of enteral calories; and the management and prevention of small bowel bacterial overgrowth, nephrocalcinosis, and metabolic bone disease. As the survival rate of children with SBS currently exceeds 90%, the application of small bowel transplantation has been evolving. The introduction of innovative treatments, such as combined therapy of intestinotrophic hormones, including glucagon-like peptide-2, may lead to further improvements in patients' quality of life.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00595-020-02207-z


  • Masakazu Murakami, Shun Onishi, Yuki Ohya, Seiichi Kawabata, Kaori Isono, Yasuhiko Sugawara, Tsuguharu Asato, Yumi Honda, Yoshiki Mikami, Yukihiro Inomata, Taizo Hibi, Satoshi Ieiri .  Langerhans cell histiocytosis confined to extrahepatic bile duct causing sclerosing cholangitis in child: a case report. .  Surgical case reports6 ( 1 ) 137 - 137   2020.6Langerhans cell histiocytosis confined to extrahepatic bile duct causing sclerosing cholangitis in child: a case report.International journal

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    BACKGROUND: Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is an abnormal accumulation of Langerhans cells in various organs that sometimes induces organ dysfunction. LCH can affect the liver, resulting in sclerosing cholangitis and biliary cirrhosis. However, liver and bile duct involvement is usually observed in the disseminated form of LCH. We herein report a rare case of LCH localized only in the extrahepatic bile duct that resulted in severe liver cirrhosis. CASE PRESENTATION: A 3-year-old boy with elevated liver enzymes, obstructive jaundice, and dilation of the common bile duct was referred to our institution. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography showed atrophy of the right hepatic lobe, relative hypertrophy of the left hepatic lobe, choledocholiths, and biliary debris extensively with biliary duct dilation. Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography revealed dilation of the intrahepatic and extrahepatic bile ducts and multiple choleliths in the gallbladder and common bile duct. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy, intraoperative cholangiography, liver biopsy, and gastrointestinal fiberscopy were performed. A liver specimen showed severe biliary cirrhosis due to sclerosing cholangitis. The patient then underwent living-donor liver transplantation because of severe liver cirrhosis 3 months after the first surgery. The common bile duct was not suitable for duct-to-duct anastomosis and was resected because of severe inflammation. Histologic sections of the common bile duct showed histiocytic cell proliferation. Immunohistochemistry revealed histiocytoses that were positive for Langerin, S-100 protein, and CD1a. However, no histiocytic cell proliferation was noted in the liver tissue. The definitive diagnosis was LCH localized to the extrahepatic bile duct. LCH in the extrahepatic bile duct seemed to cause sclerosing cholangitis. The patient was discharged uneventfully 2 months after living-donor liver transplantation. CONCLUSIONS: LCH localized to the extrahepatic bile duct is extremely rare; however, LCH can still affect the extrahepatic bile ducts on occasion. LCH should be considered as a differential diagnosis if pediatric patients show the presence of sclerosing cholangitis.

    DOI: 10.1186/s40792-020-00899-6


  • Toshio Harumatsu, Taichiro Nagai, Keisuke Yano, Shun Onishi, Koji Yamada, Waka Yamada, Makoto Matsukubo, Mitsuru Muto, Tatsuru Kaji, Satoshi Ieiri .  Differential advantage of liver retraction methods in laparoscopic fundoplication for neurologically impaired patients: a comparison of three kinds of procedures. .  Pediatric surgery international36 ( 5 ) 591 - 596   2020.5Differential advantage of liver retraction methods in laparoscopic fundoplication for neurologically impaired patients: a comparison of three kinds of procedures.Reviewed International journal

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    AIM OF THE STUDY: Liver retraction during laparoscopic fundoplication is important for obtaining an optimal space. Several methods have been developed, but the risks and benefits are unclear. We compared three different approaches and evaluated their safety and utility. METHODS: Forty-three neurologically impaired patients who underwent laparoscopic fundoplication between 2005 and 2018 were classified into three groups: A, snake retractor method, n = 18; B, crural suture method, n = 13; C, needle grasper method, n = 12. Patients' characteristics and outcomes were reviewed. MAIN RESULTS: The liver retraction time was significantly shorter in group C than in A or B (p < 0.05). The operative times were shorter in groups B and C than in A. There were no significant differences in the liver enzyme levels. The liver enzyme levels increased temporarily but improved within a week. The C-reactive protein levels were significantly lower in group B than in A or C (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The most convenient method was the needle grasper method, as the other two approaches create conflict with the operator's forceps. The crural suture method damages the liver less, but requires higher surgical skill levels. It is important to select the appropriate method according to the operator's skill and the patient's size and deformity.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00383-020-04646-8


  • Takayuki Fujii, Yoichi Chiba, Haruyuki Nakayama-Imaohji, Shun Onishi, Aya Tanaka, Hiroto Katami, Tatsuru Kaji, Satoshi Ieiri, Takanori Miki, Masaki Ueno, Tomomi Kuwahara, Ryuichi Shimono .  Partially hydrolyzed guar gum alleviates small intestinal mucosal damage after massive small bowel resection along with changes in the intestinal microbiota. .  Journal of pediatric surgery54 ( 12 ) 2514 - 2519   2019.12Partially hydrolyzed guar gum alleviates small intestinal mucosal damage after massive small bowel resection along with changes in the intestinal microbiota.Reviewed International journal

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    PURPOSE: Short bowel syndrome is associated with intestinal mucosal inflammation and microbial dysbiosis, leading to intractable complications. Partially hydrolyzed guar gum (PHGG) has trophic and anti-inflammatory effects on the intestine. We investigated whether PHGG ameliorates small intestinal mucosal damage and alters the intestinal microbiota using a rat small bowel resection (SBR) model. METHODS: Sprague Dawley rats were divided into sham operation (Sham), Sham/PHGG, SBR, and SBR/PHGG groups. On day 21, all rats were euthanized. To assess small intestinal mucosal damage, the degeneration rate was morphometrically evaluated and immunohistochemically examined using anti-CD45 antibodies. Analyses of fecal microbiota using 16S rRNA and short-chain fatty acid production were also performed. RESULTS: The mucosal degeneration rate was significantly higher in the SBR group than in the Sham or SBR/PHGG groups. The number of CD45-positive cells was significantly higher in the SBR group than in the Sham, Sham/PHGG, or SBR/PHGG groups. The relative abundance of family Lachnospiraceae was significantly higher in the SBR/PHGG group than in the SBR group. CONCLUSIONS: PHGG administration alleviated small intestinal mucosal damage which could be associated with modulation of the intestinal microbiota.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2019.08.048


  • Toshio Harumatsu, Toshihiro Muraji, Ryuta Masuya, Haruo Ohtani, Taichiro Nagai, Keisuke Yano, Shun Onishi, Koji Yamada, Waka Yamada, Makoto Matsukubo, Mitsuru Muto, Tatsuru Kaji, Satoshi Ieiri .  Microvascular proliferation of the portal vein branches in the liver of biliary atresia patients at Kasai operation is associated with a better long-term clinical outcome. .  Pediatric surgery international35 ( 12 ) 1437 - 1441   2019.12Microvascular proliferation of the portal vein branches in the liver of biliary atresia patients at Kasai operation is associated with a better long-term clinical outcome.Reviewed International journal

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    AIM OF THE STUDY: We previously showed an increased number of smaller portal vein (PV) branches in the portal areas of liver biopsy specimens of biliary atresia (BA) patients. We evaluated the correlation between this histopathological feature and the prognosis. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Twenty-five consecutive patients with BA encountered between 2000 and 2012 were classified into three prognostic groups based on their postoperative outcomes: Excellent (n = 11) for native-liver survivors with a normal liver function, Good (n = 6) for native-liver survivors with liver dysfunction, and Poor (n = 8) for survivors after liver transplant or on a waiting list. Data from morphometrical analyses, including the fibrotic portal area, numbers of PVs, diameter and total area of PV branches, were statistically compared among the three groups. MAIN RESULTS: The number of PV branches per unit area of the whole-liver specimen in the poor prognostic group was significantly lower than that in the excellent group (3.1 ± 0.6 vs. 5.2 ± 2.0/mm2, p = 0.03). There were no significant differences in the other parameters. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first report on the relationships between morphometrically analyzed PV branches and the postoperative course in BA patients. The portal venous system is involved as the primary lesion in BA.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00383-019-04579-x


  • Keisuke Yano, Tatsuru Kaji, Shun Onishi, Seiro Machigashira, Taichiro Nagai, Toshio Harumatsu, Koji Yamada, Waka Yamada, Mitsuru Muto, Kazuhiko Nakame, Motoi Mukai, Satoshi Ieiri .  Novel effect of glucagon-like peptide-2 for hepatocellular injury in a parenterally fed rat model of short bowel syndrome. .  Pediatric surgery international35 ( 12 ) 1345 - 1351   2019.12Novel effect of glucagon-like peptide-2 for hepatocellular injury in a parenterally fed rat model of short bowel syndrome.Reviewed International journal

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    PURPOSE: Short bowel syndrome (SBS) patients require long-term parenteral nutrition following massive bowel resection, which causes intestinal failure-associated liver disease (IFALD). Previous reports have shown that glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2) resulted in the bowel adaptation for SBS. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of GLP-2 for IFALD in a parenterally fed rat model. METHODS: Using rat, a catheter was placed in the jugular vein, and 90% small bowel resection (SBR) was performed. Animals were divided into three groups: SBR and total parenteral nutrition (TPN) (SBS/TPN group), SBR and TPN plus GLP-2 at 1 µg/kg/h [SBS/TPN/GLP-2 (low) group], and SBR and TPN plus GLP-2 at 10 µg/kg/h [SBS/TPN/GLP-2 (high) group]. On day 13, the liver was harvested and analyzed by using nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) score. RESULTS: Histologically, hepatic steatosis in the SBS/TPN group and SBS/TPN/GLP-2 (high) group was observed. Both steatosis and lobular inflammation score in the SBS/TPN/GLP-2 (low) group were significantly lower compared with those in the other two groups (p < 0.05). Active NAFLD score in the SBS/TPN/GLP-2 (low) group was significantly lower compared with that in the SBS/TPN/GLP-2 (high) group (p < 0.01). CONCLUSION: Low-dose GLP-2 intravenous administration improves hepatic steatosis of IFALD following in an SBS parenterally fed rat model.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00383-019-04560-8


  • Shun Onishi, Takamasa Ikee, Masakazu Murakami, Keisuke Yano, Toshio Harumatsu, Tokuro Baba, Koji Yamada, Waka Yamada, Ryuta Masuya, Seiro Machigashira, Kazuhiko Nakame, Motoi Mukai, Tatsuru Kaji, Satoshi Ieiri .  A Comparison of the Effectiveness Between Three Different Endoscopic Surgical Skill Training Programs for Medical Students Using the Infant Laparoscopic Fundoplication Simulator: A Randomized Controlled Trial. .  Journal of laparoendoscopic & advanced surgical techniques. Part A29 ( 10 ) 1252 - 1258   2019.10A Comparison of the Effectiveness Between Three Different Endoscopic Surgical Skill Training Programs for Medical Students Using the Infant Laparoscopic Fundoplication Simulator: A Randomized Controlled Trial.Reviewed International journal

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    Background and Aim:
    Training programs for developing laparoscopic suturing skills range from dry-box training to virtual simulator training. There are advantages and disadvantages to each training method; however, which training is best for medical students and young surgeons is unclear. The aim of this study was to compare the proficiency of medical students in acquiring laparoscopic suturing skills after various routes of short-term training: via a video, an expert teacher, or a virtual simulator.
    Materials and Methods:
    Seventeen medical students were registered and divided randomly into three groups: group receiving personal training while watching a training video (video group), group receiving training under the guidance of an expert (teaching group), and group receiving personal training with a virtual simulator (virtual group). The students practiced laparoscopic suturing and tying skills for 1 hour. Following their training, they performed the evaluation task of three sutures and ties using a laparoscopic fundoplication simulator. We developed a 1-year-old infant body model (body weight 10 kg) based on computed tomography data and established a pneumoperitoneum body model based on a clinical situation.
    The path length of the assistant forceps in the virtual group tended to be longer than in the other groups. The average acceleration of the assistant forceps in the virtual group was faster than in the other groups (P = .04). There were no significant differences in the other evaluation parameters.
    A long-term and combination training study should be performed to develop the best method for training medical students and inexperienced young surgeons.

    DOI: 10.1089/lap.2019.0212


  • Koji Yamada, Masakazu Murakami, Keisuke Yano, Tokuro Baba, Toshio Harumatsu, Shun Onishi, Waka Yamada, Ryuta Masuya, Seiro Machigashira, Kazuhiko Nakame, Motoi Mukai, Tatsuru Kaji, Satoshi Ieiri .  Impact and characteristics of two- and three-dimensional forceps manipulation using laparoscopic hepaticojejunostomy mimicking a disease-specific simulator: a comparison of pediatric surgeons with gastrointestinal surgeons. .  Pediatric surgery international35 ( 10 ) 1051 - 1057   2019.10Impact and characteristics of two- and three-dimensional forceps manipulation using laparoscopic hepaticojejunostomy mimicking a disease-specific simulator: a comparison of pediatric surgeons with gastrointestinal surgeons.Reviewed International journal

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    PURPOSE: This study assessed the impact of 2D and 3D environments by comparing pediatric surgeons (PS) and gastrointestinal surgeons (GIS) using a laparoscopic hepaticojejunostomy simulator. METHODS: We developed a high-fidelity simulator of laparoscopic hepaticojejunostomy. Thirty-five participants (19 PS and 16 GIS) performed hepaticojejunostomy in both 2D and 3D environments. We evaluated the required time, total path length, and average velocities of bilateral forceps in both situations using the para-axial port layout. RESULTS: Regarding the participants' characteristics, the performance history of laparoscopic hepaticojejunostomy differed significantly between PS and GIS. In PS, the 3D environment did not markedly affect compared with 2D. In GIS, however, the 3D environment affected the time and movement of the right forceps. There were no significant differences in the time between PS and GIS in either environment. In both environments, the right-hand movement of the PS group was shorter and slower than that of the GIS group, but the left-hand movement was the opposite. CONCLUSION: There were significant differences in forceps movement characteristics between the PS and GIS. The effects of a 3D environment could not be clarified in this study, because it may depend on the port layout used and the operative procedures.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00383-019-04538-6


  • Koji Yamada, Masakazu Murakami, Keisuke Yano, Tokuro Baba, Toshio Harumatsu, Shun Onishi, Waka Yamada, Ryuta Masuya, Seiro Machigashira, Kazuhiko Nakame, Motoi Mukai, Tatsuru Kaji, Satoshi Ieiri .  Impact and Characteristics of Forceps Manipulation of Three-Dimensional in Laparoscopic Hepaticojejunostomy Mimicking a Disease-Specific Simulator: A Comparison of Expert with Trainee. .  Journal of laparoendoscopic & advanced surgical techniques. Part A29 ( 10 ) 1378 - 1382   2019.10Impact and Characteristics of Forceps Manipulation of Three-Dimensional in Laparoscopic Hepaticojejunostomy Mimicking a Disease-Specific Simulator: A Comparison of Expert with Trainee.Reviewed International journal

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    Various studies have shown the benefit of three-dimensional (3D) systems over two-dimensional (2D) systems in endoscopic surgery. However, few studies have focused on pediatric endosurgery. The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of 2D and 3D environments on the time taken and forceps manipulation by comparing experts and trainees using a laparoscopic hepaticojejunostomy simulator.
    We have developed a simulator of laparoscopic hepaticojejunostomy for congenital biliary dilatation. Seventeen participants of pediatric surgeons (4 experts and 13 trainees) performed hepaticojejunostomy using our simulator in both 2D and 3D environment. We evaluated the required time, total path length, and average velocities of bilateral forceps in both situations.
    Obtained results show the findings for the required time (seconds; 2D, experts: 810.43 ± 321.64 vs. trainees: 1136.02 ± 409.96, P = .17) (seconds; 3D, experts: 660.21 ± 256.48 vs. trainees: 1017 ± 280.93, P = .039), total path length of right forceps (mm; 2D, experts: 38838.23 ± 30686.63 vs. trainees: 52005.47 ± 31675.02, P = .48)(mm; 3D, experts: 24443.09 ± 12316.32 vs. trainees: 45508.09 ± 26926.27, P = .16), total path length of left forceps (mm; 2D, experts: 131635.54 ± 71669.94 vs. trainees: 245242.48 ± 130940.25, P = .48)(mm; 3D, experts: 88520.42 ± 56766.63 vs. trainees: 230789.75 ± 107315.85, P = .024), average velocities of right forceps (mm/second; 2D, experts: 44.80 ± 21.85 vs. trainees: 44.37 ± 18.92, P = .97) (mm/second; 3D, experts: 37.28 ± 16.49 vs. trainees: 42.58 ± 14.40, P = .54), average velocities of left forceps (mm/second; 2D, experts: 156.65 ± 38.69 vs. trainees: 202.58 ± 63.80, P = .20) (mm/second; 3D, experts: 125.64 ± 44.30 vs. trainees: 219.42 ± 43.82, P < .01).
    The experts performed more effectively when using the 3D system. Using 3D, the total path length of the left forceps of expert pediatric surgeons was significantly shorter than trainee pediatric surgeons, and the average velocities of the left forceps tip of expert pediatric surgeons was significantly slower than trainee pediatric surgeons. These results suggest that training of assisting hand is necessary for advanced pediatric endosurgery to avoid organ injury.

    DOI: 10.1089/lap.2019.0211


  • Koshiro Sugita, Takafumi Kawano, Mukai Motoi, Toshihiro Muraji, Shun Onishi, Tomoe Moriguchi, Koji Yamada, Waka Yamada, Ryuta Masuya, Seiro Machigashira, Kazuhiko Nakame, Tatsuru Kaji, Satoshi Ieiri .  Analysis of the risk of ovarian torsion in 49 consecutive pediatric patients treated at a single institution .  World Journal of Pediatric Surgery2 ( 2 )   2019.6Analysis of the risk of ovarian torsion in 49 consecutive pediatric patients treated at a single institution

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    Purpose: An early diagnosis of ovarian torsion is sometimes difficult due to variable clinical symptoms and non-specific imaging findings. We retrospectively reviewed patients with pediatric ovarian masses manifesting torsion. Methods: Fifty-eight ovarian masses (55 episodes) in 49 non-neonatal patients treated from April 1984 to March 2017 were retrospectively analyzed. The Mann-Whitney U test and Fisher's exact test were used for the statistical analysis. Results: The median age of these 55 episodes was 10.5 years old (range 1.0-23.0). Thirty-three patients presented with abdominal pain. Forty-five tumors and 13 cystic masses were resected and diagnosed pathologically (50 benign and 8 malignant). Torsion was identified in 15 cases (25.9%) at operation. The torsion masses were all benign, and 8 ovaries (53.3%) were successfully preserved. Comparing the torsion cases with the nontorsion cases, only the white cell count was significantly higher in the torsion cases (p=0.0133) and in the patients presented with abdominal pain (p=0.0068). The duration of abdominal pain was significantly shorter in ovary preserved cases than in oophorectomy cases. Conclusion: The white blood cell may be a helpful indicator of the presence of torsion as well as the need for surgery.

    DOI: 10.1136/wjps-2018-000009


  • Ryuta Masuya, Toshihiro Muraji, Haruo Ohtani, Motoi Mukai, Shun Onishi, Toshio Harumatsu, Koji Yamada, Waka Yamada, Takafumi Kawano, Seiro Machigashira, Kazuhiko Nakame, Tatsuru Kaji, Satoshi Ieiri .  Morphometric demonstration of portal vein stenosis and hepatic arterial medial hypertrophy in patients with biliary atresia. .  Pediatric surgery international35 ( 5 ) 529 - 537   2019.5Morphometric demonstration of portal vein stenosis and hepatic arterial medial hypertrophy in patients with biliary atresia.Reviewed International journal

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    PURPOSE: Portal hypertension in patients with biliary atresia (BA) is generally thought to result from portal vein (PV) narrowing secondary to hepatic fibrosis. To test the hypothesis, we morphometrically analyzed the PVs and hepatic arteries (HAs). METHODS: Morphometrical analyses of 25 BA and 26 non-BA liver biopsy specimens from patients treated from 2000 to 2014. The total specimen area, the fibrotic portal area, vessel diameter and medial thickness of the HAs were measured. RESULTS: The PV diameter in BA patients was significantly smaller than that in non-BA patients. In BA, the numbers of normal-sized PVs and capillaries were decreased and increased, respectively. The PV diameter was not significantly correlated with the degree of fibrosis. We newly found that medial hypertrophy and the HA diameter increased with the number of endothelial cells in BA. The PV diameter was not significantly correlated with the medial thickness and was positively correlated with the HA diameter in BA. CONCLUSIONS: The narrowing of the PV is unlikely to occur secondarily to liver fibrosis. The medial hypertrophy of the HA is not correlated with the decrease in the PV blood flow. These findings seem to be unique to the primary vascular lesions of BA.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00383-019-04459-4


  • Tomoe Moriguchi, Seiro Machigashira, Koshiro Sugita, Masato Kawano, Keisuke Yano, Shun Onishi, Koji Yamada, Waka Yamada, Ryuta Masuya, Takafumi Kawano, Kazuhiko Nakame, Motoi Mukai, Tatsuru Kaji, Satoshi Ieiri .  A Randomized Trial to Compare the Conventional Three-Port Laparoscopic Appendectomy Procedure to Single-Incision and One-Puncture Procedure That Was Safe and Feasible, Even for Surgeons in Training. .  Journal of laparoendoscopic & advanced surgical techniques. Part A29 ( 3 ) 392 - 395   2019.3A Randomized Trial to Compare the Conventional Three-Port Laparoscopic Appendectomy Procedure to Single-Incision and One-Puncture Procedure That Was Safe and Feasible, Even for Surgeons in Training.Reviewed International journal

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    BACKGROUND: Single-incision laparoscopic surgery has emerged; however, the procedures might be complicated for trainees. We compared the clinical outcomes of conventional three-port laparoscopic appendectomy (CLA) and single-incision and one-puncture laparoscopic appendectomy (SIOPLA) by attending pediatric surgeons (APSs) and surgeons in training (SITs). MATERIALS AND METHODS: We reviewed the clinical outcomes of 72 randomized laparoscopic appendectomies that were consecutively performed by SITs and APSs for a 2-year period. The cases were categorized according to type of surgeon. Finally, 10 CLA and 18 SIOPLA procedures were performed by SITs, and 24 CLA and 20 SIOPLA procedures were performed by APSs. The operative time, blood loss, analgesic use, complications, and hospital stay were analyzed. RESULTS: There were no significant differences in any of the evaluation points between CLA and SIOPLA. CONCLUSIONS: SIOPLA is not inferior operation to CLA, and the postoperative outcomes of SIOPLA were satisfactory. Thus, SIOPLA was safe and feasible for young surgeons to perform.

    DOI: 10.1089/lap.2018.0195


  • Mari Kirishima, Sohsuke Yamada, Mitsuhisa Shinya, Shun Onishi, Yuko Goto, Ikumi Kitazono, Tsubasa Hiraki, Michiyo Higashi, Akira I Hida, Akihide Tanimoto .  An autopsy case of epignathus (immature teratoma of the soft palate) with intracranial extension but without brain invasion: case report and literature review. .  Diagnostic pathology13 ( 1 ) 99 - 99   2018.12An autopsy case of epignathus (immature teratoma of the soft palate) with intracranial extension but without brain invasion: case report and literature review.Reviewed International journal

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    BACKGROUND: Epignathus is a rare congenital orofacial teratoma infrequently associated with intracranial extension. Intracranial extension of an epignathus indicates a poor prognosis; however, only a small number of such cases have been reported. While there have been some studies reporting cases of epignathus expanding directly into the cranium, others have reported no communication between an epignathus and an intracranial tumor. CASE PRESENTATION: A fetus at gestational week 27 was suspected of having an epignathus with intracranial tumor as shown by ultrasonographic and magnetic resonance imaging. The fetus was stillborn and an autopsy was performed. An epignathus measuring 12 × 6 × 6 cm and weighing 270 g protruded from the mouth, with its base on the soft palate. An intracranial tumor weighing 14 g was located at the middle intracranial fossa and connected to the epignathus through the right side of the sella turcica. The intracranial tumor was encapsulated, and there was no invasion into the brain. Histologically, both the epignathus and intracranial tumor were immature teratomas, with neural and pulmonary components that were especially immature as compared to those of the internal organs and brain tissues of the fetus. CONCLUSION: There have been several reports of epignathus and intracranial tumors that did not communicate; therefore, careful evaluation is needed when a fetus is suspected of having an epignathus extending into an intracranial lesion. Our case supports the findings that an epignathus can directly expand into the cranium. Moreover, this is a rare case of an epignathus in which the intracranial lesion was encapsulated and did not invade the brain. These rare but important findings will provide additional, potential therapeutic strategies for gynecologists, neurosurgeons, and pathologists.

    DOI: 10.1186/s13000-018-0776-y


  • Motoi Mukai, Tatsuru Kaji, Ryuta Masuya, Koji Yamada, Koshiro Sugita, Tomoe Moriguchi, Shun Onishi, Waka Yamada, Takafumi Kawano, Seiro Machigashira, Kazuhiko Nakame, Hideo Takamatsu, Satoshi Ieiri .  Long-term outcomes of surgery for choledochal cysts: a single-institution study focusing on follow-up and late complications. .  Surgery today48 ( 9 ) 835 - 840   2018.9Long-term outcomes of surgery for choledochal cysts: a single-institution study focusing on follow-up and late complications.Reviewed

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    PURPOSE: The late postoperative complications of choledochal cyst (CC) surgery are serious and include intrahepatic stones and biliary carcinoma; therefore, long-term follow-up is crucial. METHODS: The subjects of this retrospective study were patients who underwent surgery for CC at Kagoshima University Hospital between April, 1984 and December, 2016. We analyzed the operative results, early and late postoperative complications, and postoperative follow-up rate. RESULTS: The study population comprised 110 CC patients (male/female: 33/77) with a median age at surgery of 4 years, 3 months (range 12 days-17 years). The patients underwent hepaticoduodenostomy (n = 1; 0.9%) or hepaticojejunostomy (n = 109; 99.1%). Late complications included intrahepatic bile duct (IHBD) dilatation (n = 1; 0.9%), IHBD stones (n = 3; 2.7%), and adhesive ileus (n = 4; 3.6%). There was no incidence of biliary carcinoma in this series. The rates of follow-up at our institute within 10 years of surgery and more than 20 years after surgery were 69.2% (18 of 26) and 14.5% (8 of 55), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The follow-up rate after definitive surgery declined with time. Late complications were observed within 20 years, but biliary carcinoma was not observed. The follow-up rate should be increased to detect late complications. Moreover, patient education on long-term follow up is essential to prevent life-threatening events after definitive surgery for CC.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00595-018-1660-9



  • Shun Onishi, Tatsuru Kaji, Waka Yamada, Kazuhiko Nakame, Seiro Machigashira, Masato Kawano, Keisuke Yano, Toshio Harumatsu, Koji Yamada, Ryuta Masuya, Takafumi Kawano, Motoi Mukai, Taiji Hamada, Masakazu Souda, Takako Yoshioka, Akihide Tanimoto, Satoshi Ieiri .  Ghrelin stimulates intestinal adaptation following massive small bowel resection in parenterally fed rats. .  Peptides106   59 - 67   2018.8Ghrelin stimulates intestinal adaptation following massive small bowel resection in parenterally fed rats.Reviewed International journal

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    BACKGROUND: Since short bowel syndrome (SBS) patients face life-threatening conditions, the development of therapeutic strategies to induce intestinal adaptation has been investigated. Ghrelin, a ligand of growth hormone (GH) secretagogue-receptor that stimulates the release of GH and insulin like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), has several pleiotropic effects. We investigated whether ghrelin induces intestinal adaptation in parenterally fed rats with SBS. METHODS: Sprague-Dawley rats underwent venous catheterization and were divided into 3 groups: those receiving 90% small bowel resection while leaving the proximal jejunum and distal ileum (90% SBR) with TPN (SBS/TPN group), those receiving 90% SBR with TPN + ghrelin (SBS/TPN/ghrelin group), and those receiving sham operation and fed chow (sham group). Ghrelin was administered intravenously at 10 μg/kg/day. On Day 13, the rats were euthanized and the small intestine harvested, and the histology and crypt cell proliferation rates (CCPR), apoptosis, and nutrient transporter protein levels were analyzed and the plasma hormones were measured. RESULTS: The villus height and crypt depth of the ileum in the SBS/TPN/ghrelin group were significantly higher than in the SBS/TPN group. The CCPR of the jejunum and the ileum significantly increased by the administration of ghrelin; however, the apoptosis rates did not significantly differ between the SBS/TPN and SBS/TPN/ghrelin groups. Significant differences did not exist in the plasma IGF-1 and nutrient transporter protein levels among three groups. CONCLUSIONS: The intravenous administration of ghrelin stimulated the morphological intestinal adaptation of the ileum to a greater degree than the jejunum due to the direct effect of ghrelin.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.peptides.2018.06.009


  • 中目 和彦, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 桝屋 隆太, 川野 孝文, 町頭 成郎, 向井 基, 加治 建, 家入 里志 .  40例の経験からみた先天性嚢胞性肺疾患の外科治療の検討 胸腔鏡手術時代の出生前診断例に対する治療戦略 .  日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集118回   1993 - 1993   2018.440例の経験からみた先天性嚢胞性肺疾患の外科治療の検討 胸腔鏡手術時代の出生前診断例に対する治療戦略

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  • Takashi Tasaki, Kazuhito Hatanaka, Mari Kirishima, Shun Ohnishi, Yuko Goto, Ikumi Kitazono, Tsubasa Hiraki, Sohsuke Yamada, Michiyo Higashi, Akihide Tanimoto .  Aortic fibromuscular dysplasia complicated by dissection: a case report and review of literature .  CARDIOVASCULAR PATHOLOGY31   41 - 46   2017.11Aortic fibromuscular dysplasia complicated by dissection: a case report and review of literatureReviewed

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    Fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD) is an idiopathic, segmental, nonatherosclerotic, non-inflammatory vascular disease, which is often complicated by the occurrence of dissection. Although it is known to occur in all arteries, aortic involvement is relatively rare. To date, 33 cases of aortic FMD have been reported in available English literature, among which only three cases have been complicated by the occurrence of dissection. We describe the case of a 40-year-old woman diagnosed with aortic FMD complicated by the occurrence of a type A aortic dissection. Non-invasive imaging revealed an ascending to descending thoracic aneurysm measuring 8 cm in diameter associated with dissection. Histopathologically, a segment of the wall of the aneurysm showed architectural disorganization of the aortic wall with loss of elastic fibers, collagen deposition, and irregular proliferation of smooth muscle cells in the intima and media-features suggesting FMD. No atheromatous plaque or medial cystic degeneration was observed in the aorta. Although aortic FMD is sometimes fatal, it is often very difficult to diagnose using imaging techniques. Therefore, performing a histopathological diagnosis is very important and should be emphasized. (C) 2017 Published by Elsevier Inc.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.carpath.2017.07.007

    Web of Science


  • Takamasa Ikee, Shun Onishi, Motoi Mukai, Takafumi Kawano, Koshiro Sugita, Tomoe Moriguchi, Koji Yamada, Waka Yamada, Ryuta Masuya, Seiro Machigashira, Kazuhiko Nakame, Tatsuru Kaji, Satoshi Ieiri .  A comparison of the characteristics and precision of needle driving for right-handed pediatric surgeons between right and left driving using a model of infant laparoscopic diaphragmatic hernia repair. .  Pediatric surgery international33 ( 10 ) 1103 - 1108   2017.10A comparison of the characteristics and precision of needle driving for right-handed pediatric surgeons between right and left driving using a model of infant laparoscopic diaphragmatic hernia repair.Reviewed International journal

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    PURPOSE: We compared the characteristics and precision of right and left needle driving for right-handed pediatric surgeons using a laparoscopic diaphragmatic repair model. METHODS: Eighteen right-handed pediatric surgeons performed three needle driving maneuvers using both hands. We evaluated the required time and conducted an image analysis. The total path length, velocity, and acceleration of the needle driving were also evaluated. RESULTS: Obtained results show the findings for the required time (s, Rt 310.78 ± 148.93 vs. Lt 308.61 ± 122.53, p = 0.93), sum of needle driving balances (mm, Rt 5.23 ± 2.44 vs. Lt 5.05 ± 3.17, p = 0.83), the gap of the needle driving interval (Rt 1.2 ± 0.93 vs. Lt 2.17 ± 1.67, p = 0.04), total path length (mm, Rt 594.03 ± 205.29 vs. Lt 1641.07 ± 670.68, p < 0.01), and average velocity (mm/s, Rt 1.92 ± 0.54 vs. Lt 5.3 ± 1.39, p < 0.01). CONCLUSION: For right-handed pediatric surgeons, left needle driving showed almost same quality of right needle driving as regarding the precision. But left needle driving also showed too fast but not economical movement unfortunately, implying rough and risky forceps manipulation. Non-dominant hand training is necessary to avoid organ injury.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00383-017-4144-x

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  • Takafumi Kawano, Kazuyoshi Hosomichi, Ituro Inoue, Ryuichi Shimono, Shun Onishi, Kazuhiko Nakame, Tatsuru Kaji, Hiroshi Matsufuji, Satoshi Ieiri .  Identification of a novel variant of the RET proto-oncogene in a novel family with Hirschsprung's disease. .  Pediatric surgery international33 ( 10 ) 1041 - 1046   2017.10Identification of a novel variant of the RET proto-oncogene in a novel family with Hirschsprung's disease.Reviewed International journal

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    PURPOSE: Hirschsprung's disease (HSCR) is a congenital disorder of the enteric nervous system characterized by the absence of ganglion cells in the Auerbach's and Meissner's plexuses. Although about 7% of cases are hereditary, the causal mutations have not been completely characterized. We encountered a novel family with inherited HSCR and screened them for causal mutations. METHODS: A Japanese family of five female patients and six unaffected individuals was subjected to a whole-exome analysis with a next-generation sequencer. RESULTS: After exome sequencing and the annotation of mutations, we identified co-segregated mutations with sequential filtering steps via a standard protocol. Eight mutations were identified: two on chromosome 10 and six on chromosome 11. We used pathogenicity prediction tools such as Genomic Evolutionary Rate Profiling, SIFT, and PolyPhen2 to predict the impact of mutations on the protein activity. S922Y, a novel mutation of RET, was identified as a likely causal mutation. In addition, a mutation of rs2435357T, known as enhancer of RET located in intron 1 of RET, was detected in this family. CONCLUSION: The coexistence of RET mutations in both the exon (S922Y) and intron1 (rs2435357T) indicated a risk of HSCR in this family.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00383-017-4134-z


  • Masaya Suzuhigashi, Tatsuru Kaji, Hiroyuki Noguchi, Mitsuru Muto, Michiko Goto, Motoi Mukai, Kazuhiko Nakame, Takafumi Kawano, Waka Yamada, Koji Yamada, Shun Onishi, Satoshi Ieiri .  Current characteristics and management of congenital esophageal stenosis: 40 consecutive cases from a multicenter study in the Kyushu area of Japan. .  Pediatric surgery international33 ( 10 ) 1035 - 1040   2017.10Current characteristics and management of congenital esophageal stenosis: 40 consecutive cases from a multicenter study in the Kyushu area of Japan.Reviewed International journal

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    PURPOSE: Congenital esophageal stenosis (CES) is rare, and the available clinical data are limited. We explored the current diagnosis, treatment and outcomes of CES. METHODS: A questionnaire survey was performed using medical records at pediatric surgical centers in the Kyushu area. RESULTS: Over 10 years, 40 patients (24 males) had CES. The incidence of associated anomalies was 52.5% (21/40), and that of esophageal atresia was 20.0% (8/40). The mean age at the diagnosis was 12.0 months (range, 1 day-8.8 years). Seven (17.5%) patients were diagnosed in the neonatal period. Ten (25.0%) developed CES due to tracheobronchial remnants, 27 (67.5%) due to fibromuscular stenosis (FMS) and 1 (2.5%) due to membranous stenosis + FMS. Thirty-six (90.0%) were treated by balloon dilatation (mean, 3 times; range, 1-20). Perforation at dilatation occurred in 7 (17.5%) patients, and all were diagnosed with FMS. Eighteen (45.0%) patients underwent radical operation (3 primary, 15 secondary to dilatation). CONCLUSIONS: Our study clarified the characteristics and outcomes of CES, including neonatal diagnoses. CES occurred in 1 in every 33,000 births in the Kyushu area. Careful attention should be paid, even in cases of dilatation for FMS. CES requires long-term follow-up for symptom persistence after adequate and repeated treatment.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00383-017-4133-0

    Web of Science


  • Shun Onishi, Kazuhiko Nakame, Kouji Yamada, Waka Yamada, Takafumi Kawano, Motoi Mukai, Tatsuru Kaji, Satoshi Ieiri .  Long-term outcome of bowel function for 110 consecutive cases of Hirschsprung's disease: Comparison of the abdominal approach with transanal approach more than 30years in a single institution - is the transanal approach truly beneficial for bowel function? .  Journal of pediatric surgery51 ( 12 ) 2010 - 2014   2016.12Long-term outcome of bowel function for 110 consecutive cases of Hirschsprung's disease: Comparison of the abdominal approach with transanal approach more than 30years in a single institution - is the transanal approach truly beneficial for bowel function?Reviewed International journal

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    BACKGROUND: We compared the long-term outcomes of the bowel function (BF) in Hirschsprung's disease (HD) patients who underwent transanal endorectal pull-through (TA) with those who underwent the Soave-Denda (SD) procedure. METHODS: Patient data were collected from 1984 to 2015 from 110 HD patients who underwent definitive diagnosis and operation. The follow-up data were analyzed retrospectively. BF was evaluated according to the evacuation score (ES) of the Japan Society of Anorectal Malformation Study Group at 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11years of age. RESULTS: The operative procedures performed were as follows: SD: 71 (64.5%), TA: 38 (34.5%), and Duhamel: 1 (1.0%). We compared SD with TA. The ES improved chronologically after both procedures, and patients achieved satisfactory results at least 10years after operation. There was no significant difference in the total ES at all ages. The incontinence and frequency of bowel movement scores of TA patients were significantly lower than those of SD patients at several points. CONCLUSION: TA is simple, less invasive, and adaptive for neonates and small infants. However, regarding the bowel function, TA is not always superior to SD. The surgical technique of TA must be improved according to a detailed understanding of the anatomy. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Retrospective study - level III.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2016.09.029

    Web of Science


  • Waka Yamada, Tatsuru Kaji, Shun Onishi, Kazuhiko Nakame, Koji Yamada, Takafumi Kawano, Motoi Mukai, Masakazu Souda, Takako Yoshioka, Akihide Tanimoto, Satoshi Ieiri .  Ghrelin improves intestinal mucosal atrophy during parenteral nutrition: An experimental study. .  Journal of pediatric surgery51 ( 12 ) 2039 - 2043   2016.12Ghrelin improves intestinal mucosal atrophy during parenteral nutrition: An experimental study.Reviewed International journal

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    BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) has been reported to be associated with mucosal atrophy of the small intestine. Ghrelin has hormonal, orexigenic, and metabolic activities. We investigated whether ghrelin improved intestinal mucosal atrophy using a TPN-supported rat model. METHODS: Rats underwent jugular vein catheterization and were divided into four groups: TPN alone (TPN), TPN plus low-dose ghrelin (TPNLG), TPN plus high-dose ghrelin (TPNHG), and oral feeding with normal chow (OF). Ghrelin was administered continuously at dosages of 10 or 50 μg/kg/day. On day 6 rats were euthanized, and the small intestine was harvested and divided into the jejunum and ileum. Then the villus height (VH) and crypt depth (CD) were evaluated. RESULTS: The jejunal and ileal VH and CD in the TPN group were significantly decreased compared with those in the OF group. TPNHG improved only VH of the jejunum. TPNLG improved VH and CD of the jejunum and CD of the ileum. The improvement of TPNLG was significantly stronger than that in CD of the jejunum and ileum. CONCLUSIONS: TPN was more strongly associated with mucosal atrophy in the jejunum than in the ileum. Low-dose intravenous administration of ghrelin improved TPN-associated intestinal mucosal atrophy more effectively than high-dose administration.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2016.09.035

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  • Masaya Suzuhigashi, Tatsuru Kaji, Kazuhiko Nakame, Motoi Mukai, Waka Yamada, Shun Onishi, Koji Yamada, Takafumi Kawano, Hideo Takamatsu, Satoshi Ieiri .  Abdominal wall regenerative medicine for a large defect using tissue engineering: an experimental study. .  Pediatric surgery international32 ( 10 ) 959 - 65   2016.10Abdominal wall regenerative medicine for a large defect using tissue engineering: an experimental study.Reviewed International journal

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    PURPOSE: Treatment for a large abdominal wall defect remains challenging. The aim of this study was to optimize tissue engineering therapy of muscle constructs using a rat model. METHODS: Experimental abdominal wall defects were created in Wister rats. The animal model was divided into three groups: collagen sponge (CS), hybrid scaffold (HS) and hybrid scaffold containing bone marrow liquid (HSBM). Hybrid scaffolds comprised collagen sponge and poly L-lactide (PLLA) sheets. Abdominal wall defects were covered by three kinds of sheets. Thereafter, the bone marrow liquid was spread onto the sheets. Rats were killed at 4, 8, and 16 weeks. Pathological examinations were performed using hematoxylin-eosin and desmin antibody staining. RESULTS: The CS group showed abdominal hernia, whereas the HS and HSBM groups did not. Vascular formation was confirmed in all groups. Muscle tissue was recognized at the marginal area of the sheet only in the HSBM group. CONCLUSION: The HS and HSBM groups show a greater intensity than the CS group. Muscle tissue regeneration is solely recognized in the HSBM group. Our experimental data suggest that the triad of scaffold, cell, and growth factor is fundamental for ideal biomaterials. The HSBM may be useful for reconstruction of abdominal wall defects.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00383-016-3949-3

    Web of Science


  • Takafumi Kawano, Tatsuru Kaji, Shun Onishi, Koji Yamada, Waka Yamada, Kazuhiko Nakame, Motoi Mukai, Satoshi Ieiri .  Efficacy of ethanol locks to reduce the incidence of catheter-related bloodstream infections for home parenteral nutrition pediatric patients: comparison of therapeutic treatment with prophylactic treatment. .  Pediatric surgery international32 ( 9 ) 863 - 7   2016.9Efficacy of ethanol locks to reduce the incidence of catheter-related bloodstream infections for home parenteral nutrition pediatric patients: comparison of therapeutic treatment with prophylactic treatment.Reviewed International journal

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER  

    PURPOSE: Children with intestinal failure (IF) requiring central venous catheters (CVCs) often experience frequent catheter-related bloodstream infections (CRBSIs), which is a serious and life-threatening complication. To reduce the incidence of CRBSI, prophylactic ethanol lock therapy (ELT) was initiated. METHODS: Patients with IF received home parenteral nutrition via a silicone tunneled CVC. All of them had received therapeutic ELT from January 2009 (first period) and prophylactic ELT from December 2012 (second period). Prophylactic ELT refers to ethanol lock for 2 h during the monthly hospital visit. We compared the CRBSI rate and number of CVC replacements between both periods. RESULTS: Four patients received 19 CVCs for a total of 5623 catheter days. In the first period, there were 12 CRBSIs in 1823 catheter days (rate 6.77 per 1000 catheter days). In the second period, there were 9 CRBSIs in 3800 catheter days (rate 3.13 per 1000 catheter days). Overall, the rate of CVC replacement decreased from 4.92 to 1.72 per 1000 catheter days (p = 0.04). No adverse reactions were experienced during ethanol instillation. CONCLUSION: Monthly prophylactic ELT for IF patients is considered to be a safe and effective modality for reducing the replacement of CVCs due to CRBSIs.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00383-016-3933-y

    Web of Science


  • Akihiro Sonoda, Shun Ohnishi, Shoji Nakao, Yoshitaka Iwashita, Naomi Hashimoto, Kazuhisa Ishida, Yuki Kondo, Yoichi Ishitsuka, Tetsumi Irie .  Factors affecting serum albumin in the perioperative period of colorectal surgery: A retrospective study Surgery .  BMC Research Notes8 ( 1 ) 638   2015.11Factors affecting serum albumin in the perioperative period of colorectal surgery: A retrospective study SurgeryReviewed

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:BioMed Central Ltd.  

    Background: Albumin is considered a negative acute-phase protein because its concentration decreases during injury and sepsis. Hypoalbuminemia is a risk factor for mortality, postoperative complications, and prolonged hospital stay. The magnitude of the systemic inflammatory response during the perioperative period, as indicated by the acute-phase proteins - C-reactive protein (CRP) in particular -, may help identify the risk of postoperative infectious complication. The correlation between serum albumin and CRP with gastrointestinal cancer has been reported. However, it is unclear whether antecedent CRP could be utilized to predict future hypoalbuminemia in the perioperative period in colorectal surgery. The primary endpoint of this study was to reveal that antecedent CRP could be utilized to predict future hypoalbuminemia in the perioperative period of colorectal surgery. Methods: Thirty-seven patients who underwent elective open colorectal surgery were included in this study. Correlations between preoperative CRP and serum albumin on postoperative day (POD) 3, between preoperative CRP and serum albumin on POD 7 and between CRP on POD 3 and serum albumin on POD 7 were examined. Relationships between preoperative CRP and hypoalbuminemia on POD 3, between preoperative CRP and hypoalbuminemia on POD 7 and between CRP on POD 3 and hypoalbuminemia on POD 7 were examined by receiver operating characteristic analysis. Results: Three-quarters of patients were older than 65 years of age. Significant correlations were observed between preoperative CRP and serum albumin on POD 3 (p = 0.023), between preoperative CRP and serum albumin on POD 7 (p = 0.023) and between CRP on POD 3 and serum albumin on POD 7 (p &lt
    0.001). The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of CRP on POD 3 to development of hypoalbuminemia on POD 7 was 0.833 (95 % CI 0.679-0.987) with an optimal threshold of 12.43 mg/dL, sensitivity 75 % and specificity 80 %. Conclusions: The present study revealed that antecedent CRP was associated with future serum albumin. Additionally, CRP on POD 3 could be useful in predicting the development of hypoalbuminemia on POD 7. This result suggests that CRP on POD 3 may be a valuable indicator for early nutritional intervention.

    DOI: 10.1186/s13104-015-1632-8



  • Hiroshi Imamura, Satoshi Iino, Akihiko Sakamoto, Taisaku Kuwahata, Keiichi Yonemori, Shun Onishi, Hiroshi Higashi, Hironori Sakita, Gen Tanabe, Shouji Natsugoe .  [A case of rectal cancer which showed complete response to chemotherapy for para-aortic lymph node metastases remaining after surgery, for which resection of Virchow's lymph node recurrence led to long-term survival]. .  Gan to kagaku ryoho. Cancer & chemotherapy40 ( 9 ) 1233 - 6   2013.9[A case of rectal cancer which showed complete response to chemotherapy for para-aortic lymph node metastases remaining after surgery, for which resection of Virchow's lymph node recurrence led to long-term survival].Reviewed

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japanese Journal of Cancer and Chemotherapy Publishers Inc.  

    A 55-year-old man with a positive fecal occult blood test visited our department, and after a thorough medical evaluation, was diagnosed with Stage IV Rs rectal cancer with marked para-aortic lymph node metastasis. In December 2007, the patient underwent low anterior rectal resection with D3 lymph node dissection, but the para-aortic lymph nodes were left. The metastatic lymph nodes showed a complete response(CR)to post-operative chemotherapy with FOLFOX, FOLFIRI, IRIS, and irinotecan+cetuximab, and the complete response was sustained for 18 months after surgery. Later, he developed Virchow's lymph node metastasis, which was also resected. At present, 5 years after the first surgery, the patient, whose chemotherapy has been discontinued, is alive without recurrence. It appears that using key drugs, such as 5-fluorouracil, leukovorin, oxaliplatin, irinotecan, and cetuximab, and performing aggressive salvage surgery for Virchow's lymph node recurrence, led to long-term recurrence-free survival.



  • 春松 敏夫, 加治 建, 下野 隆一, 向井 基, 中目 和彦, 桝屋 隆太, 野村 美緒子, 大西 峻, 松藤 凡 .  PD-10-2 当科における胆道拡張症術後長期経過症例の検討(PD-10 パネルディスカッション(10)小児期発症胆道拡張症におけるキャリーオーバー期の諸問題,第112回日本外科学会定期学術集会) .  日本外科学会雑誌113 ( 2 ) 212   2012.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:一般社団法人日本外科学会  

  • 加治 建, 下野 隆一, 向井 基, 中目 和彦, 武藤 充, 桝屋 隆太, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 野村 美緒子, 池江 隆正, 松藤 凡 .  重症心身障害児に対するより安全な胃瘻造設術のための工夫 .  Journal of the Japanese Society of Pediatric Surgeons48 ( 3 ) 486 - 486   2012

  • Shimono Ryuichi, Kaji Tatsuru, Mukai Motoi, Nakame Kazuhiko, Muto Mitsuru, Masuya Ryuta, Nomura Mioko, Harumatsu Toshio, Onishi Shun, Matsufuji Hiroshi .  ISP3-02 24 hour esophageal impedance-pH monitoring in pediatric or neurologically impaired patients .  Journal of the Japanese Society of Pediatric Surgeons48 ( 3 ) 437 - 437   2012

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    Language:English   Publisher:The Japanese Society of Pediatric Surgeons  

    DOI: 10.11164/jjsps.48.3_437

  • 桝屋 隆太, 下野 隆一, 加治 建, 向井 基, 中目 和彦, 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 野村 美緒子, 松藤 凡 .  4-7 新生児胸部手術における腋窩縦切開と腋窩孤状切開(Bianchi法)の長期成績(要望演題2「開胸手技」,第22回日本小児呼吸器外科研究会) .  日本小児外科学会雑誌48 ( 4 ) 798   2012

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:特定非営利活動法人 日本小児外科学会  

    DOI: 10.11164/jjsps.48.4_798_2

  • 大西 峻, 松藤 凡, 加治 建, 下野 隆一, 向井 基, 中目 和彦, 桝屋 隆太, 高松 英夫 .  9.空腸膜様狭窄症の1例(一般演題,第48回日本小児外科学会九州地方会) .  日本小児外科学会雑誌47 ( 7 ) 1080   20119.空腸膜様狭窄症の1例(一般演題,第48回日本小児外科学会九州地方会)

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:特定非営利活動法人 日本小児外科学会  

    DOI: 10.11164/jjsps.47.7_1080_2

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  • 【小児領域におけるGLP-2アナログ製剤(テデュグルチド)の応用】総論 GLP-2の基礎研究

    矢野 圭輔, 杉田 光士郎, 武藤 充, 大西 峻, 岩元 祐実子, 緒方 将人, 高田 倫, 祁答院 千寛, 村上 雅一, 松久保 眞, 川野 孝文, 中目 和彦, 加治 建, 家入 里志

    小児外科   56 ( 4 )   320 - 325   2024.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)東京医学社  

  • 【医師の働き方改革-2024年働き方改革元年に向けた取り組み】Key words タスク・シフト/シェア

    大西 峻

    カレントテラピー   41 ( 12 )   1104 - 1104   2023.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)ライフメディコム  

  • 【知っておきたい周産期・新生児医療up to date】出生後 新生児領域における内視鏡・ロボット手術の展望

    家入 里志, Laurent Fourcade, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 岩元 裕美子, 緒方 将人, 高田 倫, 祁答院 千寛, 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充

    小児内科   55 ( 11 )   1784 - 1789   2023.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)東京医学社  

    <文献概要>Key Points (1)新生児に対する内視鏡外科手術は麻酔管理の発達・普及に伴い症例数が徐々に増加しつつあり,その成績は従来の開放手術と遜色のないものである。(2)食道閉鎖症に対する胸腔鏡手術はわが国および米国において15~20%の症例に適応されているが,その技術的難易度が高いため,施設および術者要件に依存している現状である。(3)新生児の先天性横隔膜ヘルニアに対する内視鏡外科手術の適応は10%前後と考えられ,耐術能を含めて,限られた症例に施行されている。(4)食道閉鎖症および先天性横隔膜ヘルニアに対するロボット手術は,現時点で市販されている手術支援ロボットでは,鉗子およびその筐体の大きさからこれらの新生児外科疾患の臨床応用は困難であり,細径の多自由度鉗子を備えた小型の手術支援ロボットの開発が待たれる。

  • 【検査・処置・手術の合併症:予防と対策】手術・治療 胆道拡張症

    杉田 光士郎, 岩元 祐実子, 緒方 将人, 高田 倫, 村上 雅一, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 桝屋 隆太, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 中目 和彦, 家入 里志

    小児外科   55 ( 11 )   1228 - 1233   2023.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)東京医学社  

  • 【喉頭・気管病変 治療の工夫と予後】声門下嚢胞の治療戦略

    大西 峻, 連 利博, 武藤 充, 岩元 祐実子, 緒方 将人, 高田 倫, 祁答院 千寛, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 春松 敏夫, 川野 孝文, 家入 里志

    小児外科   55 ( 10 )   1055 - 1059   2023.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)東京医学社  

  • 【希少固形がんの診断と治療】大腸がん

    川野 孝文, 杉田 光士郎, 高田 倫, 緒方 将人, 岩田 祐実子, 村上 雅一, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 武藤 充, 家入 里志

    小児外科   55 ( 8 )   887 - 893   2023.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)東京医学社  

  • 【今日の小児肝移植】非移植施設からみた肝移植の課題について 肝小腸異時移植症例の管理経験から

    武藤 充, 大西 峻, 矢野 圭輔, 高田 倫, 岩元 祐実子, 緒方 将人, 祁答院 千寛, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 春松 敏夫, 川野 孝文, 大浦 飛鳥, 東小薗 未弥子, 佐々木 文郷, 西川 拓朗, 上村 修司, 家入 里志

    小児外科   55 ( 6 )   684 - 688   2023.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)東京医学社  

  • 【ロボット支援手術】小児外科領域における次世代手術支援ロボット開発 Soft Roboticsの可能性

    家入 里志, 山田 耕嗣, 大西 峻, 村上 雅一, 矢野 圭輔, 岩元 祐実子, 緒方 将人, 高田 倫, 祁答院 千寛, 杉田 光士郎, 春松 敏夫, 山田 和歌, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充

    小児外科   55 ( 5 )   525 - 531   2023.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)東京医学社  

  • 【どうする?小児の便秘・下痢】便秘の原因となる器質的疾患の診断と長期的な治療戦略 Hirschsprung病

    大西 峻, 西田 ななこ, 祁答院 千寛, 長野 綾香, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 春松 敏夫, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 家入 里志

    小児内科   55 ( 3 )   385 - 389   2023.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)東京医学社  

    <Key Points>(1)H病の術後排便機能は良好とされてきたが,詳細な検索では3割程度の患児に術後の便秘症状がみられる。(2)多くは食事療法,整腸剤,緩下剤,漢方薬,浣腸などでコントロールされるが,重度になると腹部膨満,腸閉塞,腸炎を併発する。(3)幼児期の慢性便秘のなかにもH病患児が隠れていることがあるため,薬剤治療に抵抗性でコントロール不良の症例は,小児外科に紹介のうえ精査を依頼することが望ましい。(著者抄録)

  • 手術手技 細径と破格を克服する小児先天性胆道拡張症の安全・確実な胆道再建 乳児から成人体格まで包含する手技の確立

    大西 峻, 村上 雅一, 春松 敏夫, 山田 耕嗣, 桝屋 隆太, 家入 里志

    手術   76 ( 11 )   1735 - 1742   2022.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:金原出版(株)  

    <文献概要>当科では先天性胆道拡張症に対し,2016年4月の保険収載後,腹腔鏡手術による肝外胆管切除・肝管空腸吻合術を導入している。小児患者では成人に比べ胆管が細いため,安全・確実な吻合には工夫を要する。また,患児の年齢や体格によっては術前に胆管や血管を詳細に検索することが難しいため,術中にインドシアニングリーン(indocyanine green;ICG)蛍光ナビゲーションによる脈管の可視化が有用である。乳児から成人の体格までカバーすることに加え,小児特有の細径胆管や破格を伴う症例に対する吻合の工夫について解説する。さらに当科では疾患型シミュレータを作成し,執刀医のトレーニングに使用しており,その有用性について客観的評価を行っているため,あわせて報告する。

  • 【小児外科を取り巻く最新テクノロジー】蛍光ナビゲーション画像誘導

    大西 峻, 桝屋 隆太, 西田 ななこ, 長野 綾香, 村上 雅一, 矢野 圭輔, 杉田 光士郎, 春松 敏夫, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 中目 和彦, 家入 里志

    小児外科   54 ( 10 )   982 - 988   2022.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)東京医学社  

  • 胎児・新生児・小児用デバイス開発の動向

    家入 里志, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 山田 耕嗣, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充

    日本コンピュータ外科学会誌   24 ( 3 )   191 - 194   2022.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本コンピュータ外科学会  

  • 【withコロナの小児医療の変化】地方在住医師にとっての学会参加

    大西 峻, 武藤 充, 西田 ななこ, 長野 綾香, 村上 雅一, 矢野 圭輔, 杉田 光士郎, 春松 敏夫, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 川野 孝文, 家入 里志

    小児外科   54 ( 6 )   626 - 630   2022.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)東京医学社  

  • 【短腸症候群の診療における問題点】短腸症候群の治療=腸管順応促進ホルモン・ペプチド成長因子

    加治 建, 矢野 圭輔, 杉田 光士郎, 山田 和歌, 大西 峻, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 家入 里志

    小児外科   54 ( 3 )   306 - 310   2022.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)東京医学社  

  • 【外来で役立つ知識:頭頸部・体幹・四肢の疾患】先天性恥骨前瘻孔

    福原 雅弘, 江角 元史郎, 大西 峻, 山口 修輝, 佐藤 智江, 伊崎 智子

    小児外科   54 ( 1 )   60 - 65   2022.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)東京医学社  

  • 【小児外科疾患の家族内発生】Hirschsprung病

    大西 峻, 川野 孝文, 祁答院 千寛, 松井 まゆ, 村上 雅一, 矢野 圭輔, 杉田 光士郎, 春松 敏夫, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 家入 里志

    小児外科   53 ( 12 )   1281 - 1284   2021.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)東京医学社  

  • 【シミュレーションとナビゲーション】腹腔鏡手術トレーニングシミュレータ

    山田 耕嗣, 祁答院 千寛, 長野 綾香, 松井 まゆ, 村上 雅一, 矢野 圭輔, 杉田 光士郎, 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 家入 里志

    小児外科   53 ( 5 )   499 - 503   2021.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)東京医学社  

  • 【シミュレーションとナビゲーション】3Dプリンターを用いた疾患型シミュレータ

    大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 祁答院 千寛, 松井 まゆ, 長野 綾香, 村上 雅一, 矢野 圭輔, 杉田 光士郎, 春松 敏夫, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 家入 里志

    小児外科   53 ( 5 )   494 - 498   2021.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)東京医学社  

  • Fetal intestinal volvulus without malrotation detected on prenatal ultrasound

    Ayaka Nagano, Shun Onishi, Yukiko Tazaki, Hiroaki Kobayashi, Satoshi Ieiri

    PEDIATRICS INTERNATIONAL   63 ( 7 )   845 - 846   2021.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Internal/External technical report, pre-print, etc.   Publisher:WILEY  

    DOI: 10.1111/ped.14550

    Web of Science


  • 【小児外科疾患における公費負担医療の種類と申請方法】Hirschsprung病

    家入 里志, 大西 峻, 祁答院 千寛, 長野 綾香, 松井 まゆ, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建

    小児外科   53 ( 3 )   303 - 307   2021.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)東京医学社  

  • 術後機能を考慮した小児呼吸器外科手術 先天性嚢胞性肺疾患を中心に

    家入 里志, 中目 和彦, 長野 綾香, 松井 まゆ, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎

    日本小児呼吸器学会雑誌   31 ( 2 )   152 - 158   2021.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本小児呼吸器学会  


  • Optimal Value of Ablation Index for Circumferential Pulmonary Vein Isolation with High Power Radiofrequency Application(和訳中)

    岡松 秀治, 古山 准二郎, 堺 美郎, 大西 史峻, 七田 茂輝, 金子 祥三, 根岸 耕大, 林 克英, 剱 卓夫, 田中 靖章, 中尾 浩一, 坂本 知浩, 奥村 謙

    日本循環器学会学術集会抄録集   84回   OJ18 - 1   2020.7

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    Language:English   Publisher:(一社)日本循環器学会  

  • Optimal Timing of Definitive Surgery for Achieving Better Long-Term Outcomes for Bowel Function in Hirschsprung's Disease

    Shun Onishi, Kazuhiko Nakame, Masakazu Murakami, Toshio Harumatsu, Seiro Machigashira, Tatsuru Kaji, Satoshi Ieiri

    JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SURGEONS   229 ( 4 )   E170 - E170   2019.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jamcollsurg.2019.08.1193

    Web of Science

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  • 家入 里志, 春松 敏夫, 連 利博, 長野 綾香, 松井 まゆ, 村上 雅一, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建   胆道閉鎖症に対する開腹葛西手術改変による黄疸消失率と自己肝生存率の検討  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2021.12  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 春松 敏夫, 連 利博, 長野 綾香, 松井 まゆ, 村上 雅一, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 家入 里志   胆道閉鎖症に対する術式-開腹vs腹腔鏡- 胆道閉鎖症に対する開腹葛西手術改変による黄疸消失率と自己肝生存率の検討  

    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集  2021.4  (一社)日本外科学会

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  • 春松 敏夫, 連 利博, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 家入 里志   胆道閉鎖症における術前・術後の炎症マーカーの経時的推移と予後との比較検討  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2022.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 大西 峻, 武藤 充, 村上 雅一, 西田 ななこ, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 川野 孝文, 家入 里志   胃瘻先行造設状態の重症心身障碍患者にする腹腔鏡下噴門形成術アプローチの検討 術中胃瘻Take Down/再造設は必要か?  

    外科と代謝・栄養  2022.6  日本外科代謝栄養学会

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  • 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 加治 建, 村上 雅一, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 松久保 眞, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 井戸 章雄, 家入 里志   肝細胞増殖因子は短腸症候群のTherapeutic Agentとなるか? 疾患モデルラットの検討  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2023.5  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 杉田 光士郎, 加治 建, 矢野 圭輔, 松久保 眞, 祁答院 千寛, 松井 まゆ, 村上 雅一, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 武藤 充, 熊谷 公太郎, 井戸 章雄, 家入 里志   肝細胞増殖因子(HGF)を用いた腸粘膜上皮再生への試み 完全静脈栄養ラットモデルを用いた小腸粘膜上皮へ与える効果に関する検討  

    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集  2022.4  (一社)日本外科学会

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  • 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 加治 建, 西田 ななこ, 祁答院 千寛, 長野 綾香, 村上 雅一, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 熊谷 公太郎, 井戸 章雄, 家入 里志   肝細胞増殖因子(HGF)は短腸症候群の治療薬になりうるか? 短腸モデルラットでの研究  

    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集  2023.4  (一社)日本外科学会

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  • 山田 耕嗣, 祁答院 千寛, 松井 まゆ, 村上 雅一, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 山田 和歌, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 家入 里志   肝管空腸吻合術シミュレータを用いた縫合手技の評価研究と腹腔鏡下胆道拡張症"縫合不全0"への取り組み  

    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集  2022.4  (一社)日本外科学会

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  • 大西 峻, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 村上 雅一, 山田 耕嗣, 加治 建, 家入 里志   細径と破格に挑む小児胆道拡張症手術  

    日本内視鏡外科学会雑誌  2021.3  (一社)日本内視鏡外科学会

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  • 高田 倫, 川野 孝文, 大西 峻, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 中村 達郎, 児玉 祐一, 岡本 康裕, 家入 里志   精索静脈瘤を契機に診断されたMit family転座型腎細胞癌の1例  

    日本小児血液・がん学会雑誌  2022.10  (一社)日本小児血液・がん学会

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  • 松井 まゆ, 村上 雅一, 春松 敏夫, 矢野 圭輔, 長野 綾香, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 松久 保眞, 武藤 充, 家入 里志, 山田 和歌, 加治 建, 江浦 瑠美子, 井手迫 俊彦   精巣原発卵黄嚢腫瘍の2幼児例  

    日本小児泌尿器科学会雑誌  2021.6  日本小児泌尿器科学会

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  • 武藤 充, 西田 ななこ, 祁答院 千寛, 長野 綾香, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 川野 孝文, 加治 建, 家入 里志   短腸症候群患児の微量元素アセスメントに関する考察 特に静脈栄養中の鉄過剰、静脈栄養離脱後のセレン欠乏症症例から  

    栄養  2023.6  (株)ジェフコーポレーション

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  • 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 村上 雅一, 祁答院 千尋, 松井 まゆ, 矢野 圭輔, 杉田 光士郎, 春松 敏夫, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 家入 里志   疾患特異型シミュレータとICGナビゲーションによる小児腹腔鏡下胆道拡張症手術の治療成績向上  

    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集  2022.4  (一社)日本外科学会

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  • 春松 敏夫, 杉本 真樹, 西田 ななこ, 長野 綾香, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 武藤 充, 川野 孝文, 家入 里志   画像診断を含めた新しいテクノロジーの小児外科治療への応用 Wearable holographic guide systemを用いたMixed realityナビゲーションの小児内視鏡外科手術への応用  

    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集  2023.4  (一社)日本外科学会

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  • 春松 敏夫, 井手迫 俊彦, 西田 ななこ, 長野 綾香, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 榎田 英樹, 家入 里志   男児中間位・高位鎖肛における術後排尿機能の検討 特にPSARP変法と腹腔鏡下肛門形成術での比較  

    日本臨床外科学会雑誌  2022.10  日本臨床外科学会

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  • 武藤 充, 村上 雅一, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 桝屋 隆太, 松久保 眞, 中目 和彦, 加治 建, 家入 里志   現在フォロー中のisolated hypoganglionosis 2例に感じる患児QOL維持の難しさ  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2022.6  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 西田 ななこ, 杉田 光士郎, 川野 孝文, 長野 綾香, 松井 まゆ, 生駒 真一郎, 村上 雅一, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 町頭 成郎, 鳥飼 源史, 家入 里志   消化管救急疾患に対する内視鏡外科手術の適応と工夫 小児急性虫垂炎に対する腹腔鏡下虫垂切除術 修練医執刀による従来法と単孔式の手術成績の比較  

    日本腹部救急医学会雑誌  2023.2  (一社)日本腹部救急医学会

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  • 松井 まゆ, 山田 和歌, 祁答院 千寛, 長野 綾香, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 家入 里志   消化管出血をきたした先天性肝内動脈門脈シャントに対しコイル塞栓術が奏功した1例  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2021.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 松井 まゆ, 杉田 光士郎, 祁答院 千寛, 長野 綾香, 村上 雅一, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   消化管出血で発症した先天性肝内動脈門脈シャントの1幼児例  

    日本腹部救急医学会雑誌  2023.2  (一社)日本腹部救急医学会

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  • 井上 歩, 大西 峻, 祁答院 千尋, 長野 綾香, 松井 まゆ, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 山田 和歌, 山田 耕嗣, 松久保 眞, 盛 真一郎, 大塚 隆生, 家入 里志   消化器外科とのコラボレーションにより潰瘍性大腸炎術後の遺残腸管を摘出した一例  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2021.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 杉田 光士郎, 加治 建, 矢野 圭輔, 松久保 眞, 祁答院 千寛, 松井 まゆ, 村上 雅一, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 武藤 充, 熊谷 公太郎, 井戸 章雄, 家入 里志   消化器再生 肝細胞増殖因子(HGF)による腸粘膜上皮再生への試み 完全静脈栄養ラットモデルを用いた小腸粘膜上皮へ与える効果に関する検討  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2021.10  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 大西 峻, 西田 ななこ, 長野 綾香, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 春松 敏夫, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 連 利博, 家入 里志   気道疾患術後のサルベージ 気管切開カニュレからの離脱を目指して 声門下腔狭窄に対する肋軟骨移植による喉頭気管形成術の導入  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2022.10  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 杉田 光士郎, 武藤 充, 岩元 裕実子, 緒方 将人, 高田 倫, 祁答院 千寛, 村上 雅一, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 川野 孝文, 家入 里志   残存腸管0cmの超短腸児に対する2種類の魚油含有特殊脂肪乳剤投与による血清脂肪酸分画の推移  

    栄養  2023.6  (株)ジェフコーポレーション

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  • 矢野 圭輔, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 川野 孝文, 町頭 成郎, 加治 建, 家入 里志   最近の小児腹腔鏡下虫垂切除術の適応と術式 低侵襲化と外科専攻医教育の両立を目指す小児腹腔鏡下虫垂切除術とは?  

    日本内視鏡外科学会雑誌  2021.12  (一社)日本内視鏡外科学会

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  • 春松 敏夫, 祁答院 千寛, 松井 まゆ, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 家入 里志   時間的・空間的制限から解き放たれた情報均等化社会にグローカル(Glocal)な視点で小児外科学を拓く  

    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集  2022.4  (一社)日本外科学会

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  • 長野 綾香, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 桝屋 隆太, 松久保 眞, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 町頭 成郎, 中目 和彦, 鳥飼 源史, 加治 建, 家入 里志   新生児期に発症する腸回転異常症の臨床的特徴 乳児期以降発症例との比較検討から  

    日本周産期・新生児医学会雑誌  2023.6  (一社)日本周産期・新生児医学会

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  • 川野 孝文, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 三上 裕太, 松久 保眞, 町頭 成郎, 石原 千詠, 鳥飼 源史, 加治 建, 上塘 正人, 茨 聡, 家入 里志   新生児期に手術施行した仙尾部奇形腫10例の臨床的検討  

    日本周産期・新生児医学会雑誌  2021.6  (一社)日本周産期・新生児医学会

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  • 武藤 充, 長野 綾香, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 桝屋 隆太, 松久保 眞, 川野 孝文, 町頭 成郎, 中目 和彦, 鳥飼 源史, 池江 隆正, 加治 建, 家入 里志   新生児期にイレウスを呈して発症するIsolated Hypoganglionosis治療の課題点とは  

    日本周産期・新生児医学会雑誌  2023.6  (一社)日本周産期・新生児医学会

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  • 武藤 充, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 川野 孝文, 町頭 成郎, 鳥飼 源史, 加治 建, 茨 聡, 家入 里志   新生児外科疾患の診療において留意すべき併存先天性心疾患の分析 県内完結型診療体制確立後の検証  

    日本周産期・新生児医学会雑誌  2022.6  (一社)日本周産期・新生児医学会

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  • 大西 峻, 杉田 光士郎, 春松 敏夫, 西田 ななこ, 祁答院 千寛, 長野 綾香, 村上 雅一, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   指導医を目指す地方若手小児外科医の立場から Surgeon Scientistになるために  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2023.5  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 祁答院 千寛, 松井 まゆ, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 家入 里志   急性腹症で発症した重複腸管捻転の幼児例  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2021.12  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 緒方 将人, 川野 孝文, 西田 ななこ, 祁答院 千寛, 長野 綾香, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   幼児肋骨原発Ewing肉腫に対する切除術の工夫  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2023.5  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 緒方 将人, 川野 孝文, 西田 ななこ, 祁答院 千寛, 長野 綾香, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   幼児肋骨原発Ewing肉腫に対する切除術の工夫  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2023.8  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 杉田 光士郎, 長野 綾香, 松井 まゆ, 村上 雅一, 川野 正人, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 川野 孝文, 町頭 成郎, 加治 建, 野口 啓幸, 家入 里志   年齢を考慮した鼡径ヘルニアに対するbest approach 超低出生体重児を含めた乳児鼠径ヘルニアに対するBest Practice  

    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集  2021.4  (一社)日本外科学会

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  • 矢野 圭輔, 西田 ななこ, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   左下葉肺葉外肺分画症に特化した摘出創利用のTwo site胸腔鏡手術  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2023.5  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 加治 建, 川野 孝文, 山田 和歌, 祁答院 千寛, 松井 まゆ, 生駒 真一郎, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 山田 耕嗣, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 町頭 成郎, 鳥飼 源史, 家入 里志   少子化社会と小児外科育成 少子化時代における大学病院と地域基幹病院の連携を生かした効率的小児外科医育成の戦略 鹿児島県における教育施設の特徴を生かして  

    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集  2022.4  (一社)日本外科学会

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  • 家入 里志, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 村上 雅一, 西田 ななこ, 長野 綾香, 杉田 光士郎, 春松 敏夫, 山田 和歌, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充   小児領域におけるロボット支援手術:現状と今後の普及にむけての工夫 小児外科領域における遠隔ロボット手術の可能性  

    日本内視鏡外科学会雑誌  2022.12  (一社)日本内視鏡外科学会

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  • 松井 まゆ, 川野 孝文, 杉田 光士郎, 西田 ななこ, 長野 綾香, 村上 雅一, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   小児鈍的外傷に起因する腹部実質臓器損傷39症例に対する臓器別解析  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2023.5  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • Nagai Taichiro, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 長野 綾香, 松井 まゆ, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 家入 里志   小児虫垂炎に対するアセトアミノフェンの静脈内投与による鎮痛効果(The Analgesic effect of the intravenous administration of acetaminophen for pediatric appendicitis)  

    日本内視鏡外科学会雑誌  2021.3  (一社)日本内視鏡外科学会

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  • 村上 雅一, 長野 綾香, 松井 まゆ, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 家入 里志   小児腹腔鏡手術における癒着防止吸収性バリア(AdSprey)の安全性に関する後方視的検討  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2021.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 杉田 光士郎, 村上 雅一, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 川野 孝文, 町頭 成郎, 加治 建, 家入 里志   小児腹腔鏡下鼠径ヘルニア手術(LPEC)の工夫 直進と回転を組み合わせた内回り運針先行による女児LPEC 初学者への安全な導入のための手術手技  

    日本内視鏡外科学会雑誌  2021.12  (一社)日本内視鏡外科学会

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  • Yano Keisuke, 長野 綾香, 松井 まゆ, 永井 太一朗, 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 山田 耕嗣, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 家入 里志   小児腹腔鏡下虫垂切除術における2.4mm鉗子から5mm鉗子への転換リスク分析(A Conversion Risk Analysis from 2.4mm forceps for 5 mm in Pediatric Laparoscopic Appendectomy)  

    日本内視鏡外科学会雑誌  2021.3  (一社)日本内視鏡外科学会

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  • 村上 雅一, 西田 ななこ, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 川野 孝文, 家入 里志   小児腹腔鏡下胆道拡張症手術の標準化と疾患特異的シミュレータによるトレーニング効果  

    日本内視鏡外科学会雑誌  2022.12  (一社)日本内視鏡外科学会

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  • 杉田 光士郎, 川野 孝文, 村上 雅一, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 加治 建, 家入 里志   小児腫瘍に対する至適アプローチ:Open vs内視鏡外科手術 副腎原発神経芽腫に対する腹腔鏡手術の適応と手術実効性 IDRFからみた腹腔鏡手術が許容される症例とは?  

    日本内視鏡外科学会雑誌  2022.12  (一社)日本内視鏡外科学会

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  • 武藤 充, 大西 峻, 森田 康子, 松井 まゆ, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 加治 建, 家入 里志   小児移植の問題点と今後の展開 自験肝小腸移植症例の抱える問題点の検証 非移植施設の立場から  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2021.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 武藤 充, 加治 建, 杉田 光士郎, 祁答院 千寛, 松井 まゆ, 村上 雅一, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 町頭 成郎, 鳥飼 源史, 家入 里志   小児短腸症候群の治療成績向上には患者集約と統一した腸管リハビリテーションプログラムの導入が不可欠である  

    日本臨床外科学会雑誌  2021.10  日本臨床外科学会

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  • 武藤 充, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 加治 建, 家入 里志   小児短腸症候群のQOLの改善を目指した治療戦略 小児短腸症候群の治療戦略では腸管連続性の確保が肝要である  

    外科と代謝・栄養  2022.6  日本外科代謝栄養学会

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  • 加治 建, 武藤 充, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 山田 和歌, 田中 宏明, 古賀 義徳, 松久保 眞, 町頭 成郎, 家入 里志   小児短腸症候群のQOLの改善を目指した治療戦略 基礎研究のデータから見える短腸症候群の治療戦略  

    外科と代謝・栄養  2022.6  日本外科代謝栄養学会

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  • 武藤 充, 連 利博, 大西 峻, 村上 雅一, 祁答院 千寛, 家入 里志   小児気道外科開設とその効果 声門下腔狭窄症治療例から  

    日本小児科学会雑誌  2022.4  (公社)日本小児科学会

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  • 祁答院 千寛, 川野 孝文, 杉田 光士郎, 西田 ななこ, 長野 綾香, 村上 雅一, 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   小児気管支粘表皮癌3例の検討  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2023.8  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 西田 ななこ, 川野 孝文, 矢野 圭輔, 杉田 光士郎, 長野 綾香, 村上 雅一, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 武藤 充, 町頭 成郎, 家入 里志   小児急性虫垂炎に対する腹腔鏡下虫垂切除術 修練医執刀による従来法と単孔式の比較  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2023.5  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 西田 ななこ, 矢野 圭輔, 杉田 光士郎, 村上 雅一, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   小児外鼠径ヘルニア術後のde novo型再発性鼠径ヘルニア嵌頓整復後の偽還納に対しLPECを施行した一例  

    日本臨床外科学会雑誌  2022.10  日本臨床外科学会

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  • 村上 雅一, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 小川 雄大, 横山 新一郎, 倉島 庸, 宮野 剛, 石丸 哲也, 川嶋 寛, 内田 広夫, 山高 篤行, 奥山 宏臣, 家入 里志   小児外科低侵襲手術における専門医制度:小児外科専門医vs技術認定医 高難度小児内視鏡外科手術に対する経験症例数からみた技術認定医・小児外科指導医の執刀自立性に関する解析  

    日本内視鏡外科学会雑誌  2022.12  (一社)日本内視鏡外科学会

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  • 村上 雅一, 祁答院 千寛, 松井 まゆ, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 家入 里志   小児内視鏡外科手術の現状と今後の展望【Video】小児腹腔鏡下胆道拡張症手術の普及・標準化は可能か? 地域基幹施設連携による取り組み  

    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集  2022.4  (一社)日本外科学会

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  • 村上 雅一, 西田 ななこ, 長野 綾香, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   小児内視鏡外科手術の標準化と教育 小児腹腔鏡下胆道拡張症手術の標準化と普及の取り組み地域基幹病院でのプロクター指導および疾患特異的シミュレータによるトレーニング効果  

    日本臨床外科学会雑誌  2022.10  日本臨床外科学会

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  • 増田 将潤, 谷 彩寧, 村上 雅一, 西田 ななこ, 祁答院 千寛, 長野 綾香, 杉田 光士郎, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   小児内視鏡外科手術における多関節鉗子の有用性 シミュレータによる検証  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2023.5  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 春松 敏夫, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 川野 孝文, 家入 里志   小児内視鏡外科手術におけるトラブルシューティング 術中に予想しない破格に出くわした!さてどう対応する? 的確な判断を要求される小児内視鏡外科手術  

    日本内視鏡外科学会雑誌  2022.12  (一社)日本内視鏡外科学会

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  • 武藤 充, 大西 峻, 村上 雅一, 西田 ななこ, 長野 綾香, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 川野 孝文, 家入 里志   小児内視鏡外科手術-私のこだわりと工夫- 胃瘻造設された患児に対する腹腔鏡下噴門形成の工夫 胃瘻をはずさずに十分な術野確保を可能とするtraction technique  

    日本臨床外科学会雑誌  2022.10  日本臨床外科学会

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  • 家入 里志, 荒田 純平, 大西 峻, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建   小児ロボット支援手術の幕明け 小児外科領域における次世代手術支援ロボット開発 Soft Roboticsの可能性  

    日本内視鏡外科学会雑誌  2021.12  (一社)日本内視鏡外科学会

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  • Matsui Mayu, 長野 綾香, 矢野 圭輔, 村上 雅一, 町頭 成郎, 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 山田 耕嗣, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 野口 啓幸, 家入 里志   小児の急性虫垂炎に対するReduced Port Surgeryの比較検討(Comparative study of Reduced Port Surgery for pediatric acute appendicitis)  

    日本内視鏡外科学会雑誌  2021.3  (一社)日本内視鏡外科学会

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  • 長野 綾香, 大西 峻, 矢野 圭輔, 松久保 眞, 加治 建, 家入 里志   小児における開腹歴のないイレウスの3例  

    日本小児科学会雑誌  2021.7  (公社)日本小児科学会

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  • 川野 孝文, 西田 ななこ, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 家入 里志   小児における腹腔鏡噴門形成術の技術的進歩とエビデンス 高度体型変形を伴う重症心身障がい児に対する胃瘻造設下での腹腔鏡下噴門形成術における術野展開の工夫  

    日本内視鏡外科学会雑誌  2022.12  (一社)日本内視鏡外科学会

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  • 杉田 光士郎, 松久保 眞, 矢野 圭輔, 加治 建, 村上 雅一, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 武藤 充, 熊谷 公太郎, 井戸 章雄, 家入 里志   完全静脈栄養ラットモデルにおける肝細胞増殖因子の脂肪肝抑制効果および消化管粘膜萎縮  

    外科と代謝・栄養  2022.6  日本外科代謝栄養学会

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  • 杉田 光士郎, 加治 建, 矢野 圭輔, 松久保 眞, 長野 綾香, 松井 まゆ, 村上 雅一, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   完全静脈栄養ラットモデルでの消化管に対する肝細胞増殖因子(HGF)の期待される効果  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2021.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 松久保 眞, 矢野 圭輔, 加治 建, 杉田 光士郎, 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 長野 綾香, 村上 雅一, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   完全静脈栄養ラットに対する、肝細胞増殖因子投与による肝細胞障害の予防  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2021.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 長野 綾香, 春松 敏夫, 杉田 光士郎, 西田 ななこ, 祁答院 千寛, 村上 雅一, 大西 峻, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 家入 里志   女児低位鎖肛における術後短期成績からみた問題点の検討  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2023.5  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 祁答院 千寛, 春松 敏夫, 長野 綾香, 松井 まゆ, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 家入 里志   外傷性膵損傷後の膵仮性嚢胞に対し腹腔鏡下嚢胞開窓ドレナージが奏功した1例  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2021.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 杉田 光士郎, 武藤 充, 村上 雅一, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 松久保 眞, 川野 孝文, 鳥飼 基文, 石原 千詠, 徳久 琢也, 茨 聡, 家入 里志   壊死性腸炎に対するミコナゾール予防投与の検証 救命率と神経学的予後を改善させうるか?  

    日本周産期・新生児医学会雑誌  2023.6  (一社)日本周産期・新生児医学会

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  • 大西 峻, 祁答院 千尋, 長野 綾香, 松井 まゆ, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 山田 和歌, 山田 耕嗣, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 家入 里志   地方在住医師にとってeasy to accessな学会とは?  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2021.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 加治 建, 家入 里志   地域基幹病院における高難度鏡視下手術の安全な実践と後進への教育について 腹腔鏡下胆道拡張症手術の患者集約化は必要か?プロクター指導による自施設と他施設における手術成績の検証  

    日本内視鏡外科学会雑誌  2021.12  (一社)日本内視鏡外科学会

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  • 武藤 充, 祁答院 千寛, 松井 まゆ, 村上 雅一, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 加治 建, 家入 里志   地域医療における外科医の役割とは 地方広域医療圏で新生児外科・小児救急から高難度内視鏡外科手術・小児がん・重症心身障がい(児)者までをカバーする小児外科医の役割とその重要性  

    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集  2022.4  (一社)日本外科学会

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  • 大西 峻, 祁答院 千寛, 松井 まゆ, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 家入 里志   右肺上葉粘表皮癌に対して術中気管支鏡を併用し胸腔鏡下肺葉切除を施行した1例  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2023.2  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 長野 綾香, 大西 峻, 祁答院 千寛, 松井 まゆ, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 家入 里志   反復性腹痛を呈した肝円索肝副葉捻転に対して待機的に腹腔鏡下切除術を施行した1例  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2021.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 矢野 圭輔, 杉田 光士郎, 武藤 充, 村上 雅一, 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 加治 建, 家入 里志   単一施設における腸管蠕動不全患児の生命予後予測因子に関する検討  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2022.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 矢野 圭輔, 加治 建, 村上 雅一, 馬場 徳朗, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 山田 和歌, 山田 耕嗣, 桝屋 隆太, 町頭 成郎, 中目 和彦, 向井 基, 家入 里志   半固形剤への変更により合併症の改善が得られた重心児の2例  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2023.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 矢野 圭輔, 長野 綾香, 松井 まゆ, 祁答院 千尋, 杉田 光士郎, 村上 雅一, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 家入 里志   医工連携:テクノロジーと医療の連携 蛍光ナビゲーション画像誘導による究極の機能温存手術を目指した小児外科手術  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2021.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 大西 峻, 祁答院 千寛, 松井 まゆ, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 家入 里志   医学部臨床実習における技術評価型縫合実習は外科志望者を増加させる事ができるか?  

    日本コンピュータ外科学会誌  2021.11  (一社)日本コンピュータ外科学会

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  • 川野 孝文, 杉田 光士郎, 西田 ななこ, 祁答院 千寛, 長野 綾香, 村上 雅一, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   副腎原発神経芽腫に対する腹腔鏡手術の有効性・実効性に関する検証  

    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集  2023.4  (一社)日本外科学会

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  • 杉田 光士郎, 川野 孝文, 村上 雅一, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 家入 里志   副腎原発神経芽腫に対する腹腔鏡手術の実効性に関する検討 開腹手術との比較  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2022.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 村上 雅一, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 久田 正昭, 古賀 義法, 林田 真, 桝屋 隆太, 中目 和彦, 新山 新, 桑原 淳, 竜田 恭介, 柳 祐典, 廣瀬 龍一郎, 生野 猛, 右田 美里, 松藤 凡, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 家入 里志   内視鏡手術の利点と問題点;合併症、中・長期成績、医療経済、教育 腹腔鏡下胆道拡張症手術の患者集約化は必要か?プロクターによる手術成績の施設間検討  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2021.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 村上 雅一, 西田 ななこ, 長野 綾香, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   内視鏡外科手術トレーニングにおけるドライボックスサイズが鉗子操作に及ぼす影響の検証 小児外科医は狭小空間でトレーニングすべきか?  

    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集  2023.4  (一社)日本外科学会

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  • 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   内視鏡外科手術トレーニングにおけるドライボックスサイズが手技に及ぼす影響の検証 小児外科医は狭小空間でトレーニングすべきか  

    日本コンピュータ外科学会誌  2022.6  (一社)日本コンピュータ外科学会

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  • 矢野 圭輔, 西田 ななこ, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 川野 孝文, 家入 里志   内視鏡外科手術における各科摘出臓器の体外搬出方法 摘出創を利用した乳児肺葉外肺分画症に対するTwo site胸腔鏡手術  

    日本内視鏡外科学会雑誌  2022.12  (一社)日本内視鏡外科学会

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  • 松井 まゆ, 春松 敏夫, 井手迫 俊彦, 祁答院 千寛, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久 保眞, 武藤 充, 榎田 英樹, 家入 里志   共通管の長い総排泄腔遺残に腹腔鏡補助下肛門形成術と造腟術を一期的に施行した2例  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2022.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 松井 まゆ, 春松 敏夫, 井手迫 俊彦, 祁答院 千寛, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久 保眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 榎田 英樹, 家入 里志   共通管の長い総排泄腔遺残に対し腹腔鏡補助下肛門形成術と造腟術を一期的に施行した2例  

    日本小児泌尿器科学会雑誌  2022.6  日本小児泌尿器科学会

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  • 松井 まゆ, 春松 敏夫, 井手迫 俊彦, 祁答院 千寛, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 榎田 英樹, 家入 里志   共通管の長い総排泄腔遺残に対し腹腔鏡下補助下肛門形成術と造腟術を一期的に施行した2例  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2022.6  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 大西 峻, 家入 里志   先天性胆道拡張症における腹腔鏡下胆管切除での胆道再建の工夫 細径と破格を克服する小児胆道拡張症の安全・確実な胆道再建 乳児から成人体格まで包含する手技の確立  

    日本臨床外科学会雑誌  2021.10  日本臨床外科学会

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  • 家入 里志, 矢野 圭輔, 祁答院 千寛, 長野 綾香, 松井 まゆ, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久 保眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建   働き方改革の在り方と教育 働き方改革とキャリア形成の両立を目指して 教育的立場と大学病院労務管理の観点から  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2021.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 西田 ななこ, 長野 綾香, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   乳児期以降の開腹歴のないイレウスの臨床的特徴  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2022.12  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 福原 雅弘, 大西 峻, 佐藤 智江, 内田 康幸, 坂本 浩一, 飯田 則利, 江角 元史郎   乳児早期卵巣ヘルニアの自然還納と待機手術の妥当性の検討 診断後早期に手術すべき?  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2021.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   乳児における体腔内Roux-Y吻合を含む完全腹腔鏡下胆道拡張症手術  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2022.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 村上 雅一, 祁答院 千尋, 松井 まゆ, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 家入 里志   乳児における5mmステープラーを使用した完全腹腔鏡下Roux Y吻合  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2021.12  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 家入 里志, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 西田 ななこ, 長野 綾香, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充   中間位鎖肛手術を極める 中間位鎖肛に対する骨盤最深部解剖の識別と精緻な剥離操作による腹腔鏡下肛門形成術 適切なデバイスの選択と画像誘導手術の導入  

    日本外科系連合学会誌  2022.5  日本外科系連合学会

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  • 祁答院 千寛, 加藤 基, 新田 吉陽, 春松 敏夫, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 大塚 隆生, 家入 里志   両側乳房切除術を施行した思春期前発症女性化乳房症の1例  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2022.6  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 小川 雄大, 大嶋 佑介, 松本 悠希, 松本 紘明, 皆尺寺 悠史, 大西 峻, 白下 英史, 衛藤 剛, 家入 里志, 猪股 雅史   ラマン分光法を用いたヒルシュスプルング病診断の臨床応用への取り組み  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2023.5  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 小川 雄大, 大嶋 佑介, 松本 紘明, 皆沢寺 悠史, 當寺ヶ盛 学, 大西 峻, 白下 英史, 衛藤 剛, 家入 里志, 猪股 雅史   ラマン分光と深層学習を組み合わせた光バイオプシーの開発  

    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集  2022.4  (一社)日本外科学会

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  • 山田 耕嗣, 中薗 凌芽, 村上 雅一, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   モニターサイズが内視鏡外科手術の鉗子運動、視線、頭部運動に与える  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2022.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 小川 雄大, 大嶋 佑介, 大西 峻, 白下 英史, 衛藤 剛, 家入 里志, 猪股 雅史   ヒルシュスプルング病診断へのラマン分光と深層学習を組み合わせた光バイオプシー開発  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2022.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 春松 敏夫, 村上 雅一, 西田 ななこ, 祁答院 千寛, 長野 綾香, 杉田 光士郎, 大西 峻, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   ニーズアセスメントにより国際格差を是正する小児内視鏡外科医育成プログラムの開発と世界展開  

    日本小児科学会雑誌  2023.2  (公社)日本小児科学会

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  • 井上 歩, 大西 峻, 長野 綾香, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   ドクターヘリ搬送で救命された腸回転異常症を伴わない新生児小腸捻転の1例  

    日本小児科学会雑誌  2021.6  (公社)日本小児科学会

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  • 杉田 光士郎, 武藤 充, 矢野 圭輔, 西田 ななこ, 長野 綾香, 村上 雅一, 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 川野 孝文, 加治 建, 家入 里志   ダブルストマ管理中に近位空腸切除余儀なくされ遠位空腸で経腸栄養管理を行っているIsolated hypoganglionosisの1例  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2023.6  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   ガストログラフィンを用いた小腸造影が奏効し手術を回避し得た高吸水性樹脂玩具大量誤飲の幼児例  

    日本小児救急医学会雑誌  2022.6  (一社)日本小児救急医学会

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  • 中目 和彦, 永井 太一朗, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 桝屋 隆太, 加治 建, 七島 篤志, 家入 里志   カフ付き長期留置型中心静脈カテーテル挿入術の工夫 超音波ガイド下鎖骨上アプローチによる腕頭静脈cannulation  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2023.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 矢野 圭輔, 長野 綾香, 松井 まゆ, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 家入 里志   「新しい目」としての蛍光ナビゲーション画像誘導による究極の機能温存手術を目指した小児内視鏡外科手術  

    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集  2021.4  (一社)日本外科学会

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  • 福原 雅弘, 江角 元史郎, 佐藤 智江, 大西 峻, 坂本 浩一   TEP併用で切除した恥骨結合貫通型恥骨前瘻孔の1例  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2021.8  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 矢野 圭輔, 杉田 光士郎, 村上 雅一, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 家入 里志   Surgeon Scientistの第一歩としての学位取得とその後の可能性へ向けて  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2022.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 祁答院 千寛, 春松 敏夫, 加藤 基, 西田 ななこ, 長野 綾香, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 大西 峻, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   Peutz-Jeghers症候群に思春期前発症女性化乳房症を合併した1例  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2023.5  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 松久保 眞, 村上 雅一, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   Nuss法に対する合併症軽減の取り組み 20年間58症例の検討  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2022.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 春松 敏夫, 村上 雅一, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 加治 建, 家入 里志   Needle SurgeryからAI手術ロボットそして"創のない"胎児内視鏡外科手術へ向けた小児内視鏡外科の未来  

    日本内視鏡外科学会雑誌  2021.3  (一社)日本内視鏡外科学会

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  • 祁答院 千寛, 大西 峻, 井手迫 俊彦, 松井 まゆ, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久 保眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 榎田 英樹, 家入 里志   LPEC時に偶然発見された性分化異常に対して陰核形成を行った1例  

    日本小児泌尿器科学会雑誌  2022.6  日本小児泌尿器科学会

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  • 祁答院 千寛, 大西 峻, 西田 ななこ, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 家入 里志, 井手迫 俊彦, 榎田 英樹   LPEC時に偶然発見された性分化異常に対して陰核形成を行った1例  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2022.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 大西 峻, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 山田 耕嗣, 加治 建, 廣瀬 龍一郎, 家入 里志   Long Gap食道閉鎖症の胸腔鏡手術治療戦略 新生児期か乳児期か、HowardかTractionか  

    日本内視鏡外科学会雑誌  2021.12  (一社)日本内視鏡外科学会

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  • 武藤 充, 矢野 圭輔, 西田 ななこ, 長野 綾香, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 川野 孝文, 加治 建, 家入 里志   Isolated hypoganglionosisの管理課題は胆汁うっ滞性肝障害の制御と結腸の有効利用にある 自験例の後方視検討から  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2023.6  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 大西 峻, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 山田 耕嗣, 川野 孝文, 家入 里志   ICG蛍光ナビゲーション画像誘導による安全性向上と究極の機能温存を目指した小児内視鏡外科手術  

    日本内視鏡外科学会雑誌  2022.12  (一社)日本内視鏡外科学会

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  • 岩元 裕実子, 杉田 光士郎, 川野 孝文, 西田 ななこ, 祁答院 千寛, 長野 綾香, 村上 雅一, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   Gliomatosis peritoneiと腹膜播種を伴った小児両側卵巣奇形種の1例  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2023.5  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 杉田 光士郎, 杉本 真樹, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 西田 ななこ, 祁答院 千寛, 長野 綾香, 村上 雅一, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   3Dホログラムを用いた次世代型小児内視鏡外科手術 術野空間での近未来精密手術  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2023.5  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 春松 敏夫, 連 利博, 桝屋 隆太, 大谷 明夫, 永井 太一朗, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 家入 里志   胆道閉鎖症の葛西手術時肝生検検体における門脈枝および肝動脈枝の臨床経過との相関の検討  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2021.6  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 春松 敏夫, 連 利博, 祁答院 千寛, 松井 まゆ, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 家入 里志   胆道閉鎖症葛西術後にみられる胆管炎の病態 潜在する非化膿性胆管炎の検証とその解析  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2022.2  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 春松 敏夫, 連 利博, 祁答院 千寛, 長野 綾香, 松井 まゆ, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 家入 里志   胆道閉鎖症葛西術後にみられる胆管炎の病態 非化膿性胆管炎の潜在性検証  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2021.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 春松 敏夫, 連 利博, 祁答院 千寛, 長野 綾香, 松井 まゆ, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 主輔, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 家入 里志   胆道閉鎖症開腹葛西手術改変による黄疸消失率と自己肝生存率に対する予後因子の検討  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2021.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 武藤 充, 西田 ななこ, 長野 綾香, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 川野 孝文, 家入 里志   脂肪は3大栄養素の一つであるにも関わらず、在宅静脈栄養に脂肪乳剤の適用が困難な現状は変えられないのか  

    学会誌JSPEN  2022.12  (一社)日本臨床栄養代謝学会

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  • 長野 綾香, 杉田 光士郎, 春松 敏夫, 西田 ななこ, 祁答院 千寛, 村上 雅一, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 鳥飼 源史, 加治 建, 家入 里志   腸回転異常症における腸管切除を必要とするリスク因子は? 鹿児島県内2施設における検討  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2023.8  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 加治 建, 松井 まゆ, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   腸管不全に対する治療~その理論と実践~ 腸管不全症における生命予後のための治療戦略  

    外科と代謝・栄養  2021.9  日本外科代謝栄養学会

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  • 武藤 充, 西田 ななこ, 祁答院 千寛, 長野 綾香, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 川野 孝文, 加治 建, 家入 里志   腸管不全の新たな治療戦略 残存小腸25cm未満の超短腸症症例の解析から切り拓く小児短腸症の新たな治療戦略  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2023.5  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 加治 建, 松井 まゆ, 長野 綾香, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   腸管不全症における生命予後改善に向けての治療戦略  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2021.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 武藤 充, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 西田 ななこ, 長野 綾香, 村上 雅一, 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 川野 孝文, 家入 里志   腸管不全症の治療-現状と未来- ルート感染回避・経口栄養促進・肝庇護の積み重ねが静脈栄養離脱へ向かう基本方策ではないか  

    日本臨床外科学会雑誌  2022.10  日本臨床外科学会

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  • 矢野 圭輔, 杉田 光士郎, 加治 建, 松久保 眞, 大西 峻, 祁答院 千寛, 松井 まゆ, 村上 雅一, 春松 敏夫, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   腸管不全関連肝障害モデルラットに対する肝細胞増殖因子の予防・治療的効果の検討  

    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集  2022.4  (一社)日本外科学会

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  • 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 武藤 充, 松久保 眞, 大西 峻, 祁答院 千寛, 松井 まゆ, 村上 雅一, 春松 敏夫, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 加治 建, 家入 里志   腸肝軸に焦点を当てた脂肪肝に対するHGFの予防効果 短腸モデルラットにおける研究  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2022.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 長野 綾香, 大西 峻, 松井 まゆ, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 家入 里志   腹腔鏡下に切除し得た小児肝円索膿瘍の1例  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2021.8  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 松久保 眞, 村上 雅一, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   腹腔鏡下チューブ腸瘻造設術を施行した1幼児例  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2022.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 矢野 圭輔, 村上 雅一, 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 山田 耕嗣, 加治 建, 家入 里志   腹腔鏡下噴門形成術と胃瘻造設術を施行された重症心身障害児の胃の位置による術後胃排泄能の違い  

    日本内視鏡外科学会雑誌  2021.3  (一社)日本内視鏡外科学会

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  • 松久保 眞, 祁答院 千寛, 松井 まゆ, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 家入 里志   腹腔鏡下噴門形成術と胃瘻造設術を施行された重症心身障害児の胃の位置による術後胃排泄能の違いの検討  

    日本臨床外科学会雑誌  2021.10  日本臨床外科学会

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  • 春松 敏夫, 村上 雅一, 矢野 圭輔, 馬場 徳朗, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 桝屋 隆太, 町頭 成郎, 中目 和彦, 向井 基, 加治 建, 家入 里志   腹腔鏡下噴門形成術後PT延長を認めた重症心身障がい児(者)の5例  

    学会誌JSPEN  2021.1  (一社)日本臨床栄養代謝学会

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  • 春松 敏夫, 加治 建, 長野 綾香, 松井 まゆ, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   腹腔鏡下噴門形成術後にPT延長を認めた重症心身障がい児(者)の5例  

    学会誌JSPEN  2021.10  (一社)日本臨床栄養代謝学会

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  • 山田 耕嗣, 祁答院 千寛, 松井 まゆ, 村上 雅一, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 山田 和歌, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 家入 里志   腹腔鏡下肝管空腸吻合術シミュレータの開発  

    日本膵・胆管合流異常研究会プロシーディングス  2021.8  日本膵・胆管合流異常研究会

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  • 大西 峻, 村上 雅一, 西田 ななこ, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   腹腔鏡下胆道拡張症手術の患者集約化は必要か? プロクターによる自施設と他施設における手術成績の検討  

    日本膵・胆管合流異常研究会プロシーディングス  2022.9  日本膵・胆管合流異常研究会

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  • 矢野 圭輔, 永井 太一朗, 春松 敏夫, 長野 綾香, 松井 まゆ, 杉田 光士郎, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 家入 里志   腹腔鏡下虫垂切除術に対するアセトアミノフェン静脈内投与:定期vs屯用の比較検討  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2021.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 高田 倫, 杉田 光士郎, 岩元 裕実子, 緒方 将人, 西田 ななこ, 祁答院 千寛, 長野 綾香, 村上 雅一, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   腹腔鏡手術を施行した学童期十二指腸穿孔の1例  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2023.8  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 高田 倫, 杉田 光士郎, 西田 ななこ, 祁答院 千寛, 長野 綾香, 村上 雅一, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   腹腔鏡手術を施行した学童期発症十二指腸穿孔の一例  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2023.5  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   膀胱拡大術を施行された総排泄腔外反症の臨床的特徴 全国調査の結果より  

    日本小児泌尿器科学会雑誌  2023.6  日本小児泌尿器科学会

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  • 西田 ななこ, 春松 敏夫, 祁答院 千寛, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   術前診断に苦慮した思春期発症卵管捻転の1例  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2022.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 里井 俊太朗, 志築 朋和, 山田 耕嗣, 松井 まゆ, 長野 綾香, 村上 雅一, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 家入 里志   術者立ち位置が内視鏡外科手術の手技の精確性に与える影響-医学生を対象とした検討  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2021.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 武藤 充, 村上 雅一, 桝屋 隆太, 福原 雅弘, 渋井 勇一, 西田 ななこ, 長野 綾香, 杉田 光士郎, 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 川野 孝文, 伊崎 智子, 中目 和彦, 廣瀬 龍一郎, 七島 篤志, 家入 里志   重心児・者へのトラクションテクニックを用いた先行胃瘻温存腹腔鏡下噴門形成術:多施設共同研究  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2023.2  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 祁答院 千尋, 松井 まゆ, 長野 綾香, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 山田 耕嗣, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   重症心身障がい児に対する腹腔鏡下噴門形成術手術と病診連携からみた周術期管理の検討  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2022.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 松久保 眞, 山田 耕司, 山田 和歌, 大西 峻, 松井 まゆ, 長野 綾香, 村上 雅一, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 家入 里志   重症心身障がい者施設への小児外科医派遣による医療効果  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2021.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 春松 敏夫, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 加治 建, 家入 里志   鎖肛の腹腔鏡手術で何が見えているのか-拡大視野での解剖の再認識と手技の注意点- 高精細拡大画像による鎖肛骨盤最深部解剖の識別と比肩する剥離操作を含む手術手技による腹腔鏡下肛門形成術  

    日本内視鏡外科学会雑誌  2021.12  (一社)日本内視鏡外科学会

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  • 家入 里志, 大西 峻, 村上 雅一, 山田 耕嗣, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建   鏡視下胆道再建術-安全な普及を目指した戦略について- 小児腹腔鏡下胆道拡張症手術における安全・確実な肝管空腸吻合術の取り組み 細径と破格に挑む手技の確立  

    日本内視鏡外科学会雑誌  2021.12  (一社)日本内視鏡外科学会

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  • 西田 ななこ, 杉田 光士郎, 祁答院 千寛, 長野 綾香, 村上 雅一, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   食物蛋白誘発胃腸炎により重症NECを思わせる門脈ガス像を呈した新生児の一例  

    日本周産期・新生児医学会雑誌  2023.6  (一社)日本周産期・新生児医学会

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  • 山田 耕嗣, 村上 雅一, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 加治 建, 家入 里志   食道裂孔ヘルニアに対する腹腔鏡下手術 当院における小児食道裂孔ヘルニアの治療経験  

    日本内視鏡外科学会雑誌  2021.12  (一社)日本内視鏡外科学会

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  • 松井 まゆ, 春松 敏夫, 長野 綾香, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 家入 里志   食道閉鎖症術後にCBPFMの合併を診断されたVACTER連合の1例  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2021.8  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 西田 ななこ, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 家入 里志   骨盤神経温存を目指した腹腔鏡補助下肛門形成 拡大視・高精細画像による解剖の識別  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2022.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 春松 敏夫, 祁答院 千寛, 長野 綾香, 松井 まゆ, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 主輔, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 家入 里志   高位・中間位鎖肛の標準術式;肛門挙筋を切って良いか、切らない方が良いか? 肛門挙筋群を温存した男児鎖肛における術後排便機能の経時的推移の比較検討  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2021.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 西田 ななこ, 杉田 光士郎, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 川野 孝文, 家入 里志   高度貧血を呈した乳児消化管異物の1例  

    日本小児科学会雑誌  2023.3  (公社)日本小児科学会

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  • 家入 里志, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充   高難度小児内視鏡外科手術:手技の工夫と成績 Low Volume Centerにおける高難度小児内視鏡外科手術の定型化と術者育成の取り組み  

    日本内視鏡外科学会雑誌  2022.12  (一社)日本内視鏡外科学会

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  • 杉田 光士郎, 川野 孝文, 西田 ななこ, 松井 まゆ, 長野 綾香, 村上 雅一, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 鳥飼 源史, 家入 里志   鹿児島県の小児外科2施設での腹部実質臓器損傷の臨床的検討  

    日本腹部救急医学会雑誌  2023.2  (一社)日本腹部救急医学会

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  • 春松 敏夫, 杉田 光士郎, 大西 峻, 岩元 裕実子, 高田 倫, 緒方 將人, 祁答院 千寛, 村上 雅一, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   手術時に高度肝硬変を認めた乳幼児先天性胆道拡張症の二例  

    日本膵・胆管合流異常研究会プロシーディングス  2023.9  日本膵・胆管合流異常研究会

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  • 武藤 充, 緒方 将人, 高田 倫, 岩元 祐実子, 祁答院 千寛, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 川野 孝文, 家入 里志   腸管不全治療の現状と課題 腸管不全患者支援の課題と多職種介入の重要性について 非移植施設の立場から  

    移植  2023.9  (一社)日本移植学会

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  • 杉田 光士郎, 松井 まゆ, 川野 孝文, 西田 ななこ, 長野 綾香, 村上 雅一, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 鳥飼 源史, 家入 里志   広域医療圏における小児腹部実質臓器損傷の臨床的特徴 鹿児島県内の小児外傷治療拠点2施設における検討  

    日本小児救急医学会雑誌  2023.6  (一社)日本小児救急医学会

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  • 杉田 光士郎, 武藤 充, 村上 雅一, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 松久保 眞, 川野 孝文, 鳥飼 源史, 石原 千詠, 徳久 琢也, 茨 聡, 家入 里志   「様々な小児外科疾患に対する感染症対策」 壊死性腸炎に対するミコナゾール予防投与の検証-救命率と神経学的予後を改善させうるか?  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2023.10  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 大西 峻, 佐藤 智江, 福原 雅弘, 江角 元史郎, 伊崎 智子, 家入 里志, 飯田 則利   Slit-Slide法による臍形成 アンケートによる術後長期満足度調査  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2023.10  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 大西 峻, 村上 雅一, 岩元 裕実子, 緒方 将人, 高田 倫, 祁答院 千寛, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   重症心身障碍者における呑気を起因とする腸閉塞の検討  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2024.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 桝屋 隆太, 連 利博, 春松 敏夫, 町頭 成郎, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 中目 和彦, 加治 建, 七島 篤志   診断時に出血傾向を呈した胆道閉鎖症の臨床的検討  

    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集  2024.4  (一社)日本外科学会

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  • 春松 敏夫, 加治 建, 長野 綾香, 松井 まゆ, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   腹腔鏡下噴門形成術後にPT延長を認めた重症心身障がい児(者)の5例  

    学会誌JSPEN  2021.10  (一社)日本栄養治療学会

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  • 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 岩元 祐実子, 緒方 将人, 高田 倫, 村上 雅一, 春松 敏夫, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 熊谷 公太郎, 井戸 章雄, 加治 建, 家入 里志   腸管不全関連肝障害に対する肝細胞増殖因子の抗アポトーシス作用のメカニズムとは? 短腸モデルラットでの研究  

    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集  2024.4  (一社)日本外科学会

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  • 川野 孝文, 祁答院 千寛, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   染色体異常を持つ患児に対する外科治療 13trisomy/18trisomyを有する染色体異常症症例への治療介入に関する検討 単一施設の経験から  

    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集  2024.4  (一社)日本外科学会

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  • 村上 雅一, 岩元 裕実子, 緒方 将人, 高田 倫, 祁答院 千寛, 杉田 光士郎, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   小児外科における医工連携 コロナ禍の地方大学院生でもオンラインでできる医工連携 小児内視鏡外科疾患特異的シミュレータ開発と検証  

    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集  2024.4  (一社)日本外科学会

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  • 杉田 光士郎, 松井 まゆ, 岩元 祐実子, 緒方 将人, 高田 倫, 長野 綾香, 祁答院 千寛, 村上 雅一, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 松久保 眞, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 鳥飼 源史, 垣花 泰之, 家入 里志   小児外傷性膵損傷の治療戦略を考える 経験症例から得た教訓  

    日本腹部救急医学会雑誌  2024.2  (一社)日本腹部救急医学会

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  • 家入 里志, 村上 雅一, 矢野 圭輔, 杉田 光士郎, 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 岩元 祐美子, 緒方 将人, 高田 倫, 祁答院 千寛, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充   小児内視鏡外科における克服する課題 小児内視鏡外科の安全かつ健全な普及へ向けた課題とその提言  

    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集  2024.4  (一社)日本外科学会

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  • 高田 倫, 川野 孝文, 岩元 祐実子, 緒方 将人, 祁答院 千寛, 長野 綾香, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 鳥飼 源史, 家入 里志   上部消化管穿孔の治療戦略 乳児期以降の小児上部消化管穿孔の治療方針は? 鹿児島県内2施設における検討  

    日本腹部救急医学会雑誌  2024.2  (一社)日本腹部救急医学会

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  • 春松 敏夫, 加治 建, 長野 綾香, 松井 まゆ, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   腹腔鏡下噴門形成術後にPT延長を認めた重症心身障がい児(者)の5例  

    学会誌JSPEN  2021.10  (一社)日本栄養治療学会

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  • 村上 雅一, 岩元 裕実子, 緒方 将人, 高田 倫, 祁答院 千寛, 杉田 光士郎, 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   重症心身障碍者における呑気を起因とするイレウスの検討  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2023.12  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 緒方 将人, 岩元 裕実子, 高田 倫, 祁答院 千寛, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   重症心身障がい者に対する胃瘻造設術の変遷と術中合併症についての検討  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2024.2  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 祁答院 千寛, 武藤 充, 村上 雅一, 桝屋 隆太, 福原 雅弘, 渋井 勇一, 西田 ななこ, 長野 綾香, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 川野 孝文, 松久保 眞, 伊崎 智子, 中目 和彦, 加治 建, 廣瀬 龍一郎, 七島 篤志, 家入 里志   重症心身障がい児・者へのトラクションテクニックを用いた先行胃瘻温存腹腔鏡下噴門形成術 多施設共同研究  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2024.2  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 杉田 光士郎, 中目 和彦, 加治 建, 西田 ななこ, 長野 綾香, 村上 雅一, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   超音波ガイド下鎖骨上アプローチ法に対する経験年齢別の臨床成績の比較とその留意点  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2023.12  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 武藤 充, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 加治 建   超短腸症患児に対する支援はどうするべきか 残存小腸25cm未満の自験例から  

    学会誌JSPEN  2023  (一社)日本栄養治療学会

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  • 岩元 祐実子, 春松 敏夫, 高田 倫, 緒方 将人, 祁答院 千寛, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 大西 峻, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   術前診断が困難であった右肺上葉に過分葉を生じた気管支閉鎖症の1例  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2024.2  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 武藤 充, 矢野 圭輔, 加治 建, 西田 ななこ, 長野 綾香, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 川野 孝文, 家入 里志   蠕動障害を背景とする腸管不全児管理の課題は胆汁うっ滞性肝障害の制御にある 生命予後関連因子の後方視検討から  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2023.12  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 春松 敏夫, 加治 建, 長野 綾香, 松井 まゆ, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   腹腔鏡下噴門形成術後にPT延長を認めた重症心身障がい児(者)の5例  

    学会誌JSPEN  2021.10  (一社)日本栄養治療学会

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  • 針山 睦美, 田中 恵子, 田栗 教子, 大脇 哲洋, 武藤 充, 佐藤 秀夫, 高田 倫, 岩元 祐実子, 緒方 将人, 祁答院 千寛, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 川野 孝文, 家入 里志   管理に難渋し経口忌避、発育遅延を伴った低栄養乳児に対し多職種による栄養介入を果たした1経験例  

    学会誌JSPEN  2023  (一社)日本栄養治療学会

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  • 杉田 光士郎, 武藤 充, 西田 ななこ, 祁答院 千寛, 長野 綾香, 村上 雅一, 生駒 真一郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 松久保 眞, 川野 孝文, 鳥飼 源史, 加治 建, 家入 里志   残存小腸0cmの超短腸症生存症例から切り拓く小児短腸症の治療戦略  

    学会誌JSPEN  2023  (一社)日本栄養治療学会

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  • 杉田 光士郎, 武藤 充, 西田 ななこ, 祁答院 千寛, 長野 綾香, 村上 雅一, 生駒 真一郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 松久保 眞, 川野 孝文, 鳥飼 源史, 加治 建, 家入 里志   残存小腸0cmの超短腸症生存症例から切り拓く小児短腸症の治療戦略  

    学会誌JSPEN  2023  (一社)日本栄養治療学会

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  • 杉田 光士郎, 高田 倫, 村上 雅一, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 川野 孝文, 家入 里志   小児胸腔鏡下肺切除の肝 先天性嚢胞性肺疾患に対する完全胸腔鏡下肺葉切除の導入と成績  

    日本内視鏡外科学会雑誌  2023.12  (一社)日本内視鏡外科学会

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  • 川野 孝文, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 家入 里志   小児外科領域における技術認定取得者の関与と手術成績 地方施設における小児内視鏡外科の教育と小児内視鏡外科技術認定取得に関する問題点  

    日本内視鏡外科学会雑誌  2023.12  (一社)日本内視鏡外科学会

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  • 家入 里志, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充   小児外科におけるロボット支援手術-現況と展望- 国産手術支援ロボットの小児外科手術への応用へ向けたFeasibility Study  

    日本内視鏡外科学会雑誌  2023.12  (一社)日本内視鏡外科学会

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  • 家入 里志, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 川野 孝文   ロボット支援遠隔手術は何処へ行く-実装への道- 国産手術支援ロボットと疾患特異的シミュレータを用いた小児遠隔ロボット手術の実装へむけた探索的実証実験  

    日本内視鏡外科学会雑誌  2023.12  (一社)日本内視鏡外科学会

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  • 杉田 光士郎, 川野 孝文, 岩元 祐実子, 緒方 将人, 富田 倫, 祁答院 千寛, 村上 雅一, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   リンパ管腫に対する越婢加朮湯の臨床的検討 保存的療法v.s.術後補助療法  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2024.2  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 村上 雅一, 高田 倫, 杉田 光士郎, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 川野 孝文, 家入 里志   コロナ禍の地方大学院生でもオンラインでできる医工連携 小児内視鏡外科疾患特異的シミュレータ開発と検証  

    日本内視鏡外科学会雑誌  2023.12  (一社)日本内視鏡外科学会

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  • 大西 峻   どうする研究費獲得 これから外部資金による研究費の獲得を目指す若手研究者へ  

    日本コンピュータ外科学会誌  2023.11  (一社)日本コンピュータ外科学会

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  • 春松 敏夫, 高田 倫, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 大西 峻, 川野 孝文, 家入 里志   Low volume centerにおける小児内視鏡外科手術の教育-課題と展望- Low Volume Centerにおける高難度小児内視鏡外科手術の定型化とOJTでの術者育成の取り組み  

    日本内視鏡外科学会雑誌  2023.12  (一社)日本内視鏡外科学会

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  • 大西 峻, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 春松 敏夫, 川野 孝文, 家入 里志   Hirschsprung病-Soave vs Swenson vs Duhamel- ヒルシュスプルング病の術式変遷に伴う手術成績および術後排便機能の検討  

    日本内視鏡外科学会雑誌  2023.12  (一社)日本内視鏡外科学会

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  • 田畑 有弥子, 杉田 光士郎, 岩元 祐実子, 緒方 将人, 高田 倫, 祁答院 千寛, 村上 雅一, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   食物蛋白誘発胃腸炎により重症NECを疑わせる門脈ガス像を呈した新生児の一例  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2024.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 桝屋 隆太, 連 利博, 春松 敏夫, 杉田 光士郎, 町頭 成郎, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 中目 和彦, 加治 建, 七島 篤志, 家入 里志   診断時に出血傾向を呈した胆道閉鎖症の臨床的検討  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2024.6  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 田畑 有弥子, 杉田 光士郎, 春松 敏夫, 岩元 祐実子, 緒方 将人, 高田 倫, 祁答院 千寛, 村上 雅一, 大西 峻, 桝屋 隆太, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 中目 和彦, 家入 里志   術前診断が困難であった右上葉の過分葉肺に生じた気管支閉鎖症の1例  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2024.6  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 大西 峻, 杉田 光士郎, 岩元 裕実子, 緒方 将人, 高田 倫, 祁答院 千寛, 村上 雅一, 矢野 圭輔, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   臨床実習医学生への教授自らの技術評価型縫合実習は外科志望度の向上に結び付くか?  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2024.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 矢野 圭輔, 杉田 光士郎, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 家入 里志, 窪田 正幸   膀胱拡大術を施行された総排泄腔外反症の臨床的特徴 全国調査の結果より  

    日本小児泌尿器科学会雑誌  2024.6  日本小児泌尿器科学会

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  • 春松 敏夫, 加治 建, 長野 綾香, 松井 まゆ, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   腹腔鏡下噴門形成術後にPT延長を認めた重症心身障がい児(者)の5例  

    学会誌JSPEN  2021.10  (一社)日本栄養治療学会

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  • 矢野 圭輔, 連 利博, 大西 峻, 岩元 祐美子, 緒方 将人, 高田 倫, 祁答院 千寛, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   肋軟骨移植術が施行された声門下腔狭窄症患者の術後長期QOL  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2024.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 武藤 充, 緒方 将人, 高田 倫, 岩元 祐実子, 祁答院 千寛, 長野 綾香, 松井 まゆ, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 松久保 眞, 川野 孝文, 鳥飼 源史, 家入 里志   残存小腸0cmとなった超短腸症患者のQoLはどのように経時変化しているのか  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2024.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 祁答院 千寛, 春松 敏夫, 高田 倫, 岩元 祐実子, 緒方 将人, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   横隔膜疾患に対する胸腔鏡手術の工夫  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2024.6  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 祁答院 千寛, 春松 敏夫, 高田 倫, 岩元 祐実子, 緒方 将人, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   横隔膜疾患に対する胸腔鏡手術 パッチ閉鎖を回避する工夫  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2024.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 川野 孝文, 杉田 光士郎, 馬場 徳朗, 桝屋 隆太, 岩元 祐実子, 緒方 将人, 高田 倫, 祁答院 千寛, 村上 雅一, 大西 峻, 武藤 充, 久田 正昭, 中目 和彦, 家入 里志   新生児期/乳児期早期(3ヵ月以下)の固形腫瘍症例の臨床的特徴 南九州3施設での解析  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2024.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 緒方 将人, 矢野 圭輔, 川野 孝文, 杉田 光士郎, 岩元 祐実子, 高田 倫, 祁答院 千寛, 村上 雅一, 大西 峻, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   手術介入を要した腸重積症の臨床的特徴 広域医療圏をカバーする単一施設での解析  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2024.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 緒方 将人, 矢野 圭輔, 川野 孝文, 杉田 光士郎, 岩元 祐実子, 高田 倫, 祁答院 千寛, 村上 雅一, 大西 峻, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   手術介入を要した腸重積症の臨床的特徴 単一高次施設の経験症例より  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2024.6  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 杉田 光士郎, 村上 雅一, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 岩元 祐実子, 緒方 将人, 高田 倫, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   小児外科医にとって本当のQOLとは何か? 自身の大学院研究生活を振り返った考察  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2024.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 村上 雅一, 岩元 裕実子, 緒方 将人, 高田 倫, 祁答院 千寛, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   初学者のためのLPEC疾患特異型シミュレータの開発とValidation Study  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2024.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 小川 雄大, 大嶋 佑介, 大西 峻, 白下 英史, 衛藤 剛, 家入 里志, 猪股 雅史   光イメージング技術を用いたヒルシュスプルング病における無神経節腸管の形態学的解析  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2024.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 白井 剛, 三好 きな, 村上 雅一, 杉田 光士郎, 大西 峻, 家入 里志   オンラインコーチングは未経験者の小児腹腔鏡下肝管空腸吻合術の技術を向上させるか?  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2024.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 橋口 美海, 馬渡 比華, 村上 雅一, 岩元 祐実子, 緒方 将人, 高田 倫, 祁答院 千寛, 杉田 光士郎, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 川野 孝文, 武藤 充, 家入 里志   Mixed Realityは医学生における小児肝腫瘍の解剖理解を深めるか?  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2024.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 鶴野 雄大, 連 利博, 杉田 光士郎, 桝屋 隆太, 春松 敏夫, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 川野 孝文, 市川 千宙, 大谷 明夫, 尾藤 祐子, 家入 里志   BA葛西手術時の肝生検検体の免疫組織学的左右差の解析 肝形態変化の説明は可能か?  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2024.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 川野 孝文, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 大西 峻, 中目 和彦, 向井 基, 加治 建, 家入 里志   Home parenteral nutrition(HPN)施行中の腸管不全症例に対する、エタノールロックの効性の検討  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2016.5  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 大西 峻, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 長野 綾香, 松井 まゆ, 永井 太一朗, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 家入 里志   Hirschsprung病において手術時月齢が術後排便機能に与える影響についての検討 特に術式別の排便機能の相違に関して  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2020.9  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 中目 和彦, 村上 雅一, 矢野 圭輔, 馬場 徳朗, 春松 敏夫, 山田 和歌, 桝屋 隆太, 川野 孝文, 町頭 成郎, 向井 基, 加治 建, 家入 里志   Hirschsprung病において手術時月齢が術後排便機能に与える影響についての検討  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2020.4  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 杉田 光士郎, 山田 耕嗣, 森口 智江, 大西 峻, 山田 和歌, 川野 孝文, 中目 和彦, 向井 基, 加治 建, 家入 里志, 中川 俊輔, 児玉 祐一, 河野 嘉文   Gliomatosis peritoneiと腹膜転移を伴った小児未熟卵巣奇形腫の1例  

    日本小児血液・がん学会雑誌  2016.11  (一社)日本小児血液・がん学会

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  • 桝屋 隆太, 加治 建, 下野 隆一, 向井 基, 中目 和彦, 野村 美緒子, 大西 峻, 春松 敏夫, 松藤 凡   D-乳酸アシドーシスが疑われた短腸症候群の1例  

    外科と代謝・栄養  2012.10  日本外科代謝栄養学会

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  • 山田 耕嗣, 永田 公二, 森口 智江, 杉田 光士郎, 大西 峻, 川野 孝文, 中目 和彦, 向井 基, 加治 建, 家入 里志   Components separation technique(CST)法により腹壁形成を行った、腹壁破裂術後の巨大腹壁瘢痕ヘルニアの1例  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2016.12  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 加治 建, 下野 隆一, 向井 基, 中目 和彦, 桝屋 隆太, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 野村 美緒子, 松藤 凡   Catheter related blood stream infectionに対するエタノールロック治療の経験  

    静脈経腸栄養  2012.1  (株)ジェフコーポレーション

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  • 家入 里志, 矢野 圭輔, 山田 耕嗣, 川野 正人, 村上 雅一, 大西 峻, 山田 和歌, 桝屋 隆太, 川野 孝文, 町頭 成郎, 中目 和彦, 向井 基, 加治 建   8K映像を用いた腹腔鏡下肝管空腸吻合術  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2018.5  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 中目 和彦, 矢野 圭輔, 川野 正人, 大西 峻, 山田 耕司, 山田 和歌, 桝屋 隆太, 川野 孝文, 町頭 成郎, 向井 基, 加治 建, 家入 里志   40例の経験からみた先天性嚢胞性肺疾患の外科治療の検討 出生前診断例に対する治療戦略  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2018.5  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 加治 建, 山田 和歌, 山田 耕嗣, 大西 峻, 桝屋 隆太, 町頭 成郎, 川野 孝文, 中目 和彦, 向井 基, 家入 里志   3Dプリンターによる疾患型シミュレーターを用いた論理的思考を促す教育方法の試み  

    医学教育  2017.8  (一社)日本医学教育学会

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  • 馬場 徳朗, 向井 基, 村上 雅一, 矢野 圭輔, 春松 敏夫, 大西 峻, 山田 和歌, 山田 耕嗣, 桝屋 隆太, 川野 孝文, 町頭 成郎, 中目 和彦, 加治 建, 家入 里志   18歳以上に達した胆道拡張症術後患者の術後合併症と健康関連QOLの相関に関する検討  

    日本膵・胆管合流異常研究会プロシーディングス  2018.8  日本膵・胆管合流異常研究会

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  • 桝屋 隆太, 加治 建, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 川野 孝文, 町頭 成郎, 中目 和彦, 向井 基, 家入 里志   15歳以上に到達した先天性食道閉鎖症術後患者に対する身体的・社会的長期予後の解析  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2018.5  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 春松 敏夫, 長野 綾香, 松井 まゆ, 村上 雅一, 矢野 圭輔, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 松久保 眞, 武藤 充, 加治 建, 家入 里志   Needlescopic Surgeryの導入による完全内視鏡外科手術の実現  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2020.10  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 矢野 圭輔, 川野 孝文, 加治 建, 大西 峻, 山田 耕嗣, 山田 和歌, 中目 和彦, 向井 基, 家入 里志, 飯野 聡, 迫田 雅彦, 夏越 祥次   No responderに対し開腹手術で救命し得た小児肝外傷の一例  

    日本小児救急医学会雑誌  2015.10  (一社)日本小児救急医学会

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  • 中目 和彦, 矢野 圭輔, 山田 耕嗣, 川野 孝文, 大西 峻, 山田 和歌, 向井 基, 加治 建, 家入 里志   Nuss法による漏斗胸手術の合併症の検討  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2016.6  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 森口 智江, 川野 孝文, 山田 耕嗣, 大西 峻, 山田 和歌, 中目 和彦, 向井 基, 加治 建, 家入 里志, 西川 拓朗, 河野 嘉文   Oncologic emergencyを呈した新生児胃原発奇形腫の1例  

    日本小児外科学会雑誌  2016.8  (一社)日本小児外科学会

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  • 第75回手術手技研究会 2021年度ビデオ賞 肝胆膵領域

    2021.5   手術手技研究会   細径と破格に挑む小児腹腔鏡下胆道拡張症手術-安全・確実で縫合不全・狭窄を回避する吻合の工夫-

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    Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc. 

  • Best Video Award

    2022.5   he 59th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Pediatric Surgery, Japan.  

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    Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc. 

  • 医歯学奨励賞

    2018.10   鹿児島大学大学院  

Research Projects

  • 腸内フローラは新生児壊死性腸炎における中枢発達改善の治療ターゲットか?

    Grant number:22K15925  2022.4 - 2025.3

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業(学術研究助成基金助成金  若手研究

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\4550000 ( Direct Cost: \3500000 、 Indirect Cost:\1050000 )

  • 短腸症候群腸内フローラと消化管ホルモン動態の相関解明に基づくIFALD予防法開発

    Grant number:18K16262  2018.4 - 2021.3

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業(学術研究助成基金助成金)  若手研究

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\4160000 ( Direct Cost: \3200000 、 Indirect Cost:\960000 )

  • 腸管不全関連肝障害の病態解明に基づくグレリン誘導周術期管理治療法の開発

    Grant number:16H07090  2016.4 - 2018.3

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業(学術研究助成基金助成金)  研究活動スタート支援

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\2730000 ( Direct Cost: \2100000 、 Indirect Cost:\630000 )

  • 短腸症候群治療を目的とした細胞シートによる新規小腸延長術式の開発

    Grant number:24K11787  2024.4 - 2027.3

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)

    金高 賢悟, 江口 晋, 家入 里志, 大西 峻, 杉田 光士郎, 宮本 大輔, 藤田 拓郎

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    Grant amount:\4680000 ( Direct Cost: \3600000 、 Indirect Cost:\1080000 )

  • Development of an Innovative Therapy Utilizing RAGE Aptamer to Achieve Zero Mortality in Neonatal Necrotizing Enterocolitis.

    Grant number:23K07281  2023.4 - 2026.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

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    Grant amount:\4550000 ( Direct Cost: \3500000 、 Indirect Cost:\1050000 )

  • 術中ホログラム支援による腫瘍血管内在型ナビによる小児固形腫瘍リゼクタビリティ評価

    Grant number:23K11934  2023.4 - 2026.3

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)

    川野 孝文, 家入 里志, 鳥飼 源史, 大西 峻, 村上 雅一, 植村 宗則, 杉田 光士郎, 杉本 真樹, 春松 敏夫

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    Grant amount:\4680000 ( Direct Cost: \3600000 、 Indirect Cost:\1080000 )

  • プリンシグナル制御による代謝・炎症を標的とした多元的IFALD治療法の創出

    Grant number:23K08031  2023.4 - 2026.3

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)

    町頭 成郎, 家入 里志, 蓮澤 奈央, 大西 峻, 川野 孝文, 加治 建, 杉田 光士郎, 武藤 充, 古賀 義法

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    Grant amount:\4680000 ( Direct Cost: \3600000 、 Indirect Cost:\1080000 )

  • GVHD誘導マウスでのサイトカイン阻害による胆道閉鎖症の炎症標的型治療法の開発

    Grant number:23K08052  2023.4 - 2026.3

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)

    桝屋 隆太, 家入 里志, 大西 峻, 連 利博, 川野 孝文, 杉田 光士郎, 七島 篤志, 武藤 充, 中目 和彦, 春松 敏夫

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    Grant amount:\4420000 ( Direct Cost: \3400000 、 Indirect Cost:\1020000 )

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