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カミニシ ヨシオ
上西 由翁
農水産獣医学域水産学系 水産学部 水産学科 教授


  • 博士(水産学) ( 1992年3月   鹿児島大学 )


  • 遺伝子工学

  • 鮮度管理

  • 食品微生物


  • ライフサイエンス / 水圏生命科学


  • 鹿児島大学   農水産獣医学域水産学系 水産学部 水産学科 食品生命科学分野   教授

    2010年5月 - 現在

  • 鹿児島大学   農水産獣医学域水産学系 水産学部 水産学科 食品生命科学分野   准教授

    2002年2月 - 2010年4月

  • 鹿児島大学   大学院連合農学研究科 応用生命科学 食品機能科学連合講座   准教授

    2002年2月 - 現在

  • 独立行政法人水産大学校   食品科学科   准教授

    1993年4月 - 2002年1月


  • 日本農芸化学会

    2015年10月 - 現在

  • 日本水産学会

    2015年10月 - 現在

  • 日本食品科学工学会



  • 上西由翁,包 里 .  食品工場の包装工程に至るクリーン化 .  クリーンテクノロジー34 ( 1 ) 24 - 30   2024年1月



  • 上西由翁 .  水産物における酸化脂質のTBA 測定法の検討と官能評価との関連性 .    72   15 - 22   2023年12月


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:日本語  

  • 上西由翁 .  生鮮刺身4 種のMA 貯蔵(脱酸素剤)における品質管理 .    72   1 - 13   2023年12月


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:日本語  

  • 上西 由翁, 田住 瑶子, 舟橋 亞希, 安樂 和彦 .  生鮮刺身の色変わり特性と官能評価 .  鹿児島大学水産学部紀要68 ( 1 ) 1 - 7   2019年12月


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(大学,研究機関等紀要)   出版者・発行元:鹿児島大学水産学部  

    その他リンク: http://hdl.handle.net/10232/00030918

  • Abeer A. I. Hassanin, Yoshio Kaminishi .  A novel cytochrome P450 1D1 gene in Nile tilapia fish (Oreochromis niloticus): partial cDNA cloning and expression following benzo-a-pyrene exposure .  International Aquatic Research11   277 - 285   2019年8月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Springer  

    DOI: f

  • AKI FUNAHASHI, TAKAO ITAKURA, ABEER A. I. HASSANIN, MASAHARU KOMATSU, SEIICHI HAYASHI and YOSHIO KAMINISHI .  Ubiquitous distribution of fluorescent protein in muscles of four species and two subspecies of eel (genus Anguilla) .  Journal of Genetics96 ( 1 ) 127 - 133   2017年4月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Springer  

    DOI: 10.1007/s12041-017-0751-5



    その他リンク: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12041-017-0751-5

  • Hassanin A. .  Characterization of Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) aldehyde reductase (AKR1A1) gene, promoter and expression pattern in benzo-a-pyrene exposed fish .  Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods27 ( 1 ) 36 - 44   2017年1月


    出版者・発行元:Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods  

    DOI: 10.1080/15376516.2016.1238529



  • Abeer Hassanin, Yoshio Kaminishi and Takao Itakura .  Characterization of Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) aldehyde reductase (AKR1A1) gene, promoter and expression pattern in benzo-a-pyrene exposed fish .  Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods27   24 - 36   2017年1月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • A Funahashi, M Komatsu, T Furukawa, Y Yoshizono, H Yoshizon,Y Orikawa, S Takumi, K Shiozaki, S Hayashi, Y Kaminishi, T Itakura .  Eel green fluorescent protein is associated with resistance to oxidative stress .  Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C181-182   35 - 39   2016年4月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Trieu Tuan, Yoshio Kaminishi, Aki Funahashi, Takao Itakura .  Effects of chlorpyrifos insecticide on CYP1 family genes expression and acetylcholinesterase enzyme activity in Oryzias javanicus .  Fresenius Environ. Bull.24 ( 11 ) 3842 - 3852   2015年11月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Trieu Tuan, Yoshio Kaminishi, Aki Funahashi, Yuta Nagai, Jiro Koyama, and Takao Itakura. .  Cytochrome P450, CYP1A, 1B1 and 1C1 in Javanses medaka (Oyzias javanicus) adults and embryos as biomarkers potential against heavy fuel oil pollutions .  Fresenius Environ. Bull.24 ( 9 ) 2916 - 2925   2015年9月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • El-Kady M.A.H., Y. Kaminishi and T. Itakura .  Molecular characterization and organs expression of cytochrome P450 1B1 from Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica) .  Egypt. J. Aquat. Biol. & Fish18   103 - 113   2014年6月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • El-Kady M.A.H., Y. Kaminishi and T. Itakura .  Molecular characterization and organs expression of cytochrome P450 1C1 from Japanese Eel (Anguilla japonica) .  Egypt. J. Aquat. Biol. & Fish.18   115 - 124   2014年6月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Tuan T., Y. Kaminishi, A. Funahashi, A.A.I.Hassanin and T. Itakura .  Cloning and tissue expression of cytochrome P450 1B1 and 1C1 genes from Javanese medaka, Oryzias javanicus, under environmental stress conditions .   13   2028 - 2040   2014年5月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Tuan T., Y. Kaminishi, A. Funahashi, M.A.H. El-Kady, A.A.I.Hassanin, and T. Itakura .  cDNA cloning, characterization and expression of cytochrome P450 family 1 (CYP1A) from Javanese medaka, Oryzias javanicus, by environmental conditions .  African Journal of Biotechnology13   1898 - 1909   2014年4月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Funahashi A., Y. Kaminishi and T. Itakura .  A Proposal for Quality Assessment and Critical Control Point on Fresh Fishes Packed with Deoxidizer (MA storage) .  Mem. Fac. Fish. Kagoshima Univ.63   1 - 8   2014年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Abeer A.I. Hassanin, M.M.M. Osman, Y. Kaminishi, M.A.H. El-Kady and T. Itakura .  Molecular characterization of cytochrome P450 1B1 and effect of benzo(a) pyrene on its expression in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) .  African Journal of Biotechnolog12 ( 48 ) 6682 - 6690   2013年11月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Abeer A.I. Hassanina, Y. Kaminishia, A. Funahashia and T. Itakuraa .  Cytochrome P450 1C1 complementary DNA cloning, sequence analysis andconstitutive expression induced by benzo-a-pyrene in Nile tilapia(Oreochromis niloticus) .  Aquatic Toxicology109   17 - 24   2012年1月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • T. Uno, S. Kaji, T. Gotoh, H. Imaishi, M. Nakamura, K. Kanamaru, H. Yamagata, Y. Kaminishi and T. Itakura .  Metabolism of the herbicides chlorotoluron, diuron, linuron, simazine, and atrazine by CYP1A9 and CYP1C1 from Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica) .  Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology101   93 - 102   2011年8月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Abeer A.I. Hassanin, Y. Kaminishi, M.M.M. Osman, Z.H. Abdel-Wahad, M.A.H. El-Kady and T. Itakura .  Development and application of a Real-Time Quantitative PCR assay for determining expression of Benzo-a-pyrene-Inducible Cytochrome P450 1A in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) .  African Journal of Biotechnology8   6588 - 6595   2009年12月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Abeer A.I. Hassanin, Y. Kaminishi, M.M.M. Osman, Z.H. Abdel-Wahad, M.A.H. El-Kady and T. Itakura .  Cloning and sequence analysis of benzo-a-pyreneinducible cytochrome P450 1A in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) .  African Journal of Biotechnology8   2545 - 2553   2009年6月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Uno, T., S. Okamoto, S. Masuda, A. Itoh, K. Kanamaru, H. Yamagata, M. Nakamura, H. Imaishi, M. A. H. El-kady, Y. Kaminishi, and T. Itakura .  Bioconversion by functional P450 1A9 and P450 1C1 of Anguilla japonica. .  Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology147C   278 - 285   2008年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Kaminishi, Y., M.A.H. El-kady, R. Mitsuo., T. Itakura .  Complementary DNA Cloning and Organ Expression of Cytochrome P450 1C2 in Carp (Cyprinus carpio) .  Environmental Science14   23 - 33   2007年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Itakura T., Y. Ogino, S.C. Mahata, M.A.H El-kady, J. Aoki, H. Kato and Y. Kaminishi .  Estrogen-responsive element (ERE)-like motifs affect the 3-methylcholanthrene induction of eel CYP1A gene. .  Environmental Science12   65 - 70   2005年4月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Itakura T., M.A.H El-kady, R. Mitsuo and Y. Kaminishi .  Complementary DNA cloning and constitutive expression of cytochrome P450 1C1 in gills of carp (Cyprius carpio). .  Environmental Science12   111 - 120   2005年4月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Mohamed, A.H.E, R. Mitsuo, Y. Kaminishi and T. Itakura .  Isolation of cDNA of novel cytochrome P450 1B gene, CYP1B2, from carp and its induced expression in . .  Environmental Science11   345 - 354   2004年12月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Mohamed, A.H.E, R. Mitsuo, Y. Kaminishi and T. Itakura .  cDNA cloning, sequence analysis and expression of 3-methylcholanthrene-inducible cytochrome P450 1B1 Carp. .  Environmental Science11   231 - 240   2004年10月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Mahata Shyamal C., Aoki Jun-ya, Kaminishi Yoshio, Itakura Takao .  Analysis of Dioxin Responsive Elements (DREs) in Drug-inducible Eel CYP1A Gene .  環境毒性学会誌6 ( 2 ) 45 - 52   2003年



    Exposure of animals to dioxin or similar environmental pollutants evokes responses by some drug-inducible genes that are measurable in the transcriptional level for using in the early detection system. Dioxin responsive elements (DREs) located in the 5' upstream regions of the <I>CYP1A</I> genes of fish and other animals play a key role in the drug-inducible genes expression. Of the two <I>CYP1A</I> genes reported in Japanese eel, several DREs are found to exist in the 5' upstream region of the <I>CYP1A1</I> (MC1) gene. However, no DREs was found within the 1631 bp upstream region of the second form of <I>CYP1A1</I> (MC2) gene in a &lambda; phage clone. In order to sequence further beyond the 1.6 kbp upstream region of the MC2 gene, a cosmid library was constructed with longer genomic fragments. We succeeded in obtaining a clone which contained both the MC1 and the MC2 genes including the further upstream region of the MC2 gene. Sequence analysis revealed that the clone contained, in addition to the 1.6 kbp region, a 3295 bp further upstream region containing eleven DREs. In MC1 as well as mammalian <I>CYP1A1</I> genes, the functional DREs are found in the proximity of transcription start site, whereas the DREs of the MC2 gene were localized beyond the 1.7 kbp upstream region, which contains unusual TAA repeats.

    DOI: 10.11403/jset.6.45

  • KAMINISHI YOSHIO, NAKANIWA KOU-ICHIRO, KUNIMOTO MASAHIKO, MIKI HIDEMASA .  Determination of K-value using freshness testing paper and freshness prediction of the finfishes stored at some different temperatures by the kinetic parameters. .  Fisheries science66 ( 1 ) 161 - 165   2000年


    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 日本水産学会  

    A freshness index for fish muscle (K-value) was measured for six species of fish using freshness testing paper (FTP) and column chromatography. The correlation coefficient between these K-values determined by both methods was 0.917, although K-values of reddish muscle of big-eyed tuna, flying fish and common horse mackerel were evaluated lower by FTP than by column chromatography. The changes of K-values which were determined at regular intervals by FTP indicated that the decrease in freshness of amberjack and big-eyed tuna muscles was due to a first-order reaction. The kinetic parameters for the freshness-lowering, activation energy and frequency factor were obtained from Arrnhenius' plots of K-values at the storage temperatures between -1 and +20&deg;C, and then it was clarified that the quality of amberjack and big-eyed tuna with the different history of storage temperature should be predictable on the basis of these kinetic parameters.

    DOI: 10.1046/j.1444-2906.2000.00024.x

  • Kaminishi Yoshio, Nakaniwa Kou-Ichiro, Kunimoto Masahiko, MIKI Hidemasa .  Determination of K-value using freshness testing paper and freshness prediction of the finfishes stored at some different temperatures by the kinetic parameters .  Fisheries science : FS66 ( 1 ) 161 - 165   2000年


    出版者・発行元:Japanese Society of Fisheries Science  

  • 上西 由翁, 国本 正彦, 山本 有司, 水上 譲, 鬼頭 鈞 .  銀染色と制限酵素断片を用いたPCR-SSCP法によるスサビノリとアサクサノリの迅速判定 .  水産増殖47 ( 1 ) 1 - 7   1999年3月



    小亜粒子リボゾームRNA遺伝子 (SSU rDNA) の2領域を対象に, スサビノリとアサクサノリのPCR-SSCP法による迅速判定を試みた。その結果, Tris-Glycine緩衝液と10%グリセロールを含む5もしくは6%アクリルアミドゲル (クロスリンクモノマー比2.0%) を用いることで銀染色による簡易検出が可能となった。アマノリ属SSU rDNAで多型の多くみられた586bpの解析には, 制限酵素断片のSSCP解析が1塩基変異を検出するのに有効であった。養殖ノリ13品種のPCR-SSCPパターンは, すべてスサビノリの泳動パターンを示した。本実、験に用いたPCR-SSCP改良法は, 4ステップ, 8時間で両種の判定が可能であった。

    DOI: 10.11233/aquaculturesci1953.47.1

  • Kaminishi Yoshio, Tanie Hidetaka, Kunimoto Masahiko .  Purification and Characterization of Lipases from <i>Aspergillus repens</i> and <i>Eurotium herbariorum</i> NU-2 Used in &ldquo;<i>Katsuobushi</i>&rdquo; Molding .  Fisheries science65 ( 2 ) 274 - 278   1999年


    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 日本水産学会  

    Lipases (triacylglycerol acylhydrolase, EC 3. 1. 1. 3) were purified from <i>Aspergillus repens</i> and <i>Eurotium herbariorum</i> NU-2 strain by using a DEAE-Sephadex A-50 column and preparative electrophoresis. The purified enzymes from <i>A. repens</i> and NU-2 had molecular weights estimated by SDS-PAGE to be 38, 000 and 65, 000, respectively. Lipase from <i>A. repens</i> had a pH optimum of 5.3 and a temperature optimum of 27&deg;C, while for the NU-2 strain corresponding values were pH 5.2 and 37&deg;C. The specific activity of NU-2 was about twice that of <i>A. repens</i>. Substrate specificity toward olive oil or triolein and positional specificity for hydrolyzing the 1 (3)-position ester bonds of triacylglycerol are discussed for both enzymes.

    DOI: 10.2331/fishsci.65.274

  • Mizukami Yuzuru, Kito Hitoshi, Kaminishi Yoshio, Murase Noboru, Kunimoto Masahiko .  Nucleotide Sequence Variation in the Ribosomal Internal Transcribed Spacer Regions of Cultivated (Cultivars) and Field-collected Thalli of <i>Porphyra yezoensis</i> .  Fisheries science65 ( 5 ) 788 - 789   1999年


    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 日本水産学会  

    DOI: 10.2331/fishsci.65.788

  • NAGAI Takeshi, INADA Junji, HAMADA Moritsugu, KAI Norihisa, TANOUE Yasuhiro, KAMINISHI Yoshio, NAKAGAWA Hisaki, FUJIKI Kazuhiro, NAKAO Miki, YANO Tomoki .  Distribution of Glutathione Peroxidase Activity in Fish .  Fisheries science : FS65 ( 4 ) 665 - 666   1999年

  • Kaminishi Yoshio, Tanie Hidetaka, Kunimoto Masahiko .  Purification and Characterization of Lipases from Aspergillus repens and Eurotium herbariorum NU-2 Used in "Katsuobushi" Molding .  Fisheries science : FS65 ( 2 ) 274 - 278   1999年


    出版者・発行元:Japanese Society of Fisheries Science  

  • MIZUKAMI Yuzuru, KITO Hitoshi, KAMINISHI Yoshio, MURASE Noboru, KUNIMOTO Masahiko .  Nucleotide Sequence Variation in the Ribosomal Internal Transcribed Spacer Regions of Cultivated (Cultivars) and Field-collected Thalli of Porphyra yezoensis .  Fisheries science : FS65 ( 5 ) 788 - 789   1999年

  • Nagai Takeshi, Yano Tomoki, Inada Junji, Hamada Moritsugu, Kai Norihisa, Tanoue Yasuhiro, Kaminishi Yoshio, Nakagawa Hisaki, Fujiki Kazuhiro, Nakao Miki .  Distribution of Glutathione Peroxidase Activity in Fish .  Fisheries science65 ( 4 ) 665 - 666   1999年


    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 日本水産学会  

    DOI: 10.2331/fishsci.65.665

  • Mizukami Yuzuru, Kaminishi Yoshio, Kunimoto Masahiko, KOBAYASHI Masahiro, MURASE Noboru, KITO Hitoshi .  Comparison of Partial Nucleotide Sequences in the Exonic Region of a Small Subunit Ribosomal RNA Gene for Discrimination of Laver (Porphyra) Species and Cultivars .  Fisheries science : FS64 ( 6 ) 886 - 891   1998年12月


    出版者・発行元:Japanese Society of Fisheries Science  

  • Kaminishi Yoshio, Kunimoto Masahiko, Miki Hidemasa, Nishimoto Jun-ichi .  Effects of Urea on Thermal Gelation Process of Myosin B Prepared from Shark Muscle .  Fisheries science64 ( 5 ) 776 - 779   1998年


    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 日本水産学会  

    The effects of urea concentration on the gel forming ability of shark muscle were investigated at two characteristic temperatures: aggregation was measured at 40&deg;C; and gelation was measured at 70&deg;C. When heated to 40&deg;C, the gel rigidity of myosin B decreased when the urea concentration was less than or equal to 1.0M, but it increased when the urea concentration was between 1.0 and 2.0M. The increase of gel rigidity can be attributed to the formation of an apparent network structure resulting from increasing disulfide bond levels. When heated to 70&deg;C, the rigidity decreased as the uniform network structure broke down with the increase of urea concentration. The microscopic observation and water distribution analysis revealed that the combined denaturing action of urea and heating resulted in a porous gel with a compact configuration and condensed myosin B network structure.

    DOI: 10.2331/fishsci.64.776

  • Mizukami Yuzuru, Kaminishi Yoshio, Kunimoto Masahiko, Kobayashi Masahiro, Murase Noboru, Kito Hitoshi .  Comparison of Partial Nucleotide Sequences in the Exonic Region of a Small Subunit Ribosomal RNA Gene for Discrimination of Laver (<i>Porphyra</i>) Species and Cultivars .  Fisheries science64 ( 6 ) 886 - 891   1998年


    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 日本水産学会  

    Partial nucleotide sequences in the exonic region of a small subunit ribosomal RNA gene (ssr DNA) were analysed for nine commercially utilized species of <i>Porphyra</i> and eight laver cultivars in order to examine whether these sequences can be used to identify and discriminate between these species and cultivars. Pairwise comparisons of a total of 555 nucleotides revealed that there were from one to ninety-one nucleotide differences (substitutions and insertions/deletions) among the nine species. The one nucleotide difference found between <i>Porphyrayezoensis</i> and <i>P. tenera</i> was authentic, confirmed by repetitive sequence analyses of ssr DNA exonic regions using thalli of these species collected from five different locations. The nucleotide sequences of eight laver cultivars were identical to each other and also identical to field-collected <i>P. yezoensis</i> but not <i>P. tenera</i>. These results suggest that the nine <i>Porphyra</i> species can be distinguished from each other by comparison of the partial nucleotide sequences of the ssr DNA exonic region, while discrimination of laver cultivars is not possible by the comparison of only these sequences.

    DOI: 10.2331/fishsci.64.886

  • Kaminishi Yoshio, Kunimoto Masahiko, Miki Hidemasa, NISHIMOTO Jun-ichi .  Effects of Urea on Thermal Gelation Process of Myosin B Prepared from Shark Muscle .  Fisheries science : FS64 ( 5 ) 776 - 779   1998年


    出版者・発行元:Japanese Society of Fisheries Science  

  • Kunimoto Masahiko, Kaminishi Yoshio, Minami Kei-ichi, Hatano Mutsuo .  Lipase and Phospholipase Production by <i>Aspergillus repens</i> Utilized in Molding of &ldquo;<i>Katsuobushi</i>&rdquo; Processing .  Fisheries science62 ( 4 ) 594 - 599   1996年


    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 日本水産学会  

    <i>Aspergillus repens</i>, a popular saprophyte in &ldquo;<i>katsuobushi</i>&rdquo; molding, induced the lipase and phospholipase production in the semi-defined liquid media containing 1% casamino acid and 20% glycine with the addition of olive oil or phosphatidylcholine, respectively. The mold consumed the free fatty acids, liberated from lipids contained in medium. These enzymes were detected inthe sliced product medium of broil-dried skipjack meat during the molding process, and the growth of <i>A. repens</i> caused the decrease of lipid content.<br> The distribution of glucosamine, indicator of mycelium growth, in commercial &ldquo;<i>katsuobushi</i>&rdquo; revealed that <i>A. repens</i> grew only on the surface. The results indicate that the molding process contributed to the hydrolysis of lipids by the enzymes andthe subsequent decrease of lipid concentration by the consumption of liberated free fatty acid on the surface of &ldquo;<i>katsuobushi</i>&rdquo;.

    DOI: 10.2331/fishsci.62.594

  • Kunimoto Masahiko, Kaminishi Yoshio, Minami Kei-ichi, HATANO Mutsuo .  Lipase and Phospholipase Production by Aspergillus repens Utilized in Molding of "Katsuobushi" Processing .  Fisheries science : FS62 ( 4 ) 594 - 599   1996年


    出版者・発行元:Japanese Society of Fisheries Science  

  • 国本 正彦, 上西 由翁, 篠原 伸雄 .  アナゴ加工時に産生する調味廃液の再生法 .  日本食品科学工学会誌 : Nippon shokuhin kagaku kogaku kaishi = Journal of the Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology42 ( 6 ) 446 - 451   1995年6月


    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 日本食品科学工学会  

    アナゴの蒲焼きあるいは煮アナゴを製造する際に発生する調味液廃液は工場レベルで以下のような処理により,再利用が可能となった.<BR>(1) アナゴ廃液の再利用に障害となる呈味成分の希釈化,夾雑物の混入などは,加熱殺菌,プロテアーゼ処理,濃縮,遠心分離およびSF膜ろ過処理からなる一連の操作によって解決することができた.<BR>(2) 細菌数は加熱処理で減少したが,その後の各処理工程で徐々に増加することから,その発育を抑制するために,再生調味液の固形物含量を45%までに濃縮し,さらに食塩を添加することにより商業ベースでの常温流通を可能とした.

    DOI: 10.3136/nskkk.42.446

  • 上西 由翁, 松野 知之, 進藤 穣, 御木 英昌, 西元 諄一 .  ホタルルシフェラーゼによる魚肉中のATP量の迅速定量法について .  日本水産学会誌58 ( 9 ) 1751 - 1755   1992年



    The quantitative method of ATP in fish muscle was investigated by the measurement of emitted light intensity using luciferase of the American firefly. The peak of the emitted light spectrum was shown at 554nm. The sensitive assay for ATP was improved by increasing the concentration of the enzyme with the presence of bovine serum albumin, DTT, and EDTA. The regression line was obtained between the emitted light intensity and the ATP concentra-tion in the ranges from 1 to 50&mu;M. The bioluminescent reaction was not inhibited by the dilu-tion of neutralized perchlorate as extractive solvent with 100 volumes of distilled water.<br> The ATP contents in the extracts of fish muscle were determined both by bioluminescent reaction and by column chromatography. The values obtained by the two different methods almost agreed. Consequently, the bioluminescent reaction of American firefly luciferase could be used for the rapid determination of the ATP contents in fish muscle.

    DOI: 10.2331/suisan.58.1751

  • 上西 由翁, 御木 英昌, 西元 諄一 .  ホシザメミオシンBの尿素変性 .  日本水産学会誌58 ( 6 ) 1091 - 1094   1992年



    To study the effects of urea on the denaturation of myosin B prepared from smooth dogfish, myosin B was kept at 20&deg;C for 10 min with various concentrations (0-3.0<sub>M</sub>) of urea, and the reduced viscosity was measured as a parameter for structural changes in myosin B. The decrease in the reduced viscosity of myosin B containing urea above 1.0<sub>M</sub> was similar to that of myosin in the presence of urea, However, the reduced viscosity of F-actin was slightly affected by urea even above 1.0<sub>M</sub>.<br> The reduced viscosity of myosin B did not recovered to its initial level through the removal of urea at concentrations above 1.0<sub>M</sub> urea, but that of myosin recovered perfectly through the re-moval of urea at concentrations up to 3.0<sub>M</sub> urea. In the presence of urea above 1.0<sub>M</sub>, myosin B irreversibly dissociated into myosin and actin. Therefore, it is concluded that the urea denaturation of myosin B would be attributed to its dissociation into myosin and actin as well as the conforma-tional changes of myosin molecules in the presence of urea above 1.0<sub>M</sub>. Accordingly, shark myosin B is fairly stable under physiological concentrations of urea below 1.0<sub>M</sub>.

    DOI: 10.2331/suisan.58.1091

  • 上西 由翁, 平山 直美, 西元 諄一 .  ホシザメ・ミオシンBのCa<sup>2+</sup>-ATPase活性に及ぼす尿素の影響 .  日本水産学会誌57 ( 3 ) 571 - 571   1991年



    DOI: 10.2331/suisan.57.571

  • 上西 由翁, 御木 英昌, 礒端 徹, 西元 諄一 .  ホシザメ筋肉の加熱ゲル化反応に及ぼす温度の影響 .  日本水産学会誌56 ( 8 ) 1285 - 1292   1990年



    Effects of temperature on gel hardness of heat-induced meat paste gel and turbidity of myosin B solution prepared from shark muscle were investigated by applying to kinetics.<br> Their changes with time apparently proceeded to first-order reaction. The Arrhenius plots of their change rates for gel hardness and turbidity showed two straight lines with different slopes and indicated in the transition at 50 and 51&deg;C, respectively. On the other hand, the gel hardness changed little up to 40&deg;C and then increased to 70&deg;C. The turbidity increased at 40-50&deg;C and then decreased gradually on increasing the temperature. The typical network structure of heat-induced myosin B gel was observed above 50&deg;C by scanning electron micrographs.<br> The results described above showed that the gel-forming reaction system of meat paste from smooth dogfish muscle during heating could be divided into two characteristic temperature ranges: below and above 50&deg;C. The aggregation reaction takes place below 50&deg;C and the gelation reaction occurs above 50&deg;C.

    DOI: 10.2331/suisan.56.1285



  • バイオクリーン環境の知識

    上西 由翁・包 里( 担当: 分担執筆 ,  範囲: 2.2 食品工場)

    環境科学フォーラム(日本工業出版株式会社)  2021年9月  ( ISBN:978-4-8190-3314-5


    総ページ数:210   担当ページ:76-91   記述言語:日本語


  • 上西由翁 .  食品工場のクリーン化:空気環境の改善と安定した品質管理 .  第40回空気清浄とコンタミネーションコントロール研究大会  招待


    開催年月日: 2023年4月


  • 上西由翁・西本素三・林田顕正 .  冷凍F2級貯蔵温度における生食用カンパチの品質保持効果 .  日本水産学会  2023年3月 


    開催年月日: 2023年3月


  • 内田隼輔(鹿大院農水)・上西由翁 .  かつお節HACCPにおけるヒスタミン対策について .  日本水産学会  日本水産学会九州支部


    開催年月日: 2023年1月


  • 林田顕正 (鹿大院農水)・上西由翁 .  凍結ブリ等のL*,a*,b*値とHPLCによるメト化率相当での色調評価 .  日本水産学会  日本水産学会九州支部


    開催年月日: 2023年1月


  • 林田顕正(鹿大院農水)・上西由翁(鹿大水) .  HPLCを用いたミオグロビンの定量とメト化率相当の検討 .  日本水産学会  2022年3月  日本水産学会


    開催年月日: 2022年3月


  • 舟橋亞希・小松正治・吉薗優樹・居川康博・板倉隆夫・林 征一・上西由翁 .  培養細胞を用いたウナギGFPの機能解析 .  日本水産学会  日本水産学会


    開催年月日: 2014年9月




  • 舟橋亞希・上西由翁・板倉隆夫 .  ウナギ緑色蛍光タンパク質のウナギ属における分布 .  日本水産学会  日本水産学会


    開催年月日: 2013年9月




  • 舟橋亞希、上西由翁、板倉隆夫 .  トランスジェニックメダカを使った魚類CYP1Bおよび-1C遺伝子5′ 上流域の機能解析 .  日本水産学会  日本水産学会


    開催年月日: 2012年9月


    開催地:山口県下関市 独立行政法人水産大学校  


  • 上西由翁 .  中小食品工場の包装過程に至る空気環境のクリーン化 .  品質保証懇話会  2024年4月  招待





  • 米粉や農水産品を活用した嚥下困難者向け食品の評価

    2022年9月 - 2023年3月




  • 食品工場クリーン化の効果に関する研究

    2022年9月 - 2023年3月




  • かつお節製造におけるヒスタミン対策のための判別システムの開発

    2022年7月 - 2023年3月



    担当区分:研究代表者  資金種別:産学連携による資金

  • 食品工場クリーン化の効果に関する研究

    2021年9月 - 2022年3月

    民間企業  共同研究 



  • 食品工場クリーン化の効果に関する研究

    2020年7月 - 2021年3月

    民間企業  共同研究 

    上西 由翁


    担当区分:研究代表者  資金種別:産学連携による資金

  • 生鮮魚における鮮度保持メカニズムの考察

    2018年8月 - 2019年3月

    民間企業  共同研究 


    担当区分:研究代表者  資金種別:産学連携による資金
