2023/10/05 更新


タケザキ トシロウ
嶽﨑 俊郎
医歯学域附属病院 附属病院 管理施設 地域医療支援センター 特任教授
医歯学域医学系 医学部 離島へき地医療人育成センター長
総合科学域共同学系 国際島嶼教育研究センター 教授


  • 博士(医学) ( 1991年11月   鹿児島大学 )


  • 地域医療

  • 疫学

  • 分子疫学

  • 離島

  • がん


  • ライフサイエンス / 衛生学、公衆衛生学分野:実験系を含まない  / 疫学

  • ライフサイエンス / 衛生学、公衆衛生学分野:実験系を含まない  / 地域医療

  • ライフサイエンス / 衛生学、公衆衛生学分野:実験系を含む  / 分子疫学


  • 長崎大学   医学部   医学科

    1976年4月 - 1982年3月


    国名: 日本国


  • 鹿児島大学   附属病院 地域医療支援センター   特任教授

    2022年4月 - 現在



  • 鹿児島大学   医歯学域医学系 医歯学総合研究科 健康科学専攻 国際島嶼医療学講座(プロジェクト講座)   教授

    2003年11月 - 2022年3月

  • 鹿児島大学   医歯学域医学系 医学部   離島へき地医療人育成センター長

    2007年4月 - 2022年3月

  • 鹿児島大学   医歯学域医学系 医学部   副医学部長

    2017年4月 - 2019年3月

  • 鹿児島大学   総合科学域総合研究学系 国際島嶼教育研究センター   教授

    2012年4月 - 2022年3月

  • 鹿児島大学   附属病院 地域医療支援センター   教授

    2019年5月 - 2022年3月





  • 一般社団法人日本疫学会

    1993年9月 - 現在

  • 日本公衆衛生学会

    1993年12月 - 現在

  • 日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会

    2007年4月 - 現在

  • へき地離島救急医療学会

    2004年10月 - 現在

  • 日本医学教育学会

    2007年10月 - 現在

  • 九州地域医療教育研究会

    2001年4月 - 現在

  • 日本人間ドック学会

    2019年4月 - 現在

  • 日本小児科学会

    1983年1月 - 現在

  • 鹿児島農村医学研究会

    2005年8月 - 現在

  • 日本がん分子疫学研究会

    1993年5月 - 現在

  • 日本小児保健学会

    1983年1月 - 現在

  • 鹿児島県JICA派遣専門家連絡会

    2004年2月 - 現在

  • 日本がん予防学会

    1994年10月 - 2022年3月

  • 日本癌学会

    1993年3月 - 2018年1月



  • へき地離島救急医療学会   幹事  

    2015年10月 - 現在   



  • 鹿児島農村医学研究会   会長  

    2014年8月 - 現在   



  • 鹿児島県JICA派遣専門家連絡会   幹事  

    2014年4月 - 現在   



  • 一般社団法人日本疫学会   理事  

    2015年12月 - 2017年11月   



  • 特定非営利活動法人こども医療ネットワーク   理事  

    2006年3月 - 2022年3月   





  • 指導医

  • 認定医

  • 認定医



  • Hanyuda A., Goto A., Katagiri R., Koyanagi Y.N., Nakatochi M., Sutoh Y., Nakano S., Oze I., Ito H., Yamaji T., Sawada N., Iwagami M., Kadota A., Koyama T., Katsuura-Kamano S., Ikezaki H., Tanaka K., Takezaki T., Imoto I., Suzuki M., Momozawa Y., Takeuchi K., Narita A., Hozawa A., Kinoshita K., Shimizu A., Tanno K., Matsuo K., Tsugane S., Wakai K., Sasaki M., Yamamoto M., Iwasaki M. .  Investigating the association between glycaemic traits and colorectal cancer in the Japanese population using Mendelian randomisation .  Scientific Reports13 ( 1 ) 7052   2023年12月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:Scientific Reports  

    Observational studies suggest that abnormal glucose metabolism and insulin resistance contribute to colorectal cancer; however, the causal association remains unknown, particularly in Asian populations. A two-sample Mendelian randomisation analysis was performed to determine the causal association between genetic variants associated with elevated fasting glucose, haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), and fasting C-peptide and colorectal cancer risk. In the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-exposure analysis, we meta-analysed study-level genome-wide associations of fasting glucose (~ 17,289 individuals), HbA1c (~ 52,802 individuals), and fasting C-peptide (1,666 individuals) levels from the Japanese Consortium of Genetic Epidemiology studies. The odds ratios of colorectal cancer were 1.01 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.99–1.04, P = 0.34) for fasting glucose (per 1 mg/dL increment), 1.02 (95% CI, 0.60–1.73, P = 0.95) for HbA1c (per 1% increment), and 1.47 (95% CI, 0.97–2.24, P = 0.06) for fasting C-peptide (per 1 log increment). Sensitivity analyses, including Mendelian randomisation-Egger and weighted-median approaches, revealed no significant association between glycaemic characteristics and colorectal cancer (P > 0.20). In this study, genetically predicted glycaemic characteristics were not significantly related to colorectal cancer risk. The potential association between insulin resistance and colorectal cancer should be validated in further studies.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-33966-7



  • Hara Megumi, Nishida Yuichiro, Tanaka Keitaro, Shimanoe Chisato, Koga Kayoko, Furukawa Takuma, Higaki Yasuki, Shinchi Koichi, Ikezaki Hiroaki, Murata Masayuki, Takeuchi Kenji, Tamura Takashi, Hishida Asahi, Tsukamoto Mineko, Kadomatsu Yuka, Matsuo Keitaro, Oze Isao, Mikami Haruo, Kusakabe Miho, Takezaki Toshiro, Ibusuki Rie, Suzuki Sadao, Nakagawa-Senda Hiroko, Matsui Daisuke, Koyama Teruhide, Kuriki Kiyonori, Takashima Naoyuki, Nakamura Yasuyuki, Arisawa Kokichi, Katsuura-Kamano Sakurako, Wakai Kenji .  中高強度の身体活動と座位行動は独立して腎機能と関連する 横断研究(Moderate-to-vigorous Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior Are Independently Associated With Renal Function: A Cross-sectional Study) .  Journal of Epidemiology33 ( 5-6 ) 285 - 293   2023年6月


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:(一社)日本疫学会  


  • Nindita Yora, Nakatochi Masahiro, Ibusuki Rie, Shimoshikiryo Ippei, Nishimoto Daisaku, Shimatani Keiichi, Takezaki Toshiro, Ikezaki Hiroaki, Murata Masayuki, Hara Megumi, Nishida Yuichiro, Tamura Takashi, Hishida Asahi, Nagayoshi Mako, Okada Rieko, Matsuo Keitaro, Ito Hidemi, Mikami Haruo, Nakamura Yohko, Otani Takahiro, Suzuki Sadao, Koyama Teruhide, Ozaki Etsuko, Kuriki Kiyonori, Takashima Naoyuki, Miyagawa Naoko, Arisawa Kokichi, Katsuura-Kamano Sakurako, Momozawa Yukihide, Kubo Michiaki, Takeuchi Kenji, Wakai Kenji, the Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort Study Group .  HDLコレステロール値に対する喫煙、飲酒、遺伝要因のJ-MICC研究参加者における集団ベースの影響(Population-Based Impact of Smoking, Drinking, and Genetic Factors on HDL-cholesterol Levels in J-MICC Study Participants) .  Journal of Epidemiology33 ( 3-4 ) 193 - 200   2023年4月


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:(一社)日本疫学会  

    <Highlight>●飲酒、日常活動、習慣的運動、卵摂取および女性はHDLコレステロール値と正の関連、喫煙、BMIおよび年齢は負の関連を示した。●GWASにおいて、7 SNP(CETP、APOA5、LIPC、LPL、ABCA1、LIPG、APOE)がHDLコレステロール値と関連していた。●非遺伝要因における、低HDLコレステロールに対するPAFは男性が最も高かった。●遺伝要因における、低HDL-Cに対するPAFはCETP rs3764261が最も高かった。●低HDLコレステロールに対する遺伝要因であるCETP rs3764261のPAFは、喫煙よりも高く、飲酒よりも低く、非遺伝要因と同程度のインパクトを有していることが示された。(著者抄録)

  • 嶽﨑俊郎、東桂子、古田真美、太鼓真規、大脇哲洋、網谷真理恵、指宿りえ、水間喜美子 .  鹿児島県における42年間の全死亡、悪性新生物、脳卒中の標準化死亡比の地域比較と経年変化 .  九州農医30・31   32 - 39   2023年3月招待


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Nakamura S., Fang X., Saito Y., Narimatsu H., Ota A., Ikezaki H., Shimanoe C., Tanaka K., Kubo Y., Tsukamoto M., Tamura T., Hishida A., Oze I., Koyanagi Y.N., Nakamura Y., Kusakabe M., Takezaki T., Nishimoto D., Suzuki S., Otani T., Kuriyama N., Matsui D., Kuriki K., Kadota A., Nakamura Y., Arisawa K., Katsuura-Kamano S., Nakatochi M., Momozawa Y., Kubo M., Takeuchi K., Wakai K. .  Effects of gene–lifestyle interactions on obesity based on a multi-locus risk score: A cross-sectional analysis .  PLoS ONE18 ( 2 February ) e0279169   2023年2月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:PLoS ONE  

    Background The relationship between lifestyle and obesity is a major focus of research. Personalized nutrition, which utilizes evidence from nutrigenomics, such as gene–environment interactions, has been attracting attention in recent years. However, evidence for gene–environment interactions that can inform treatment strategies is lacking, despite some reported interactions involving dietary intake or physical activity. Utilizing gene–lifestyle interactions in practice could aid in optimizing interventions according to genetic risk. Methods This study aimed to elucidate the effects of gene–lifestyle interactions on body mass index (BMI). Cross-sectional data from the Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort Study were used. Interactions between a multi-locus genetic risk score (GRS), calculated from 76 ancestry-specific single nucleotide polymorphisms, and nutritional intake or physical activity were assessed using a linear mixed-effect model. Results The mean (standard deviation) BMI and GRS for all participants (n = 12,918) were 22.9 (3.0) kg/m2 and -0.07 (0.16), respectively. The correlation between GRS and BMI was r (12,916) = 0.13 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.11–0.15, P < 0.001). An interaction between GRS and saturated fatty acid intake was observed (β = -0.11, 95% CI -0.21 to -0.02). An interaction between GRS and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids was also observed in the females with normal-weight subgroup (β = -0.12, 95% CI -0.22 to -0.03). Conclusion Our results provide evidence of an interaction effect between GRS and nutritional intake and physical activity. This gene–lifestyle interaction provides a basis for developing prevention or treatment interventions for obesity according to individual genetic predisposition.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0279169



  • 齋藤 義信, 小熊 祐子, 中村 翔, 成松 宏人, 中嶋 綾子, 池崎 裕昭, 田中 恵太郎, 原 めぐみ, 玉田 雄大, 永吉 真子, 田村 高志, 菱田 朝陽, 尾瀬 功, 谷山 祐香里, 三上 春夫, 永瀬 浩喜, 嶽﨑 俊郎, 指宿 りえ, 鈴木 貞夫, 大谷 隆浩, 小山 晃英, 渡邉 功, 栗木 清典, 喜多 義邦, 高嶋 直敬, 有澤 孝吉, 釜野 桜子, 竹内 研時, 若井 建志, J-MICC研究グループ .  質問紙で調査した成人の身体活動:日本多施設共同コーホート研究(J-MICC Study) .  運動疫学研究advpub ( 0 )   2023年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:日本運動疫学会  

    DOI: 10.24804/ree.2154

  • Nishimoto D, Kodama S, Shimoshikiryo I, Ibusuki R, Nerome Y, Takezaki T, Nishio I .  Association Between Nursing Discussions, Resilience, Workplace Social Support and Burnout: A Quantitative Study in Japan. .  Yonago Acta Medica66 ( 3 ) 355 - 364   2023年


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:ヨナゴ・アクタ・メディカ刊行会  

    DOI: 10.33160/yam.2023.08.008


  • Fujii Ryosuke, Hishida Asahi, Nishiyama Takeshi, Nakatochi Masahiro, Matsuo Keitaro, Ito Hidemi, Nishida Yuichiro, Shimanoe Chisato, Nakamura Yasuyuki, Turin Tanvir Chowdhury, Suzuki Sadao, Watanabe Miki, Ibusuki Rie, Takezaki Toshiro, Mikami Haruo, Nakamura Yohko, Ikezaki Hiroaki, Murata Masayuki, Kuriki Kiyonori, Kuriyama Nagato, Matsui Daisuke, Arisawa Kokichi, Katsuura-Kamano Sakurako, Tsukamoto Mineko, Tamura Takashi, Kubo Yoko, Kondo Takaaki, Momozawa Yukihide, Kubo Michiaki, Takeuchi Kenji, Wakai Kenji .  地域住民を対象としたJ-MICC Studyにおける高感度CRPと腎機能との関係に関するメンデルランダム化解析による評価(Assessing the Relationship Between High-sensitivity C-reactive Protein and Kidney Function Employing Mendelian Randomization in the Japanese Community-based J-MICC Study) .  Journal of Epidemiology32 ( 11-12 ) 483 - 488   2022年12月


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:(一社)日本疫学会  

    <Highlight>●本研究では、10,542名の日本人集団を対象にメンデルランダム化解析の手法を用いて、高感度CRP(hs-CRP)と推定糸球体濾過量(eGFR)の因果関係を推定した。●我々は、欧米人集団およびアジア人集団で同定されたSNPに基づいた異なる2つの操作変数(IVCRPとIVAsian)を使用した。●2つの操作変数(IVCRPとIVAsian)によるhs-CRPの説明率は、それぞれ3.4%と3.9%であった。●従来の線形回帰分析の結果、血清hs-CRP濃度とeGFRとの有意な関連を認めた。●2つの操作変数(IVCRPとIVAsian)を使用したtwo-sample MRを行なった結果、血清hs-CRPとeGFRとの因果関係を支持するものではなかった。(著者抄録)

  • Saita K., Sumitani M., Nishizawa D., Tamura T., Ikeda K., Wakai K., Sudo Y., Abe H., Otonari J., Ikezaki H., Takeuchi K., Hishida A., Tanaka K., Shimanoe C., Takezaki T., Ibusuki R., Oze I., Ito H., Ozaki E., Matsui D., Nakamura Y., Kusakabe M., Suzuki S., Nakagawa-Senda H., Arisawa K., Katsuura-Kamano S., Kuriki K., Kita Y., Nakamura Y., Momozawa Y., Uchida K. .  Genetic polymorphism of pleiotrophin is associated with pain experience in Japanese adults: Case-control study .  Medicine (United States)101 ( 37 ) e30580   2022年9月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:Medicine (United States)  

    Genetic factors play a role in individual differences in pain experience. Here, we performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) to identify novel loci regulating pain processing. We conducted a 2-stage GWAS and the candidate single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) association study on pain experience using an exploratory cohort of patients with cancer pain. The confirmatory cohort comprised of participants from the general population with and without habitual use of analgesic medication. In the exploratory cohort, we evaluated pain intensity using a numerical rating scale, recorded daily opioid dosages, and calculated pain reduction rate. In the confirmatory cohort, pain experience was defined as habitual nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug usage. Using linear regression models, we identified candidate SNP in the exploratory samples, and tested the association between phenotype and experienced pain in the confirmatory samples. We found 1 novel SNP (rs11764598) - located on the gene encoding for pleiotrophin on chromosome 7 - that passed the genome-wide suggestive significance at 20% false discovery rate (FDR) correction in the exploratory samples of patients with cancer pain (P = 1.31 × 10-7, FDR = 0.101). We confirmed its significant association with daily analgesic usage in the confirmatory cohort (P =.028), although the minor allele affected pain experience in an opposite manner. We identified a novel genetic variant associated with pain experience. Further studies are required to validate the role of pleiotrophin in pain processing.

    DOI: 10.1097/MD.0000000000030580



  • Nishimoto Daisaku, Imajo Mine, Kodama Shimpei, Shimoshikiryo Ippei, Ibusuki Rie, Nerome Yasuhito, Takezaki Toshiro, Nishio Ikuko .  鹿児島県内の臨床看護師のバーンアウトに対するレジリエンスと関連要因の影響(The Effects of Resilience and Related Factors on Burnout in Clinical Nurses, Kagoshima, Japan) .  Yonago Acta Medica65 ( 2 ) 148 - 159   2022年5月


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:ヨナゴ・アクタ・メディカ刊行会  


  • Ohashi Mizuki, Miura Katsuyuki, Takashima Naoyuki, Kadota Aya, Saito Yoshino, Tsuji Shunichiro, Murakami Takashi, Kadomatsu Yuka, Nagayoshi Mako, Hara Megumi, Tanaka Keitaro, Tamura Takashi, Hishida Asahi, Takezaki Toshiro, Shimoshikiryo Ippei, Ozaki Etsuko, Watanabe Isao, Suzuki Sadao, Watanabe Miki, Kuriki Kiyonori, Arisawa Kokichi, Katsuura-Kamano Sakurako, Yamasaki Sho, Ikezaki Hiroaki, Oze Isao, Koyanagi Yuriko N., Mikami Haruo, Nakamura Yohko, Takeuchi Kenji, Kita Yoshikuni, Wakai Kenji, the Japan Multi-institutional Collaborative Cohort(J-MICC) Study Group .  閉経状態別にみた妊娠歴と高血圧および肥満との関連 J-MICC研究(The association of reproductive history with hypertension and obesity according to menopausal status: the J-MICC Study) .  Hypertension Research45 ( 4 ) 708 - 714   2022年4月


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:Nature Publishing Group  


  • Amitani M, Amitani H, Suzuki H, Kawazu S, Mizuma K, Yamaguchi K, Oki T, Nitta H, Sonoda T, Kawano K, Tanaka Y, Uto N, Ibusuki R, Arita R, Takayama S, Mitsuma T, Takezaki T, Asakawa A, Owaki T .  Application of objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) for the evaluation of Kampo medicine training. .  BMC medical education22 ( 1 ) 202   2022年3月査読 国際誌


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:BMC Medical Education  

    Background: The purpose of this study was to develop an objective, content-valid, and reliable assessment method for Kampo medicine using an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) for the assessment of clinical competence in Kampo medicine. Methods: We developed a blueprint followed by a list of 47 assessment items and three task scenarios related to clinical competence in Kampo medicine. An eight-member test committee checked the relevance of the assessment items on a Likert scale. We calculated a content validity index and content validity ratio, and used the Angoff method to set the passing threshold. We trained a total of nine simulated patients with three assigned to each scenario. We conducted an OSCE for 11 candidates with varying medical abilities, and conducted three stations per person, which were evaluated by one evaluator in one room by direct observation. We used video recordings to test the inter-rater reliability of the three raters. We used the test results to verify the reliability of the assessment chart. Results: The inter-rater reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient [2,1]) was 0.973. The reliability of the assessment chart for each scenario (Cronbach’s α) was 0.86, 0.89, and 0.85 for Scenarios 1, 2, and 3, respectively. The reliability of the assessment chart for the whole OSCE (Cronbach’s α) was 0.90. Conclusions: We developed a content-valid new OSCE assessment method for Kampo medicine and obtained high inter-rater and test reliabilities. Our findings suggest that this is one of the most reliable evaluation methods for assessing clinical competence in Kampo medicine.

    DOI: 10.1186/s12909-022-03264-3



  • Matsunaga T. .  Associations of breastfeeding history with metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular risk factors in community-dwelling parous women: The Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort Study .  PLoS ONE17 ( 1 January ) e0262252   2022年1月査読 国際誌


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:PLoS ONE  

    Objective The aim of the present study was to investigate the associations between breastfeeding and the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in community-dwelling parous women and to clarify whether the associations depend on age. Methods The present cross-sectional study included 11,118 women, aged 35–69 years. Participants’ longest breastfeeding duration for one child and their number of breastfed children were assessed using a self-administered questionnaire, and their total breastfeeding duration was approximated as a product of the number of breastfed children and the longest breastfeeding duration. The longest and the total breastfeeding durations were categorized into none and tertiles above 0 months. Metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular risk factors (obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and hyperglycemia) were defined as primary and secondary outcomes, respectively. Associations between breastfeeding history and metabolic syndrome or each cardiovascular risk factor were assessed using multivariable unconditional logistic regression analysis. Results Among a total of 11,118 women, 10,432 (93.8%) had ever breastfed, and 1,236 (11.1%) had metabolic syndrome. In participants aged <55 years, an inverse dose–response relationship was found between the number of breastfed children and the prevalence of metabolic syndrome; multivariable-adjusted odds ratios for 1, 2, 3, and ?4 breastfed children were 0.60 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.31 to 1.17), 0.50 (95% CI: 0.29 to 0.87), 0.44 (95% CI: 0.24 to 0.84), and 0.35 (95% CI: 0.14 to 0.89), respectively. The longest and total breastfeeding durations of longer than 0 months were also associated with lower odds of metabolic syndrome relative to no breastfeeding history in participants aged <55 years. In contrast, all measures of breastfeeding history were not significantly associated with metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular risk factors in participants aged ?55 years old. Conclusions Breastfeeding history may be related to lower prevalence of metabolic syndrome in middleaged parous women.

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0262252



  • Ohashi M. .  The association of reproductive history with hypertension and obesity according to menopausal status: the J-MICC Study .  Hypertension Research45 ( 4 ) 708 - 714   2022年査読 国際誌


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Hypertension Research  

    Previous studies have reported that the number of pregnancies and childbirths affected the risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). However, the influence of reproductive history on hypertension and obesity, which are important risk factors for CVDs, is still unclear. Moreover, this association may vary depending on menopausal status. We evaluated the association of reproductive history with hypertension and obesity using a large cross-sectional dataset from the Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort Study (J-MICC Study). At the baseline survey, physical data, blood samples, and self-reported health questionnaires were collected. Participants with insufficient data were excluded, and 24,558 women from eight study regions were included in this study. Logistic regression analysis was conducted to evaluate the association of reproductive history with hypertension and obesity using multivariable-adjusted odds ratios. In premenopausal women, childbirth showed a generally protective effect on hypertension but not on obesity. In postmenopausal women, childbirth was positively associated with obesity and hypertension but not with hypertension after adjusting for BMI. In conclusion, reproductive history was associated with hypertension and obesity in a large Japanese population, and this association differed between premenopausal and postmenopausal women.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41440-021-00820-0



  • Nishimoto D, Imajo M, Kodama S, Shimoshikiryo I, Ibusuki R, Nerome Y, Takezaki T, Nishio I .  The Effects of Resilience and Related Factors on Burnout in Clinical Nurses, Kagoshima, Japan. .  Yonago Acta Medica65 ( 2 ) 148 - 159   2022年


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:ヨナゴ・アクタ・メディカ刊行会  

    DOI: 10.33160/yam.2022.05.007


  • Yasuda T., Miyamoto K., Akaho T., Ibusuki R., Shimoshikiryo I., Nishimoto D., Takezaki T. .  Intake of local vegetables and decreased risk of mortality and cancer incidence in Amami island regions, Japan .  Asia Pacific journal of clinical nutrition31 ( 4 ) 780 - 789   2022年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:Asia Pacific journal of clinical nutrition  

    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: There is emerging scientific evidence of the health benefits of traditional food plants at both molecular and folk remedy levels; however, epidemiological observations are limited. The Amami island region of Japan has a variety of unique traditions conserved till today, where a cohort study was conducted in 2005. The objective of this study was to investigate the associations between the intake of common and local vegetables and the risk of mortality and cancer incidence in Amami. METHODS AND STUDY DESIGN: Participants were enrolled from the general population of Amami as part of the Japan Multi-institutional Collaborative Cohort (J-MICC) Study. In total, 5,015 participants (2,053 men and 2,962 women) aged 35-69 years were enrolled in this study. They were followed up to obtain information on movement, death, and cancer incidence. The hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% CIs were estimated using the Cox proportional hazard model after adjusting for potential confounding factors. RESULTS: A significant inverse association was observed between cabbage intake and the HRs for overall mortality (p for trend=0.046) and lung cancer incidence (p=0.016). Intake of handama and togan as local vegetables was associated with decreased HRs for overall mortality (p=0.019 and 0.036, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: While the molecular and biochemical reasoning and residual confounding factors behind this association remain unclear, the findings of this study suggest that the dietary lifestyle in Amami has a positive impact on the residents, which can significantly decrease mortality risk.

    DOI: 10.6133/apjcn.202212_31(4).0020



  • Katsuura-Kamano S. .  Association of skipping breakfast and short sleep duration with the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in the general Japanese population: Baseline data from the Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative cohort study .  Preventive Medicine Reports24   101613   2021年12月査読 国際誌


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Preventive Medicine Reports  

    The purpose of the study was to investigate sex-specific associations of skipping breakfast and short sleep duration with metabolic syndrome (MetS) and their interaction. We analyzed baseline data of 14,907 men and 14,873 women aged 35–69 years, who participated in the Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort Study from 2005. MetS was diagnosed using a modification of the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III revised definition (NCEP-R 2005), using body mass index instead of waist circumference. Breakfast consumption was classified into two categories: ≥6 days/week (consumers) or <6 days/week (skippers). Sleep duration was classified into three categories: <6h, 6 to <8 h, and ≥8 h/day. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed to estimate odds ratios (ORs) and 95 % confidence intervals (CIs) and examine the presence of interaction. In men, skipping breakfast and short sleep duration were independently associated with an increased prevalence of MetS (OR 1.26, 95%CI 1.12–1.42 and OR 1.28, 95%CI 1.12–1.45, respectively), obesity, and components of MetS. However, no significant interaction was observed between skipping breakfast and short sleep duration. In women, skipping breakfast and short sleep duration were associated with an increased prevalence of obesity, but not with MetS. These findings indicate that breakfast consumption and moderate sleep duration may be associated with a lower risk of MetS, particularly in men.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2021.101613



  • Takeuchi Kenji, Naito Mariko, Kawai Sayo, Tsukamoto Mineko, Kadomatsu Yuka, Kubo Yoko, Okada Rieko, Nagayoshi Mako, Tamura Takashi, Hishida Asahi, Nakatochi Masahiro, Sasakabe Tae, Hashimoto Shuji, Eguchi Hidetaka, Momozawa Yukihide, Ikezaki Hiroaki, Murata Masayuki, Furusyo Norihiro, Tanaka Keitaro, Hara Megumi, Nishida Yuichiro, Matsuo Keitaro, Ito Hidemi, Oze Isao, Mikami Haruo, Nakamura Yohko, Kusakabe Miho, Takezaki Toshiro, Ibusuki Rie, Shimoshikiryo Ippei, Suzuki Sadao, Nishiyama Takeshi, Watanabe Miki, Koyama Teruhide, Ozaki Etsuko, Watanabe Isao, Kuriki Kiyonori, Kita Yoshikuni, Ueshima Hirotsugu, Matsui Kenji, Arisawa Kokichi, Uemura Hirokazu, Katsuura-Kamano Sakurako, Nakamura Sho, Narimatsu Hiroto, Hamajima Nobuyuki, Tanaka Hideo, Wakai Kenji .  Study Profile of the Japan Multi-institutional Collaborative Cohort(J-MICC) Study(和訳中) .  Journal of Epidemiology31 ( 11-12 ) 660 - 668   2021年12月査読 国際誌


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:(一社)日本疫学会  


  • Nakamura Y. .  A genome-wide association study on meat consumption in a Japanese population: The Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort study .  Journal of Nutritional Science10   e61   2021年10月査読 国際誌


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Journal of Nutritional Science  

    Recent genome-wide association studies (GWAS) on the dietary habits of the Japanese population have shown that an effect rs671 allele was inversely associated with fish consumption, whereas it was directly associated with coffee consumption. Although meat is a major source of protein and fat in the diet, whether genetic factors that influence meat-eating habits in healthy populations are unknown. This study aimed to conduct a GWAS to find genetic variations that affect meat consumption in a Japanese population. We analysed GWAS data using 14 076 participants from the Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort (J-MICC) study. We used a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire to estimate food intake that was validated previously. Association of the imputed variants with total meat consumption per 1000 kcal energy was performed by linear regression analysis with adjustments for age, sex, and principal component analysis components 1-10. We found that no genetic variant, including rs671, was associated with meat consumption. The previously reported single nucleotide polymorphisms that were associated with meat consumption in samples of European ancestry could not be replicated in our J-MICC data. In conclusion, significant genetic factors that affect meat consumption were not observed in a Japanese population.

    DOI: 10.1017/jns.2021.49



  • Kawamura Y. .  A proposal for practical diagnosis of renal hypouricemia: Evidenced from genetic studies of nonfunctional variants of urat1/slc22a12 among 30,685 japanese individuals .  Biomedicines9 ( 8 )   2021年8月査読 国際誌


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Biomedicines  

    Background: Renal hypouricemia (RHUC) is characterized by a low serum uric acid (SUA) level and high fractional excretion of uric acid (FEUA). Further studies on FEUA in hypouricemic individuals are needed for a more accurate diagnosis of RHUC. Methods: In 30,685 Japanese health-examination participants, we genotyped the two most common nonfunctional variants of URAT1 (NFV-URAT1), W258X (rs121907892) and R90H (rs121907896), in 1040 hypouricemic individuals (SUA ≤ 3.0 mg/dL) and 2240 individuals with FEUA data. The effects of NFV-URAT1 on FEUA and SUA were also investigated using linear and multiple regression analyses. Results: Frequency of hypouricemic individuals (SUA ≤ 3.0 mg/dL) was 0.97% (male) and 6.94% (female) among 30,685 participants. High frequencies of those having at least one allele of NFV-URAT1 were ob-served in 1040 hypouricemic individuals. Furthermore, NFV-URAT1 significantly increased FEUA and decreased SUA, enabling FEUA and SUA levels to be estimated. Conversely, FEUA and SUA data of hypouricemic individuals are revealed to be useful to predict the number of NFV-URAT1. Conclusions: Our findings reveal that specific patterns of FEUA and SUA data assist with predicting the number of nonfunctional variants of causative genes for RHUC, and can also be useful for practical diagnosis of RHUC even before genetic tests.

    DOI: 10.3390/biomedicines9081012



  • Amitani Marie, Amitani Haruka, Suzuki Hajime, Kawazu Suguru, Fukumoto Takamasa, Yamaguchi Kojiro, Oki Toshimichi, Nitta Hideaki, Sonoda Takuro, Uto Nanami, Numata Mayumi, Mizuma Kimiko, Ibusuki Rie, Takezaki Toshiro, Owaki Tetsuhiro, Asakawa Akihiro .  Effective learning strategies for Japanese Kampo medicine using problem-based learning and simulator training for medical students: A questionnaire survey(和訳中) .  Traditional & Kampo Medicine8 ( 2 ) 155 - 162   2021年8月査読 国際誌


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd  


  • Amitani M., Amitani H., Suzuki H., Kawazu S., Fukumoto T., Yamaguchi K., Oki T., Nitta H., Sonoda T., Uto N., Numata M., Mizuma K., Ibusuki R., Takezaki T., Owaki T., Asakawa A. .  Effective learning strategies for Japanese Kampo medicine using problem-based learning and simulator training for medical students: A questionnaire survey .  Traditional and Kampo Medicine8 ( 2 ) 155 - 162   2021年8月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:Traditional and Kampo Medicine  

    Background: Kampo medicine was introduced into the core curriculum model of medical education in Japan in 2007, and has been taught at all 80 medical universities across the country. However, as there are differences in terms of content and between universities, Kampo medicine education needs to be standardized. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the effects of combining multiple strategies, including lectures, problem-based learning (PBL), and simulator training for the development of a standardized educational curriculum for Kampo medicine. Methods: We offered a lectures-only class (Kampo strategy-lectures [Ks-L]), a class with lectures and decoction (Ks-LD), a class with lectures, decoction, and PBL (Ks-LDP), and a class with lectures, decoction, PBL, and simulator training (Ks-LDPS). We analyzed the data from a 12-item questionnaire conducted by the Faculty Development Committee of Kagoshima University Faculty of Medicine to evaluate the curriculum. Results: Ks-LDPS was rated significantly higher than the other modules in active learning, and overall satisfaction. Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that combining multiple strategies rather than offering classes with lectures promoted a positive attitude to Kampo medicine and deep self-learning among students, thereby improving the educational effects of Kampo medicine education.

    DOI: 10.1002/tkm2.1281


  • Suzuki H. .  A genome-wide association study in Japanese identified one variant associated with a preference for a Japanese dietary pattern .  European Journal of Clinical Nutrition75 ( 6 ) 937 - 945   2021年6月査読 国際誌


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:European Journal of Clinical Nutrition  

    Background/Objectives: Individual eating habits may be influenced by genetic factors, in addition to environmental factors. Previous studies suggested that adherence to Japanese food patterns was associated with a decreased risk of all-cause and cardiovascular disease mortality. We conducted a genome-wide association study (GWAS) in a Japanese population to find genetic variations that affect adherence to a Japanese food pattern. Subjects/Methods: We analyzed GWAS data using 14,079 participants from the Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort study. We made a Japanese food score based on six food groups. Association of the imputed variants with the Japanese food score was performed by linear regression analysis with adjustments for age, sex, total energy intake, alcohol intake (g/day), and principal components 1–10 omitting variants in the major histocompatibility region. Results: We found one SNP in the 14q11.2 locus that was significantly associated with the Japanese food score with P values <5 × 10−8. Functional annotation revealed that the expression levels of two genes (BCL2L2, SLC22A17) were significantly inversely associated with this SNP. These genes are known to be related to olfaction and obesity. Conclusion: We found a new SNP that was associated with the Japanese food score in a Japanese population. This SNP is inversely associated with genes link to olfaction and obesity.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41430-020-00823-z



  • Iwase Madoka, Matsuo Keitaro, Nakatochi Masahiro, Oze Isao, Ito Hidemi, Koyanagi Yuriko, Ugai Tomotaka, Kasugai Yumiko, Hishida Asahi, Takeuchi Kenji, Okada Rieko, Kubo Yoko, Shimanoe Chisato, Tanaka Keitaro, Ikezaki Hiroaki, Murata Masayuki, Takezaki Toshiro, Nishimoto Daisaku, Kuriyama Nagato, Ozaki Etsuko, Suzuki Sadao, Watanabe Miki, Mikami Haruo, Nakamura Yohko, Uemura Hirokazu, Katsuura-Kamano Sakurako, Kuriki Kiyonori, Kita Yoshikuni, Takashima Naoyuki, Nagino Masato, Momozawa Yukihide, Kubo Michiaki, Wakai Kenji .  日本人の生涯を通じて遺伝子多型がBMIに及ぼす多様な影響 日本の多施設共同コホート研究(Differential Effect of Polymorphisms on Body Mass Index Across the Life Course of Japanese: The Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort Study) .  Journal of Epidemiology31 ( 3-4 ) 172 - 179   2021年4月査読 国際誌


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:(一社)日本疫学会  


  • Suzuki S. .  Body mass index and colorectal cancer risk: A Mendelian randomization study .  Cancer Science112 ( 4 ) 1579 - 1588   2021年4月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:Cancer Science  

    Traditional observational studies have reported a positive association between higher body mass index (BMI) and the risk of colorectal cancer (CRC). However, evidence from other approaches to pursue the causal relationship between BMI and CRC is sparse. A two-sample Mendelian randomization (MR) study was undertaken using 68 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from the Japanese genome-wide association study (GWAS) and 654 SNPs from the GWAS catalogue for BMI as sets of instrumental variables. For the analysis of SNP-BMI associations, we undertook a meta-analysis with 36 303 participants in the Japanese Consortium of Genetic Epidemiology studies (J-CGE), comprising normal populations. For the analysis of SNP-CRC associations, we utilized 7636 CRC cases and 37 141 controls from five studies in Japan, and undertook a meta-analysis. Mendelian randomization analysis of inverse-variance weighted method indicated that a one-unit (kg/m2) increase in genetically predicted BMI was associated with an odds ratio of 1.13 (95% confidence interval, 1.06-1.20; P value <.001) for CRC using the set of 68 SNPs, and an odds ratio of 1.07 (1.03-1.11, 0.001) for CRC using the set of 654 SNPs. Sensitivity analyses robustly showed increased odds ratios for CRC for every one-unit increase in genetically predicted BMI. Our MR analyses strongly support the evidence that higher BMI influences the risk of CRC. Although Asians are generally leaner than Europeans and North Americans, avoiding higher BMI seems to be important for the prevention of CRC in Asian populations.

    DOI: 10.1111/cas.14824



  • Suzuki Shiori, Goto Atsushi, Nakatochi Masahiro, Narita Akira, Yamaji Taiki, Sawada Norie, Katagiri Ryoko, Iwagami Masao, Hanyuda Akiko, Hachiya Tsuyoshi, Sutoh Yoichi, Oze Isao, Koyanagi Yuriko N., Kasugai Yumiko, Taniyama Yukari, Ito Hidemi, Ikezaki Hiroaki, Nishida Yuichiro, Tamura Takashi, Mikami Haruo, Takezaki Toshiro, Suzuki Sadao, Ozaki Etsuko, Kuriki Kiyonori, Takashima Naoyuki, Arisawa Kokichi, Takeuchi Kenji, Tanno Kozo, Shimizu Atsushi, Tamiya Gen, Hozawa Atsushi, Kinoshita Kengo, Wakai Kenji, Sasaki Makoto, Yamamoto Masayuki, Matsuo Keitaro, Tsugane Shoichiro, Iwasaki Motoki .  BMIと大腸癌リスク メンデルランダム化研究(Body mass index and colorectal cancer risk: A Mendelian randomization study) .  Cancer Science112 ( 4 ) 1579 - 1588   2021年4月査読 国際誌


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd  


  • Iwase M., Matsuo K., Nakatochi M., Oze I., Ito H., Koyanagi Y., Ugai T., Kasugai Y., Hishida A., Takeuchi K., Okada R., Kubo Y., Shimanoe C., Tanaka K., Ikezaki H., Murata M., Takezaki T., Nishimoto D., Kuriyama N., Ozaki E., Suzuki S., Watanabe M., Mikami H., Nakamura Y., Uemura H., Katsuura-Kamano S., Kuriki K., Kita Y., Takashima N., Nagino M., Momozawa Y., Kubo M., Wakai K. .  Differential effect of polymorphisms on body mass index across the life course of japanese: The japan multi-institutional collaborative cohort study .  Journal of Epidemiology31 ( 3 ) 172 - 179   2021年3月


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:日本疫学会  

    Background: Obesity is a reported risk factor for various health problems. Genome-wide association studies (GWASs) have identified numerous independent loci associated with body mass index (BMI). However, most of these have been focused on Europeans, and little evidence is available on the genetic effects across the life course of other ethnicities. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study to examine the associations of 282 GWAS-identified single nucleotide polymorphisms with three BMI-related traits, current BMI, BMI at 20 years old (BMI at 20), and change in BMI (BMI change), among 11,586 Japanese individuals enrolled in the Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort study. Associations were examined using multivariable linear regression models. Results: We found a significant association (P < 0.05=282 = 1.77 × 10−4) between BMI and 11 polymorphisms in or near FTO, BDNF, TMEM18, HS6ST3, and BORCS7. The trend was similar between current BMI and BMI change, but differed from that of the BMI at 20. Among the significant variants, those on FTO were associated with all BMI traits, whereas those on TMEM18 and HS6SR3 were only associated with BMI at 20. The association of FTO loci with BMI remained, even after additional adjustment for dietary energy intake. Conclusions: Previously reported BMI-associated loci discovered in Europeans were also identified in the Japanese population. Additionally, our results suggest that the effects of each loci on BMI may vary across the life course and that this variation may be caused by the differential effects of individual genes on BMI via different pathways.

    DOI: 10.2188/jea.je20190296



  • Suzuki T. .  A genome-wide association study on fish consumption in a Japanese population—the Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort study .  European Journal of Clinical Nutrition75 ( 3 ) 480 - 488   2021年3月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:European Journal of Clinical Nutrition  

    Background/objective: Although benefits of fish consumption for health are well known, a significant percentage of individuals dislike eating fish. Fish consumption may be influenced by genetic factors in addition to environmental factors. We conducted a genome-wide association study (GWAS) to find genetic variations that affect fish consumption in a Japanese population. Methods: We performed a two-stage GWAS on fish consumption using 13,739 discovery samples from the Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort study, and 2845 replication samples from the other population. We used a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire to estimate food intake. Association of the imputed variants with fish consumption was analyzed by separate linear regression models per variant, with adjustments for age, sex, energy intake, principal component analysis components 1–10, and alcohol intake (g/day). We also performed conditional analysis. Results: We found 27 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) located in 12q24 and 14q32.12 that were associated with fish consumption. The 19 SNPs were located at 11 genes including six lead SNPs at the BRAP, ACAD10, ALDH2, NAA25, and HECTD4 regions on 12q24.12-13, and CCDC197 region on 14q32.12. In replication samples, all five SNPs located on chromosome 12 were replicated successfully, but the one on chromosome 14 was not. Conditional analyses revealed that the five lead variants in chromosome 12 were in fact the same signal. Conclusion: We found that new SNPs in the 12q24 locus were related to fish intake in two Japanese populations. The associations between SNPs on chromosome 12 and fish intake were strongly confounded by drinking status.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41430-020-00702-7



  • Usui Yoshiaki, Matsuo Keitaro, Oze Isao, Ugai Tomotaka, Koyanagi Yuriko, Maeda Yoshinobu, Ito Hidemi, Hishida Asahi, Takeuchi Kenji, Tamura Takashi, Tsukamoto Mineko, Kadomatsu Yuka, Hara Megumi, Nishida Yuichiro, Shimoshikiryo Ippei, Takezaki Toshiro, Ozaki Etsuko, Matsui Daisuke, Watanabe Isao, Suzuki Sadao, Watanabe Miki, Nakagawa-Senda Hiroko, Mikami Haruo, Nakamura Yohko, Arisawa Kokichi, Uemura Hirokazu, Kuriki Kiyonori, Takashima Naoyuki, Kadota Aya, Ikezaki Hiroaki, Murata Masayuki, Nakatochi Masahiro, Momozawa Yukihide, Kubo Michiaki, Wakai Kenji .  十二指腸潰瘍リスクに及ぼすPSCA遺伝子多型の影響(Impact of PSCA Polymorphisms on the Risk of Duodenal Ulcer) .  Journal of Epidemiology31 ( 1-2 ) 12 - 20   2021年2月査読 国際誌


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:(一社)日本疫学会  

    <Highlight>●日本人集団においてPSCA遺伝子多型と十二指腸潰瘍/胃潰瘍のリスクとの関係、および環境要因との相互作用の評価を行った。●大規模日本人集団においてPSCA遺伝子多型rs2294008 Cアリルと十二指腸潰瘍のリスクとの関連が示された。●PSCA遺伝子多型rs2294008 Cアリルは年齢・性別・登録施設・喫煙習慣・飲酒習慣・H.pylori感染状況の環境要因とは独立して、十二指腸潰瘍のリスクと関連していた。(著者抄録)

  • Hishida Asahi, Nakatochi Masahiro, Tamura Takashi, Nagayoshi Mako, Okada Rieko, Kubo Yoko, Tsukamoto Mineko, Kadomatsu Yuka, Suzuki Sadao, Nishiyama Takeshi, Kuriyama Nagato, Watanabe Isao, Takezaki Toshiro, Nishimoto Daisaku, Kuriki Kiyonori, Arisawa Kokichi, Katsuura-Kamano Sakurako, Mikami Haruo, Kusakabe Miho, Oze Isao, Koyanagi Yuriko N., Nakamura Yasuyuki, Kadota Aya, Shimanoe Chisato, Tanaka Keitaro, Ikezaki Hiroaki, Murata Masayuki, Kubo Michiaki, Momozawa Yukihide, Takeuchi Kenji, Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort(J-MICC)Study Group .  1000 Genomesの補完データに基づいた日本人集団における前立腺特異抗原の血清中濃度に関するゲノムワイド関連解析 日本多施設共同コホート研究(Genome-wide association study of serum prostate-specific antigen levels based on 1000 Genomes imputed data in Japanese: the Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort Study) .  Nagoya Journal of Medical Science83 ( 1 ) 183 - 194   2021年2月査読 国際誌


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:名古屋大学医学部  

    1000 Genomesプロジェクトのゲノムワイド関連解析(GWAS)補完データを利用し、日本人集団で血清中の前立腺特異抗原(PSA)濃度に影響を及ぼしている可能性がある遺伝子座の候補の発見を試みた。日本多施設共同コホート(J-MICC)研究から男性1216名分のGWAS補完データを取得して解析に用いた。血清PSA濃度を連続変量として扱い、一塩基多型(SNP)/遺伝子変異との関連性を線形Wald検定にて検定した。その結果、4番染色体上のスフィンゴミエリン合成酵素2(SGMS2)遺伝子のSNPであるrs10000006でゲノムワイド有意性が示され(P<5×10^-8)、さらに12、14、15染色体の上にある総計8種の変異にsuggestive levelの有意性が認められた(P<1×10^-6)。しかし、再現コホートとして前期集団とは無関係の男性2447名のデータをJ-MICCから取得して解析を繰り返したところ、上記のようなSGMS2のSNPと血中PSA濃度の関連性は再現されなかった。このようにPSA濃度に関連している遺伝子座の新規発見には失敗したものの、本研究ではPSAをコードしているKLK3遺伝子の重要性も確認されたことから、前立腺癌の診断に際し患者個別の遺伝情報を考慮することが将来可能になることを意味する結果が示された。

  • Usui Y, Matsuo K, Oze I, Ugai T, Koyanagi Y, Maeda Y, Ito H, Hishida A, Takeuchi K, Tamura T, Tsukamoto M, Kadomatsu Y, Hara M, Nishida Y, Shimoshikiryo I, Takezaki T, Ozaki E, Matsui D, Watanabe I, Suzuki S, Watanabe M, Nakagawa-Senda H, Mikami H, Nakamura Y, Arisawa K, Uemura H, Kuriki K, Takashima N, Kadota A, Ikezaki H, Murata M, Nakatochi M, Momozawa Y, Kubo M, Wakai K .  Impact of PSCA polymorphisms on the risk of duodenal ulcer. .  J Epidemiol31 ( 1 ) 12 - 20   2021年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Usui Yoshiaki, Tamura Takashi, Tsukamoto Mineko, Kadomatsu Yuka, Hara Megumi, Nishida Yuichiro, Shimoshikiryo Ippei, Takezaki Toshiro, Ozaki Etsuko, Matsui Daisuke, Watanabe Isao, Matsuo Keitaro, Suzuki Sadao, Watanabe Miki, Nakagawa-Senda Hiroko, Mikami Haruo, Nakamura Yohko, Arisawa Kokichi, Uemura Hirokazu, Kuriki Kiyonori, Takashima Naoyuki, Kadota Aya, Oze Isao, Ikezaki Hiroaki, Murata Masayuki, Nakatochi Masahiro, Momozawa Yukihide, Kubo Michiaki, Wakai Kenji, Ugai Tomotaka, Koyanagi Yuriko, Maeda Yoshinobu, Ito Hidemi, Hishida Asahi, Takeuchi Kenji .  Impact of <i>PSCA</i> Polymorphisms on the Risk of Duodenal Ulcer .  Journal of Epidemiology31 ( 1 ) 12 - 20   2021年


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:日本疫学会  

    Background: While duodenal ulcer (DU) and gastric cancer (GC) are both H. pylori infection-related diseases, individuals with DU are known to have lower risk for GC. Many epidemiological studies have identified the PSCA rs2294008 T-allele as a risk factor of GC, while others have found an association between the rs2294008 C-allele and risk of DU and gastric ulcer (GU). Following these initial reports, however, few studies have since validated these associations. Here, we aimed to validate the association between variations in PSCA and the risk of DU/GU and evaluate its interaction with environmental factors in a Japanese population.Methods: Six PSCA SNPs were genotyped in 584 DU cases, 925 GU cases, and 8,105 controls from the Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort (J-MICC). Unconditional logistic regression models were applied to estimate odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for the association between the SNPs and risk of DU/GU.Results: PSCA rs2294008 C-allele was associated with per allele OR of 1.34 (95% CI, 1.18–1.51; P = 2.28 × 10−6) for the risk of DU. This association was independent of age, sex, study site, smoking habit, drinking habit, and H. pylori status. On the other hand, we did not observe an association between the risk of GU and PSCA SNPs.Conclusions: Our study confirms an association between the PSCA rs2294008 C-allele and the risk of DU in a Japanese population.

    DOI: 10.2188/jea.JE20190184



  • Hishida A. .  Genome-Wide Association Study of Serum Prostate-Specific Antigen Levels Based on 1000 Genomes Imputed Data in Japanese: The Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort Study .  Nagoya Journal of Medical Science83 ( 1 ) 183 - 194   2021年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:Nagoya Journal of Medical Science  

    Prostate cancer is emerging as a significant global public health burden. The incidence and prevalence of prostate cancer has increased in Japan, as westernized lifestyles become more popular. Recent advances in genetic epidemiology, including genome-wide association studies (GWASs), have identified considerable numbers of human genetic factors associated with diseases. Several GWASs have reported significant loci associated with serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels. One GWAS, which was based on classic GWAS microarray measurements, has been reported for Japanese so far. In the present study,we conducted a GWAS of serum PSA using 1000Genomes imputed GWAS data (n =1,216) from the Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort (J-MICC) Study, to detect candidate novel genetic loci that influence serum PSA levels in Japanese. The association of SNPs/genetic variants with serum PSA as a continuous variable was tested using the linear Wald test. SNP rs10000006 in SGMS2 (sphingomyelin synthase 2) on chromosome 4 had genome-wide significance (P <5×10∑8), and eight variants on three chromosomes (chromosomes 12, 14, 15) had genome-wide suggestive levels of significance (P <1×10∑6). With an independent data set from the J-MICC Shizuoka Study (n = 2,447), the association of the SGMS2 SNP with blood PSA levels was not replicated. Although our GWAS failed to detect novel loci associated with serum PSA levels in the Japanese cohort, it confirmed the significant effects of previously reported genetic loci on PSA levels in Japanese. Importantly, our results confirmed the significance of KLK3 SNPs also in Japanese, implying that consideration of individual genetic information in prostate cancer diagnosis may be possible in the future.

    DOI: 10.18999/nagjms.83.1.183



  • Fujii Ryosuke, Turin Tanvir Chowdhury, Suzuki Sadao, Watanabe Miki, Ibusuki Rie, Takezaki Toshiro, Mikami Haruo, Nakamura Yohko, Ikezaki Hiroaki, Murata Masayuki, Kuriki Kiyonori, Hishida Asahi, Kuriyama Nagato, Matsui Daisuke, Arisawa Kokichi, Katsuura-Kamano Sakurako, Tsukamoto Mineko, Tamura Takashi, Kubo Yoko, Kondo Takaaki, Momozawa Yukihide, Kubo Michiaki, Nishiyama Takeshi, Takeuchi Kenji, Wakai Kenji, Nakatochi Masahiro, Matsuo Keitaro, Ito Hidemi, Nishida Yuichiro, Shimanoe Chisato, Nakamura Yasuyuki .  Assessing the relationship between high-sensitivity C-reactive protein and kidney function employing mendelian randomization in a Japanese community based J-MICC Study .  Journal of Epidemiology32 ( 11 ) 483 - 488   2021年査読 国際誌


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:日本疫学会  

    <p><b>Background:</b> Inflammation is thought to be a risk factor for kidney disease. However, discussion is controversial whether inflammatory status is either a cause or an outcome of chronic kidney disease. We aimed to investigate the causal relationship between high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) using mendelian randomization (MR) approaches.</p><p><b>Methods:</b> A total of 10,521 participants of the Japan Multi-institutional Collaborative Cohort Study was analyzed in this study. We used two-sample MR approaches (the inverse-variance weighted (IVW), the weighted median (WM), and the MR-Egger method) to estimate the effect of genetically determined hs-CRP on kidney function. We selected four and three hs-CRP associated single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) as two instrumental variables (IV): IV<sub>CRP</sub> and IV<sub>Asian</sub>, based on SNPs previously identified in European and Asian populations. IV<sub>CRP</sub> and IV<sub>Asian</sub> explained 3.4% and 3.9% of the variation in hs-CRP, respectively.</p><p><b>Results:</b> Using the IV<sub>CRP</sub>, genetically determined hs-CRP was not significantly associated with eGFR in the IVW and the WM methods (estimate per 1 unit increase in ln(hs-CRP), 95%CI: 0.000, –0.019 to 0.020 and –0.003, –0.019 to 0.014). For IV<sub>Asian</sub>, we found similar results using the IVW and the WM methods (estimate, 95% CI: –0.005, –0.020 to 0.010 and –0.004, –0.020 to 0.012). The MR-Egger method also showed no causal relationships between hs-CRP and eGFR (IV<sub>CRP</sub>: –0.008, –0.058 to 0.042; IV<sub>Asian</sub>: 0.001, –0.036 to 0.036).</p><p><b>Conclusions:</b> Our two-sample MR analyses with different IVs did not support a causal effect of hs-CRP on eGFR.</p>

    DOI: 10.2188/jea.JE20200540



  • Suzuki T. .  A Genome-wide Association Study on Confection Consumption in a Japanese Population-the Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort study .  British Journal of Nutrition126 ( 12 ) 1 - 9   2021年査読 国際誌


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:British Journal of Nutrition  

    Differences in individual eating habits may be influenced by genetic factors, in addition to cultural, social or environmental factors. Previous studies suggested that genetic variants within sweet taste receptor genes family were associated with sweet taste perception and the intake of sweet foods. The aim of this study was to conduct a genome-wide association study (GWAS) to find genetic variations that affect confection consumption in a Japanese population. We analysed GWAS data on confection consumption using 14 073 participants from the Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort study. We used a semi-quantitative FFQ to estimate food intake that was validated previously. Association of the imputed variants with confection consumption was performed by linear regression analysis with adjustments for age, sex, total energy intake and principal component analysis components 1-3. Furthermore, the analysis was repeated adjusting for alcohol intake (g/d) in addition to the above-described variables. We found 418 SNP located in 12q24 that were associated with confection consumption. SNP with the ten lowest P-values were located on nine genes including at the BRAP, ACAD10 and aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 regions on 12q24.12-13. After adjustment for alcohol intake, no variant was associated with confections intake with genome-wide significance. In conclusion, we found a significant number of SNP located on 12q24 genes that were associated with confections intake before adjustment for alcohol intake. However, all of them lost statistical significance after adjustment for alcohol intake.

    DOI: 10.1017/S0007114521000684



  • Koyama T. .  Effect of underlying cardiometabolic diseases on the association between sedentary time and all-cause mortality in a large japanese population: A cohort analysis based on the j-micc study .  Journal of the American Heart Association10 ( 13 ) e018293   2021年査読 国際誌


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Journal of the American Heart Association  

    BACKGROUND: This study aimed to determine the association between sedentary time and mortality with regard to leisure-time physical activity with or without cardiometabolic diseases such as hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes mellitus. METHODS AND RESULTS: Using data from the J-MICC (Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort) Study, 64 456 participants (29 022 men, 35 434 women) were analyzed. Hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% CIs were used to characterize the relative risk of all-cause mortality to evaluate its association with sedentary time (categorical variables: <5, 5 to <7, 7 to <9, ≥9 h/d and 2-hour increments in exposure) according to the self-reported hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes mellitus using a Cox proportional hazards model. A total of 2257 participants died during 7.7 years of follow-up. The corresponding HRs for each 2-hour increment in sedentary time among participants with all factors, no factors, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes mellitus were 1.153 (95% CI, 1.114–1.194), 1.125 (95% CI, 1.074–1.179), 1.202 (95% CI, 1.129–1.279), 1.176 (95% CI, 1.087–1.273), and 1.272 (95% CI, 1.159–1.396), respectively. Furthermore, when analyzed according to the combined different factors (hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes mellitus), HRs increased with each additional factor, and participants reporting all 3 conditions had the highest HR of 1.417 (95% CI, 1.162–1.728) independently of leisure-time metabolic equivalents. CONCLUSIONS: The association between sedentary time and increased mortality is stronger among patients with hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes mellitus regardless of leisure-time physical activity in a large Japanese population.

    DOI: 10.1161/JAHA.120.018293



  • Hara Megumi, Murata Masayuki, Takeuchi Kenji, Tamura Takashi, Hishida Asahi, Tsukamoto Mineko, Kadomatsu Yuka, Matsuo Keitaro, Oze Isao, Mikami Haruo, Kusakabe Miho, Nishida Yuichiro, Takezaki Toshiro, Ibusuki Rie, Suzuki Sadao, Nakagawa-Senda Hiroko, Matsui Daisuke, Koyama Teruhide, Kuriki Kiyonori, Takashima Naoyuki, Nakamura Yasuyuki, Arisawa Kokichi, Tanaka Keitaro, Katsuura-Kamano Sakurako, Wakai Kenji, Shimanoe Chisato, Koga Kayoko, Furukawa Takuma, Higaki Yasuki, Shinchi Koichi, Ikezaki Hiroaki .  Moderate-to-vigorous Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior Are Independently Associated With Renal Function: A Cross-sectional Study .  Journal of Epidemiologyadvpub ( 0 ) 285 - 293   2021年査読 国際誌


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:日本疫学会  

    <p><b>Background:</b> Little is known about whether insufficient moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and longer sedentary behavior (SB) are independently associated with estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and chronic kidney disease (CKD), whether they interact with known risk factors for CKD, and the effect of replacing sedentary time with an equivalent duration of physical activity on kidney function.</p><p><b>Methods:</b> We examined the cross-sectional association of MVPA and SB with eGFR and CKD in 66,603 Japanese cohort study in 14 areas from 2004 to 2013. MVPA and SB were estimated using a self-reported questionnaire, and CKD was defined as eGFR <60 mL/min/1.73 m<sup>2</sup>. Multiple linear regression analyses, logistic regression analyses, and an isotemporal substitution model were applied.</p><p><b>Results:</b> After adjusting for potential confounders, higher MVPA and longer SB were independently associated with higher eGFR (<i>P</i> for trend MVPA <0.0001) and lower eGFR (<i>P</i> for trend SB <0.0001), and a lower odds ratio (OR) of CKD (adjusted OR of MVPA ≥20 MET·h/day, 0.76; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.68–0.85 compared to MVPA <5 MET·h/day) and a higher OR of CKD (adjusted OR of SB ≥16 h/day, 1.81; 95% CI, 1.52–2.15 compared to SB <7 h/day), respectively. The negative association between MVPA and CKD was stronger in men, and significant interactions between sex and MVPA were detected. Replacing 1 hour of SB with 1 hour of physical activity was associated with about 3 to 4% lower OR of CKD.</p><p><b>Conclusions:</b> These findings indicate that replacing SB with physical activity may benefit kidney function, especially in men, adding to the possible evidence on CKD prevention.</p>

    DOI: 10.2188/jea.JE20210155



  • Nindita Yora, Hara Megumi, Nishida Yuichiro, Tamura Takashi, Hishida Asahi, Nagayoshi Mako, Okada Rieko, Matsuo Keitaro, Ito Hidemi, Mikami Haruo, Nakamura Yohko, Nakatochi Masahiro, Otani Takahiro, Suzuki Sadao, Koyama Teruhide, Ozaki Etsuko, Kuriki Kiyonori, Takashima Naoyuki, Miyagawa Naoko, Arisawa Kokichi, Katsuura-Kamano Sakurako, Momozawa Yukihide, Ibusuki Rie, Kubo Michiaki, Takeuchi Kenji, Wakai Kenji, Shimoshikiryo Ippei, Nishimoto Daisaku, Shimatani Keiichi, Takezaki Toshiro, Ikezaki Hiroaki, Murata Masayuki .  Population-Based Impact of Smoking, Drinking, and Genetic Factors on HDL-cholesterol Levels in J-MICC Study Participants .  Journal of Epidemiology33 ( 4 ) 193 - 200   2021年査読 国際誌


    担当区分:責任著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:日本疫学会  

    <p><b>Background:</b> Environmental and genetic factors are suggested to exhibit factor-based association with HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C) levels. However, the population-based effects of environmental and genetic factors have not been compared clearly. We conducted a cross-sectional study using data from the Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort (J-MICC) Study to evaluate the population-based impact of smoking, drinking, and genetic factors on low HDL-C.</p><p><b>Methods:</b> Data from 11,498 men and women aged 35–69 years were collected for a genome-wide association study (GWAS). Sixty-five HDL-C-related SNPs with genome-wide significance (<i>P</i> < 5 × 10<sup>−8</sup>) were selected from the GWAS catalog, of which seven representative SNPs were defined, and the population-based impact was estimated using population attributable fraction (PAF).</p><p><b>Results:</b> We found that smoking, drinking, daily activity, habitual exercise, egg intake, BMI, age, sex, and the SNPs <i>CETP</i> rs3764261, <i>APOA5</i> rs662799, <i>LIPC</i> rs1800588, <i>LPL</i> rs328, <i>ABCA1</i> rs2575876, <i>LIPG</i> rs3786247, and <i>APOE</i> rs429358 were associated with HDL-C levels. The gene-environmental interactions on smoking and drinking were not statistically significant. The PAF for low HDL-C was the highest in men (63.2%) and in rs3764261 (31.5%) of the genetic factors, and the PAFs of smoking and drinking were 23.1% and 41.8%, respectively.</p><p><b>Conclusions:</b> The present study showed that the population-based impact of genomic factor <i>CETP</i> rs3764261 for low HDL-C was higher than that of smoking and lower than that of drinking.</p>

    DOI: 10.2188/jea.JE20210142



  • Takeuchi K., Naito M., Kawai S., Tsukamoto M., Kadomatsu Y., Kubo Y., Okada R., Nagayoshi M., Tamura T., Hishida A., Nakatochi M., Sasakabe T., Hashimoto S., Eguchi H., Momozawa Y., Ikezaki H., Murata M., Furusyo N., Tanaka K., Hara M., Nishida Y., Matsuo K., Ito H., Oze I., Mikami H., Nakamura Y., Kusakabe M., Takezaki T., Ibusuki R., Shimoshikiryo I., Suzuki S., Nishiyama T., Watanabe M., Koyama T., Ozaki E., Watanabe I., Kuriki K., Kita Y., Ueshima H., Matsui K., Arisawa K., Uemura H., Katsuura-Kamano S., Nakamura S., Narimatsu H., Hamajima N., Tanaka H., Wakai K. .  Study profile of the japan multi-institutional collaborative cohort (J-micc) study .  Journal of Epidemiology31 ( 12 ) 660 - 668   2021年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:Journal of Epidemiology  

    Background: The Japan Multi-institutional Collaborative Cohort (J-MICC) study was launched in 2005 to examine gene–environment interactions in lifestyle-related diseases, including cancers, among the Japanese. This report describes the study design and baseline profile of the study participants. Methods: The participants of the J-MICC Study were individuals aged 35 to 69 years enrolled from respondents to study announcements in specified regions, inhabitants attending health checkup examinations provided by local governments, visitors at health checkup centers, and first-visit patients at a cancer hospital in Japan. At the time of the baseline survey, from 2005 to 2014, we obtained comprehensive information regarding demographics, education, alcohol consumption, smoking, sleeping, exercise, food intake frequency, medication and supplement use, personal and family disease history, psychological stress, and female reproductive history and collected peripheral blood samples. Results: The baseline survey included 92,610 adults (mean age: 55.2 [standard deviation, 9.4] years, 44.1% men) from 14 study regions in 12 prefectures. The participation rate was 33.5%, with participation ranging from 19.7% to 69.8% in different study regions. The largest number of participants was in the age groups of 65–69 years for men and 60–64 years for women. There were differences in body mass index, educational attainment, alcohol consumption, smoking, and sleep duration between men and women. Conclusions: The J-MICC Study collected lifestyle and clinical data and biospecimens from over 90,000 participants. This cohort is expected to be a valuable resource for the national and international scientific community in providing evidence to support longer healthy lives.

    DOI: 10.2188/jea.JE20200147



  • Tamura T. .  Association between plasma levels of homocysteine, folate, and vitamin B<inf>12</inf>, and dietary folate intake and hypertension in a cross-sectional study .  Scientific Reports10 ( 1 ) 18499   2020年12月


    出版者・発行元:Scientific Reports  

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-75267-3



  • Shimoshikiryo I. .  Association between alcohol intake pattern and metabolic syndrome components and simulated change by alcohol intake reduction: A cross-sectional study from the Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort Study .  Alcohol89   129 - 138   2020年12月査読 国際誌


    担当区分:責任著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Alcohol  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.alcohol.2020.09.002



  • Koyama Teruhide, Kuriyama Nagato, Ozaki Etsuko, Tomida Satomi, Uehara Ritei, Nishida Yuichiro, Shimanoe Chisato, Hishida Asahi, Tamura Takashi, Tsukamoto Mineko, Kadomatsu Yuka, Oze Isao, Matsuo Keitaro, Mikami Haruo, Nakamura Yohko, Ibusuki Rie, Takezaki Toshiro, Suzuki Sadao, Nishiyama Takeshi, Kuriki Kiyonori, Takashima Naoyuki, Kadota Aya, Uemura Hirokazu, Katsuura-Kamano Sakurako, Ikezaki Hiroaki, Murata Masayuki, Takeuchi Kenji, Wakai Kenji .  日本人の大規模コホートにおいて座位時間は心血管代謝性疾患と相関する 横断研究(Sedentary Time is Associated with Cardiometabolic Diseases in A Large Japanese Population: A Cross-Sectional Study) .  Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis27 ( 10 ) 1097 - 1107   2020年10月査読 国際誌


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:(一社)日本動脈硬化学会  

    地域住民コホート研究に参加した一般被験者62754名(男性27930名、女性34824名)を対象に、座位時間と心血管代謝性疾患の関連について検討した。対象は生活習慣病予防に関する分子疫学研究である日本多施設共同コホート研究(J-MICC Study)に参加した35〜69歳の被験者で、虚血性心疾患と脳卒中の既往者は除外した。質問票を用いて、1日あたりの座位時間と高血圧症、脂質異常症、糖尿病の既往の有無を調査した。男性で座位時間が5時間未満は9529名(34.1%)、5〜7時間は5458名(19.5%)、7〜9時間は4491名(16.1%)、9時間以上は8452名(30.3%)であった。女性はそれぞれ14121名(40.5%)、8727名(25.1%)、5717名(16.4%)、6261名(18.0%)であった。男性で座位時間と高血圧症および糖尿病の間に有意な関連を認めた。男性と女性のいずれも座位時間と脂質異常症が関連した。特に60〜69歳の年齢層では、座位時間の増加に伴い血圧、中性脂肪、非高比重リポ蛋白コレステロール(non-HDL-C)が増加し、HDL-Cが低下する傾向を認めた。

  • Shimatani Keiichi, Ito Hidemi, Matsuo Keitaro, Tajima Kazuo, Takezaki Toshiro .  日本人喫煙者におけるたばこタールの累積曝露量と肺癌リスク(Cumulative cigarette tar exposure and lung cancer risk among Japanese smokers) .  Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology50 ( 9 ) 1009 - 1017   2020年9月査読 国際誌


    担当区分:責任著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Oxford University Press  


  • Iwase M, Matsuo K, Nakatochi M, Oze I, Ito H, Koyanagi Y, Ugai T, Kasugai Y, Hishida A, Takeuchi K, Okada R, Kubo Y, Shimanoe C, Tanaka K, Ikezaki H, Murata M, Takezaki T, Nishimoto D, Kuriyama N, Ozaki E, Suzuki S, Watanabe M, Mikami H, Nakamura Y, Uemura H, Katsuura-Kamano S, Kuriki K, Kita Y, Naoyuki T, Nagino M, Momozawa Y, Kubo M, Wakai K .  Differential effect of polymorphisms on body mass index across the life course of Japanese: the Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort Study. .  J Epidemiol   doi: 10.2188/jea.JE20190296.   2020年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Shimoshikiryo I, Ibusuki R, Shimatani K, Nishimoto D, Takezaki T, Nishida Y, Shimanoe C, Hishida A, Tamura T, Okada R, Kubo Y, Ozaki E, Matsui D, Suzuki S, Nakagawa-Senda H, Kuriki K, Kita Y, Takashima N, Arisawa K, Uemura H, Ikezaki H, Furusyo N, Oze I, Koyanagi YN, Mikami H, Nakamura Y, Naito M, Wakai K .  Association between alcohol intake pattern and metabolic syndrome components and simulated change by alcohol intake reduction: A cross-sectional study from the Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort Study. .  Alcohol89   129 - 138   2020年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Okada R, Kadomatsu Y, Tsukamoto M, Sasakabe T, Kawai S, Tamura T, Hishida A, Ikezaki H, Furusyo N, Tanaka K, Hara M, Suzuki S, Watanabe M, Takezaki T, Nishimoto D, Matsui D, Watanabe I, Kuriki K, Takashima N, Nakamura Y, Katsuura-Kamano S, Arisawa K, Mikami H, Nakamura Y, Oze I, Koyanagi YN, Naito M, Wakai K .  Combined effect of weight gain within normal weight range and parental hypertension on the prevalence of hypertension; from the J-MICC Study. .  J Hum Hypertens34 ( 2 ) 125 - 131   2020年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Tamura T, Kuriyama N, Koyama T, Ozaki E, Matsui D, Kadomatsu Y, Tsukamoto M, Kubo Y, Okada R, Hishida A, Sasakabe T, Kawai S, Naito M, Takashima N, Kadota A, Tanaka K, Hara M, Suzuki S, Nakagawa-Senda H, Takezaki T, Shimoshikiryo I, Ikezaki H, Murata M, Oze I, Ito H, Mikami H, Nakamura Y, Kuriki K, Arisawa K, Uemura H, Takeuchi K, Wakai K .  Association between plasma levels of homocysteine, folate, and vitamin B(12), and dietary folate intake and hypertension in a cross-sectional study. .  Sci Rep10 ( 1 ) 18499   2020年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Arisawa K, Katsuura-Kamano S, Uemura H, Tien NV, Hishida A, Tamura T, Kubo Y, Tsukamoto M, Tanaka K, Hara M, Takezaki T, Nishimoto D, Koyama T, Ozaki E, Suzuki S, Nishiyama T, Kuriki K, Kadota A, Takashima N, Ikezaki H, Murata M, Oze I, Matsuo K, Mikami H, Nakamura Y, Takeuchi K, Wakai K .  Association of Dietary Acid Load with the Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome among Participants in Baseline Survey of the Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort Study. .  Nutrients12 ( 6 ) 1605   2020年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Nishida Y, Hachiya T, Hara M, Shimanoe C, Tanaka K, Sutoh Y, Shimizu A, Hishida A, Tsukamoto M, Kadomatsu Y, Oze I, Koyanagi YN, Kuriyama N, Koyama T, Ibusuki R, Takezaki T, Ikezaki H, Furusyo N, Takashima N, Kadota A, Uemura H, Katsuura-Kamano S, Suzuki S, Nakagawa-Senda H, Kuriki K, Mikami H, Nakamura Y, Momozawa Y, Kubo M, Nakatochi M, Naito M, Wakai K .  The interaction between ABCA1 polymorphism and physical activity on the HDL-cholesterol levels in a Japanese population. .  J Lipid Res61 ( 1 ) 86 - 94   2020年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Takeuchi K, Naito M, Kawai S, Tsukamoto M, Kadomatsu Y, Kubo Y, Okada R, Nagayoshi M, Tamura T, Hishida A, Nakatochi M, Sasakabe T, Hashimoto S, Eguchi H, Momozawa Y, Ikezaki H, Murata M, Furusyo N, Tanaka K, Hara M, Nishida Y, Matsuo K, Ito H, Oze I, Mikami H, Nakamura Y, Kusakabe M, Takezaki T, Ibusuki R, Shimoshikiryo I, Suzuki S, Nishiyama T, Watanabe M, Koyama T, Ozaki E, Watanabe I, Kuriki K, Kita Y, Ueshima H, Matsui K, Arisawa K, Uemura H, Katsuura-Kamano S, Nakamura S, Narimatsu H, Hamajima N, Tanaka H, Wakai K .  Study profile of the Japan Multi-institutional Collaborative Cohort (J-MICC) Study. .  J Epidemiol   doi: 10.2188/jea.JE20200147.   2020年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Nakayama A, Nakatochi M, Kawamura Y, Yamamoto K, Nakaoka H, Shimizu S, Higashino T, Koyama T, Hishida A, Kuriki K, Watanabe M, Shimizu T, Ooyama K, Ooyama H, Nagase M, Hidaka Y, Matsui D, Tamura T, Nishiyama T, Shimanoe C, Katsuura-Kamano S, Takashima N, Shirai Y, Kawaguchi M, Takao M, Sugiyama R, Takada Y, Nakamura T, Nakashima H, Tsunoda M, Danjoh I, Hozawa A, Hosomichi K, Toyoda Y, Kubota Y, Takada T, Suzuki H, Stiburkova B, Major TJ, Merriman TR, Kuriyama N, Mikami H, Takezaki T, Matsuo K, Suzuki S, Hosoya T, Kamatani Y, Kubo M, Ichida K, Wakai K, Inoue I, Okada Y, Shinomiya N, Matsuo H .  Subtype-specific gout susceptibility loci and enrichment of selection pressure on ABCG2 and ALDH2 identified by subtype genome-wide meta-analyses of clinically defined gout patients. .  Ann Rheum Dis79 ( 5 ) 657 - 665   2020年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Lin Y, Nakatochi M, Hosono Y, Ito H, Kamatani Y, Inoko A, Sakamoto H, Kinoshita F, Kobayashi Y, Ishii H, Ozaka M, Sasaki T, Matsuyama M, Sasahira N, Morimoto M, Kobayashi S, Fukushima T, Ueno M, Ohkawa S, Egawa N, Kuruma S, Mori M, Nakao H, Adachi Y, Okuda M, Osaki T, Kamiya S, Wang C, Hara K, Shimizu Y, Miyamoto T, Hayashi Y, Ebi H, Kohmoto T, Imoto I, Kasugai Y, Murakami Y, Akiyama M, Ishigaki K, Matsuda K, Hirata M, Shimada K, Okusaka T, Kawaguchi T, Takahashi M, Watanabe Y, Kuriki K, Kadota A, Okada R, Mikami H, Takezaki T, Suzuki S, Yamaji T, Iwasaki M, Sawada N, Goto A, Kinoshita K, Fuse N, Katsuoka F, Shimizu A, Nishizuka SS, Tanno K, Suzuki K, Okada Y, Horikoshi M, Yamauchi T, Kadowaki T, Yu H, Zhong J, Amundadottir LT, Doki Y, Ishii H, Eguchi H, Bogumil D, Haiman CA, Le Marchand L, Mori M, Risch H, Setiawan VW, Tsugane S, Wakai K, Yoshida T, Matsuda F, Kubo M, Kikuchi S, Matsuo K .  Genome-wide association meta-analysis identifies GP2 gene risk variants for pancreatic cancer. .  Nat Commun11 ( 1 ) 3175   2020年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Mizuma K, Amitani M, Mizuma M, Kawazu S, Sloan RA, Ibusuki R, Takezaki T, Owaki T .  Clarifying differences in viewpoints between multiple healthcare professionals during discharge planning assessments when discharging patients from a long-term care hospital to home. .  Eval Program Plann82   101848   2020年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Suzuki H, Nakamura Y, Matsuo K, Imaeda N, Goto C, Narita A, Shimizu A, Takashima N, Matsui K, Miura K, Nakatochi M, Hishida A, Tamura T, Kadomatsu Y, Okada R, Nishida Y, Shimanoe C, Nishimoto D, Takezaki T, Oze I, Ito H, Ikezaki H, Murata M, Matsui D, Ozaki E, Mikami H, Nakamura Y, Suzuki S, Watanabe M, Arisawa K, Uemura H, Kuriki K, Momozawa Y, Kubo M, Kita Y, Takeuchi K, Wakai K .  A genome-wide association study in Japanese identified one variant associated with a preference for a Japanese dietary pattern. .  Eur J Clin Nutr   doi: 10.1038/s41430-020-00823-z.   2020年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Moosazadeh M, Takezaki T, Saeedi M, Kheradmand M .  Association between gravidity and risk of metabolic syndrome: Results of Tabari cohort study. .  Diabetes Metab Syndr14 ( 5 ) 843 - 847   2020年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Suzuki T, Nakamura Y, Matsuo K, Oze I, Doi Y, Narita A, Shimizu A, Imaeda N, Goto C, Matsui K, Nakatochi M, Miura K, Takashima N, Kuriki K, Shimanoe C, Tanaka K, Ikezaki H, Murata M, Ibusuki R, Takezaki T, Koyanagi Y, Ito H, Matsui D, Koyama T, Mikami H, Nakamura Y, Suzuki S, Nishiyama T, Katsuura-Kamano S, Arisawa K, Takeuchi K, Tamura T, Okada R, Kubo Y, Momozawa Y, Kubo M, Kita Y, Wakai K .  A genome-wide association study on fish consumption in a Japanese population-the Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort study. .  Eur J Clin Nutr   doi: 10.1038/s41430-020-00702-7.   2020年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Shimatani K, Ito H, Matsuo K, Tajima K, Takezaki T .  Cumulative cigarette tar exposure and lung cancer risk among Japanese smokers. .  Jpn J Clin Oncol50 ( 9 ) 1009 - 1017   2020年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Nakayama A, Nakatochi M, Kawamura Y, Yamamoto K, Nakaoka H, Shimizu S, Higashino T, Koyama T, Hishida A, Kuriki K, Watanabe M, Shimizu T, Ooyama K, Ooyama H, Nagase M, Hidaka Y, Matsui D, Tamura T, Nishiyama T, Shimanoe C, Katsuura-Kamano S, Takashima N, Shirai Y, Kawaguchi M, Takao M, Sugiyama R, Takada Y, Nakamura T, Nakashima H, Tsunoda M, Danjoh I, Hozawa A, Hosomichi K, Toyoda Y, Kubota Y, Takada T, Suzuki H, Stiburkova B, Major TJ, Merriman TR, Kuriyama N, Mikami H, Takezaki T, Matsuo K, Suzuki S, Hosoya T, Kamatani Y, Kubo M, Ichida K, Wakai K, Inoue I, Okada Y, Shinomiya N, Matsuo H .  Subtype-specific gout susceptibility loci and enrichment of selection pressure on ABCG2 and ALDH2 identified by subtype genome-wide meta-analyses of clinically defined gout patients. .  Ann Rheum Dis79 ( 5 ) 657 - 665   2020年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Lin Y, Nakatochi M, Hosono Y, Ito H, Kamatani Y, Inoko A, Sakamoto H, Kinoshita F, Kobayashi Y, Ishii H, Ozaka M, Sasaki T, Matsuyama M, Sasahira N, Morimoto M, Kobayashi S, Fukushima T, Ueno M, Ohkawa S, Egawa N, Kuruma S, Mori M, Nakao H, Adachi Y, Okuda M, Osaki T, Kamiya S, Wang C, Hara K, Shimizu Y, Miyamoto T, Hayashi Y, Ebi H, Kohmoto T, Imoto I, Kasugai Y, Murakami Y, Akiyama M, Ishigaki K, Matsuda K, Hirata M, Shimada K, Okusaka T, Kawaguchi T, Takahashi M, Watanabe Y, Kuriki K, Kadota A, Okada R, Mikami H, Takezaki T, Suzuki S, Yamaji T, Iwasaki M, Sawada N, Goto A, Kinoshita K, Fuse N, Katsuoka F, Shimizu A, Nishizuka SS, Tanno K, Suzuki K, Okada Y, Horikoshi M, Yamauchi T, Kadowaki T, Yu H, Zhong J, Amundadottir LT, Doki Y, Ishii H, Eguchi H, Bogumil D, Haiman CA, Le Marchand L, Mori M, Risch H, Setiawan VW, Tsugane S, Wakai K, Yoshida T, Matsuda F, Kubo M, Kikuchi S, Matsuo K .  Genome-wide association meta-analysis identifies GP2 gene risk variants for pancreatic cancer. .  Nat Commun11 ( 1 ) 3175   2020年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Koyama T, Kuriyama N, Ozaki E, Tomida S, Uehara R, Nishida Y, Shimanoe C, Hishida A, Tamura T, Tsukamoto M, Kadomatsu Y, Oze I, Matsuo K, Mikami H, Nakamura Y, Ibusuki R, Takezaki T, Suzuki S, Nishiyama T, Kuriki K, Takashima N, Kadota A, Uemura H, Katsuura-Kamano S, Ikezaki H, Murata M, Takeuchi K, Wakai K .  Sedentary Time is Associated with Cardiometabolic Diseases in A Large Japanese Population: A Cross-Sectional Study. .  J Atheroscler Thromb27 ( 10 ) 1097 - 1107   2020年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Iwase M, Matsuo K, Nakatochi M, Oze I, Ito H, Koyanagi Y, Ugai T, Kasugai Y, Hishida A, Takeuchi K, Okada R, Kubo Y, Shimanoe C, Tanaka K, Ikezaki H, Murata M, Takezaki T, Nishimoto D, Kuriyama N, Ozaki E, Suzuki S, Watanabe M, Mikami H, Nakamura Y, Uemura H, Katsuura-Kamano S, Kuriki K, Kita Y, Naoyuki T, Nagino M, Momozawa Y, Kubo M, Wakai K .  Differential effect of polymorphisms on body mass index across the life course of Japanese: the Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort Study. .  J Epidemiol   doi: 10.2188/jea.JE20190296.   2020年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Arisawa K, Katsuura-Kamano S, Uemura H, Tien NV, Hishida A, Tamura T, Kubo Y, Tsukamoto M, Tanaka K, Hara M, Takezaki T, Nishimoto D, Koyama T, Ozaki E, Suzuki S, Nishiyama T, Kuriki K, Kadota A, Takashima N, Ikezaki H, Murata M, Oze I, Matsuo K, Mikami H, Nakamura Y, Takeuchi K, Wakai K .  Association of Dietary Acid Load with the Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome among Participants in Baseline Survey of the Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort Study. .  Nutrients12 ( 6 ) 1605   2020年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Nishida Y, Hachiya T, Hara M, Shimanoe C, Tanaka K, Sutoh Y, Shimizu A, Hishida A, Tsukamoto M, Kadomatsu Y, Oze I, Koyanagi YN, Kuriyama N, Koyama T, Ibusuki R, Takezaki T, Ikezaki H, Furusyo N, Takashima N, Kadota A, Uemura H, Katsuura-Kamano S, Suzuki S, Nakagawa-Senda H, Kuriki K, Mikami H, Nakamura Y, Momozawa Y, Kubo M, Nakatochi M, Naito M, Wakai K .  The interaction between ABCA1 polymorphism and physical activity on the HDL-cholesterol levels in a Japanese population. .  J Lipid Res   doi: 10.1194/jlr.P091546   2019年11月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Okada R, Kadomatsu Y, Tsukamoto M, Sasakabe T, Kawai S, Tamura T, Hishida A, Ikezaki H, Furusyo N, Tanaka K, Hara M, Suzuki S, Watanabe M, Takezaki T, Nishimoto D, Matsui D, Watanabe I, Kuriki K, Takashima N, Nakamura Y, Katsuura-Kamano S, Arisawa K, Mikami H, Nakamura Y, Oze I, Koyanagi YN, Naito M, Wakai K .  Combined effect of weight gain within normal weight range and parental hypertension on the prevalence of hypertension; from the J-MICC Study. .  J Hum Hypertens   doi: 10.1038/s41371-019-0230-y   2019年9月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Nishiyama T. .  Genome-wide association meta-analysis and Mendelian randomization analysis confirm the influence of ALDH2 on sleep durationin the Japanese population .  Sleep42 ( 6 )   2019年6月



    DOI: 10.1093/sleep/zsz046



  • Iwasaki Y. .  Associations of nutrient patterns with the prevalence of metabolic syndrome: Results from the baseline data of the Japan multi-institutional collaborative cohort study .  Nutrients11 ( 5 )   2019年5月査読 国際誌


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Nutrients  

    DOI: 10.3390/nu11050990



  • Iwasaki Y, Arisawa K, Katsuura-Kamano S, Uemura H, Tsukamoto M, Kadomatsu Y, Okada R, Hishida A, Tanaka K, Hara M, Takezaki T, Shimatani K, Ozaki E, Koyama T, Suzuki S, Nakagawa-Senda H, Kuriki K, Miyagawa N, Kadota A, Ikezaki H, Furusyo N, Oze I, Ito H, Mikami H, Nakamura Y, Wakai K .  Associations of Nutrient Patterns with the Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome: Results from the Baseline Data of the Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort Study. .  Nutrients11 ( 5 ) doi: 10.3390/nu11050990   2019年4月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Nishiyama T, Nakatochi M, Goto A, Iwasaki M, Hachiya T, Sutoh Y, Shimizu A, Wang C, Tanaka H, Watanabe M, Hosono A, Tamai Y, Yamada T, Yamaji T, Sawada N, Fukumoto K, Otsuka K, Tanno K, Tomita H, Kojima K, Nagasaki M, Hozawa A, Hishida A, Sasakabe T, Nishida Y, Hara M, Ito H, Oze I, Nakamura Y, Mikami H, Ibusuki R, Takezaki T, Koyama T, Kuriyama N, Endoh K, Kuriki K, Turin TC, Naoyuki T, Katsuura-Kamano S, Uemura H, Okada R, Kawai S, Naito M, Momozawa Y, Kubo M, Sasaki M, Yamamoto M, Tsugane S, Wakai K, Suzuki S .  Genome-wide association meta-analysis and Mendelian randomization analysis confirm ALDH2 influencing on sleep duration in the Japanese population. .  Sleep   doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsz046   2019年2月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Uemura H, Katsuura-Kamano S, Iwasaki Y, Arisawa K, Hishida A, Okada R, Tamura T, Kubo Y, Ito H, Oze I, Shimanoe C, Nishida Y, Nakamura Y, Takashima N, Suzuki S, Nakagawa-Senda H, Nishimoto D, Takezaki T, Mikami H, Nakamura Y, Furusyo N, Ikezaki H, Ozaki E, Koyama T, Kuriki K, Endoh K, Naito M, Wakai K .  Independent relationships of daily life activity and leisure-time exercise with metabolic syndrome and its traits in the general Japanese population. .  Endocrine64 ( 3 ) 552 - 563   2019年1月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Kawamura Y, Nakaoka H, Nakayama A, Okada Y, Yamamoto K, Higashino T, Sakiyama M, Shimizu T, Ooyama H, Ooyama K, Nagase M, Hidaka Y, Shirahama Y, Hosomichi K, Nishida Y, Shimoshikiryo I, Hishida A, Katsuura-Kamano S, Shimizu S, Kawaguchi M, Uemura H, Ibusuki R, Hara M, Naito M, Takao M, Nakajima M, Iwasawa S, Nakashima H, Ohnaka K, Nakamura T, Stiburkova B, Merriman TR, Nakatochi M, Ichihara S, Yokota M, Takada T, Saitoh T, Kamatani Y, Takahashi A, Arisawa K, Takezaki T, Tanaka K, Wakai K, Kubo M, Hosoya T, Ichida K, Inoue I, Shinomiya N, Matsuo H .  Genome-wide association study revealed novel loci which aggravate asymptomatic hyperuricaemia into gout. .  Ann Rheum Dis78   1430 - 1437   2019年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Low SK, Chin YM, Ito H, Matsuo K, Tanikawa C, Matsuda K, Saito H, Sakurai-Yageta M, Nakaya N, Shimizu A, Nishizuka SS, Yamaji T, Sawada N, Iwasaki M, Tsugane S, Takezaki T, Suzuki S, Naito M, Wakai K, Kamatani Y, Momozawa Y, Murakami Y, Inazawa J, Nakamura Y, Kubo M, Katagiri T, Miki Y .  Identification of two novel breast cancer loci through large-scale genome-wide association study in the Japanese population. .  Sci Rep9   17332   2019年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Nakatochi M, Kanai M, Nakayama A, Hishida A, Kawamura Y, Ichihara S, Akiyama M, Ikezaki H, Furusyo N, Shimizu S, Yamamoto K, Hirata M, Okada R, Kawai S, Kawaguchi M, Nishida Y, Shimanoe C, Ibusuki R, Takezaki T, Nakajima M, Takao M, Ozaki E, Matsui D, Nishiyama T, Suzuki S, Takashima N, Kita Y, Endoh K, Kuriki K, Uemura H, Arisawa K, Oze I, Matsuo K, Nakamura Y, Mikami H, Tamura T, Nakashima H, Nakamura T, Kato N, Matsuda K, Murakami Y, Matsubara T, Naito M, Kubo M, Kamatani Y, Shinomiya N, Yokota M, Wakai K, Okada Y, Matsuo H .  Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies multiple novel loci associated with serum uric acid levels in Japanese individuals. .  Commun Biol2   115   2019年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Fujii R, Hishida A, Nakatochi M, Furusyo N, Murata M, Tanaka K, Shimanoe C, Suzuki S, Watanabe M, Kuriyama N, Koyama T, Takezaki T, Shimoshikiryo I, Arisawa K, Katsuura-Kamano S, Takashima N, Turin TC, Kuriki K, Endoh K, Mikami H, Nakamura Y, Oze I, Ito H, Kubo M, Momozawa Y, Kondo T, Naito M, Wakai K .  Association of genetic risk score and chronic kidney disease in a Japanese population. .  Nephrology (Carlton)   doi: 10.1111/nep.13479.   2018年8月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Miyagawa N, Okuda N, Nakagawa H, Takezaki T, Nishi N, Takashima N, Fujiyoshi A, Ohkubo T, Kadota A, Okamura T, Ueshima H, Okayama A, Miura K .  Socioeconomic Status Associated With Urinary Sodium and Potassium Excretion in Japan: NIPPON DATA2010. .  J Epidemiol28 ( Supplement_III ) S29 - S34   2018年5月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:日本疫学会  

    BACKGROUND: Although socioeconomic status (SES) may affect food and nutrient intakes, few studies have reported on sodium (Na) and potassium (K) intakes among individuals with various SESs in Japan. We investigated associations of SES with Na and K intake levels using urinary specimens in a representative Japanese population. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study of 2,560 men and women (the NIPPON DATA2010 cohort) who participated in the National Health and Nutrition Survey Japan in 2010. Casual urine was used to calculate estimated excretion in 24-hour urinary Na (E24hr-Na) and K (E24hr-K). The urinary sodium-to-potassium (Na/K) ratio was calculated from casual urinary electrolyte values. An analysis of covariance was performed to investigate associations of aspects of SES, including equivalent household expenditure (EHE), educational attainment, and job category, with E24hr-Na, E24hr-K, and the Na/K ratio for men and women separately. A stratified analysis was performed on educational attainment and the job category for younger (<65 years) and older (>/=65 years) participants. RESULTS: In men and women, average E24hr-Na was 176.2 mmol/day and 172.3, average E24hr-K was 42.5 and 41.3, and the average Na/K ratio was 3.61 and 3.68, respectively. Lower EHE was associated with a higher Na/K ratio in women and lower E24hr-K in men and women. A shorter education was associated with a higher Na/K ratio in women and younger men, and lower E24hr-K in older men and women. CONCLUSION: Lower EHE and a shorter education were associated with a lower K intake and higher Na/K ratio estimated from casual urine specimens in Japanese men and women.

    DOI: 10.2188/jea.JE20170253



  • Tanikawa C, Kamatani Y, Takahashi A, Momozawa Y, Leveque K, Nagayama S, Mimori K, Mori M, Ishii H, Inazawa J, Yasuda J, Tsuboi A, Shimizu A, Sasaki M, Yamaji T, Sawada N, Iwasaki M, Tsugane S, Naito M, Wakai K, Koyama T, Takezaki T, Yuji K, Murakami Y, Nakamura Y, Kubo M, Matsuda K .  GWAS Identifies Two Novel Colorectal Cancer Loci at 16q24.1 and 20q13.12. .  Carcinogenesis   pii: 4868136 - pii: 4868136   2018年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Tsuji Masayoshi, Okamura Tomonori, Ueshima Hirotsugu, Okayama Akira, Miura Katsuyuki, Arima Hisatomi, Ohkubo Takayoshi, Nakamura Koshi, Takezaki Toshiro, Sakata Kiyomi, Okuda Nagako, Nishi Nobuo, Kadota Aya .  Socioeconomic Status and Knowledge of Cardiovascular Risk Factors: NIPPON DATA2010 .  Journal of Epidemiology28 ( 0 ) S46 - S52   2018年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:日本疫学会  

    <p><b>Background:</b> The relationship between socioeconomic status (SES) and knowledge of cardiovascular risk factors remains unknown in a general Japanese population.</p><p><b>Methods:</b> Of 8,815 participants from 300 randomly selected areas throughout Japan, 2,467 participants who were free of cardiovascular disease and who provided information on SES in the National Health and Nutrition Survey of Japan 2010 were enrolled in this cross-sectional analysis. SES was classified according to the employment status, length of education, marital and living statuses, and equivalent household expenditure (EHE). Outcomes were ignorance of each cardiovascular risk factor (hypertension, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, low high-density lipoprotein [HDL] cholesterol, arrhythmia, and smoking) and insufficient knowledge (number of correct answers <4 out of 6).</p><p><b>Results:</b> A short education and low EHE were significantly associated with a greater ignorance of most cardiovascular risk factors. A short education (<10 years) was also associated with insufficient knowledge of overall cardiovascular risk factors: age- and sex-adjusted odds ratios (OR) were 1.92 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.51–2.45) relative to participants with ≥13 years of education. Low EHE was also associated with insufficient knowledge (age- and sex-adjusted OR 1.24; 95% CI, 1.01–1.51 for the lowest quintile vs the upper 4 quintiles). These relationships remained significant, even after further adjustments for regular exercise, smoking, weekly alcohol consumption, body mass index, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolemia, and low HDL cholesterol.</p><p><b>Conclusion:</b> Participants with a short education and low EHE were more likely to have less knowledge of cardiovascular risk factors.</p>

    DOI: 10.2188/jea.JE20170255



  • Kanouchi H, Toyoda K, Miyazaki H, Mantjoro EM, Niimura H, Kuwabara K, Tsunematsu Nakahata N, Ibusuki R, Maenohara S, Takezaki T .  Relationship between Dietary Habits and Plasma Homocysteine Concentrations in Elderly Japanese Women and Men. .  Food and Nutrition Sciences9   595 - 608   2018年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Yasuyuki Nakamura, Akira Narita, Tsuyoshi Hachiya, Yoichi Sutoh, Atsushi Shimizu, Seiko Ohno, Naoyuki Takashima, Keitaro Tanaka, Megumi Hara, Kiyoshi Kuriki, Kaori Endoh, Isao Oze, Hidemi Ito, Hirokazu Uemura, Sakurako Katsuura-Kamano, Haruo Mikami, Yohko Nakamura, Ippei Shimoshikiryo, Toshiro Takezaki, Sadao Suzuki, Miki Watanabe, Nagato Kuriyama, Teruhide Koyama, Norihiro Furusyo, Hiroaki Ikezaki, Masahiro Nakatochi, Sayo Kawai, Asahi Hishida, Rieko Okada, Takashi Tamura, Mariko Naito, Kenji Wakai, Yukihide Momozawa, Michiaki Kubo, Hirotsugu Ueshima, Yoshikuni Kita, for the J-MICC Research Group .  A Genome-wide Association Study in the Diabetic Patients Finds the 13q35.43-35.46 Locus Associated with Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate: The Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort study. .  J Clin Diabetes2 ( 2 ) 1000102   2018年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Tamura T, Kadomatsu Y, Tsukamoto M, Okada R, Sasakabe T, Kawai S, Hishida A, Hara M, Tanaka K, Shimoshikiryo I, Takezaki T, Watanabe I, Matsui D, Nishiyama T, Suzuki S, Endoh K, Kuriki K, Kita Y, Katsuura-Kamano S, Arisawa K, Ikezaki H, Furusyo N, Koyanagi YN, Oze I, Nakamura Y, Mikami H, Naito M, Wakai K .  Association of exposure level to passive smoking with hypertension among lifetime nonsmokers in Japan: a cross-sectional study. .  Medicine (Baltimore)97   e13241   2018年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Kairupan TS, Ibusuki R, Kheradmand M, Sagara Y, Mantjoro EM, Nindita Y, Niimura H, Kuwabara K, Ogawa S, Tsumematsu-Nakahata N, Nerome Y, Owaki T, Matsushita T, Maenohara S, Yamaguchi K, Takezaki T .  Interactions between inflammatory gene polymorphisms and HTLV-I infection for total death, incidence of cancer, and atherosclerosis-related diseases among the Japanese population. .  J Epidemiol27 ( 9 ) 420 - 427   2017年9月招待 査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:日本疫学会  

    BACKGROUND: An increased risk of total death owing to human T-lymphotropic virus type-I (HTLV-I) infection has been reported. However, its etiology and protective factors are unclear. Various studies reported fluctuations in immune-inflammatory status among HTLV-I carriers. We conducted a matched cohort study among the general population in an HTLV-I-endemic region of Japan to investigate the interaction between inflammatory gene polymorphisms and HTLV-I infection for total death, incidence of cancer, and atherosclerosis-related diseases. METHOD: We selected 2180 sub-cohort subjects aged 35-69 years from the cohort population, after matching for age, sex, and region with HTLV-I seropositives. They were followed up for a maximum of 10 years. Inflammatory gene polymorphisms were selected from TNF-alpha, IL-10, and NF-kappaB1. A Cox proportional hazard model was used to estimate the hazard ratio (HR) and the interaction between gene polymorphisms and HTLV-I for risk of total death and incidence of cancer and atherosclerosis-related diseases. RESULTS: HTLV-I seropositivity rate was 6.4% in the cohort population. The interaction between TNF-alpha 1031T/C and HTLV-I for atherosclerosis-related disease incidence was statistically significant (p = 0.020). No significant interaction was observed between IL-10 819T/C or NF-kappaB1 94ATTG ins/del and HTLV-I. An increased HR for total death was observed in the Amami island region, after adjustment of various factors with gene polymorphisms (HR 3.03; 95% confidence interval, 1.18-7.77). CONCLUSION: The present study found the interaction between TNF-alpha 1031T/C and HTLV-I to be a risk factor for atherosclerosis-related disease. Further follow-up is warranted to investigate protective factors against developing diseases among susceptible HTLV-I carriers.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.je.2016.08.017



  • Yin G, Naito M, Wakai K, Morita E, Kawai S, Hamajima N, Suzuki S, Kita Y, Takezaki T, Tanaka K, Morita M, Uemura H, Ozaki E, Hosono S, Mikami H, Kubo M, Tanaka H .  ALDH2 polymorphism is associated with fasting blood glucose through alcohol consumption in Japanese men. .  Nagoya J Med Sci78   183 - 193   2016年5月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Nakahata NT, Takada AN, Imaeda N, Goto C, Kuwabara KH, Niimura H, Arai Y, Yoshita K, Takezaki T .  Validity of a food frequency questionnaire in a population with high alcohol consumption in Japan. .  Asia Pac J Clin Nutr25 ( 1 ) 195 - 201   2016年3月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Alcohol consumption has a relatively large impact on energy intake in drinkers, and several studies reported different dietary habits from non-drinkers. However, few studies have investigated the influence of alcohol consumption on the validity of the Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ). To investigate its influence, we conducted a validity test in a population with high alcohol consumption. METHODS AND STUDY DESIGN: The study subjects were 66 residents living on an island in the south-western part of Japan. We conducted the FFQ and 12-day-weighed dietary records (12d-WDRs) in each 3 day of each 4 season. We calculated Pearson correlation coefficients (CCs) and agreement rates according to quartile classification after adjusting for energy. RESULTS: The intake energy (kcal) estimated from 12d-WDRs and FFQ was 1,641 and 1,534 in women, and 2,093 and 1,979 in men, respectively. The cumulative percentage contribution of the alcohol energy was 6.7% in men. De-attenuated, log-transformed Pearson's median CCs between the nutrients quantified with the 12d-WDRs and FFQ were 0.51 in women and 0.38 in men. The CCs for carbohydrate and saturated fatty acids intake of men were lower than those in the previous Tokai study using the same FFQ. The findings in agreement rates were consistent with the Tokai study. CONCLUSION: This study suggested that the FFQ can be used for epidemiological studies using categorical comparisons in this population, although the underestimation of carbohydrates and other nutrients in the FFQ should be taken into consideration.

    DOI: 10.6133/apjcn.2016.25.1.10.

  • Mantjoro EM, Toyota K, Kanouchi H, Kheradmand M, Niimura H, Kuwabara K, Nakahata N, Ogawa S, Shimatani K, Kairupan TS, Nindita Y, Ibusuki R, Nerome Y, Owaki T, Maenohara S, Takezaki T .  Positive association of plasma homocysteine with cardio-ankle vascular index in a prospective study of Japanese men from the general population. .  J Atheroscler Thromb23   2016年1月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    AIM: Observational studies have reported that elevated homocysteine (Hcy) levels are associated with the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). However, interventions that lower Hcy do not provide a corresponding risk reduction. Therefore, the causal role of Hcy in CVD remains unclear. This 5-year prospective study investigated the associations of Hcy levels, folate intake, and host factors with arterial stiffness among the general Japanese population. MEHODS: We prospectively recruited 658 participants (40-69 years old) from the general population during regular health checkup examinations. Arterial stiffness was evaluated using the cardio-ankle vascular index (CAVI) at baseline and the 5-year follow-up. Folate intake was estimated using a structured questionnaire. Genotyping was used to evaluate the MTHFR C677T and MS A2756G gene polymorphisms. Ultrafast liquid chromatography was used to measure total plasma Hcy levels. Association between these variables and CAVI values was evaluated using general linear regression and logistic regression models that were adjusted for atherosclerosis-related factors. RESULTS: Men had higher Hcy levels and CAVI values and lower folate intake than women (all, p<0.001). At baseline, Hcy, folate intake, and the two genotypes were not associated with CAVI values for both sexes. Among men, Hcy levels were positively associated with CAVI values at the 5-year follow-up (p=0.033). Folate intake and the two genotypes were not associated with the 5-year CAVI values. CONCLUSION: Plasma Hcy may be involved in arterial stiffness progression, as monitored using CAVI, among men.

  • Nerome Y, Kojyo K, Ninomiya Y, Ishikawa T, Ogiso A, Takei S, Kawano Y, Douchi T, Takezaki T, Owaki T .  Current human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 mother-to-child transmission prevention status in Kagoshima. .  Pediatr Int56 ( 4 ) 640 - 643   2014年8月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Fukumoto K, Ito H, Matsuo K, Tanaka H, Yokoi K, Tajima K, Takezaki T .  Cigarette smoke inhalation and risk of lung cancer: a case-control study in a large Japanese population. .  Eur J Cancer Prev. 2014 Jun 6. [Epub ahead of print]   2014年6月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Nakamura A, Niimura H, Kuwabara K, Takezaki T, Morita E, Wakai K, Hamajima N, Nishida Y, Turin TC, Suzuki S, Ohnaka K, Uemura H, Ozaki E, Hosono S, Mikami H, Kubo M, Tanaka H .  Gene-Gene Combination Effect and Interactions among ABCA1, APOA1, SR-B1, and CETP Polymorphisms for Serum High-Density Lipoprotein-Cholesterol in the Japanese Population .  PLOS ONE8 ( 12 ) e82046 - 2013   2013年12月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Kheradmand M, Niimura H, Kuwabara K, Nakahata N, Nakamura A, Ogawa S, Mantjoro EM, Shimatani K, Nerome Y, Owaki T, Kusano K, Takezaki T .  Association of Inflammatory Gene Polymorphisms and Conventional Risk Factors With Arterial Stiffness by Age .  J Epidemiol23 ( 6 ) 457 - 465   2013年9月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Hishida A, Morita E, Naito M, Okada R, Wakai K, Matsuo K, Nakamura K, Takashima N, Suzuki S, Takezaki T, Mikami H, Ohnaka K, Watanabe Y, Uemura H, Kubo M, Tanaka H, Hamajima N .  Associations of apolipoprotein A5 (APOA5), glucokinase (GCK) and glucokinase regulatory protein (GCKR) polymorphisms and lifestyle factors with the risk of dyslipidemia and dysglycemia in Japanese - a cross-sectional data from the J-MICC Study. .  Endocr J59 ( 7 ) 589 - 599   2012年5月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Okada R, Wakai K, Naito M, Morita E, Kawai S, Hamajima N, Hara M, Takashima N, Suzuki S, Takezaki T, Ohnaka K, Arisawa K, Hirohata H, Matsuo K, Mikami H, Kubo M, Tanaka H .  Pro/anti-inflammatory cytokine gene polymorphisms and chronic kidney disease: a cross-sectional study. .  BMC Nephrol13   2   2012年1月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Hirasada K, Niimura H, Kubozono T, Nakamura A, Tatebo M, Ogawa S, Tsunematsu N, Chiba S, Matsushita T, Kusano K, Miyata M, Takezaki T .  Values of cardio-ankle vascular index (CAVI) between Amami islands and Kagoshima mainland among health checkup examinees. .  J Atheroscler Thromb19 ( 1 ) 69 - 80   2012年1月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Wakai K, Hamajima N, Okada R, Naito M, Morita E, Hishida A, Kawai S, Nishio K, Yin G, Asai Y, Matsuo K, Hosono S, Ito H, Watanabe M, Kawase T, Suzuki T, Tajima K, Tanaka K, Higaki Y, Hara M, Imaizumi T, Taguchi N, Nakamura K, Nanri H, Sakamoto T, Horita M, Shinchi K, Kita Y, Turin TC, Rumana N, Matsui K, Miura K, Ueshima H, Takashima N, Nakamura Y, Suzuki S, Ando R, Hosono A, Imaeda N, Shibata K, Goto C, Hattori N, Fukatsu M, Yamada T, Tokudome S, Takezaki T, Niimura H, Hirasada K, Nakamura A, Tatebo M, Ogawa S, Tsunematsu N, Chiba S, Mikami H, Kono S, Ohnaka K, Takayanagi R, Watanabe Y, Ozaki E, Shigeta M, Kuriyama N, Yoshikawa A, Matsui D, Watanabe I, Inoue K, Ozasa K, Mitani S, Arisawa K, Uemura H, Hiyoshi M, Takami H, Yamaguchi M, Nakamoto M, Takeda H, Kubo M, Tanaka H .  Profile of Participants and Genotype Distributions of 108 Polymorphisms in a Cross-Sectional Study of Associations of Genotypes With Lifestyle and Clinical Factors: A Project in the Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort (J-MICC) Study. .  J Epidemiol21 ( 3 ) 223 - 235   2011年3月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Katanoda K, Sobue T, Satoh H, Tajima K, Suzuki T, Nakatsuka H, Takezaki T, Nakayama T, Nitta H, Tanabe K, Tominaga S .  An association between long-term exposure to ambient air pollution and mortality from lung cancer and respiratory diseases in Japan. .  J Epidemiol21 ( 2 ) 132 - 143   2011年2月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Park JY, Matsuo K, Suzuki T, Ito H, Hosono S, Kawase T, Watanabe M, Oze I, Hida T, Yatabe Y, Mitsudomi T, Takezaki T, Tajima K, Tanaka H .  Impact of smoking on lung cancer risk is stronger in those with the homozygous aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) null allele in a Japanese population. .  Carcinogenesis31 ( 4 ) 660 - 665   2010年4月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Gao CM, Gong JP, Wu JZ, Cao HX, Ding JH, Zhou JN, Liu YT, Li SP, Cao J, Matsuo K, Takezaki T, Tajima K .  Relationship between growth hormone 1 genetic polymorphism and susceptibility to colorectal cancer. .  J Hum Genet55 ( 3 ) 163 - 166   2010年3月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Gao CM, Tajima K, Ding JH, Tang JH, Wu JZ, Li SP, Cao HX, Liu YT, Su P, Qian Y, Chang J, Takezaki T .  Body size, physical activity and risk of breast cancer - a case control study in jangsu province of china. .  Asian Pac J Cancer Prev10 ( 5 ) 877 - 881   2009年10月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Langevin SM, Lin D, Matsuo K, Gao CM, Takezaki T, Stolzenberg Solomon RZ, Vasavi M, Hasan Q, Taioli E .  Review and pooled analysis of studies on MTHFR C677T polymorphism and esophageal cancer. .  Toxicol Lett184 ( 2 ) 73 - 80   2009年9月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Gao CM , Tang JH , Cao HX , Ding JH , Wu JZ , Wang J , Liu YT , Li SP , Su P , Matsuo K , Takezaki T , Tajima K .  MTHFR polymorphisms, dietary folate intake and breast cancer risk in Chinese women. .  J Hum Genet 54 ( 7 ) 414 - 418   2009年6月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • 秋葉澄伯、嶽崎俊郎 .  離島へき地医療人育成国際シンポジウムの開催. .  鹿児島大学医学部医学科同窓会鶴陵会會報37   29 - 31   2008年12月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(その他学術会議資料等)  

  • 嶽崎俊郎 .  離島へき地医療人育成の取. .  厚生労働63 ( 10 ) 46 - 46   2008年10月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(その他学術会議資料等)  

  • Gao CM, Takezaki T, Wu JZ, Zhang XM, Cao HX, Ding JH, Liu YT, Li S , Cao J, Matsuo K, Hamajima N, Tajima K .  Polymorphisms of alcohol dehydrogenase 2 and aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 and colorectal cancer risk in Chinese males. .  World J Gastroenterol 14 ( 32 ) 5078 - 5083   2008年9月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Cao HX, Gao CM, Takezaki T, Wu JZ, Ding JH, Liu YT, Li SP, Su P, Cao J, Hamajima N , Tajima K .  Genetic polymorphisms of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase and susceptibility to colorectal cancer. .  Asian Pac J Cancer Prev9 ( 2 ) 203 - 208   2008年4月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Boccia S , Hung R , Ricciardi G , Gianfagna F , Ebert MP , Fang JY , Gao CM , Gotze T , Graziano F , Lacasana Navarro M , Lin D , Lopez Carrillo L , Qiao YL , Shen H , Stolzenberg Solomon R , Takezaki T , Weng YR , Zhang FF , van Duijn CM , Boffetta P , Taioli E .  Meta- and pooled analyses of the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase C677T and A1298C polymorphisms and gastric cancer risk: a huge-GSEC review. .  Am J Epidemiol167 ( 5 ) 505 - 516   2008年3月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Gao CM , Takezaki T , Wu JZ , Chen MB , Liu YT , Ding JH , Sugimura H , Cao J , Hamajima N , Tajima K .  CYP2E1 Rsa I polymorphism impacts on risk of colorectal cancer association with smoking and alcohol drinking. .  World J Gastroenterol13 ( 43 ) 5725 - 5730   2007年11月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Kozako T, Arima N, Toji S, Masamoto I, Akimoto M, Hamada H, Che XF, Fujiwara H, Matsushita K, Tokunaga M, Haraguchi K, Uozumi K, Suzuki S, Takezaki T, Sonoda S .  Reduced Frequency, Diversity, and Function of Human T Cell Leukemia Virus Type 1-Specific CD8+ T Cell in Adult T Cell Leukemia Patients. .  J Immunol177 ( 8 ) 5718 - 5726   2006年10月査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Kuriki K, Hirose K, Matsuo K, Wakai K, Ito H, Kanemitsu Y, Hirai T, Kato T, Hamajima N, Takezaki T, Suzuki T, Saito T, Tanaka R, Tajima K .  Meat, milk, saturated fatty acids, the Pro12Ala and C161T polymorphisms of the PPARgamma gene and colorectal cancer risk in Japanese. .  Cancer Sci97 ( 11 ) 1226 - 1235   2006年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Li K, Takezaki T, Song FY, Yu P, Lin XK, Yang HL, Deng XL, Zhang YQ, Lv LW, Huang XE, Tajima K .  The KOJACH food frequency questionnaire for Chaoshan, China: development and description. .  Asia Pac J Clin Nutr15 ( 2 ) 153 - 160   2006年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Marugame T, Sobue T, Satoh H, Komatsu S, Nishino Y, Nakatsuka H, Nakayama T, Suzuki T, Takezaki T, Tajima K, Tominaga S .  Lung cancer death rates by smoking status: Comparison of the Three-Prefecture Cohort study in Japan to the Cancer Prevention Study II in the USA. .  Cancer Sci96 ( 2 ) 120 - 126   2005年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Li K, Takezaki T, Lv LW, Yu P, Song FY, Tajima K .  Reproducibility of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire in Chaoshan area, China. .  Asian Pac J Cancer Prev6 ( 4 ) 521 - 526   2005年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Ke L, Toshiro T, Fengyan S, Ping Y, Xiaoling D, Kazuo T .  Relative validity of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire versus 3 day weighed diet records in middle-aged inhabitants in Chaoshan area, China. .  Asian Pac J Cancer Prev6 ( 3 ) 376 - 381   2005年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Song FY, Toshiro T, Li K, Yu P, Lin XK, Yang HL, Deng XL, Zhang YQ, Lv LW, Huang XE, Kazuo T .  Development of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire for middle-aged inhabitants in the Chaoshan area, China. .  World J Gastroenterol11 ( 26 ) 4078 - 4084   2005年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Muscat JE, Takezaki T, Tajima K, Stellman SD .  Charcoal cigarette filters and lung cancer risk in Aichi Prefecture, Japan. .  Cancer Sci96 ( 5 ) 283 - 287   2005年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Sonoda J, Koriyama C, Yamamoto S, Kozako T, Li HC, Lema C, Yashiki S, Fujiyoshi T, Yoshinaga M, Nagata Y, Akiba S, Takezaki T, Yamada K, Sonoda S .  HTLV-1 provirus load in peripheral blood lymphocytes of HTLV-1 carriers is diminished by green tea drinking. .  Cancer Sci95 ( 7 ) 596 - 601   2004年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Zhou ZY, Takezaki T, Mo BQ, Sun HM, Wang WC, Sun LP, Liu SX, Ao L, Cheng GH, Wang YM, Cao J, Tajima K .  Development of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire to determine variation in nutrient intakes between urban and rural areas of Chongqing, China. .  Asia Pac J Clin Nutr13 ( 3 ) 273 - 283   2004年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Wakai K, Hirose K, Takezaki T, Hamajima N, Ogura Y, Nakamura S, Hayashi N, Tajima K .  Foods and beverages in relation to urothelial cancer: Case-control study in Japan. .  Int J Urol11 ( 1 ) 11 - 19   2004年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Shinmura K, Tao H, Goto M, Igarashi H, Taniguchi T, Maekawa M, Takezaki T, Sugimura H .  Inactivating mutations of the human base excision repair gene NEIL1 in gastric cancer. .  Carcinogenesis25 ( 12 ) 2311 - 2317   2004年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Huang XE, Hirose K, Wakai K, Matsuo K, Ito H, Xiang J, Takezaki T, Tajima K .  Comparison of lifestyle risk factors by family history for gastric, breast, lung and colorectal cancer. .  Asian Pac J Cancer Prev5 ( 4 ) 419 - 427   2004年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Gao CM, Takezaki T, Wu JZ, Liu YT, Ding JH, Li SP, Su P, Hu X, Kai HT, Li ZY, Matsuo K, Hamajima N, Sugimura H, Tajima K .  Polymorphisms in thymidylate synthase and methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase genes and the susceptibility to esophageal and stomach cancer with smoking. .  Asian Pac J Cancer Prev5 ( 2 ) 133 - 138   2004年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Gao CM, Takezaki T, Wu JZ, Ding JH, Liu YT, Li SP, Su P, Hu X, Xu TL, Hamajima N, Tajima K .  Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase genotypes, dietary habits and susceptibility to stomach cancer .  Chinese J Clin Oncol1 ( 3 ) 162 - 166   2004年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Chiba H, Tretli S, Lund E, Wakai K, Takezaki T, Senoo H, Sonoda S, Tajima K .  Lack of HTLV-I Carriers in the Sami, an Ethnic Group Living in the Arctic Area in Norway. .  Asian Pac J Cancer Prev5 ( 1 ) 50 - 53   2004年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Chiba H, Takezaki T, Neupani D, Kim J, Yoshida S, Mizoguchi E, Takeuchi J, Suzuki J, Tanaka Y, Ito K, Kitamura T, Kuriki K, Wakai K, Samejima K, Sonoda S, Tajima K .  An Epidemiological Study of HBV, HCV and HTLV-I in Sherpas of Nepal. .  Asian Pac J Cancer Prev5 ( 4 ) 370 - 373   2004年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Hirose K, Hamajima N, Takezaki T, Miura S, Tajima K .  Physical exercise reduces risk of breast cancer in Japanese women. .  Cancer Sci94 ( 2 ) 193 - 199   2003年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Yang CX, Takezaki T, Hirose K, Inoue M, Huang XE, Tajima K .  Fish consumption and colorectal cancer: a case-reference study in Japan. .  Eur J Cancer Prev12 ( 2 ) 109 - 115   2003年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Wang YM, Mo BQ, Takezaki T, Imaeda N, Kimura M, Wang XR, Tajima K .  Geographical Variation in Nutrient Intake between Urban and Rural Areas of Jiangsu Province, China and Development of a Semi-Quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire for Middle-Aged Inhabitants. .  J Epidemiol13 ( 2 ) 80 - 89   2003年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Tamakoshi A, Hamajima N, Kawase H, Wakai K, Katsuda N, Saito T, Ito H, Hirose K, Takezaki T, Tajima K .  Duplex polymerase chain reaction with confronting two-pair primers (PCR-CTPP) for genotyping alcohol dehydrogenase beta subunit (ADH2) and aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2). .  Alcohol Alcohol38 ( 5 ) 407 - 410   2003年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Takezaki T, Inoue M, Kataoka H, Ikeda S, Yoshida M, Ohashi Y, Tajima K, Tominaga S .  Diet and lung cancer risk from a 14-year population-based prospective study in Japan: with special reference to fish consumption. .  Nutr Cancer45 ( 2 ) 160 - 167   2003年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Ito LS, Inoue M, Tajima K, Yamamura Y, Kodera Y, Hirose K, Takezaki T, Hamajima N, Kuroishi T, Tominaga S .  Dietary factors and the risk of gastric cancer among Japanese women: a comparison between the differentiated and non-differentiated subtypes. .  Ann Epidemiol13 ( 1 ) 24 - 31   2003年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Inoue M, Tajima K, Takezaki T, Hamajima N, Hirose K, Ito H, Tominaga S .  Epidemiology of pancreatic cancer in Japan: a nested case-control study from the Hospital-based Epidemiologic Research Program at Aichi Cancer Center (HERPACC). .  Int J Epidemiol32 ( 2 ) 257 - 262   2003年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Hirose K, Toyama T, Iwata H, Takezaki T, Hamajima N, Tajima K .  Insulin, Insulin-like Growth Factor-I and Breast Cancer Risk in Japanese Women. .  Asian Pac J Cancer Prev4 ( 3 ) 239 - 246   2003年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Hirose K, Takezaki T, Hamajima N, Miura S, Tajima K .  Dietary factors protective against breast cancer in Japanese premenopausal and postmenopausal women. .  Int J Cancer107 ( 2 ) 276 - 282   2003年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Hirose K, Tajima K, Hamajima N, Takezaki T, Inoue M, Kuroishi T, Miura S .  Impact of established risk factors for breast cancer in nulligravid Japanese women. .  Breast Cancer10 ( 1 ) 45 - 53   2003年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Gao C, Takezaki T, Wu J, Li Z, Wang J, Ding J, Liu Y, Hu X, Xu T, Tajima K, Sugimura H .  Interaction between cytochrome P450 2E1 polymorphisms and environmental factors with risk of esophageal and stomach cancers in Chinese. .  Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev11 ( 1 ) 29 - 34   2002年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Yang CX, Hamajima N, Iwata H, Saito T, Matsuo K, Hirose K, Inoue M, Takezaki T, Tajima K .  A49T, V89L, TA repeat polymorphisms of steroid 5α-reductase type II (SRD5A2) and breast cancer risk in Japanese. .  Breast Cancer Res4 ( 4 ) R8 - ※   2002年査読


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Uno M, Hamajima N, Ito LS, Oba SM, Marie SK, Shinjo SK, Onda H, Saito T, Takezaki T, Tajima K, Tominaga S .  Helicobacter pylori seropositivity and IL-1B C-31T polymorphism among Japanese Brazilians. .  Int J Mol Med10 ( 3 ) 321 - 326   2002年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Takezaki T, Gao CM, Wu JZ, Li ZY, Wang JD, Ding JH, Liu YT, Hu X, Xu TL, Tajima K, Sugimura H .  The hOGG1 ser326cys polymorphism and modification by environmental factors of stomach cancer risk in Chinese. .  Int J Cancer99 ( 4 ) 624 - 627   2002年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Matsuo K, Hamajima N, Hirai T, Kato T, Koike K, Inoue M, Takezaki T, Tajima K .  Aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) genotype affects rectal cancer susceptibility due to alcohol consumption. .  J Epidemiol12 ( 2 ) 70 - 76   2002年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Matsuo K, Hamajima N, Hirai T, Kato T, Inoue M, Takezaki T, Tajima K .  Methionine synthase reductase polymorphism and susceptibility to colorectal cancer. .  Asian Pac J Cancer Prev3 ( 4 ) 353 - 359   2002年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Ito H, Hamajima N, Takezaki T, Matsuo K, Tajima K, Hatooka S, Mitsudomi T, Suyama M, Sato S, Ueda R .  A limited association of OGG1 Ser326Cys polymorphism for adenocarcinoma of the lung. .  J Epidemiol12 ( 3 ) 258 - 65   2002年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Inoue M, Ito LS, Tajima K, Yamamura Y, Kodera Y, Takezaki T, Hamajima N, Hirose K, Kuroishi T, Tominaga S .  Height, weight, menstrual and reproductive factors and risk of gastric cancer among Japanese postmenopausal women: Analysis by subsite and histologic subtype. .  Int J Cancer97 ( 6 ) 833 - 838   2002年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Gao CM, Takezaki T, Wu JZ, Li ZY, Liu YT, Li SP, Ding JH, Su P, Hu X, Xu TL, Sugimura H, Tajima K .  GSTM1 and GSTT1 Genotype, Consumption of Alcohol and Tea and Risk of Esophageal and Stomach Cancers: A Case-Control Study of a High-incidence Area in Jiangsu Province, China. .  Cancer Lett188 ( 2007/1/2 ) 95 - 102   2002年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Hamajima N, Katsuda N, Matsuo K, Saito T, Ito LS, Ando M, Inoue M, Takezaki T, Tajima K .  Smoking habit and interleukin lB C-31T polymorphism. .  J Epidemiol11 ( 3 ) 120 - 125   2001年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Zhao SM, Li HC, Lou H, Lu XX, Yu XF, Gao DH, Hu J, Chiba H, Takezaki T, Takeshita H, Yashiki S, Fujiyoshi T, Sonoda S, Tajima K .  High prevalence of HBV in Tibet, China. .  Asian Pacific J Cancer Prev2 ( 4 ) 299 - 304   2001年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Takezaki T, Hirose K, Inoue M, Hamajima N, Yatabe Y, Mitsudomi T, Sugiura T, Kuroishi T, Tajima K .  Dietary factors and lung cancer risk in Japanese: with special reference to fish consumption and adenocarcinomas. .  Br J Cancer84 ( 9 ) 1199 - 1206   2001年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Takezaki T, Hamajima N, Matsuo K, Tanaka R, Hirai T, Kato T, Ohashi K, Tajima K .  Association of polymorphisms in the beta-2 and beta-3 adrenoceptor genes with risk of colorectal cancer in Japanese. .  Int J Clin Oncol6 ( 3 ) 117 - 122   2001年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Takezaki T, Gao CM, Wu JZ, Ding JH, Liu YT, Zhang Y, Li SP, Su P, Liu TK, Tajima K .  Dietary protective and risk factors for esophageal and stomach cancers in a low-epidemic area for stomach cancer in Jiangsu Province, China; comparison with those in a high-epidemic area. .  Jpn J Cancer Res92 ( 11 ) 1157 - 1165   2001年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Stellman SD, Takezaki T, Wang L, Chen Y, Citron ML, Djordjevic MV, Harlap S, Muscat JE, Neugut AI, Wynder AL, Ogawa H, Tajima K, Aoki K .  Smoking and lung cancer risk in American and Japanese men: an international case-control study. .  Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev10 ( 11 ) 1193 - 1199   2001年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Matsuo K, Hamajima N, Shinoda M, Hatooka S, Inoue M, Takezaki T, Tajima K .  Gene-environment interaction between an aldehyde dehydrogenase-2 (ALDH2) polymorphism and alcohol consumption for the risk of esophageal cancer. .  Carcinogenesis22 ( 6 ) 913 - 916   2001年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Matsuo K, Hamajima N, Shinoda M, Hatooka S, Inoue M, Takezaki T, Onda H, Tajima K .  Possible risk reduction in esophageal cancer associated with MPO -463 A allele. .  J Epidemiol11 ( 3 ) 109 - 114   2001年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Matsuo K, Hamajima N, Hirose K, Inoue M, Takezaki T, Kuroishi T, Tajima K .  Alcohol, Smoking, and Dietary Status and Susceptibility to Malignant Lymphoma in Japan: Results of a Hospital-based Case-control Study at Aichi Cancer Center. .  Jpn J Cancer Res92 ( 10 ) 1011 - 1017   2001年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Ito H, Matsuo K, Hirose K, Inoue M, Takezaki T, Hamajima N, Kuroishi T, Tajima K .  Valid responses to ABO blood type question in self-reporting questionnaire. .  Asian Pacific J Cancer Prev2 ( 4 ) 315 - 317   2001年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Hirose K, Tajima K, Hamajima N, Takezaki T, Inoue M, Kuroishi T, Miura S, Tokudome S .  Association of family history and other risk factors with breast cancer risk among Japanese premenopausal and postmenopausal women. .  Cancer Causes Control12 ( 4 ) 349 - 358   2001年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Hamajima N, Takezaki T, Matsuo K, Saito T, Inoue M, Hirai T, Kato T, Ozeki J, Tajima K .  Genotype frequencies of cyclooxygenase 2 (COX2) rare polymorphisms for Japanese with and without colorectal cancer. .  Asian Pacific J Cancer Prev2 ( 1 ) 57 - 62   2001年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Huang XE, Tajima K, Hamajima N, Xiang J, Inoue M, Hirose K, Tominaga S, Takezaki T, Kuroishi T, Tokudome S .  Comparison of lifestyle and risk factors among Japanese with and without gastric cancer family history. .  Int J Cancer86 ( 3 ) 421 - 424   2000年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Takezaki T, Shinoda M, Hatooka S, Hasegawa Y, Nakamura S, Hirose K, Inoue M, Hamajima N, Kuroishi T, Matsuura H, Tajima K .  Subsite-specific risk factors for hypopharyngeal and esophageal cancer (Japan). .  Cancer Causes Control11 ( 7 ) 597 - 608   2000年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Gao C, Takezaki T, Ding J, Li M, Tajima K .  Protective effect of allium vegetables against both esophageal and stomach cancer: a simultaneous case-referent study of a high-epidemic area in Jiangsu Province, China. .  Jpn J Cancer Res90 ( 6 ) 614 - 621   1999年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Yoo KY, Tajima K, Inoue M, Takezaki T, Hirose K, Hamajima N, Park SK, Kang DH, Kato T, Hirai T .  Reproductive factors related to the risk of colorectal cancer by subsite: a case-control analysis. .  Br J Cancer79 ( 2007/11/12 ) 1901 - 1906   1999年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Takezaki T, Gao C, Ding J, Liu T, Li M, Tajima K .  Comparative study of lifestyles of residents in high and low risk areas for gastric cancer in Jiangsu Province, China; with special reference to allium vegetables. .  J Epidemiol9 ( 5 ) 297 - 305   1999年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Sugimura H, Kohno T, Wakai K, Nagura K, Genka K, Igarashi H, Morris BJ, Nagayama K, Baba S, Ohno Y, Gao C, Li Z, Wang J, Takezaki T, Tajima K, Varga T, Sawagichi T, Lum JK, Martinson JJ, Tsugane S, Iwamasa T, Shinmura K, Yokota J .  hOGG1 Ser326Cys polymorphinism and lung cancer susceptibility. .  Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev8 ( 8 ) 669 - 674   1999年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Huang XY, Tajima K, Hamajima N, Inoue M, Takezaki T, Kuroishi T, Hirose K, Tominaga S, Xiang J, Tokudome S .  Effect of life styles on the risk of subsite-specific gastric cancer in those with and without family history. .  J Epidemiol9 ( 1 ) 40 - 45   1999年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Hirose K, Tajima K, Hamajima N, Takezaki T, Inoue M, Kuroishi T, Miura S, Tokudome S .  Effect of body size on breast-cancer risk among Japanese women. .  Int J Cancer80 ( 3 ) 349 - 355   1999年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Hirose K, Hamajima N, Takezaki T, Kuroishi T, Kuzuya T, Sasaki S, Tokudome S, Tajima K .  Smoking and dietary factors for cervical cancer at different age group in Japan. .  J Epidemiol8 ( 1 ) 6 - 14   1998年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Takezaki T, Setoyama M, Takezaki T, Takei S, Yashiki S, Sueyoshi K, Fukunaga H .  Spontaneous proliferative response of peripheral blood monocular cells in vitro as an indicator of high response to human T-lymphotropic virus type-I infection in an infant with interstitial pneumonia. .  Pediatr Infect Dis J17 ( 2 ) 166 - 168   1998年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Sugimura H, Wakai K, Genka K, Nagura K, Igarashi H, Nagayama K, Ohkawa A, Baba S, Morris BJ, Tsugane S, Ohno Y, Gao C, Li Z, Takezaki T, Tajima K, Iwamasa T .  Association of Ile462Val (Exon 7) polymorphism of cytochrome P450 IA1 with lung cancer in the Asian population: further evidence from a case-control study in Okinawa. .  Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev7 ( 5 ) 413 - 417   1998年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Inoue M, Tajima K, Hirose K, Hamajima N, Takezaki T, Kuroishi T, Tominaga S .  Tea and coffee consumption and the risk of digestive tract cancers: data from a comparative case-referent study in Japan. .  Cancer Causes Control9 ( 2 ) 209 - 216   1998年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Inoue M, Tajima K, Hirose K, Hamajima N, Takezaki T, Kuroishi T, Tominaga S .  Epidemiological features of first-visit outpatients in Japan: comparison with general population and variation by sex age and Season. .  J Clin Epidemol50 ( 1 ) 69 - 77   1997年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Takezaki T, Tajima K, Ito M, Ito S, Kinoshita K, Tachibana T, Yamashita Y, The Tsushima ATL Study Group .  Short-term breast-feeding may reduce the risk of vertical transmission of HTLV-I. .  Leukemia 11(Supp11 ( Supp 3 ) 60 - 62   1997年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Takezaki T, Hirose K, Hamajima N, Kuroishi T, Tajima K .  Estimation of Adult T-cell Leukemia (ATL) incidence in Kyushu district from Vital Statistics Japan between 1983 and 1992; comparison with a Nationwide Survey. .  Jpn J Clin Oncol27 ( 3 ) 140 - 145   1997年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Hirose K, Tajima K, Hamajima N, Takezaki T, Inoue M, Kuroishi T, Kuzuya T, Nakamura S, Tokudome S .  Subsite(cervix/endometrium)-specific risk and protective factors in uterus cancer. .  Jpn J Cancer Res87 ( 9 ) 1001 - 1009   1996年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Takezaki T, Hirose K, Inoue M, Hamajima N, Kuroishi T, Nakamura S, Matsuura H, Tajima K .  Risk factors of thyroid cancer among women in Tokai Japan. .  J Epidemiol6 ( 3 ) 140 - 147   1996年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Takezaki T, Hirose K, Inoue M, Hamajima N, Kuroishi T, Nakamura S, Koshikawa T, Matsuura H, Tajima K .  Tobacco, alcohol and dietary factors associated with the risk of oral cancer among Japanese. .  Jpn J Cancer Res87 ( 6 ) 555 - 562   1996年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Hamajima N, Hirose K, Inoue M, Takezaki T, Kuroishi T, Tajima K .  Age specific risk factors of breast cancer estimated by a case-control study in Japan. .  J Epidemiol5 ( 2 ) 99 - 105   1995年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Inoue M, Tajima K, Hirose K, Hamajima N, Takezaki T, Hirai T, Kato T, Ohno Y .  Subsite-specific risk factors for colorectal cancer: a hospital-based case-control study in Japan. .  Cancer Causes Control6 ( 1 ) 14 - 22   1995年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Hirose K, Tajima K, Hamajima N, Inoue M, Takezaki T, Kuroishi T, Yoshida M, Tokudome S .  A large-scale hospital-based case-control study of risk factors of breast cancer according to menopausal status. .  Jpn J Cancer Res86 ( 2 ) 146 - 154   1995年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Chiba Y, Xu A, Li L, Lei J, Takezaki T, Hagiwara A, Yoneyama T, Fujiwara T, Hara M, Yamamoto T .  Poliomyelitis surveillance in Shandong Province China 1990-92. .  Bull World Health Organ72 ( 6 ) 915 - 920   1994年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Takezaki T, Tajima K, Komoda H, Imai J .  Incidence of human T lymphotropic virus type I seroconversion after age 40 among Japanese residents in an area where the virus is endemic. .  J Infect Dis171 ( 3 ) 559 - 565   1994年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Hamajima N, Hirose K, Inoue M, Takezaki T, Kuroishi T, Tajima K .  Case-control studies: matched controls or all available controls? .  J Clin Epidemiol47 ( 9 ) 971 - 975   1994年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Chiba Y, Xu A, Li L, Liu G, Takezaki T, Urabe D, Yamamoto T, Minami R, Hagiwara A, Yoneyama T, Fijiwara T, Hara M .  Outbreaks of paralytic poliomyelitis and polio surveillance in Shandong province of China. .  Jpn J Med Sci Biol45 ( 2007/5/6 ) 255 - 266   1992年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Takahashi K, Takezaki T, Oki T, Kawakami K, Yashiki S, Fujiyoshi T, Usuku K, Mueller N, The Mother-to-child Transmission Study Group, Osame M, Miyata K, Nagata Y, Sonoda S .  Inhibitory effect of maternal antibody on mother-to-child transmission of human T-lymphotropic virus type I. .  Int J Cancer49 ( 5 ) 1 - 5   1991年査読


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  



  • Health and Medical Issues and Longevity in the Amami Island Region.

    Takezaki T, Niimura H, Kuwabara K.( 担当: 共著)

    In: Kawai K, Terada R, Kuwahara S, eds. The Islands of Kagoshima Kagoshima University Research Center for the Pacific Islands, Kagoshima  2013年3月 


    記述言語:英語 著書種別:学術書

  • Immunoblastic lymphadenopathy (IBL)-like T-cell lymphoma in a child.

    Nakazono S, Kitahara T, Takezaki T, Kawakami K, Hasui K, Satoh E, Tokunaga M( 担当: 共著)

    Acta Paediatrica Japonica  1991年 


    記述言語:英語 著書種別:調査報告書


  • An X chromosome-wide meta-analysis based on Japanese cohorts revealed that non-autosomal variations are associated with serum urate 査読 国際共著 国際誌

    Nakatochi M.

    Rheumatology (Bulgaria)   60 ( 9 )   4430 - 4432   2021年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:記事・総説・解説・論説等(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Rheumatology (Bulgaria)  

    DOI: 10.1093/rheumatology/keab404



  • 医師修学資金貸与生が専門医を取得するのは現状では困難である


    日医雑誌   143 ( 6 )   1223 - 1231   2014年9月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:記事・総説・解説・論説等(学術雑誌)  

  • 鹿児島県における地域枠学生のキャリア計画時の問題点 査読


    医学教育   44 ( 6 )   461 - 465   2013年12月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:記事・総説・解説・論説等(学術雑誌)  

  • 日米の肺癌のリスク


    THE LUNG perspectives   21 ( 1 )   77 - 81   2013年1月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:記事・総説・解説・論説等(学術雑誌)  

  • がん対策-途上国-


    総合臨床   55 ( 3 )   453 - 459   2006年1月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:記事・総説・解説・論説等(学術雑誌)  

  • 食道がん


    田島和雄監修、古野純典、中地敬編、がん予防の最前線上基礎知識から新戦略へ.昭和堂:京都   52 - 58   2004年1月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:記事・総説・解説・論説等(学術雑誌)  



  • Ippei Shimoshikiryo, Rie Ibusuki, Keiichi Shimatani, Daisaku Nishimoto, Toshiro Takezaki, Kenji Wakai, the J-MICC Study Group .  Comprehensive Unhealthy Lifestyle is associated with Alcohol Consumption as J-Shaped Curve .  12th European Public Health Conference  European Public Health Association国際会議


    開催年月日: 2019年11月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  

    開催地:Marseille, France  

  • R Ibusuki, I Shimoshikiryo, K Shimatani, D Nishimoto, S Maenohara, T Takezaki .  Advancement of hepatic fibrosis among general women with/without NAFLD .  12th European Public Health Conference  European Public Health Association国際会議


    開催年月日: 2019年11月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  

    開催地:Marseille, France  

  • 西本大策、指宿りえ、下敷領一平、嶽崎俊郎、J-MICC Study Group .  脂肪摂取制限に対する自己意識と実際の脂肪摂取量及び血清脂質値との関連に関する研究 .  第78回日本公衆衛生学会総会  日本公衆衛生学会


    開催年月日: 2019年10月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • 下敷領一平、指宿りえ、西本大策、嶽崎俊郎、J-MICC Study Group .  アルコール1日摂取量ごとの飲酒頻度と動脈硬化関連要因との関連に関する研究 .  第78回日本公衆衛生学会総会  日本公衆衛生学会


    開催年月日: 2019年10月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • 指宿りえ、下敷領一平、西本大策、嶽崎俊郎 .  非アルコール性脂肪性肝疾患の経時的変化に関するコーホート研究 .  第78回日本公衆衛生学会総会  日本公衆衛生学会


    開催年月日: 2019年10月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • 網谷真理恵、網谷東方、川元美穂子、浅川明弘、水間喜美子、指宿りえ、嶽崎俊郎、大脇哲洋 .  心身症を伴う不登校に対し、漢方治療、心理教育、学校連携実施による包括的治療により登校可能となった一例 .  第10回日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会学術会議  日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会


    開催年月日: 2019年5月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • 大脇哲洋、網谷真理恵、水間喜美子、指宿りえ、嶽崎俊郎 .  医学科6年時の必修「離島・地域医療実習」の効果に関する経年的検討 .  第10回日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会学術会議  日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会


    開催年月日: 2019年5月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • 三島 一乃、網谷真理恵、指宿りえ、下敷領一平、西本大策、大脇哲洋、嶽崎俊郎 .  離島住民の専門医療に対するニーズに関する研究 .  第10回日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会学術会議  日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会


    開催年月日: 2019年5月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • Kimiko Mizuma, Marie Amitani, Suguru Kawazu, Rie Ibusuki, Toshirou Takezaki, Tetsuhiro Owaki .  Exploring interdisciplinary healthcare professionals’ perspective on assessments related to patient discharge from a long-term care hospital with using the ICF .  WONCA Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2019  WONCA国際会議


    開催年月日: 2019年5月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • Tetsuhiro Owaki, Marie Amitani, Kimiko Mizuma, Rie Ibusuki, Tshirou Takezaki .  Study about the consciousness change for the regional medicine of the compulsory "remote island/regional medicine training .  WONCA Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2019  WONCA国際会議


    開催年月日: 2019年5月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • Shin Ogawa, Hidehiro Tokuda, Yoshihiro Nozaki, Tomoyuki Mukai, Toshiro Takezaki .  Dying at home in the village of 1,490 inhabitants .  WONCA Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2019  WONCA国際会議


    開催年月日: 2019年5月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • 指宿りえ、下敷領一平 、Yora Nindita、西本大策、嶋谷圭一、前之原茂穂、嶽崎俊郎 .  一般住民女性における非アルコール性脂肪肝と肝線維化に関する前向き研究 .  第29回日本疫学会学術総会  日本疫学会学


    開催年月日: 2019年1月 - 2019年2月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • 下敷領一平、指宿りえ、嶋谷圭一、西本大策、嶽崎俊郎、J-MICC Study Group .  日本人一般集団における種類別アルコール摂取とメタボリック症候群関連要因に関する横断的研究:J-MICC研究 .  第29回日本疫学会学術総会  日本疫学会学


    開催年月日: 2019年1月 - 2019年2月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • Yora Nindita, Masahiro Nakatochi, Rie Ibusuki, Keiichi Shimatani, Ippei Shimoshikiryo, Toshiro Takezaki .  Interaction between genetic factors, and smoking and drinking habits for HDL-C levels from GWAS .  第29回日本疫学会学術総会  日本疫学会学


    開催年月日: 2019年1月 - 2019年2月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • 望月礼子、服部純一、原純、中村健太郎、辻紘明、有嶋拓郎、嶽崎俊郎、垣花泰之 .  奄美大島の救急救命センターにおける小児受診動向解析:小児診療の教育ポイン .  第46回日本救急医学会総会・学術集会  日本救急医学会


    開催年月日: 2018年11月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:シンポジウム・ワークショップ パネル(指名)  


  • 望月礼子、服部淳一、原純、森田喜紀、嶽崎俊郎 .  <奄美プロジェクト>奄美大島で各種コースを開催し研修医を呼ぶ試み .  第22回へき地・離島救急医療学会学術集会  へき地・離島救急医療学会


    開催年月日: 2018年10月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:シンポジウム・ワークショップ パネル(指名)  


  • 嶽崎俊郎 .  地域医療の魅力をいかに伝えるか .  第22回へき地・離島救急医療学会学術集会  へき地・離島救急医療学会


    開催年月日: 2018年10月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:シンポジウム・ワークショップ パネル(指名)  


  • 指宿りえ、下敷領一平、西本大策、嶽﨑俊郎 .  非アルコール性脂肪性肝疾患の経時的変化の男女差に関するコーホート研究 .  第77回日本公衆衛生学会総会  日本公衆衛生学会


    開催年月日: 2018年10月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • 下敷領一平、指宿りえ、西本大策、内藤真理子、若井建志、嶽﨑俊郎、J-MICC Study Group .  日本人一般集団における飲酒量と健診結果の関連に関する横断的研究:J-MICC研究より .  第77回日本公衆衛生学会総会  日本公衆衛生学会


    開催年月日: 2018年10月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • 嶽崎俊郎 .  鹿児島県厚生連巡回健診の推移と地域差からみた現状と今後の展望 .  第28回九州農村医学会  九州農村医学会


    開催年月日: 2018年8月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(基調)  


  • 下敷領一平、指宿りえ、Yora Nindita、嶋谷圭一、桑原和代、中畑典子、新村英士、前之原茂穂、嶽崎俊郎 .  CAVI値の経年変化に影響を与える要因に関する研究 .  第28回日本疫学会学術総会 


    開催年月日: 2018年2月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • 辻雅善、 有馬久富、 大久保孝義、 中村幸志、 嶽崎俊郎、 坂田清美、 奥田奈賀子、 西信雄、 門田文、 岡村智教、 上島弘嗣、 岡山明、 三浦克之、 NIPPON DATA研究グループ .  社会経済的水準と循環器疾患危険因子認知度との関連 .  第76回日本公衆衛生学会総会 


    開催年月日: 2017年10月 - 2017年11月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • 嶽崎俊郎 .  離島住民の健康を支える医療人育成 .  第76回日本公衆衛生学会総会 


    開催年月日: 2017年10月 - 2017年11月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(招待・特別)  


  • 嶽崎俊郎 .  鹿児島の離島へき地を利用した地域医療教育 .  第27回九州農村医学会 


    開催年月日: 2017年6月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:シンポジウム・ワークショップ パネル(指名)  


  • 田井村依里、網谷真理恵、根路銘安仁、大脇哲洋、嶽崎俊郎 .  トビタテ!留学JAPANプログラムで留学したインドネシアでの臨床および公衆衛生実習 .  第8回日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会学術大会 


    開催年月日: 2017年5月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • 指宿りえ、嶽崎俊郎 .  脂肪肝の進展と動脈硬化要因との関連についての横断的研究 .  第75回日本公衆衛生学会総会  日本公衆衛生学会


    開催年月日: 2016年10月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  


  • Ibusuki R, Shimatani K, Kairupan TS, Nindida Y, Shimoshikiryo I, Maenohara S, Takezaki T .  Risk of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis among Japanese general population .  8th General Assembly of the Asian Pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention  Asian Pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention国際会議


    開催年月日: 2016年4月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • Takezaki T, Shimatani K, Ito H, Tanaka H, Tajima K .  Association of nicotine concentration and smoking habit with cigarette consumption among Japanese .  8th General Assembly of the Asian Pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention  Asian Pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention国際会議


    開催年月日: 2016年4月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(一般)  


  • 嶽崎俊郎 .  タラソセラピーを活用した健康増進 .  第17回九州予防医学研究会学術大会  九州予防医学研究会招待


    開催年月日: 2016年3月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:口頭発表(招待・特別)  


  • Takezaki T, Owaki T .  Health Issues and Genome-cohort Study in Amami Island Region, Japan. .  Seminar: Lesson Learned from Japan at Faculty of Public Health  Sam Ratulangi University招待 国際会議


    開催年月日: 2016年2月

    記述言語:英語   会議種別:口頭発表(招待・特別)  

    開催地:Manado, Indonesia  

  • Tara Sefanya Kairupan, Rie Ibusuki, Eva Mariane Mantjoro, Hideshi Niimura, Kazuyo Kuwabara, Shin Ogawa, Noriko Nakahata, Yasuhito Nerome, Tetsuhiro Ohwaki, Ken Kusano, Toshiro Takezaki .  Clinical and Lifestyle Characteristics associated with HTLV-1 Carrier among General Population .  第24回日本疫学会学術総会  第24回日本疫学会学術総会


    開催年月日: 2015年1月




  • 嶽崎俊郎 .  島嶼地域を活用した地域医療教育 .  第22回国保連合会地域医療学会鹿児島地方会  第22回国保連合会地域医療学会鹿児島地方会


    開催年月日: 2014年11月




  • 桑原和代、新村英士、中村昭彦、中畑典子、Motahare Kheradmand、 Mantjoro Eva Mariane、嶋谷圭一、小川信、根路銘安仁、大脇哲洋、草野健、杉山大典、岡村智教、嶽崎俊郎 .  あまみ島嶼地域における末梢動脈疾患の分布と要因に関する研究 .  第24回日本疫学会学術総会  第24回日本疫学会学術総会


    開催年月日: 2014年1月




  • Eva Mariane Mantjoro, Hideshi Niimura, Kazuyo Kuwabara, Hiroaki Kanouchi, Kusuke Toyoda, Motahare Kheradmand, Akihiko Nakamura, Shin Ogawa, Noriko Nakahata, Yasuhito Nerome, Tetsuhiro Ohwaki, Ken Kusano and Toshiro Takezaki .  Effect of MTHFR polymorphism for homocysteine levels and arterial stiffness by food intake .  第24回日本疫学会学術総会  第24回日本疫学会学術総会


    開催年月日: 2014年1月

    記述言語:日本語   会議種別:ポスター発表  



  • 根路銘安仁、大脇哲洋、桑原和代、新村英士、嶽崎俊郎 .  鹿児島県における地域枠学生のキャリア計画時の問題点 .  第45回日本医学教育学会大会  第45回日本医学教育学会大会


    開催年月日: 2013年7月




  • Kenji Wakai, Haruo Mikami, Kiyonori Kuriki, Sadao Suzuki, Yoshikuni Kita, Yoshiyuki Watanabe, Kokichi Arisawa, Suminori Kono, Norihiro Furusho, Keitaro Tanaka, Toshiro Takezaki, Michiaki Kubo, Nobuyuki Hamajima and Hideo Tanaka for the J-MICC Study Group .  The Japan Multi-institutional Collaborative Cohort (J-MICC) Study: its design and progress .  第9回日米癌合同会議  第9回日米癌合同会議国際会議


    開催年月日: 2013年2月




  • 嶋谷圭一,桑原和代1,新村英士,中村昭彦,立棒雅也,小川信,中畑典子,Motahare Kheradmand, Mantjoro Eva Mariane,根路銘安仁,大脇哲洋、草野健,嶽崎俊郎 .  日常身体活動量や運動習慣、海洋療法によるる動脈硬化要因及び医療費の改善に関する研究 .  第23回日本疫学会学術総会  第23回日本疫学会学術総会


    開催年月日: 2013年1月




  • 桑原和代,新村英士,中村昭彦,立棒雅也,小川信,中畑典子,Motahare Kheradmand, Mantjoro Eva Mariane,根路銘安仁,大脇哲洋、草野健,嶽崎俊郎 .  あまみ島嶼地域における動脈硬化とストレスに関する研究 .  第23回日本疫学会学術総会  第23回日本疫学会学術総会


    開催年月日: 2013年1月




  • Motahare Kheradmand, Hideshi Niimura, Kazuyo Kuwabara, Noriko Nakahata, Eva Mariane Mantjoro, Yasuhito Nerome, Tetsuhiro Ohwaki, Ken Kusano, Toshiro Takezaki .  Association of polymorphisms in NF-kB1, CD14, IL-6, IL-10, MCP-1, ICAM-1 and TNF-α and environmental factors in the progression of atherosclerosis .  第23回日本疫学会学術総会  第23回日本疫学会学術総会


    開催年月日: 2013年1月




  • 根路銘安仁、 桑原和代、大脇哲洋、新村英士、嶽崎俊郎、河野嘉文 .  鹿児島県のHTLV‐I母子感染対策の現状 .  第3回日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会学術集会  第3回日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会学術集会


    開催年月日: 2012年9月




  • 新村英士、平佐田和代、中村昭彦、常松典子、小川信、千葉調、根路銘安仁、大脇哲洋、嶽崎俊郎 .  眼底所見(Scheie分類)を用いたCardio Ankle Vascular Index (CAVI)の妥当性に関する研究 .  第22回日本疫学会学術総会  第22回日本疫学会学術総会


    開催年月日: 2012年1月




  • Motahare Kheradmand, Hideshi Niimura, Kazuyo Hirasada, Noriko Nakahata, Eva Mariane Mantjoro, Toshiro Takezaki .  The change of CAVI values during 5 years among general population of an island of Kagoshima .  第22回日本疫学会学術総会  第22回日本疫学会学術総会


    開催年月日: 2012年1月




  • Katanoda K, Sobue T, Satoh H, Tajima K, Suzuki T, Nakatsuka H, Takezaki T, Nakayama T, Nitta H, Tanabe K, Tominaga S .  Association between long-term exposure to ambient air pollution and mortality from lung cancer and respiratory diseases. .  第70回日本癌学会総会  第70回日本癌学会総会


    開催年月日: 2011年10月




  • 嶽崎俊郎 .  離島住民の健診をベースにした疫学研究 .  第21回九州農村医学会  第21回九州農村医学会


    開催年月日: 2011年6月




  • 平佐田和代、新村英士、中村昭彦、立棒雅也、小川信、常松典子、千葉調、嶽崎俊郎、窪薗琢郎、宮田昌明、松下俊文、草野健 .  あまみ島嶼地域と鹿児島県本土における動脈硬化の分布に関する比較研究 .  第21回日本疫学会学術総会  第21回日本疫学会学術総会


    開催年月日: 2011年1月




  • 中村昭彦、新村英士、嶽崎俊郎、久保充明、田中英夫、若井建志、浜島信之、J-MICC Study Group .  血中HDLコレステロール濃度に関わる遺伝子多型及び生活習慣に関する横断研究 .  第21回日本疫学会学術総会  第21回日本疫学会学術総会


    開催年月日: 2011年1月




  • 新村英士、平佐田和代、中村昭彦、常松典子、小川信、千葉調、根路銘安仁、大脇哲洋、嶽崎俊郎 .  離島地域での罹患調査におけるレセプトを用いた郵送調査と医療機関調査の感度に関する研究 .  第21回日本疫学会学術総会  第21回日本疫学会学術総会


    開催年月日: 2011年1月




  • Akihiko Nakamura, Yasuko Sagara, Nobuyuki Hamajima, Kazunari Yamaguchi, Toshiro Takezaki .  Comparison of HTLV-I seroprevalence between blood donors and health checkup examinees in an island region, Japan. .  第69回日本癌学会総会  第69回日本癌学会総会


    開催年月日: 2010年9月




  • Ji Young Park, Toshiro Takezaki, Hidemi Ito, Akihiko Nakamura, Keitaro Matsuo, Hideo Tanaka, Hiroshi Ogawa, Kazuo Tajima, Kunio Aoki .  Does the change to the type of cigarette from non-filter to filter contribute to the decrease of the lung cancer risk? .  第69回日本癌学会総会  第69回日本癌学会総会


    開催年月日: 2010年9月




  • 根路銘安仁、大脇哲洋、新村英士、嶽崎俊郎 .  卒前地域医療教育は興味のない学生の関心を高める .  第42回日本医学教育学会大会  第42回日本医学教育学会大会


    開催年月日: 2010年7月




  • 大脇哲洋、根路銘安仁、新村英士、夏越祥次、嶽崎俊郎 .  国の地域医療再生計画に見る、地域医療教育と地域推薦枠医学生の問題点 .  第42回日本医学教育学会大会  第42回日本医学教育学会大会


    開催年月日: 2010年7月




  • 今道英秋、浅井康文、大田宣弘、米倉正大、嶽崎俊郎、中村好一、井上和男、杉田義博、鈴川正之 .  大病院に勤務する医師の総合診療に対する指向の状況と影響する因子の検討 .  第1回日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会学術集会  第1回日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会学術集会


    開催年月日: 2010年6月




  • 大脇哲洋、根路銘安仁、新村英士、鎌村好孝、夏越祥次、嶽崎俊郎 .  全国の地域推薦枠医学生の増加とその問題点 .  第1回日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会学術集会  第1回日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会学術集会


    開催年月日: 2010年6月




  • 根路銘安仁、大脇哲洋、新村英士、嶽崎俊郎 .  全国希望医学生に対する夏季離島医療実習の効果 .  第1回日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会学術集会  第1回日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会学術集会


    開催年月日: 2010年6月




  • 嶽崎俊郎 .  地域のリソースを生かした開発途上国との接点の構築 .  第28回国際保健医療学会西日本大会  第28回国際保健医療学会西日本大会


    開催年月日: 2010年3月




  • 嶽崎俊郎 .  離島における地域包括医療について .  第16回日本行動医学会学術総会  第16回日本行動医学会学術総会


    開催年月日: 2010年2月




  • 大脇哲洋、根路銘安仁、新村英士、嶽﨑俊郎 .  鹿児島県でのドクターヘリの可能性 .  第13回へき地・離島救急医療研究会学術集会  第13回へき地・離島救急医療研究会学術集会


    開催年月日: 2009年10月




  • 今道英秋、浅井康文、嶽﨑俊郎、大田宣弘、米倉正大、井上和男、鈴川正之 .  へき地の診療所における後方医療機関への搬送の状況および問題点の分析 .  第13回へき地・離島救急医療研究会学術集会  第13回へき地・離島救急医療研究会学術集会


    開催年月日: 2009年10月




  • 根路銘安仁、大脇哲洋、、小川 信、中村昭彦、平佐田和代、常松典子、新村英士、嶽崎俊郎 .  皆既日食ツアー時におけるトカラ列島の救急医療体制-島民、ツアー参加者、医療者からの評価- .  第13回へき地・離島救急医療研究会学術集会  第13回へき地・離島救急医療研究会学術集会


    開催年月日: 2009年10月




  • 平佐田和代、宮薗夏美、下敷領須美子、嶽崎俊郎 .  大洋州諸国におけるProblem Treeを用いた問題解決型プログラム .  第24回日本国際保健医療学会学術大会  第24回日本国際保健医療学会学術大会


    開催年月日: 2009年8月




  • 新村英士、平佐田和代、中村昭彦、小川信、常松典子、立棒雅也、竹内亨、嶽崎俊郎 .  長寿者におけるDNA酸化産物と生活習慣およびDNA修復遺伝子多型に関する研究 .  第19回日本疫学会学術総会  第19回日本疫学会学術総会


    開催年月日: 2009年1月




  • 中村昭彦、平佐田和代、小川信、常松典子、立棒雅也、新村英士、嶽崎俊郎 .  鹿児島研あまみ島嶼地域住民における血中脂質に関する横断的研究 .  第19回日本疫学会学術総会  第19回日本疫学会学術総会


    開催年月日: 2009年1月




  • 平佐田和代、中村昭彦、小川信、常松典子、立棒雅也、新村英士、嶽崎俊郎 .  あまみ島嶼地域における動脈硬化に関する横断的研究 .  第19回日本疫学会学術総会  第19回日本疫学会学術総会


    開催年月日: 2009年1月




  • 嶽崎俊郎 .  離島へき地医療教育における大学の役割 .  第12回へき地・離島救急医療研究会学術集会  第12回へき地・離島救急医療研究会学術集会


    開催年月日: 2008年10月




  • Takezaki T .  Molecular epidemiological study in islands with longevity and gene polymorphism prevalence among population of advanced age .  The Japan-Korea Joint Seminar (AACL2008): Toward the establishment of Asian Aging Research and Education Center  The Japan-Korea Joint Seminar (AACL2008): Toward the establishment of Asian Aging Research and Education Center


    開催年月日: 2008年9月




  • 嶽崎俊郎、新村英士、平佐田和代、小川信、常松典子、中村昭彦、立棒雅也 .  あまみ離島地域における生活習慣と健診結果-分子疫学研究への展開- .  鹿児島農村医学研究会第40回中央研究集会  鹿児島農村医学研究会第40回中央研究集会


    開催年月日: 2008年8月




  • 中村昭彦、小川信、平佐田和代、常松典子、根路銘安仁、大脇哲洋、新村英士、今道英秋、鈴川正之、嶽崎俊郎 .  鹿児島県離島における母子および小児の保健・医療に関する満足度と受診行動 .  第32回日本プライマリ・ケア学会学術会議2008岡山  第32回日本プライマリ・ケア学会学術会議2008岡山


    開催年月日: 2008年6月




  • 小川信、中村昭彦、平佐田和代、常松典子、根路銘安仁、大脇哲洋、新村英士、今道英秋、鈴川正之、嶽崎俊郎 .  鹿児島県離島における一般住民の医療に対する満足度および受診行動 .  第32回日本プライマリ・ケア学会学術会議2008岡山  第32回日本プライマリ・ケア学会学術会議2008岡山


    開催年月日: 2008年6月




  • Takezaki T .  Field Study for Lifestyle-related Disease Prevention in Kagoshima Island Region and Education Program Development of Public Health Experts .  Symposium for Education Program Development of Public Health Experts on Island and Community Medicine with a Focus on Islamic Countries  Symposium for Education Program Development of Public Health Experts on Island and Community Medicine with a Focus on Islamic Countries


    開催年月日: 2008年3月




  • Takezaki T .  Dietary factor for reduction of arteriosclerosis development in Kagoshima island region .  ICPH Satellite Symposium “Food and Health”  ICPH Satellite Symposium “Food and Health”


    開催年月日: 2007年11月




  • 嶽崎俊郎 .  鹿児島大学における離島へき地医療人育成センターの新設 .  第15回鹿児島県国保地域医療学会  第15回鹿児島県国保地域医療学会


    開催年月日: 2007年11月




  • 嶽崎俊郎(Takezaki Toshiro) .  鹿児島県離島地域における分子疫学研究の展開:初回調査応答率の検討 .  第16回日本疫学会学術総会(Sixty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the Japanese Epidemiological Association)  第16回日本疫学会学術総会(Sixty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the Japanese Epidemiological Association)


    開催年月日: 2006年1月




  • 平佐田和代、古川誠二、大坪充寛、吉田紀子、嶽崎俊郎 .  海洋療法の不定愁訴に及ぼす効果に関する介入研究 .  第64回日本公衆衛生学会総会  第64回日本公衆衛生学会総会


    開催年月日: 2005年9月




  • 嶽崎俊郎(Takezaki Toshiro) .  中国江蘇省における大腸がんの間環境要因に関する症例・対照研究(Case-control study for environmental factors of colorectal cancer in Jiangsu Province China) .  第63回日本癌学会学術総会(Sixty-Thied Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association)  第63回日本癌学会学術総会(Sixty-Thied Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association)


    開催年月日: 2004年10月




  • 園田純一郎,郡山千早,嶽崎俊郎(Takezaki Toshiro),小迫知弘,秋葉澄伯(AKIBA SUMINORI),園田俊郎 .  緑茶カプセル服用によるHTLV-1キャリアの抹消血リンパ球HTLV-1プロウイルス量の減少効果(Effect of green tea extract capsule on HTLV-1 provirus load in peripheral blood lymphocytes of HTLV-1 carriers) .  第63回日本癌学会学術総会(Sixty-Thied Annual Meeting of the japanese Cancer Association)  第63回日本癌学会学術総会(Sixty-Thied Annual Meeting of the japanese Cancer Association)


    開催年月日: 2004年9月




  • Yasuda Tomoko, Takezaki Toshiro, Nishimoto Daisaku, Ibusuki Rie .  奄美における郷土野菜と死亡率および癌罹患リスクの低下(Local vegetables and decreased risk of mortality and cancer incidence in Amami) .  日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集  2021年11月  日本公衆衛生学会





  • HTLV-Iキャリアにおける全死亡リスクに対する防御要因に関する研究

    研究課題/領域番号:J200000191  2020年4月 - 現在

    科学研究費補助金  基盤研究(C)



    担当区分:研究代表者  資金種別:競争的資金

    配分額:4290000円 ( 直接経費:3300000円 、 間接経費:990000円 )

    Human T cell leukemia virus type I(HTLV-I)陽性者において全死亡リスクが上昇していることが報告されている。本研究の目的は、HTLV-Iキャリアにおける高い全死亡リスクに対する防御要因をコーホート研究において明らかにすることである。さらに、炎症性サイトカインおよびHLAハプロタイプに関わる遺伝子多型を用いて高感受性群における防御要因も明らかにする。対象は鹿児島県の島嶼地域と農村地域で行われているコーホート研究の参加者である健診受診一般集団のうちHTLV-I抗体測定が行われている男女7,210名(陽性率6.4%)で、新学術領域研究「コホート・生体試料支援プラットフォーム」の支援を受けて疫学情報とDNAの提供を受けて行う。これまでにHTLV-Iキャリアにおける全死亡リスク上昇に関わる環境要因の報告はなく、本研究により全死亡リスク軽減に有効な新たな知見を提供することができる。

  • コホート・生体試料支援プラットフォーム

    研究課題/領域番号:16H06277  2016年4月 - 2022年3月

    文部科学省  科学研究費補助金  新学術領域研究



    担当区分:研究分担者  資金種別:競争的資金

    配分額:63310000円 ( 直接経費:48700000円 、 間接経費:14610000円 )

    生体試料支援 / コホート / 一般健常人 / 大規模ゲノム解析

  • NAFLD経過における脂肪肝表現型と肝線維化に関する研究

    研究課題/領域番号:19K10624  2019年4月 - 2022年3月

    科学研究費補助金  基盤研究(C)


    担当区分:研究分担者  資金種別:競争的資金


  • 離島・農村地域における効果的な生活習慣病対策の運用と展開に関する研究

    2009年4月 - 2012年3月

    厚生労働省  科学技術振興調整費 



  • 現状に即したへき地等の保健医療を構築する方策および評価指標に関する研究

    2007年4月 - 2010年3月

    厚生労働省  科学技術振興調整費 




  • がん情報ネットワークを利用した総合的がん対策支援の具体的方法に関する研究

    2005年4月 - 2008年3月

    厚生労働省  科学技術振興調整費 




  • 持続可能なへき地等における保健医療を実現する方策に関する研究

    2004年4月 - 2007年3月

    厚生労働省  科学技術振興調整費 




  • JICA地域別研修事業「島嶼地域における地域保健から学ぶ生活習慣病対策」


    独立行政法人 国際協力機構  JICA課題別研修事業 



  • JICA地域別研修事業

    2018年10月 - 2018年11月




  • HTLV-1性行為感染後の母子感染の機序解明と保健指導の開発

    2017年3月 - 2020年3月

    科学研究費補助金  基盤研究(C)



  • タラソ利用におけるストレス及び生活習慣病予防に関する研究

    2016年5月 - 2017年3月

    地方自治体  一般受託研究 



  • 一般住民における非アルコール性脂肪肝の進展に関する分子疫学研究

    2016年4月 - 2019年3月

    科学研究費補助金  基盤研究(C)



  • 都市と離島におけるCAVIを用いた動脈硬化性疾患に寄与する危険因子の研究

    2016年4月 - 2019年3月

    科学研究費補助金  基盤研究(C)



    脳・心血管疾患の発症率には地域差があることが知られているが、主要な原因である動脈硬化所見やその進展要因の集団間の差についてはあまり明らかにされていない。そこで動脈硬化の代理指標としてcardio ankle vascular index; CAVIを用い、神戸と鹿児島の地域住民の比較を行った。両地域とも閉経後にCAVIが高く、年齢、収縮期血圧がCAVI高値の規定要因であったがこれらを調整しても鹿児島のCAVIは神戸より高かった。更に職域健診のデータを用いて縦断的な解析を行い、勤務者においては動脈硬化の危険因子のうち年齢、収縮期血圧の他にHbA1cがCAVIの上昇に寄与していることが示唆された。

  • 生活習慣に影響する遺伝要因の解析とメンデルランダム化による生活習慣病コホート研究

    2015年4月 - 2019年3月

    科学研究費補助金  基盤研究(A)


    分子遺伝疫学 / 生活習慣 / 遺伝子多型 / GWAS / ゲノムワイド関連分析 / 日本多施設共同コーホート研究

  • JICA地域別研修事業

    2013年4月 - 2014年3月



    アジア・大洋州島嶼地域 問題解決型の保健専門職人材育成

  • 一般住民を対象にした遺伝子多型による運動効果の影響に関する比較疫学研究

    2012年4月 - 2015年3月

    科学研究費補助金  基盤研究(C)


    運動 / 日常身体活動 / 海洋療法 / 医療費 / 遺伝子多型 / 動脈硬化

  • JICA地域別研修事業

    2012年4月 - 2013年3月



    アジア・大洋州島嶼地域 問題解決型の保健専門職人材育成

  • JICA地域別研修事業

    2010年11月 - 2010年12月




  • がん研究分野の特性等を踏まえた支援活動

    2010年4月 - 2016年3月

    科学研究費補助金  新学術領域研究


    ゲノムコーホート研究 / 個別化がん予防 / 分子疫学コーホート研究

  • あまみ長寿地域における動脈硬化の経時変化に関する環境・宿主要因の研究 研究課題

    2010年4月 - 2013年3月

    科学研究費補助金  基盤研究(C)


    あまみ島嶼地域住民における動脈硬化分布の地域差を動脈硬化の代理指標である CAVI を用いて検討したところ、あまみの CAVI値は鹿児島県本土住民および日本人健常集団より低かった。動脈硬化要因に明らかな地域差は認められず、同要因を調整後もCAVI 値は地域差に関連していた。CAVI 値を SNPsごとに比較すると、男性では CD14 C-260T 多型の CC 型で CAVI 値が他の型より低く、動脈硬化危険因子を調整した重回帰分析では、34-49歳の若年男性群で CD14 C-260T 多型と CAVI値に正の関連を認めた。SNPs と 5 年間の CAVI 値経時変化に関連はなかった。

  • JICA地域別研修事業

    2009年4月 - 2010年3月



    大洋州地域 保健医療における包括的予防対策

  • JICA地域別研修事業

    2008年4月 - 2009年3月

    政府機関  一般受託研究 


    大洋州地域 保健医療における包括的予防対策

  • あまみ長寿地域における動脈硬化進展予防に関する環境・宿主要因の研究

    2007年4月 - 2009年3月

    科学研究費補助金  基盤研究(C)



  • JICA草の根技術協力事業

    2007年1月 - 2007年2月




  • JICA草の根技術協力事業

    2006年1月 - 2006年3月




  • 日・中・韓三国で増加するがんの環境・宿主要因に関する民族疫学的研究

    2005年4月 - 2010年3月

    科学研究費補助金  特定領域研究



  • 分子疫学コーホート研究の支援に関する研究

    2005年4月 - 2010年3月

    科学研究費補助金  特定領域研究


    コーホート研究 / 生活習慣病 / がん / 遺伝子型 / 生体指標 / 交互作用

  • JICA草の根技術協力事業

    2005年2月 - 2005年4月




  • 離島地域における生活習慣病予防に関する分子疫学研究





  • JICA草の根技術協力事業

    2004年4月 - 2004年6月






  • NAFLD経過における脂肪肝表現型と肝線維化に関する研究




  • 一般住民における非アルコール性脂肪肝の進展に関する分子疫学研究




  • HTLV-1性行為感染後の母子感染の機序解明と保健指導の開発




  • あまみ長寿地域における動脈硬化の経時変化に関する環境・宿主要因の研究




  • あまみ長寿地域における動脈硬化進展予防に関する環境・宿主要因の研究




  • 食事記録調査の精度向上を目指した調査支援ツールのモデル設計とそのシステム開発







  • べストテーチャー賞

    2021年6月   鹿児島大学医学部医学科  



  • 国際協力活動に関する市民公開講座

    役割:企画, 運営参加・支援

    鹿児島県JICA派遣専門家連絡会  2023年1月

  • 医療フォーラム 瀬戸内町


    瀬戸内町、鹿児島大学機能強化事業  2022年11月

  • 出前授業


    鹿児島県立甲南高校  2022年11月

  • 南さつま市住民説明会

    役割:講師, 企画, 運営参加・支援

    南さつま市、鹿児島大学病院 地域医療支援センター  2022年10月

  • 国際協力活動に関する市民公開講座

    役割:企画, 運営参加・支援


  • 国際協力活動に関する市民公開講座

    役割:企画, 運営参加・支援

    鹿児島県JICA派遣専門家連絡会  2021年1月

  • 出前授業


    鹿児島玉龍高等学校  2020年11月

  • 出前授業


    宮崎県立都城西高等学校  2020年11月

  • 国際協力活動に関する市民公開講座

    役割:企画, 運営参加・支援

    鹿児島県JICA派遣専門家連絡会  2020年1月

  • 市民公開講座 in 奄美市


    岩手医大  奄美市・奄美文化センター  2019年11月


    対象: 社会人・一般, 行政機関



  • 国際協力活動に関する市民公開講座


    鹿児島県JICA派遣専門家連絡会  鹿児島市・天文館ビジョンホール  2019年1月


    対象: 高校生, 大学生, 大学院生, 社会人・一般


  • 出前授業


    鹿児島県立鶴丸高校  2017年10月

  • 出前授業


    鹿児島県立種子島中央高校  2017年7月

  • 国際協力活動に関する市民公開講演会

    役割:司会, 運営参加・支援

    鹿児島県JICA派遣専門家連絡会  鹿児島市ビジョンホール  2017年1月


    対象: 中学生, 高校生, 大学生, 大学院生, 教育関係者, 社会人・一般, 行政機関





  • 医療フォーラム 瀬戸内町 新聞・雑誌

    奄美新聞  2022年11月



  • 国際協力活動に関する市民公開講座

    鹿児島県JICA派遣専門家連絡会  2018年1月

